Holy Hormones Bible Study: Teaching — not Entertainment


Is God the misogynist?

Brad Banardict
The Dove


Brace yourself! This is more of a teaching blog than an entertaining one. It may not be an easy read because there is more here than a normal, well adjusted person would generally want to know. But the time will be well spent. The detail which makes me a boring person brings the Bible alive for me. If, however, you happen to like what you read, there’s more to be found here.


A number of people, both male and female, are repelled by Christianity because of the way it treats women/girls when actually it is the (small ‘c’)church which is repulsive. Fairly recently, there was a Royal Commission (equivalent to a US Congressional Enquiry on steroids) in Australia into systematic abuse of children in Institutions — religious and secular — which burst the banks of it’s original scope and included treatment of women. The findings against the secular Institutions are not of no concern to Christians but those findings against the Institutions of Faith were no different — and that is of grave concern.

The Faith-Based places spoke a lot about the church and the teachings of Jesus. But, when it was all over, one of the biggest Protestant (Evangelical? I don’t know what that means anymore.) Institutions found the problem. The problem wasn’t Christianity; it was Christ! They began a re-branding programme which hid the connection to Him in the font of the logo. To be honest, I don’t know what they finally came up with because I lost interest in them. They are more than likely still doing good works but the fact that they went to a PR firm instead of falling on their face before the Father and begging for forgiveness had a message for me. (Perhaps I’m hypersensitive. Can’t take this Jesus business too far, you know.)

Someone has the daughters in his sights

The quip, “Satan’s best trick is convincing us that he doesn’t exist,” is true, regardless who coined it (and many claim they have).

The whole redemption story begins in Genesis 3:15 where Yehovah Elohim declared war on Satan and the Plan begins, “And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.” From there is the Crimson Thread played out through the Scriptures until The Revelation.

In Genesis 3:15 the promise is made about the “Seed of the Woman.” In Matthew 1 and Luke 3 the promise is kept with the “Woman of the Seed,” as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Précis of Seed to Seed


It is written in Amos 3:7 || “Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets”. Further, the equal Greatest Commandments are defined by, “On these two Commands hang all the Torah and the Prophets.” The Bible has many facets. One of them is that it is a legal document where the Lord lays out the Promise of His Redemption Plan so that all Creation can see it and confidently expect it to come to pass. If you are interested, this topic is expanded further in the posts:-

Unfortunately, Prophecy is not a popular subject in the distinct majority of the NT Church. There are an number of Milestones laid out by the Lord, most regarding Israel, God’s Record keeper. Anyone who knows the narrative can remember a multitude of times that Satan almost snuffed out the Bloodline of the Messiah only to be thwarted by some deftly executed intervention. The Resurrection being the Trump Card. Satan is far from stupid. He is aware of the Prophecies and devises plans to foil the Lord all through Scriptures. But God is God and is always a number of steps ahead.

Satan was defeated at the Cross, why does he keep on trying? It’s in the book!

There are two things that must happen before Hamashiach Nagib, Christ the King, returns.

1. The prerequisite number of Gentiles be drawn into the Kingdom.

Romans 11:25 || For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.

Obviously, this requires human birth. This is why there is the attack on God’s design of family, and on today’s Youth.

2. Israel repent and call upon the Lord to return.

Hosea 3:4–5 || For the children of Israel shall abide many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred pillar, without ephod or teraphim. Afterwards the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days.

Again, obviously, that requires Israel be in the Land and alive.

No matter how many people he slaughtered, Satan could not prevent the Birth of Messiah. But if he changes his strategy and prevents the mortal children necessary for these Prophecies to come to pass, in his mind he may be in with a chance to thwart God’s Plan.

Where do children come from? (Duhr!)

It is not God Who hates girls. It is Satan.

The enmity Prophesied in Genesis 3:15 is now coming to pass at breakneck speed. Satan knows his days are numbered because, despite appearances to the contrary, the Kingdom is on the move. The Lord is stirring.

