Holy Hormones Bible Study: Teaching — not Entertainment


Take his tooth or turn your cheek?

Brad Banardict
The Dove


Brace yourself! This is more of a teaching blog than an entertaining one. It may not be an easy read because there is more here than a normal, well adjusted person would generally want to know. But the time will be well spent. The detail which makes me a boring person brings the Bible alive for me. If, however, you happen to like what you read, there’s more to be found here.

[NOTE: Important words analysed below are identified with Hebrew/Greek transliterations into English and Strong’s Numbers so that whoever wants to can check them out — the recommendation is that you do. I use the Blue Letter Bible (https://www.blueletterbible.org/ BLB)]

The stock-in-trade retort from non-believers who won’t have the Bible tell them what to do.

The usual evidence offered is, Matthew 5:38–39 || “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say to you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.”

If you have not had this hurled at you by non-believers you have not been mingling in the wrong crowds.

They then demonstrate a short attention span by forgetting the rest of the tract while enthusiastically poking out an eye, “Because it’s in the Bible.”

For the believer, however, taking some effort to rightly divide the Word of Truth, verse-by-verse or word-by-word, provides a bountiful harvest. To some of you this will be new. To others it will be just another case of mansplaining the obvious.

But first, some background so we’re all on the same page.

Quaint, pointless stories

As you are aware,there are a number of incidents in the narrative of the Bible that mean nothing until an incident happens later, sometimes much later, on. Some examples are:-

  • Scapegoat, mentioned in Leviticus 16:7–10, meant nothing until Matthew 27:15–26 where Pilate offers the choice between Jesus and Barabbas. Religion opted for Barabbas.
  • Cities of refuge, mentioned in Numbers 35, Deuteronomy 4 and Deuteronomy 19, meant nothing until Luke 23:34, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.

Fiery Serpent Numbers 21:4–9 was weird nonsense until Nicodemus’s conversation with the Lord in John 3.

Hebrew Hermeneutics

(Methodology of understanding Scripture)

Four Levels

1) Peshat, the literal, direct meaning;
2) Derash, the homiletical, or practical application;
3) Remez, an allegorical significance; a hint of something deeper; and
4) Sod (rhymes with road), the mystical or hidden meaning.
[There are Christian Hermeneutics, too. I can’t remember the levels but there is Homily in there somewhere.]

The usual level of presenting the verse is by Homily/Derash but today this post will take the Sod less travelled. This text from the Written Word of God is plump with Wisdom from the Word of God so it will be an arduous Sod (aren’t they all?) You may have to go through and come back after it jells at the end.

Phrase-by-phrase, then it will be brought together

This teaching needs a plot: Imagine you make your living on a small vineyard making boutique wine. You are content and don’t bother anyone. But your neighbours are a rich, greedy couple who have acres of vines but want yours. So there are two principle characters; Harmless, you of course, and Bully, Mr Greedy. Hang on to that thought.

  • An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. (v 38)

The direct meaning: The Lord commands eye for an eye in Exodus 21:12–36 when He prescribes the penalties that Moses’s chosen Captains could impose (Exodus 18:17–26). These were the small ‘g’ gods because they could legally apply the death penalty under the auspices of the Torah — only Big ‘G’ God has the ultimate Authority over life and death. Perusal of the Scriptures shows that the penalties had to match the crimes — the basis for the later lex talionis. That is, the Crown is forbidden to extract vengeance when punishing for a crime. Revenge was forbidden. But the Lord declares in Exodus 33:18–19 || And he (Moses) said, “Please, show me Your glory.” Then He (Yehovah) said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” Thereby, He gave Himself the Legal Right to be merciful if He so chooses — The Accuser of the Brethren (HaSsssatan) is a legalist but YHVH is always ahead of him.

It is interesting that the etymology of the English word, iniquity, shows it to have a flavour of a “crooked judge.” That is, someone who knows the Law but ignores it. (Hang on to this thought, too.) There are a number of crooked judges mentioned in the Bible.

