“Your Earth Is Shifting on Its Axis”

“The great Sword is here”
218 min readJul 29, 2016

Prophecies and guidance by Aka, spiritual messengers of God

“And we say, hark, into thee.

For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests no longer upon thy earth, for now is the time of the great Sword that should cut of land and masses.

If the Earth is shifting on its axis, how could this affect us?

“And we shall say once again that your earth is slowly changing upon its own axis. But your earth is sliding with this change. It has done this many times before. But this time it should be done with purpose, that mankind may hear and heed the words of God.

“Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. But yet, you go onward with your wars and your killing. And we say unto thee, our Father does not seek the blood of the Lamb, but gave it to you that thy may see for thyselves in the resurrection of your own. Yet you took this and misinterpreted these words, and misinterpreted the deed within itself.

“And now, as we have said before, your earth, this planet of yours, shall show that it has karma too. For earthquakes should come within your land. The earth should heave and give forth unto new life. And the temple of God that is in within man shall shine forth, and come again.

“And thy ask unto thyselves, ‘Why do they talk in riddles?’ [Yet] we have given unto thee many words. We have given unto thee many lessons to pass forth upon the people of the land. We do not come to you alone. We have chosen you first to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

“But first you must prepare the way within yourselves.” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, April 21, 1972)

“You have questions within your mind of the book of Revelations and the timing we have given unto you,” the spiritual messengers of God, said December 15, 1971.

“We should repeat again, for the wise to hear, that only our Father knows of the last days. But the beginning has already begun. Your Father has promised unto you a new heaven and a new earth, and this promise shall become complete within each person, within each soul that dwells and becomes part of our Father’s love for all.”

With great love, the spiritual messengers of God told us, September 25, 1975: “Your future can be made in such a manner that the famine, your time of the Anti-Christ or the coming of the Beast upon the Earth, can be wiped away with your minds. The chaos of the shifting of the Earth’s axis is nothing more than a minor adjustment that must be made within man and beast.”

Editor’s note: The words of the spiritual messengers of God are written in bold for you to see. Be sure to read the ending of this article! If you prefer, you can read this printed in a book (black and white) or an e-book (color).

In 1970, a man named Ray Elkins passed on. He soon came up to a large group of people, gathered before one who had more love in his eyes than anyone he had ever seen. The crowd parted to let Ray go before this one. Words were not spoken; words were not needed. Ray knew he could trust this one as he had trusted no one. Then the one with immeasurable love in his eyes gave him a gift––and gave him a choice to return back to his body. If he chose to return, he was asked to give this gift to others in the same manner of love it had been given to him, asking nothing in return.

Ray did not know what the gift was.

But after Ray was returned back to life, a light shone brilliantly in the heavens for all to see. As it passed over Earth, it was seen by one-third of the globe at a time. Its radiance shone overhead on March 26, 1970, as it passed over Globe, Arizona, where he lived––and a voice began to mumble through his unconscious body in an unrecognizable tongue.

Not understanding this, his wife borrowed her mother’s tape recorder. The doctor might want to hear. “Ray?” she said.

On April 3, 1970, the voice whispered clearly: “Not Ray.”

“Who then?” Ray’s startled wife asked him.

Body — spirit — soul — God! — many worlds — many universes — many galaxies, like pebbles on a beach, so vast. Each galaxy set up for man[‘s] expansion.

“Which is most important?”


“Who is God?”

God is everything.

“Not one thing?”

Not one thing, but everything. God is — is God!

“[Who] do you want to tell me about?”

In the beginning — in the beginning God gave man[‘s] spirit because He was lonely. Then [man’s] spirit was not enough, because spirit always knew of God — in spirit — so many spirits — so many, many spirits.

Then God thought, “I SHOULD [MAKE] MAN, FOR I HAVE USE [FOR, OF] THIS [MAN].” Before, before there were many gods, like our God, before [the two] worlds, many worlds….

The second time it spoke, on April 6, 1970, Ray’s wife asked: “Can you tell us who you are?”

My name is Aka. [Editor’s note: On the recording it sounds like “Atka” or “Otka.”]

“Why do you come to us?”

