Some Tips for building a Successful Podcast.

You probably noticed podcasts have been popping up all over the place, and you would be right!

Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine
6 min readNov 30, 2020


In this article, we look at some tips and ideas for a successful Podcast. In truth, podcasts have never been more popular than they are today.

In fact, there are more than 800,000 active podcasts as of 2019, which is only looking to increase over the coming years.

So why are podcasts becoming so popular?

Well, because they are incredibly huge moneymakers — well for some they can be!

Almost a third of Americans listen to at least one podcast a month, and advertisers have noticed this over a short period of time.

They poured in almost half a million dollars in podcast advertising in 2018, and it’s fairly reasonable to assume that number is just going to keep increasing as the months (and the years) move on.

Not only that, podcasts are a form of marketing and great PR awareness that can not only grow your brand’s audience but also your credibility.

And the best part of this?

It really has never been easier to launch a podcast than today.

It used to be that you’d need prohibitively expensive recording equipment like mics and editing software to release a podcast, but those days are over that is for sure.

With such advances in technology, anybody with a reasonably functional laptop can record and release their very own podcast, weekly, monthly, daily the world is your oyster.

There are a million reasons to get one started, and not a single reason not to do this.

Having said that, there is a huge difference between launching a podcast nobody listens to and launching a successful podcast that can help with your brand’s marketing, branding, and maybe even brings in some big money down the line.

Below are our tips to help launch a successful podcast today. So what are you waiting for let us crack on;

1. Invest in Good Equipment — Mic and Headphones to start with.

You don’t need to blow thousands of pounds on state-of-the-art equipment or software, but you should at least have a decent microphone to start with.

After all, a podcast with poor audio quality probably doesn’t have much of a chance at success really.

Podcasts are a form of entertainment, think about it!.

Nobody wants to have to strain just to hear what you and your guests are saying. This just does not work and will switch people off very quickly and they will never come back!

Having a decent microphone, a headset, and some basic audio editing software can make a huge difference in how your podcast audio sounds, this will give you a good start and doesn't break the bank either.

2. Take Your Time to Choose the Right Theme

The theme of your podcast will play a huge role in determining its success.

This doesn’t mean that you should choose a topic you believe will capture a large audience this is not a good plan.

What it means is that you should pick a theme you can commit to for the long haul and that you actually know about.

If you are truly passionate about what you are talking about, that will resonate 100% with others who share the same passion as you — the feedback and comments will back this up over time.

Nobody wants to listen to somebody spout out nonsense on a topic they clearly are not interested in or to the point have NO understanding off.

Being genuinely informed and interested in whatever you choose to talk to will keep your audience engaged, and they will appreciate you for it.

This will be a great start to help build your podcast authenticity, awareness, and credibility over time.

Remember Rome wasn't built in a day!

3. Come Out with Quality Podcasts

This area should be obvious, but it’s amazing how many would-be podcasters are so focused on their podcast’s title, artwork, design, and launch, that they forget about the most important thing: the podcast itself.

It may seem easy, but unless you are an experienced media person with many years of broadcasting, your first few podcast episodes are probably not going to be that good.

Like all things in life, you will have to practice podcasting to get good at it.

Joe Rogan wasn’t a podcasting expert when he started the Joe Rogan Experience a decade ago. But now hes providing great show’s to a global auideince.

Practice makes perfect!

He made a lot of mistakes, but he just kept at it over a long period of time, some people just do not have the patience, energy, enthusiasm to push forward and give up at the second hurdle!

What you’re listening to today is 10 years+’ worth of experience, learning, and practice with lots of energy and determination!

In order to have a successful podcast, you are going to have to become a good podcaster.

And the only way to get to that level is to keep recording, practincing and crafting your skills.

If you are serious about being the proud owner of a successful podcast, you are going to have to pay your dues it's that simple.

Chances are unless you are already some sort of celebrity, with a big following few people will be hearing those.

Keep learning and honing your craft, and keep striving to produce the best podcast content you can over time and this will put you in a great space.

Eventually, you’ll get to a level where people will enjoy listening to what your podcast has to offer (This is the plan).

Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

4. Find the Balance for your Podcast

After some time, you will probably start receiving comments and suggestions from your listeners.

Some listeners may want you to change the format, and others will have requests for special guest interviews.

While it’s always wise to hear out your audience, it is also important to stay true to your podcast’s identity.

It’s never a good idea to pander to your audience — a podcast that sparks real conversations will always be infinitely more interesting than one that just goes with the flow.

Be decisive, and control the direction of where you want your podcast to go and what you want your podcast to be.

Podcast audiences don’t want to listen to pushovers. They want real, hard-hitting podcasting with solid and informative information the listeners can action!

Have an opinion, and a solid identity your listeners can slowly get to know and enjoy your show!

This isn’t to say that you should completely ignore what your listeners want.

This simply means that you should establish who you are as a podcast first, and then let your core audience help you smooth out the rough edges in your podcast identity a little down the line.

In the next podcast article, we will look at (4) more tips and points on how to launch your successful podcast and build an audience!

Good luck!

By Pete Moore



Peter Moore
The Entertainment Engine

Having lived & worked in New York, Los Angeles & London working in the music, film and TV industries for three decades helping creators realize their dreams...