Go to The Elegant Network
The Elegant Network
Perspectives on Network Design and Practice by Two Network Contrarians. https://www.stardustsystems.net/
Note from the editor

Perspectives on Network Design and Practice by Two Network Contrarians. https://www.stardustsystems.net/

Go to the profile of dinesh dutt
dinesh dutt
Software Engineer, Networking, Author, Former Chief Scientist at Cumulus Networks, Former Cisco Fellow
Go to the profile of Justin Pietsch
Justin Pietsch
I’m a builder. I’ve mostly built very large datacenter networks (AMZN). I build software to enable better networks. https://twitter.com/jpietsch
Go to the profile of dinesh dutt
dinesh dutt
Software Engineer, Networking, Author, Former Chief Scientist at Cumulus Networks, Former Cisco Fellow
Go to the profile of Justin Pietsch
Justin Pietsch
I’m a builder. I’ve mostly built very large datacenter networks (AMZN). I build software to enable better networks. https://twitter.com/jpietsch