The Healing Butterfly — Creations

Embrace The Mask-Create Wellness

Going from negative to positive in the world of masks.

Infiniti 🦋
The Dreaming


Regardless of how we feel about them, MASKS are being required all around the world to help slow down the spread of Covid-19, and other illnesses like The Flu, and the new strains of the Corona virus that are making their way around the world…Sigh.

We have a way to go before this is “over”. Although I don’t think we’ll ever get back to what we knew was normal.

It has been nearly a year since The Pandemic started and what a wild ride it has been.

Pandemic Days

2020 is unlike any year humanity has ever seen, so many things going on at the same time, and so many changes on so many levels for people everywhere — either because of or enhanced because of the pandemic.

In America, we are now in the throes of the highest numbers of infections and deaths that we have seen since the pandemic began.

On The NBC Nightly News, it was just stated that 1 person is dying in Los Angeles every 10 minutes due to Covid. It will only get worse in the weeks to come since Christmas yesterday and more than 8 million people were traveling and meeting for the holiday.

Currently there’s 0% ICU beds available, so to say that the situation isn’t good is a real understatement.

It’s infuriating on so many levels that this is the state of affairs we find ourselves in at this time, with so many months having gone by and things only getting WORSE.

That’s a very sobering thought and one that to attributed to a few things but when it comes to infections — it’s pretty basic, pretty simple — yet for some reason it still goes on; people going out and getting into private group settings or just being out in public and not wearing masks.

Why is this insanity still going on?

Using Masks Isn’t New

We’ve had the use of masks become a will of political parties and fights with science. The debates rage on, even after almost a year. Sigh.

It’s very confusing to me that people are still debating whether masks prevent infection.

Healthcare workers have been wearing masks since forever at this point for a reason — and no, they don’t only wear N95 masks.

We have all accepted this for a very long time, MASKS PREVENT THE SPREAD OF INFECTION, yet somehow when it comes to stopping the spread of Covid, this is still up for debate.

Masks Are Stupid & Covid Isn’t Real

Covid even being a real thing is still being debated so there’s a lot of utter nonsense going on in the world about the pandemic. Adults behaving like bratty children is definitely not helping.

I believe it was our Child-In-Chief who complained, “COVID, COVID, COVID!” repeatedly at super spreader events, while promising that we wouldn’t hear about COVID again after the election. Sigh.

If only.

Not only are we hearing about it after the election (that he still hasn’t conceded) but cases are up and deaths are up, ICU bed availability is way down and people are still having debates about masks.


I Don’t Like Them

I have got to be honest though, at first I didn’t like masks. I’m not saying that I do now, but I’ve embraced them. I’ve even gotten creative about it.

In the beginning I really hated them. Maybe it’s because it was Spring and then Summer and wearing a mask in the heat is not a good time, and I shouldn’t even have that as my main complaint-given that it gets way hotter in other parts of the world — by a lot. Still, hot is hot and masks on hot faces isn’t fun.

A lot of people have a hard time with things covering their nose and mouth. It feels very uncomfortable depending on the mask, and if you wear glasses then you get really hot and steamy.

Let’s face it, it’s not a natural thing to have a face covering on. I feel bad for essential workers who always have to have a mask on and I appreciate them.

I’m so grateful that I get to work from home and have for nearly 10 years now. So I only have to deal with the mask thing when I venture out into the world.

Even if my time out in the world has been infrequent, when it came to going out and needing to wear a mask, I was not into it — but I always did it.

Not because I think I’ll get infected and transmit it. I don’t on either count, but that’s not the point.

All people care about is if you have a mask on. Either because they are scared of getting infected or because they are angry because they have to wear a mask and if they do, then you should too.

The point is that people can and definitely do get it and spread it without knowing and WE ALL HAVE TO comply, be an example and NOT BE THAT PERSON who is resisting, causing chaos and anger in others — being a catalyst for negative energy.

We have enough of that in the world today, don’t we?

I don’t want to make others uncomfortable because I’m not wearing a mask. I don’t want negative vibes coming at me for being the asshole — especially when I do believe that masks help.

Forgetting The Mask

We’ve all done it. Left the house without our masks.

Even if it meant walking all the way back home to get my forgotten mask. Usually I wouldn’t remember until I was out on the main street seeing others in their masks. Damn it!

I did that so many times, it was beyond frustrating.

Finally, a couple of months in I got into the habit of keeping my mask with my keys and one in my purse so I would have less chances of forgetting them and having to back-track.

I also didn’t like not seeing faces. I really missed giving and receiving smiles from people. This is a town where people actually smile at each other, say hello and are friendly. With masks and social distancing, those acts of neighborly positivity wasn’t happening like it used to, and I think that was a big bummer for everyone.

I really don’t think that we knew how to be out in the world in a mask. It’s taken some getting used to. I remember one day I kept pulling mine down so this lady a bit away from me could hear me since that came more naturally to me than screaming at her through my mask.

We also don’t know what people look like, and generally miss seeing the faces of the ones we do.

The entire thing was annoying, especially the negativity around them — even my own.

Going From Negative To Positive-Embracing The Mask!

Since I don’t like to be negative, I decided I needed to embrace masks and that meant more than just wearing them, it meant having a good attitude about wearing them.

So I changed my station and decided to see a few pros to all the cons about wearing masks.

  1. As stated; masks stop the spread of Covid, and other contagious illnesses. They keep others from getting sick and they protect us too.
  2. They keep your face warm in the winter. Living in the mountains, this has come in pretty handy when my face is freezing.

