Rest Doesn’t Cure Freelancer Burnout But These 3 Things Might Help You Prevent That

Buckle up! It’s time for some real talk.

Francesca Angeles
The Everyday Freelancer
5 min readJun 12, 2023


Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash

Rest alone won’t magically cure your freelancer burnout.

Sure, rest is amazing. In fact, everyone needs it unless you’re purposely cutting your lifeline short.

But also: rest alone isn’t the answer.

Trust me, I’ve been there, and I’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way. I’d advise you to ditch the quick-fix mentality and focus on these three powerful strategies that I applied to help myself.

1/ Embrace the Art of Prioritization

As a freelancer, life can feel like a never-ending juggling act.

Look at you. You’re balancing client deadlines, personal commitments, and self-care. I’m sure it’s overwhelming, right?

The key lies in mastering the art of prioritization.

Here’s how I do it:

  • I keep a catch-all notebook on my desk. This notebook, by its name, catches all the information in my head so I can stop thinking and start doing.
  • Once I have all thoughts written down, I categorize them into high-priority versus low-priority. And tackle the most important ones first.
  • Don’t think you can accomplish 100 high-priority tasks in a day. That’s not doable. Limit it to 3 high-priority tasks.
  • Low-priority tasks are the tasks you can transfer to another day. If it’s still on low-priority after 3 days and you haven’t done anything about it, maybe it’s time to scratch that out (you don’t really wanna do it, do you?)
Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

When I jump the highest walls, overcoming the lower ones are easier to do.

So avoid getting burnt out by incorporating the ‘high-priority, low-priority’ system in your workflow. Learn to say “no” to low-value or time-consuming projects that drain your energy. By focusing on what matters at the moment, you’ll gain a sense of control and reduce the risk of burnout.

2/ Nurture what’s inside

Freelancer burnout isn’t just about work; it’s about the holistic well-being of your mind and body. The elements inside you that keep you living day to day.

Self-care is essential to incorporate in your daily routine.

It’s not that hard, actually.

Self-care doesn’t have to expensive. You don’t have to book a 2-week cruise, go on a $3,000 celebrity spa experience, or buy the latest Dior handbag. That’s basically churning your hard-earned money for a temporary solution that isn’t sustainable at all.

Here’s how I nurture my well-being without spending a dime:

  • I take my dogs out for long walks twice a day. Seeing them enjoy our routine exercise makes me happy and the stress leaves my mind.
  • I take breaks in the middle of my working hours. Even though I own my time as a freelancer, I still incorporate a strict working routine to help me accomplish more in less time. If my Toggl timer says I’ve been working for 3 hours, I know it’s time to chill out on my couch.
  • I go to the gym even though I’m only using the treadmill. It’s a light movement exercise that’s absolutely sustainable for me. The more overwhelming an activity is, the more likely you’re gonna cancel it.
  • I do things my 15-year old self would have loved. And right now that’s coloring books. A friend got me an adult coloring for my birthday and safe to say I’ve been spending some time with it whenever I need breaks from work.
Photo by Jenny Marvin on Unsplash

Taking care of your mind and body should be a priority.

By engaging in activities or hobbies that bring you joy and recharge your creative energy, you’re taking steps to prevent burnout from happening.

Remember, investing in your well-being is an investment in your freelance career.

3/ Build your Support System

There’s so much freedom in being your own boss. But even bosses need a support system.

Freelancing can sometimes feel isolating, especially when you’re facing burnout.

Unlike our 9–5 peers, we don’t have coworkers sitting next to us, we’re almost always working from home (alone), there’s not much social interaction, and we miss out on office culture and camaraderie.

That’s why it’s crucial to build a supportive network of like-minded people who understand your what you’re going through.

Even though I’m working from home and do all my work online, I still keep my support system strong and growing. Here’s what I do to increase my circle of like-minded people:

  • I connect with active freelancers on LinkedIn who are value-adding to my community.
  • I follow people who have super awesome tweets that I learn from everyday (btw no follow for follow).
  • I talk to at least 3 new online connections every week. Knowing how they respond to me tells a lot about who they are.
  • I join online communities where I can give and take knowledge from. Most of these communities are related to my market research work.
  • I hang out with family and friends who can lend me their ears even though I rant about my work stress endlessly. Because I’d do the same for them in a heartbeat :)
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

I learned that surrounding yourself with positive influences is a game-changer in both your personal and professional life.

So gather your tribe who can uplift your spirits and offer valuable advice. They’re the ones who will support you on things that are good for you, and also the ones who will stop you from making stupid decisions.

Having a support system can make a world of difference in preventing burnout and fueling your motivation in the long run.

Now, here’s the thing: preventing burnout is an ongoing process.

It’s not an overnight thing that can be cured by 8-hours of rest. It requires consistent effort and self-awareness which you can achieve if you’re mindful of your work-life balance and you consistently listen to your body and your mind.

If you feel the early signs of burnout creeping in, you don’t have to be scared. It’s not the end of the world. You can always stay proactive and address them before it hits you bad. Remember, prevention is always better than cure!

So freelancers, let’s break the cycle of burnout shall we?

Let’s embrace the power of prioritization, nurture your mind and body, and keep a circle of supportive people around you. By incorporating these simple strategies into your life, you’ll not only prevent burnout but also thrive in your freelance journey.

Happy freelancing!

If you enjoyed this, I think you’ll the 4 Actionable Solutions I Do To Survive Freelancer Burnout. I wrote this story with all the fried and uninspired freelancers in mind. If something worked for me, I’d be happy to share it in case it’ll work for you too.

