Calling ALL— Artist, Bands, Musicians. Do you want to Showcase your music?

Promoting a band and artist is a very tricky business in today’s music landscape, so how can you be heard above the crowd?

Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine
3 min readJul 22, 2021


Photo by Elizeu Dias on Unsplash

For all bands, artists, musicians, would you like your music to be showcased on The Entertainment Engine podcast show for SEASON-3 which goes LIVE from September 2021?

If so, please keep reading to find out more!

Promoting a band/artist is a very tricky business in today’s music world. Tools and tricks that worked wonders years ago don’t work nearly as well today.

So we have some tips to help promote a band & artist:

Find out where your fans are…

To get the most out of your promotion efforts, you have to find out who your fans are. Knowing details like where your audience is based and how old they are can help you build a marketing plan.

Today, everything from personalised band websites to music streaming offers detailed information to help you learn more about your auidence.

Some platforms even give detailed information like when fans stumbled across your music, and through what channels or even search terms.

Don’t ignore YOUR existing fans…

Audience engagement is an essential part of sustaining a career in the music industry whether you have 10 dedicated fans or 5million.

Once you learn more about who your fans are, focus on doing everything you can to connect with them in a positive way. It’s important to engage and understand your current fans before trying to find new ones.

Simply distributing music online and hoping listeners find it just isn’t enough today. Strong, effective music marketing & PR happens when you work in a way that maintains your integrity as an artist and band going forward.

Whether it’s through email campaigns, your website, playlists, or blogs; fan engagement is essential.

You’ll have the best shot at building your audience if you don’t neglect your existing fan base.

Social media music strategies

Social media platforms are packed with problems and it’s becoming harder to reach fans through them, but marketing strategies for musicians are sadly much less impactful without them.

Take Instagram. Interacting with accounts associated with those who know, promote, and create your style of music can bring new attention to your music, band etc.

Whether you’re trying to get the word out about a new release or people to show up to your performances, social media is still a very useful tool to use and shouldn’t be ignored.

Paid ads on these platforms are the easiest way of accomplishing this but look into other tools like hashtags, meetup groups, and Facebook groups in local areas.

And always reach out to other bands like yours through their social channels, a little bit of friend-making goes a long way-for sure!

The Entertainment Engine podcast — Artist Monthly Spotlight!

This is to help the artist process move forward, Seamless Entertainment’s podcast series is providing helpful tips on navigating the entertainment industry across; Music, Film, and TV for bands, artists, songwriters, and creatives.

The podcast is looking to showcase bands, artists, and musicians on the podcast over the coming months on the ‘Engine Spotlight’ for SEASON 3.

We fully believe in the independent music sector!

To learn more please send your website and music links, via dropbox/Soundcloud, etc (no attachments please) to us via email below;

We look forward to listening to your music over the coming weeks. Good luck to you all!

By Pete Moore



Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine

Having lived & worked in New York, Los Angeles & London working in the music, film and TV industries for three decades helping creators realize their dreams...