You can even get thicker, bigger ones for winter, compared to the smaller thinner ones you can wear when it’s warm out.

3. SHOW ME YOUR SOUL: Masks force us to make eye-contact. It’s true, we don’t see mouths and smiles anymore…But, one of the first things I noticed and liked about everyone wearing masks was that we are forced to make eye-contact.

It’s just not as easy to move through the world and not make eye-contact when everyone is in a mask.

Nearly a year later, I’ve noticed a huge benefit to this.

The lack of eye contact was something that has was always bothered me about communicating with most people.

Many people just look at the mouth of the person they are talking to, because it’s an intimate thing to look at someone in the eyes. A lot of people avoid eye contact.

But with masks, we need to connect and know that we are talking to each other and to do that we need to look at each others eyes.

The effects of this is huge.

Over the course of this year people have grown more spiritually than ever before, not only because some people are spending more time alone, but because we are constantly tapping into each others Souls through our eyes.

This is activating our 3rd Eye of the collective like never before. It’s a big deal, that the entire world (or most of it) are wearing masks and making eye-contact.

This has had a massive impact on humanity — bigger than we can comprehend.

People have tapped more into themselves and each other, feeling the energy of collective. When we make eye-contact with other people, even for a few seconds — it changes our vibration and we pick up on things that words could never give us.

People are getting more in-tune with ENERGY of others and how things FEEL.

Even non-Empaths are changing in the way that they relate, feel and connect with others because of eye contact and the vibrational changes that we feel and need to adjust to since avoiding eye-contact for Empaths is the secret sauce in not getting latched onto by people out in the wild.

Empaths in general feel energy more, but during the pandemic it’s been extra tough to stay balanced and grounded with so much fear energy rising in the collective. See my website for more info on Empaths!

5. SMILES! People still feel the energy of a sincere smile through a mask.

I still smile at people and I can tell when someone is smiling at me. Unlike in the beginning of this mask wearing reality, now we are more used to this entire deal.

I’ve noticed people smiling and saying hello way more than they did in the beginning and SMILES FEEL GOOD! Even if we can’t see them. It’s the intent, the energy that we’re sending out that matters.

It still counts and we shouldn’t feel like it’s a silly thing to do because it can’t be seen.

Smiling is positive energy for us and it’s also a way to send good vibes to others. Keep doing it!

4. We can use this space on our face via masks to display artwork, photo images, messages and symbols.

While many people use plain masks, or even the paper ones.

A lot of people use this space as a way to express themselves, and in a different way than wearing a t-shirt or even a hat does.

And it’s different in terms of the energy that we send out into the world.

There’s really no way to quantify this, but we know how impactful words and speech are. So, we need to think about our speech going through the mask and what energy we are sending out mixes with what words, symbols or messages are on our masks. It does matter.

6. MASKS FOR SALE! At first there weren’t enough masks to go around, and many people took to making masks to donate and selling them either in their current businesses or new businesses being created solely to sell masks…

Create Face Mask By, Infiniti

And now, I’m one of those people who is selling masks!

Being an artist and creator and someone who’s all about creating wellness for people, I thought about designing my own masks for a few months now.

However, I am not a sewer. I could if I really needed to, but it doesn’t come naturally and there’s other things I really get excited about creating.

I do all different kinds of art. Pencil, digital, watercolor mostly. I love mixed media — photography/digital/pencil combos are really fun. My art website, The Key Is To Create, has all of the goods, and more coming soon.

Now, I’m super excited to report that I’ve designed my first collection of inspiring masks and neck gaiters.

I’ve partnered with Printful who works through my website host so they do the actual making of the masks — getting them print ready is my job and I’ve really enjoyed it.

I’m just getting started, I have a lot of ideas swirling and I haven’t even gotten into using my current artwork into masks and gaiters yet — but I will.

I decided to start with some inspiring words and messages first. Something totally new, and then dive into what I can do with art I already have.

I must tell you, I really enjoy working on these designs!

I sure hope that the good vibes come through. For these unisex designs, I combined colors, positive messages, symbols and elements of nature like clouds, crystals, rainbows, hears, the sun and cosmic scenes.

Turning something that’s not so fun for most people into something that is inspiring, positive, creative and useful to motivate others has been very motivating for myself.

The masks are premium quality, made with the highest standards for protection in mind. $18

The neck gaiters are strong & versatile and when not using them as a face covering, they can be worn as a headband, just on the neck or even around your wrist. $17

My designs are made with that in mind. Positioning the elements in the places where they can be seen no mater how you wear them.

Below are a few of the designs from my collection. To see the all of the designs and available colors, please visit my website, The Healing and don’t forget to subscribe to be notified of new designs coming soon!

Smile Neck Gaiter & Face Mask By, Infiniti
Inspire The World, Neck Gaiter & Face Mask By, Infiniti
You Are My Sunshine Face Mask By, Infiniti
I Love You, Face Mask & Gaiter By, Infiniti
Laugh! Amethyst & Rainbow Face Mask, By Infiniti
You Are My Sunshine Neck Gaiter, By Infiniti

Thank You!

Inspired to purchase my masks and/or gaiters? YAY! To say thank you for supporting my work, and sending positive vibes out into the world you’ll receive a coupon in your email for $15 Off any of my brand new 30–120 Minute Zoom Tarot & Oracle Readings!

I’d love to meet you — if that’s in the cards…

Find all of the info for my masks and readings on my website, The Healing

Thanks for reading…And wearing a mask!

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Infiniti 🦋
The Dreaming

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger.