Mobile app adoption success story: PeopleReady’s JobStack

Jennifer Martin
The Future of Staffing
2 min readAug 6, 2019


This year has been a watershed year for mobile apps in staffing. Apps have been at the crux of many a thought leaders’ commentary, and a hot topic at the biggest conferences of the year. It’s also been a time when the ROI of apps that have already been deployed in the industry have really begun to show. This all on the heels of last year’s big announcement that tech giants like Uber were entering staffing.

Earlier this year we reported on the impact that TrustedHealth has had in the healthcare staffing industry. We’ve also spoken about the operational efficiencies created by custom built apps — like TemPosition’s 65% reduction in operating costs in the wake of introducing their own app.

Still, despite agencies noticing this huge shift in the industry and trying their best to adapt, many are left grappling with issues like adoption. Essentially: if I build it, will they use it? If I make this investment, how do I ensure workers will download the app? We’ve heard it time and again: I know my workforce, and I’m afraid they won’t want to download and use an app.

The latest industry news offers some encouragement when it comes to app adoption. When speaking of their 2019 Q2 results, TrueBlue’s CEO spoke directly to the impact that the JobStack app has had on PeopleReady’s performance. Most notably, he spoke about worker adoption growth of the app — up from 77% in their first year to over 85% this year. In all, PeopleReady deployed nearly one million shifts through the app in one quarter alone. And it’s not just candidates who are readily adopting the app, either. PeopleReady reported having 17,000 clients using the app as well.

This near-immediate success has put mobile at the centre of PeopleReady’s strategy moving forward. And this success should be encouraging news, if slightly urgency-inducing, for any agency that is looking to build or buy their own mobile solution. If the US’ largest light industrial agency can get their workforce to embrace an app so successfully, surely this is indicative of how the future of work will be ushered in by the continued adoption of mobile technology.

