Is podcasting the new Record label, Radio station, and Marketing tool?

Seamless entertainment is sponsoring the Entertainment Engine podcast, for all things; Music, Film and TV. Let's check it out!

Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine
4 min readJun 8, 2020


Over the past several years, podcasting has become a mainstream way for people, companies and businesses to share their message with the world.

You don’t have to fight with a social media algorithm, you just upload a new podcast episode each week or month and your subscribers can listen instantly on many platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Deezer, Google Podcast etc.

It does feel like wherever you turn people are starting to really recognize the power of podcasting, we think this is very exciting and is most definitely a way of exposing people to your services or products…

Podcasting awareness has exploded in recent years.

In 2006, only 22% of consumers knew what a podcast was, but by 2019 64% of consumers were aware of podcasting, now that is a huge jump in only a decade.

By 2022, it’s estimated that podcast listening will grow to 132 million people in the United States, which is extremely positive.

The top countries for podcasting as of March 2019 include Chile, Argentina, Peru, Mexico, and China. Podcasts are the most popular medium in South Korea, with 58% of the population listening to podcasts.

Just in recent days, Joe Rogan has signed an exclusive deal with Spotify, which will see his podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, disappear from all other platforms.

The deal is believed to be worth $100m (£82 million), according to the Wall Street Journal.

Joe Rogan’s podcast, which is one of the most popular in the world, will arrive on the streaming giant (Spotify) on September 1st.

It will then be housed on Spotify exclusively by the end of the year and removed from all other podcast platforms.

The team at Seamless Entertainment believe podcast is a great medium and positive way to express your individual or company message, with Joe Rogan working with Spotify from September.

In a funny way, we see this as a positive and not a negative for all independent artists, musicians and bands moving forward.

With Music, Film, TV, Comedy and Tech the most popular podcast in US households. With music, showing 61.1 million households being big fans.

With TV/Movies the second most popular podcast with 60.5 million households.

The entertainment engine podcast is sponsored by Seamless entertainment and is a new and exciting podcast show. I am proud to be part of hosting the show with Becky Gregory.

The Entertainment Engine — Trailer:

The entertainment engine podcast will be providing helpful tips and information on navigating the entertainment industry across; Music, Film and TV, with informal chats and discussions, providing in-depth knowledge, advice and professional experience.

We’ll also have special guests on the show from the world of entertainment along with keeping our listeners updated with current industry news, fun facts and trends.

The weekly show will launch in the coming weeks, the first episodes will be based on “What qualities to look for in a music manager ” Part 1 and Part 2.

The show will follow the above format each week with a new discussion from within the entertainment area, the show will also include, entertainment news from the majors and indies.

We have a special section of the show called the “engine-spotlight” on NEW independent acts/bands from around the globe, plus the show will have a weekly twist with some “fun facts” and a Question of the day for our listeners…

So I hope you get a chance to check the show out.

As you can see, podcasting is exploding in the US and around the world. People are listening to more podcasts than ever before, which is really cool!

It would be great to have your feedback on the show, so you can always drop us a message anytime, that would be great!

So, make sure you subscribe to the podcast on; so, you never miss an episode.

We look forward to welcoming you to the show!

By: Peter Moore



Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine

Having lived & worked in New York, Los Angeles & London working in the music, film and TV industries for three decades helping creators realize their dreams...