God’s Free Gift of Salvation (2)

How should we respond to God’s free gift?

Abraham Raymond Eli
The Good News Bulletin
8 min readSep 9, 2023


A pair of feet in a pair of canvas shoes facing each other as though in a conversation
Image by Libor from Pixabay

Review of the first part

There is an underlying cost to every gift we receive from someone, least of all, God. We have seen that God’s salvation is not a Greek gift, like the Trojan horse, through which Troy was destroyed. God’s salvation is a free gift — the redundancy is necessary to emphasise the unique freeness of the gift — for humanity’s good. We must note that this free gift came to humanity at the expense of the blood of Jesus which was shed as payment for the sins of humanity when He died on the cross at Calvary. But how do we respond to this wonderful, immeasurable gift of God? Or put more bluntly, how have you responded to God’s salvation?

How should we respond to God’s free gift of salvation?

God’s salvation is so remarkable that it had to be expressed in superlative terms, using two synonyms, “free” and “gift,” to describe its awesomeness as a gift. Thus, as we contemplate the cross where Jesus bore the weight of our sins, we encounter a profound gift. Understanding the value of God’s salvation as a free gift should evoke positive responses. Sadly, some do not respond as expected. Below, we outline the responses we ought to see from those who…



Abraham Raymond Eli
The Good News Bulletin

Called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples through the teaching of the word of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Married to Grace.