EZ Journal Monthly Update: November

Emma Kinnear
The Eta Zeta Biology Journal
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1 min readNov 19, 2022

Is there a connection between sleep and metastatic breast cancer? What about the time of year and the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria? Check out surprising connections in this month’s Eta Zeta update.

We are excited to share with you a Professor Feature, three EZ Summaries, a Method of the Month. Take a look! We hope you enjoy them!

Professor Feature

Metastatic Timing: Lessons from Human Breast Cancer Patients and Mouse Models by Dr. Lisa M. Antoszewski

EZ Summaries

What’s Going on with Antibiotic Resistance? by Kendra Wales

Mirror Image Life: Building Reflections of our RNA by Ainsley Weigle

Illustration by Mara Polczynski

The Rise of Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis by Bryna Wilson

Method of the Month

Chromogenic In Situ Hybridization by Emma Kinnear

Eta Zeta is a student publication of the Eta Zeta chapter of the Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society. Learn more about our publication here.