I do not come to you.

“Who do you come to?”

I come to Ray.

“What do you want Ray to know?”

To bring his flock to God.

“How should he go about it?”

Through I, Ray shall know….

Aka offered guidance to Ray’s wife, her parents in Yuma, Arizona, and to Ray’s close friend, David, sitting nearby listening. Then Aka said: Have a message for brother of David— to make certain he has all mineral rights below the depth of 40 feet on his property, to gain mineral rights of other property close to him. Have message, great wealth shall — not one, but two, but threefold. The ground shall open, an upheaval. From same, great wealth may come.

“Is that the upheaval that Ray spoke of before?”

Yes. Also, the great Sword is here.


It is a cutting sword of land and masses. The earth’s axis is changing. Where it was hot — where it was hot it shall become colder. Where it was dry it shall become wetter. Where there no water flows, water shall flow, because water is the spirit.

April 8, 1970: “Aka shall speak of thy Father. But you have knowledge of the great Sword.” [See Genesis 3:20–24 and The Revelation of John 19:15 and chapters 19–22.]

“The great Sword is here. [It] cuts from both sides, [it] cuts from the past to the present; it is one [it is, with] all. For our Father has shown this Sword before to man, yet he did not heed. Now — not now our Father says, but soon; it has begun to strike. Our Father, who gave up His son — as we are His son and His daughter, we who [will] walk — of earth, of many earths, of many galaxies, of many worlds, of many planets — that our spirit shall travel and hover above all to enter, as He gave us our free will, to enter by choice, for some. For some, there shall be never. For some, there shall be many. For some, our Father weeps, as He weeps now.” [He begins breathing heavily, rapidly, then sobbing.] “For He — [sobs] — He would cry — [the voice is sobbing, deeply, for a long time.]”

April 13, 1970: “Now, I have information which has been given me, and permission has been given for me to give this information. As I have spoke before of the great Sword, your group shall develop in many places across the world because your word and your work shall spread.

“You ask if this new comet were part of our coming. And I shall say, yes, for there was a sign in the sky for the enlightenment of man’s soul. Many shall grow restless, almost for hunger for these words. Heed them, give them readily. Do not be afraid. There shall be critics, there shall be many. And poor soul Ray shall be thought of almost as insane. We have prepared his body and soul for these things to happen. He can stand it.

“And now, of this great Sword — the time shall come when the time of the cutting of the earth is at hand. There shall be, very soon, [a] large volcanic action toward the Mediterranean seas. This action shall spread, clear across thy continent, through to the Gulf of Mexico. From the Gulf of Mexico, it shall spread, and go clear up to the continent, a part of your continent which is known now as Alaska. This shall take a number of years to materialize in full, but it has already started.

“There are already places of thy earth which the Sword is cutting. Be not afraid of this, because all of this is in God’s plan. For, as I have said before, if the men of Christ are to stop this red horse in his triumph for world conquest, these things are necessary. So be not afraid.”

April 15, 1970: “I have told thee before of the time of the Red Horse.” [Editor’s note: See The Revelation 6:3 and Zechariah 1:8.]

“I have told thee that as the Red Horse passes, then thy shall come to man a thousand years of peace on earth as it will be in heaven.”

Much was said about the Earth changing on its axis in the next 19 years (that was recorded from 1970 to 1989). Transcripts of what the spiritual messengers of God told about earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts and climate change are collected in a larger document. What follows here is what Aka said about “Earth’s axis” from a search through their transcripts.

April 24, 1970: “Now, there are things ye should know.

There are certain financial threats of thy community; if these are taken care of in the proper way, it should not upset thy group.

“It shall come to pass that the men who work the earth shall become frightened because of certain disturbances under the ground. These shall cause a certain amount of disturbance there, but within time, it shall work out.

“Now is the time to grow cautious of the Red Horse, for the fuse is burning, one in Israel, the other in what thy call Vietnam. [See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

“Your country shall become more involved in the Asian area, and it will reach a point to where it will look as though thy shall go into total war, but before this happens, the Dragon shall attack the Bear. Do not become too upset with this, for it is all in God’s plan––for now is the time of the great Sword, the sword that cuts two ways.

