Leaning into the Green New Deal is a feature of Jacobson’s new study

Digging into the latest Stanford study on 100% renewables

Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric


Mark Z. Jacobson and team have just released a new study covering 100% renewables for 143 countries representing 99.7% of fossil fuel CO2 emissions. It’s an update and maintains the mix of technologies, omitting nuclear and CCS.

It’s going to create fireworks because it’s explicit about leaning into the Green New Deal. That eminently sensible set of targets, strongly aligned with the UN IPCC 1.5 degree reports and strongly aligned with the Roosevelt New Deal that arguably did make America great, is understandably a large target for commentators from the right, but also from nuclear advocates. I’ve published an exegesis based on a conversation with a US conservative about the GND as well, and know how much of a straw man flashpoint it’s become.

“The U.S. GND contains additional proposed legislation related to jobs, health care, education, and social justice. The present study does not fully evaluate the costs or merits of…



Michael Barnard
The Future is Electric

Climate futurist and advisor. Founder TFIE. Advisor FLIMAX. Podcast Redefining Energy - Tech.