But the Bible is so much against women

Before deciding that the Father regards women as second rate people, it is worthwhile delving into L-A-W rather than the rumours which have become the L-O-R-E entrenched in today’s (and yesterday’s) church. If you go through the Bible women figure in a number of places but only two will be specifically dealt with here. It is better that you find the others yourselves. The church is in desperate need of self-feeders.

What value does God give to women?

In Leviticus (that long, long, boring book) the Regulations for Purification After Childbirth are written in Chapter 12. Superficially they seem misogynistic. The key verses, however, are 6–8 where the Offerings to the Lord for both the girl child and the boy child are IDENTICAL. The unspoken words heard here are that GOD GIVES EQUAL VALUE TO BOTH SEXES. Armed with this insight it is hoped you will look at the verses immediately prior in Chapter 12 through different eyes.

Strange that God should choose the Jews.

This begins a widely known saying from days of yore. It seems to make sense but it goes on, Even stranger those who reject His choice. I don’t know why He chose them. You can argue with Him when your turn comes to have a chat with Him. But He did choose them and it is obvious in the OT that they were misogynists. It is too long a topic but sons were a big deal to them. It is still the same today in some parts of the World.

Imagine a guy to whom is born a son. He’s satisfied — at least for now. He can give his wife a rest. But a daughter? He’d better start to know his wife (Biblically speaking) asap.

The period of uncleanliness after child birth was to protect the mother. She might not be strong enough to keep a randy hubby away but if God declares something unclean — say no more. The double length of time for a daughter keeps him away longer in order to allow more recovery.

The rate of violence against women is increasing world wide

Who do you see as the culprit?

  • Israel is back in the land.
  • The (big ‘C’) Church is growing. It is reported that the most fertile places are Iran (the Mad Mullahs can’t stop the Holy Spirit on the move) and China. The Taliban is overreacting, even for Mad Mullahs. Perhaps the Holy Spirit is on the move in Afghanistan and Satan is panicking?? The fullness of the Gentiles is coming to pass.

Satan is running out of time. What can he do? Cut off the supply of Gentiles. How? Attack the producers — the women. His weapons of choice are Men, but not all men, and Women, some women. Mean Girls is not a myth. Neither is Mongrel Men.

How easy is it for him?

Unfortunately, very easy. In a God Fearing culture there would be no need for a #MeToo Movement. “God says no,” would be an effective protection for the slightest woman against any big bruiser. But who is the god of this world? Who is the one that those who complain loudest against this unjust, intolerable situation listen to? The answer to the problem is in knowing the Name of God; not extra money spent on lessons in ethics. The fault does not lay with the politicians. The burden is directly on the shoulders of the church to step up. We are told exactly what to do in 2 Chronicles 7:14. God has given the pattern. He will keep His Word.

Here is just one other example of many which show that God has no favourite sex.

Resurrection Morning: it is written in Matthew 28:9 || And as they went to tell His disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, “Rejoice!” So they came and held Him by the feet and worshipped Him.

This was the first Worship Service of the Church. Women were chosen to be the first to see AND first to worship.

What to do now?

Keeping this information in mind, go through the books of the Book with a new set of eyes and see if you detect the Pattern that every apparently anti-woman law is a protection for women in a misogynistic culture that Satan has distorted. It is hoped that you will hear the unspoken words. If not, so be it.

It would be surprising if there were not a torrent of, “Aw yeah, but . . .” comments but they will get no response. Rather than a knee-jerk reflex, wait and see what you see as you read the Scriptures now that you have this information.

Don’t judge a Doctrine by its abuse.

The forgoing evidence has not been presented to convince any reader but to allow a personal decision to be made. There is much more to know about this subject. Perhaps you’ll pay another visit, sometime.

All Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

(We all have a plank in our eye. It’s bigger than we think.)



Brad Banardict
The Dove

I’m a chubby little guy relying entirely on God’s Grace to get to Heaven.