I Trained ChatGPT on My Notes To Create Content. Here’s What Happened

Is this the future of note-taking and content creation?

Matt Giaro
The Generator


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I’ve been taking notes for over a decade.

The problem is that I ended up with thousands of note that I never revisited.

So I decided to train ChatGPT on my 3,743 Obsidian notes.

Let’s see how it went.

How I use my notes

Before showing you what I did (and the results I’ve gotten), some context.

My note-taking system serves one purpose: content creation. So I use an improved version of the Zettelkasten to serve this purpose.

This means:

  • It’s not to recall meeting notes.
  • It’s not about grocery lists or reminders.

It has one purpose: content creation. Keep this in mind while reading the article; you might end up wasting your time bashing me in the comments.

My notes allow me to:

  • create content faster
  • come up with original ideas

… which is CRUCIAL if you rely on content to pay your rent.



Matt Giaro
The Generator

6 Figure Creator. Helping experts turn their ideas into income with online content (in just 2h/day.) Start now 👉 https://mattgiaro.com/medium