“It [would] be advised that thy group set aside certain provisions, for it is not yet, but later, the time will come when these are needed.”

April 29, 1970: “How does the great Sword or the changing of the land masses fit in with the wars?”

The axis of the earth is changing. This, some men have thought that man has started this and this is not true. Man has neither the power at this time nor the knowledge to do this. Therefore, the changing of thy earth shall be as a karma for Earth, and this shall happen as a protection for the souls of God [that] remain on earth, yet to return to His mansions — and for souls who have yet more lives to live on different planes in the future. These things are all necessary to offset man’s destruction of man.

“Then you feel that all mankind will not be destroyed in this coming war?”

This is true.

“All right.

May 1, 1970: Now, as I have said before, the time of the great Sword is upon you. Because of men’s actions of this plane, the time is growing near.

It is also necessary that thy know that thy of thy plane have visitors from another galaxy. This is not part, the interference from one galaxy to another is not part of God’s plan. Therefore, as the axis of your earth is being changed, soon thy will know these visitors. This shall be taken up at a different time.

To understand this, ye must first think of the spirits of God, also of the spirits of man, and then the souls of man. Then think of thee as not one, but two, but not two, but as three. When ye understand this, then ye shall understand the plan of God….

What other information would thy ask?

“[4–3–70–002] asked about some information on the storing of food in preparation for the famine.”

Yes, this should be done. But in thy preparation, store seed, store it preferably in airtight containers, that no air may enter. If possible, the pumping out of any air in the container as these stores are made would be good. But, it would also be suggested that this should not be done as, as you would say, a rush thing. Store a little, as thy can afford it. Store also, in containers, no flour. Store either rice or corn. This also, if possible, the air should be taken from the containers that it is stored in. The preparing of certain fruits and vegetables, as thy call it, either in canned goods — yes — more information shall be given to you from time to time.

“All right.”

Also, it would be suggested that thy should get a script of thy known herbs of that location.

“What location?”

The one around thee of both the desert and the high land, preferably the high land. This will be safer in the days of famine.

“All right. What will cause this famine?”

Man shall cause this famine. [Note: See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

“The land that has dropped in Claypool in the well, we would ask for some information on this, if this is pertinent to the earthquake which you have spoken of before?”

Yes, not once, but twice, but threefold, the land shall upheaval, and so shall be thy warning. The men who shall work the ground shall become afraid of it, and leave it within time, but they shall have nothing to fear but fear in their own souls, for as the upheaval shall end, great riches shall come forth and these riches shall be, in part, of an old generation, upon a different time and a different plane. The other part shall be the riches known of your plane.

“Will the records of Atlantis be uncovered?”

Partially, yes, but not all. [But] that will wait for another time. The records of Atlantis shall rise, first, in part, from thy ocean, second, in part, very near here, and third, in part, [from] the vaults below what thy call Cairo, Egypt. When these are brought together, then a knowledge unknown to man at this time, ye shall have, a knowledge long ago forgotten, which man turned back, as you would call it, to the Stone Age.

“Do you have an approximate or an exact time on this earthquake in this area, the first one?”

Ye have already felt a very slight one, ten days ago. These shall increase in number, and with each of these they shall grow stronger.

“When will the first one be finished?”

There is no finish, and there is no beginning and no end. When the final time comes and the end comes, the Great Sword will have struck and cut thy earth, and thy whole earth shall change and the surface of thy earth shall change, for all this is in God’s plan and in God’s time.

“And, uh, we are safe to stay here?”

Yes, you are very safe. All those who would take in their hearts the temple of God is safe; those who shall not heed and shall cast God from himself, they are lost and shall be lost, as before, as now, and as in the future.

June 9, 1970: “Now, we have spoken before of the Great Sword, the sword which is here now that shall cut two ways.

“On one side of the Sword, it shall change thy earth. Its whole form shall change. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens.

“Now, on the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. Those who should not heed God’s word, this Sword shall cut them from the face of the earth, for, because remember, we are here to prepare a way. We are here to build an army of minds for the birth of our savior who shall rule both heaven and earth for a thousand years, and his peace and his love shall be felt by all who would put their hands and reach to God. Can you understand this?”

