Go to The Folded Paper
The Folded Paper
A writing group where we write a little more than before. You might like to read what we are learning, what we are thinking, and, of course, what we are writing.
Note from the editor

A writing group where we write a little more than before. You might like to read what we are learning, what we are thinking, and, of course, what we are writing.

Go to the profile of The Folded Paper: Writing Group
Go to the profile of Harini JBL
Harini JBL
Practicing writing for the kitchen and the soul | Creative Content Writer at MediaAgility & Co-Creator at The Folded Paper, Writing Community
Go to the profile of Harini JBL
Harini JBL
Practicing writing for the kitchen and the soul | Creative Content Writer at MediaAgility & Co-Creator at The Folded Paper, Writing Community
Go to the profile of Shibani Krishnatraya
Shibani Krishnatraya
Trying to invent the world in my writing!