The Fight for Green Action Can’t Be All or Nothing

Climate activism must focus on a constant stream of middle grounds

Jerren Gan
The Environment


“Rebranding climate activism” is something only the black void of a marketer’s mind could come up with, the rest of his medium slop checks out”.

“The one thing that can save humanity at this point is…totally epic brand awareness.”

If these comments sound made up, they aren’t. These were two comments (amongst many others. Some positive, others negative like these two) I received on Reddit after sharing my article about rebranding climate activism.

Like many, I suffer from a great deal of climate anxiety and spend my time hoping that the governments will finally wake up and push for actual climate policies that stop climate change in its tracks. I spend my time reading about the biggest offenders and writing about evil polluting companies like Shien and Amazon in hopes that readers of my articles can join in the effort to boycott these giants as much as possible. Like many climate activists, I can only dream that one day, everyone will wake up and put in their 110% to stop global warming.

And yet, deep down, I know that this hope is merely a pipe dream.



Jerren Gan
The Environment

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.