August 28, 1970, Aka gave a prophetic message that few understood, yet may be quite profound. They began to teach: If thy should offend thy brother, the shall be offended. If thy should say a prayer to God and mean this prayer for Lucifer, then Lucifer shall answer the prayer and not our Father. We know thy do not understand of which we speak.

Then we should say in a way our Father would prefer. Walk thee in the light of God, and by walking in His light, thy shall become as He.

Some think the Grand Canyon has one of the largest pyramid complexes in the world with ancient Atlantean/Egyptian-like features, and tombs containing giants. The Earth has shifted on its axis many times. With our Father’s permission, did Aka tell a future date, so that hearts may prepare? Photo by Olivier from FRANCE — Couleurs de la Terre / Colours of the EarthUploaded by hike395, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10899210

We should tell thee of a different time, for your world has been as three. We should go back before the time of Atlantis into a civilization, as thy would call it, greater than any that has ever been on your earth before, with more scientific knowledge, more powers to heal than has ever been on your earth since. Now, of this civilization we would tell you this, this civilization made war upon other planets, and therefore, as you would call it at this time, the heavy bombardment by radiation changed the form of man, and has continued to change its form into what you are today.

Therefore, when the Father spoke and said He would make man of our likeness — now, by telling you of this time, we should tell you of a time that shall be again. As your earth should change again, and as the earth shall change from north to south, from east to west, man must change with this time, for in this time he shall walk forward and have more spiritual vibrations to the body than ever before. And at this time he shall become closer into what is known as the God state, or the Christ state. At this time, those who do not change shall be no more. This is not a threat. This is something that shall happen upon your earth, and those who shall be prepared for this time shall survive. Those who are not prepared shall not survive, for their body, their soul, shall be no more; the spirit shall be dead and, therefore, there shall be no more entries.

During this time, and this time shall come about between the periods of 1900 — yes — no, this is wrong; one moment, please.

Yes, Father, yes, Father. Yes. Yes.

This period shall come about in the year, two thousand — no, the records show, 22–02 2 — yes, this is the records show. You shall have to wait, one moment, and permission must be given.

This you must realize, only our Father, and at His grace, shall disclose what stands in the times that stand for His great plan. And it shall be on earth and heaven and in the universe and universes. Therefore, this time shall be 2022. And at this time, your bodies must become accustomed to these things.

This shall begin in 1998 — and at this time has began before in your year of 1932. Your earth’s rotation shall change. It, your earth, shall gradually become closer to what is known as your sun. Therefore, the entries upon this earth must change with your earth to survive this time.

Therefore, we should tell you of the time before.

Before, these people were too greedy to change; therefore, many became mutates and other forms. Their bodies changes almost to the animal state. Their thinking changed back to the animal state. This you have record of — this is what you should call your cave man state. It has taken you thousands of years to develop from which this time came.

Now, we would say, if all is not in accord, destruction shall be again, and man shall revert back again into what he was before.

But as those who survived to Atlantis from this other time, and were capable of taking part of the knowledge to Atlantis — then as Atlantis was destroyed — this same knowledge, therefore, was transferred into three places. Therefore, the leaders at that time realized, rather than revert completely back into the mutate, or caveman state, they buried these secrets.

These secrets shall be known shortly into your world again, for as we have said before, all things shall be uncovered unto thee. Where there is no light, light shall flow. Where no water flows, water shall flow. Where desert and dry land dwell, mountains shall be. All things shall change upon your earth.

Very shortly, you shall have what you [would, will] call another earthquake in your Southern Pole area. As these earthquakes happen, a great melting of the same shall happen.

