Go to The Dumpster Fire
The Dumpster Fire
A purely satirical publication trying to make light of all things political, cultural, and spiritual. (For those that don’t understand: everything written is a JOKE.)
Note from the editor

A purely satirical publication trying to make light of all things political, cultural, and spiritual. (For those that don’t understand: everything written is a JOKE.)

Go to the profile of J.W. Parr
J.W. Parr
30% writer, 25% gamer, 20% reader, 15% musician, 10% mathematician. 100% awesome. | Lover of words and information. | Writer of short stories and novels.
Go to the profile of J.W. Parr
J.W. Parr
30% writer, 25% gamer, 20% reader, 15% musician, 10% mathematician. 100% awesome. | Lover of words and information. | Writer of short stories and novels.