Practical application: You should be able to trust the Legal System but . . ?

  • You have heard it said . . But I say to you . . . (v 38 . . v 39)

The direct meaning: The Lord has already spoken in Matthew 5:21–22 || “You have heard that it was said to those of old . . . But I say to you . . .”
Showing that He had no interest in what was said by those of old. He wasn’t interested in the Oral Law (despite what Rabbinical Judaism claims — search out Karaite Judaism for more information. It is worth the effort.)

Practical application: Human philosophy may sound good but is just hot air. The ultimate Authority is the Word of God. (Although the Christian Intelligentsia disagree with that, read N.T. Wright, “How Can the Bible be Authoritative? The Laing Lecture for 1989,” Vox Evangelica 21 (1991): 7–32. It is online.)

  • not to resist an evil person (v 39)

The direct meaning: “Resist” is self-evident. However, many versions render this phrase along the lines, “Do not resist evil,” but this is not what the Grammar conveys. (“Oh, no! More painful detail. Will this never end?”) Take my word that the correct translation includes “person” if you don’t want to suffer the death of a thousand facts.

Why is this important.
The correct translation speaks of personal interaction, only, not a grander scale. Nazism had to be eliminated. Dietrich Bonhoeffer practiced pacifism against the Nazis on a personal level, but in the end, God orchestrated an unholy alliance of Communism and Capitalism to do it (“My enemy’s enemy is my friend”) with the result being the establishment of the modern State of Israel. But that’s another story.

Practical application: On a personal level, “When you, Harmless, are being harassed by neighbour, Bully, don’t get into a brawl. Don’t take the Law into your own hands. He is too strong and you will get squashed. God has established the Rule of Law. He started doing so just after he opened the Ark. A Good King (aka Judge) will protect you . Go through the correct channels.” (I know what you’re thinking but stick with me.)

  • But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.”(v 39)

The direct meaning: The ‘right cheek’ is the clue. Even today many people in the Middle East use only their right hand to do things in public. To slap a right cheek means the back of the right hand is used. This is an insult.

The Mishnah stipulates in Bava Kamma 8:6:-
If a man boxed the ear of his fellow, he must pay him. If he slapped him he must pay 200 zuz. If with the back of his hand, he must pay him 400 zuz. If he tore at his ear, plucked out his hair, spat at him and his spit touched him, or pulled his cloak from off him, or loosed a woman’s hair in the street, he must pay 400 zuz. This is the general rule: all is in accordance with the person’s honour. Rabbi Akiva said: “Even the poor in Israel are regarded as free people who have lost their possessions, for they are the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Explanation: “Harmless turns the head so only the left cheek faces Bully.” Connotation, “Bully cannot use the back of his right hand, so is forced to show Harmless dignity if the bullying is to continue.” You may still get hurt, you may still be knocked unconscious, but you cut the bully down to size and you raise yourself, from the position of weakness, back up to human dignity again. You may go down but you go down standing up.

Practical application: The Lord’s command was not an order to cower but to act in a manner which forces the oppressor to ascribe dignity to the one being oppressed.

But the story continues in Matthew 5:40–42

  • If anyone wants to sue you (v 40)

The direct meaning: Bully, wants to take you, Harmless, to court before a judge to get his evil desires. (Is this judge crooked? Don’t know, yet.)

  • and take away your tunic (G5509 — chitōn) (v 40)

G5509 — chitōn: an undergarment, usually worn next to the skin, vest, underwear.

The direct meaning: “If anyone wants to snatch your K-Mart T-Shirt”

  • Let him have(G863 — aphiēmi) your cloak (G2440 — himation) also (v 40)

G863 — aphiēmi: Verb — Aorist Imperative (a command like a Sergeant Major on parade. No argument!!) Active (You, Harmless, do it), to send away. That is, it is a command from the Lord. Be snappy.
Connotation, “Force your cloak on him. Don’t take,‘No,’ for an answer.”

G2440 — himation: the upper garment, the cloak or mantle. A very important garment mentioned in Torah. Look it up.

Now the plot takes a turn.

YHVH makes special mention that the garment is under His Protection in Exodus 22:26–27. And it can be seen from the Mishnah Bava Kamma 8:6, above, that the G2440 — himation is under the protection of the Rule of Law. What the Judge does now shows whether he is crooked. Who knows? He may be honourable.

Practical application: If someone wants to cheat you of your cheap K-Mart underwear, force him to take your Armani suit as well. By forcing more upon Bully, than he expected, YOU set the agenda, unbalancing him. If the Judge goes along with this, he’s a crook.

  • And whoever compels-you-to-go (G29 — aggareuō) one mile, (v 41)

G29 — aggareuō: press into public service.

The direct meaning: Bully, intends to force you, Harmless, to follow his lead, subserviently.

  • lead (G5217 — hypagō) him two. (v 41)

G5217 — hypagō: to lead while under control.

The direct meaning: You lead him further than he expects, at a pace he can’t match. He’s lagging behind.

Practical application: HE wants you to do his bidding and follow for a distance at his pace. YOU take control and lead HIM twice as far, twice as fast, where YOU want to go.

The next text seems to come from nowhere.

  • Give (G1325 — didōmi) to him who asks (G154 — aiteō) you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away. (v 42)

G1325 — didōmi verb; present tense, keep on giving.
G154 — aiteō verb; to beg, present tense, the beggar keeps on begging.

The direct meaning: Keep on giving as long as he keeps on asking. That is, give what the person needs, not just a scrap.

Practical application: Be kind.

Summarising the Derash (Homily) level.

When being oppressed:-

• The Word of God is the final Authority.
• Don’t get into a brawl or take the law into your own hands.
• When someone tries to humiliate you, act in a dignified manner.
• When someone wants to snatch something of yours from you, YOU set the agenda for the situation by forcing more upon them than they expected.
• When someone wants to impose their will upon you, YOU take control of the situation and set a pace they can’t match.
• Be kind.

Summarising the Sod (mystical) interpretation.

When examining what happened on the Day of the Crucifixion, it can be seen that Jesus was prophesying what would happen that day.

• The Word of God is the final Authority. Nevertheless, not My will but Yours.

• Don’t get into a brawl or take the law into your own hands. When the guards came He went quietly. He didn’t call on His Legions

• When someone tries to humiliate you, act in a dignified manner. His calm demeanour astounded the representative of the World, Pontius Pilate. [Read Bava Kamma 8:6, above, again.] Was Pilate a crooked judge? Yes, and Jesus knew it before the episode began to play out. Pilate, himself, said he could find no guilt in the Lord but he gave Him up for the sake of order.

• When someone wants to snatch something of yours from you, YOU set the agenda for the situation by forcing more upon them than they expected. Religion didn’t want anything to happen that day. They wanted to snuff Him out quietly, later. He fired the first shot. They were caught flat footed.

• When someone wants to impose their will upon you, YOU take control of the situation and set a pace they can’t match in a direction of your choice. Reading the different narratives, it is obvious that He was the Leader of the supposed leaders.

• Be kind. It looks out of place but it made sense when He cried out from the Cross, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” That was more than demonstration of loving kindness. It was a Legal Statement that triggered the Cities of Refuge protocols on the spiritual level. (See above.)


We tend to indulge in amorphous, nebulous, Gnostic, navel gazing when reading the Bible but, when He says, “The volume of the Book is written of Me,” it is not an idle boast. Of course, there is much instruction contained but, no matter how deep you delve, you will find Him waiting to show you more.

I feel sorry for those who see the written word of God as just another book written by mere mortals.

The forgoing evidence has not been presented to convince any reader but to allow a personal decision to be made. There is much more to know about this subject. Perhaps you’ll pay another visit, sometime.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
(We all have a plank in our eye. It’s bigger than we think.)



Brad Banardict
The Dove

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.