Did this earthquake happen? Yes. Polar News, 1970, reports: An earthquake was registered with a magnitude of 4.7 at the South Pole as a result of the Deception Island volcanic eruption. Aside from this, some vibrations have been measured by several stations; these may be earthquakes under the ocean. The island suffered severe volcanic eruptions in 1967, 1969 and 1970. The 1967–1970 activity involved a number of vents near the north shore of the caldera and two fissures above Pendulum Cove and on Mount Pond. Deception Island is an island in the South Shetland Islands archipelago; it is the caldera of an active volcano that probably resulted from the collapse of a large stratovolcano in pre-historic times, followed by flooding of the resulting crater. The perimeter of the caldera is defined by a circular fault zone which has recently been the site of renewed volcanic activity. (Wikipedia) Deception Island, in the South Shetland archipelago, is responsible for the largest known eruption in the Antarctic area. This horseshoe-shaped cauldron-like structure was produced more than 10,000 years ago by an explosive eruption that scattered more than 30km³ of molten rock. The result is an enclosed welcoming bay. (TheConversation.com) Deception Island is approximately circular with a diameter of about 12 km (7.5 mi). The centre of the island is a caldera that has been flooded by the sea to form a large bay. Deception Island exhibits some wildly varying microclimates. Some water temperatures reach 70 °C (158 °F). Near volcanic areas, the air can be as hot as 40 °C (104 °F). A popular tourist activity involves digging a small hole in the sand at the shore and bathing in the warm geothermally heated waters that fill it. Many areas in the caldera are off-limits to visitors, including the most recent eruptive vents. Photo by By Andrew Shiva / Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0.

In the Mediterranean area, the earth shall begin to rise from the sea.

Stromboli is a small island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, off the north coast of Sicily, containing one of the three active volcanoes in Italy. It is one of the eight Aeolian Islands, a volcanic arc north of Sicily. Stromboli has one of the most active volcanoes on Earth that has been erupting almost continuously since 1932. Yet it has been active for much of the last 2,000 years. The most recent major eruption was on April 13, 2009. Stromboli stands 926 m (3,034 ft) above sea level, and over 2,700 m (8,860 ft) on average above the sea floor. Like Mount Etna on the island of Sicily, Stromboli is a part of the Calabrian volcanic arc associated with the subduction of the African tectonic plate under the Eurasian plate. Stromboli is on the Eurasian plate. So as the tectonic plates collide, it seems that this earth might rise from the sea.

In what you now call your Florida area shall rise again from the sea. Others we shall tell you in a later reading.

The structure of the Florida platform, the foundation of which came from the African plate over 200 million years ago.

What is now known — proportions of the British Isles shall sink into the sea; other land shall rise. A bridge, a natural bridge shall rise from the ocean bed, and therefore, what is now known as the British Isles, and what shall be left of them, shall then become part of the continent of Europe. Other proportions of the upper proportions of Europe shall change as though in the twinkling of an eye.

The geological history of the British Isles suggests that Aka’s prophesy is likely. The British Isles are shown in relation to the north-west European continental shelf. The Isles lie at the juncture of several regions with past episodes of tectonic mountain building. These orogenic belts form a complex geology that records a huge and varied span of Earth’s history. Of particular note was the Caledonian Orogeny during the Ordovician Period, c. 488–444 Ma and early Silurian period, when the craton Baltica collided with the terrane Avalonia to form the mountains and hills in northern Britain and Ireland. Baltica formed roughly the northwestern half of Ireland and Scotland. Further collisions formed the hills of Munster, southwest England, and southern Wales. Over the last 500 million years the land that forms the islands has drifted northwest from around 30°S, crossing the equator around 370 million years ago to reach its present northern latitude. The islands have been shaped by numerous glaciations during the Quaternary Period. As the most recent ended, the central Irish Sea was deglaciated and the English Channel flooded, with sea levels rising to current levels some 4,000 to 5,000 years ago, leaving the British Isles in their current form. Great Britain and Ireland are the largest islands. The largest of the other islands are to be found in the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland to the north, Anglesey and the Isle of Man between Great Britain and Ireland, and the Channel Islands near the coast of France. The islands are at relatively low altitudes, with central Ireland and southern Great Britain particularly low lying. The Scottish Highlands in the northern part of Great Britain are mountainous, with Ben Nevis being the highest point on the islands at 1,343 m (4,406 ft). Other mountainous areas include Wales and parts of Ireland, however only seven peaks in these areas reach above 1,000 m (3,281 ft. (Wikipedia)

Your South American area, great upheavals shall come about. We should tell thee more of this at a different time….

