Allow Yourself To Write About A Hard Situation And See What Happens

Lessons learned from a recent article

The Freedom to Write


Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

I posted an article a couple of weeks ago about my experience being quiet fired.

I didn’t get fired thankfully. That manager moved on and a new one replaced him who values me as an individual and my work.

The funny thing about the situation, I didn’t even realized it happened to me until after the fact. Which was a bummer.

I decided to write about it to help me process through that situations. When I published it, I didn’t think anything of it.

Now, a thousand plus views later and almost a dozen comments, I learned a valuable lesson on writing about hard things.

Sharing Our Stories

Writing is a funny thing, sometimes things work well. Other times they don’t. Most of the time, things pop when we least expect it.

My recent article was one of those that popped and I didn’t see it coming. Maybe because I was reflecting. Or perhaps because I didn’t realize it was something happening to others.

It reminded me of writers like Tim Denning who share about their hard moments. And Tom Kuegler who write about life and lessons they are learning.



The Freedom to Write

Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: