Gender Inequality has scattered throughout the world, although changes have been made, it still exists. The treatment difference between men and women within the work field, pay, and segregation of occupation is tremendous.
Would you leave your big house to build a tiny one?
Source: Bill DIckinson
Is there a reason why most people’s dreams are to live in a big home with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a nice big kitchen and livingroom? All that really isn’t necessary. Tiny…
By Alan C.
How can tiny houses help minimize or even eliminate homelessness and help others in need?
By:Precious Sawi.
Throughout history we as Americans have always been about expanding. We want the big houses, the big expensive cars, and to be…
By: Xavier Judkins
By: Katie Krider
Being accepted to college is probably the most exciting time in a teenager’s life. You could be excited because you are finally able to be a free adult and make your own decisions. It could be because you are living out your dream of being a…
By: DeAndre’ Pullen
“I’m hungry for knowledge. The whole thing is to learn every day, to get brighter and brighter. That’s what this world is about. You look at someone like Gandhi, and he glowed. Martin Luther King glowed. Muhammad Ali glows. I think that’s from being bright all…
The real question is why are our prisons so full?
The next step, aim and organization could take notes from its predecessors, the Black Panthers. By Jimmy H.
With social media websites being used by ⅓ of the entire world, they’ve clearly had a…