One can see by the arrows in the Pacific pointing toward the blue subduction zone along the entire west coast of South America, that one tectonic plate is pushing against or under the other, making great upheavals. This subduction zone runs from Mexico to below the tip of South America, then meets where there are faults or tectonics plates converge or spread especially near the South Shetland archipelago in the Antarctic area. It looks like the oceanic spreading ridge from the mid-Atlantic continental shelf boundary is moving gradually toward the British Isles and Europe. The Atlantic plate is pushing toward the U.S., so Florida could rise from the sea. We can see from this map how in other areas land could rise from the sea too. In the Mediterranean on the northern border of Africa the continents converge, so land could push up in the Mediterranean as they do. One can see a long fault running right by or through Yuma, Arizona, while the land is moving toward the Pacific. It could be below the sea again. By Eric Gaba (Sting) — Background map: NGDC World Coast Line Data: Prof. Peter Bird’s map [Research earthquakes in South America]. Zoom in to read details in the legend

We should tell you at this time, we know of the many questions thy should have answered. If thy should ask at another time, we should answer these. But remember, we are here to prepare a way, and the time should grow short. The information that thy shall need for the preservation of God’s children shall be given to you. If these things are acted upon, none of your group of God’s children shall be harmed.

June 16, 1970: “You said earlier this evening that this valley will again be under the sea. Is there any danger to the people living in this valley in the near future?”

“Not at the present time; within the next ten years, yes, there is.”

“Will we be notified at the time?”

“Yes, the first warning shall come in the form of what thy would call an earthquake. At that time, this land as thy know it now shall start sinking. But still this will not — there will be many who will not consider it as a warning. And when the final blow if the Sword is struck, many shall die here.”

“They will have a warning though, first?”


“All right.”

“The first shall be so small that thy shall not even feel it. The second, thy will feel it only by looking at the water. The third, thy will feel it, for the ground shall shake all around thee, and some will die. The river shall change it course at this time, or attempt to, and man shall try to stop it. While they are trying, it shall happen again. That, for the warned shall heed our warning, should have left before then.”

July 11, 1970: “Now, we have told thee before of the coming of the great Sword — the Sword that would cut of two sides. Now the Sword shall strike, very soon. For this is all in God’s work. For those here and the other groups, there is no fear. Can thy understand this?”

“Yes, Aka.”

July 12, 1970: “Now we have very important information.

“First, we should tell you of your troubled time. There, as we have spoke before, there are many of other forces who would destroy this work if they can, for you must realize, when this work is finished they and all their kind shall be cast into the pit with Lucifer. Therefore, they would prolong their time as much as possible. Can you understand this?”

“Yes, Aka.”

“Now we see many problems in thy minds.

“First, soul Bartholomew, you ask, ‘In what way should we do this work?’ Then we should tell thee, we do not want to bring you from where your work or thy livelihood is, but rather, that we may be permitted to go with thee. And by going with thee, there thy shall do great work. And thy wife shall walk tall beside thee. Do not let doubts enter thy mind, for even as doubts have dwelt there, we shall destroy them, for these doubts are demons of Lucifer. Be not afraid — as we have said before that the material things needed for this work shall come as raindrops. Can thy understand from which we speak?”

“Yes, Aka.”

“Now, they ask, why would we see send thee to the dragon’s mouth? There are many there that need thy help. And through you and thy wife, we may enter, and by our entering, these souls shall be saved from the great Sword.

“Now thy ask, ‘What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?’ And we would say to you, the great Sword, first, is a battle of minions and spirit and soul for the minds of men, but therefore, by gaining their minds we gain their soul again, and by gaining their soul again, we gain their spirit. For, as we have said before that the spirits of God shall be as the pebbles of a brook, the spirits of man shall be as the pebbles of a river, but the souls of man shall be as the pebbles of an ocean. Therefore, we would say this to thee, there are more bodies than there are souls. There are more souls than there are spirits. For the spirit should know of God at all times. Can thy understand this?”

“Yes, Aka.”


“Yes, Aka,” [Bartholomew answered].

