I Got Punched in the Face in China, Again

Maybe I have a punchable face

Kade Maijala
The Expat Chronicles
2 min readDec 16, 2022


Photo by Julia Larson on Pexels

Perhaps this time, it was my fault.

If you’ve been reading my work for a while, you’ll know of the time I was punched in the face in Shanghai.

Compared to the Shanghai incident, this one may be on me. But we’ll see what you think.

The event

One night after a few drinks, I was walking home from the bar when three men passed me.

One of the guys looked at me and bolted to cover his mouth and nose with his hand. This happens multiple times a day, as Chinese media blames all of Covid on foreigners bringing it.

Even though I was wearing my mask, he felt he had to protect himself from me. Usually, I would ignore this and keep my anger to myself. However, my liquid courage changed this.

Having people run away from you, cover their mouths when they see you and have their kids hide from you ten times a day for three years gets old. So I let out a:


This word is probably the worst word you can say in Mandarin. A mix of bitch, pussy, and asshole. This is what I said and what I would later regret.

The one who reacted first wasn’t the one I was mad at. A short guy around 40 years old yelled, “what the fuck did you say, you foreign bitch?” in Chinese. Instead of responding, I decided to keep walking. I crossed the street when the three ran through a busy intersection to me

I put my hands straight in the air, so they couldn’t lie and say I fought them. The petite guy continued his insults:

“you are a shit.”

“fuck America”

“leave China”

However, I just kept my hands in the air. Then, I got a nice punch in the face. Then a hole in the stomach. Then the cars waiting in the intersection started honking, so they left.

Is it my fault?

I probably shouldn’t have said anything; it wasn’t a good idea. But I was so sick and tired of people being scared of me, so I finally called them out.

Did it do any good? Not; it probably backed up their idea of foreigners.

