Go to The First Today
The First Today
TheFirst.Today — Neil Armstrong in the media. Be the first to know about trends in the world of technology. Explore our picks of the best programs and apps today.
Note from the editor

TheFirst.Today — Neil Armstrong in the media. Be the first to know about trends in the world of technology. Explore our picks of the best programs and apps today.

Go to the profile of Dmitry Leiko
Dmitry Leiko
LEJ.me, GuestPoster.io Founder. All you need to know about TECH. I manage a team of 25+ employees and share my experience in text format. Join!
Go to the profile of Ekaterina Kuznetsova
Ekaterina Kuznetsova
Tech geek, QA engineer and passionate writer
Go to the profile of David Patterson
David Patterson
Crypto enthusiast and code professional. ORDB.org owner.