Step 1 - Is this email really necessary?

Michael Gentle
The First Three Lines
1 min readMar 21, 2018


We are all aware of people who sit a few desks away from you who send you an email, when they can just walk over and talk to you in person. Of course, there are times when you might not want to be disturbed; but the point is that not all emails are necessary, or even desirable.

Even a short email might take 3–5 minutes of keyboard time, followed by hours or days waiting for a reply. A phone call or a short face-to-face conversation will always be more effective. This is especially true for urgent matters, or those that are delicate and require tact and diplomacy.

A compromise between email and phone is Instant Messaging (I.M.) or chat software. When linked to people’s calendar to show their availability, it allows colleagues to address urgent issues quickly and effectively. This works best for teams and departments, rather than a whole company.

If you have to write an email, start by getting your reader’s attention by making your point upfront.

