Best Podcasts for Twitch Streamers

The Emergence
3 min readJun 16, 2018


Podcasts are taking over the world. From the humble beginnings on Apple’s iPods, to 67 million americans listening to it monthly, the audio storytelling format has open the doors to thousands of creators and millions of listeners.

Why do people listen to podcasts? Because it doesn’t take their full attention, they don’t need to watch or read and so they can cycle at the gym or go for a run while still consuming your content. With Twitch streamers and creators looking for ways to improve their stream and grow their following, podcasts are one of many ways to learn.

Therefore, we’ve put together the best four podcasts for twitch streamers:

  • TwitchTalks
  • The Stream Coach Podcast
  • The Broman Podcast
  • Stream Key

If you are looking to start your own podcast (be it on Twitch streaming, gaming or anything else!) we’ve written a guide on everything you need to consider.


Hosted by CPalm, TwitchTalks is a podcast about Twitch, social media and the latest news in the world of streaming. There are even interviews with some amazing streamers discussing topics such as hosting.

You can listen to TwitchTalks here:

The Stream Coach Podcast

Hosted by Ashnichrist (give her a follow on Twitter!), the Stream Coach Podcast is a fantastic series for both entry-level streamers and those looking to grow their audiences! Ashnichrist has both a podcast, YouTube channel and Patreon page so you can’t miss out on her advise!

You can listen to it here:

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The Broman Podcast

Ben Broman was the person who got me into streaming thanks to his Streaming 101 guides on YouTube. He is a variety streamer who has been on the platform since the and has since expanded into all content areas including YouTube and podcasting.

The Broman Podcast has become an amazing destination for creators looking for advice and real conversations on what you need to do to grow your following across the platforms!

You can listen to it here:

The Stream Key

A podcast by TruGaming and their marketing director Greenchord, the Stream Key podcast also provides streaming advice and tips, alongside interviews with other broadcasters to discuss their learnings. You can listen to it more here:

Who is The Emergence?

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Written by Mark Longhurst.



The Emergence

Gaming, podcasting, creator economy and social media - founder of The Emergence |