“Then, now we should explain again. Thy cannot destroy, it was not God’s intent. God did not give man the power to destroy anything. He may change its form only, and use it — for in the beginning God created man and beast, and the earth itself, and all things in the earth and above it, and all universes and all galaxies. For God created the heaven and earths and earths beyond earths. Can thy understand from which we speak?”

“Yes, Aka….”

“Therefore, there are many questions on thy minds at this time. We wish very much to answer all your questions, that thy may understand. But, at this time, there are other things that must come first; can thy understand this?”


“Now, in the next 10-year period, eruptions shall occur across the face of the earth, which shall be the other side of the Sword, the great Sword — for it has begun to cut and slice as we have said before. Now, as we have said before, for those who walk in God’s light, fear not, for God walks with thee. And remember, man may hurl stones at thy body or even kill it, but they cannot destroy thy spirit or thy soul. Can thy understand of which we speak?”


“Then, of what thy think, and as what has been told before, shall be not of the same. The earth shall rise and fall again. Where no water flows water shall flow. Where no land has been for many thousands of years, land shall appear again.

“Now we would tell you one other. Very soon entries of another world shall make themselves known upon your world. They shall not try — they will come peacefully to offer your world the gifts of love of theirs. This is all part , as we have said before, of God’s plan. That is why this work, the accepting of those who come from the heavens and those who emerge from the earth — you will be the ones who emerge from the earth, they will be the ones who emerge from the sky — at this time, the whole earth shall bow before Christ, for they shall know of Him — and there shall be the end of one karma and the entering of another — to save this world of yours that God loves, this work must go on. It is very important at this time that it reach every living soul on this earth. Can thy understand of which we speak?”

“Yes, Aka.”

“Nay, thy do not fully understand. But think upon it. And tonight as thy should sleep, think upon God and think upon us, and we should make ourselves known to all of thee.”

September 10, 1970: “And now we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. And the beast shall wear ten crowns, and these crowns, as thy should know them, shall be ten nations. And as we have said before, the name of the beast shall be six times sixty-six.” [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

“And we should tell thee that we are not great, that we are only messengers from our Father, and only as our Father should give us of this information, should we, in turn, be able to give it unto you. And of the Cherub, the Cherub shall be the seven angels which hover above thy earth on which our Father has given His power.

“Can you understand of which we speak?”

“I think so, Aka.”

“Then we should tell thee of a different time, in the time that a man named Jesus was crucified. And as he lay upon the cross, and as the spikes were drove in, there were two others. Now we would tell the of these two others. For our Father has said unto you, for the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, and as we have spoken unto one that he would take of them unto paradise with him.” [See Luke 13:30, 23:35–43 and John 19:33.]

“Now we would say, the last has been first, and now you have unto the second. Remember, our instrument was chosen then, and our Father’s plans was made then, for it has been written that He would send unto Earth two prophets before the coming of the seven angels.” [See The Revelation 11:3–13.]

“Now the angels wait above thy earth, and what has been written shall be.” [See The Revelation, chapters 14‑15.]

“Your earth shall change its form, for the great Sword shall strike upon it of both sides, for now is the battle of the minds of men.” [See The Revelation 19:5‑21.]

“Remember, your greatest work is to reunite all your religions unto one, and, by doing so, not to change a man’s faith, but so that thy and that man should respect each other’s religion and your worship of God in such as way that each of you may enter our Father’s many mansions in his own way. But your love for your fellow man shall be such that even though he enters our Father’s kingdom in a different way from yours, you should help him to enter. Therefore, you shall put him above the ladder, above yourself, and by doing so, you should climb tenfold.”

September 18, 1970: Ask your other questions.

“Aka, we have one more question here. Can you explain the U.F.O.s that the astronauts have seen in every trip into outer space?”

We have already answered your question once before in a previous reading.

September 25, 1970: Now, as we have said before, the messages that we bear come from our Father. Therefore, your spiritual enlightenment shall come from our Father. And you shall be made, as you would know it, into five.

Now you ask of us, what is meant by five? First, we would say unto you, you have of your body; second, of your soul; third, of your spirit; fourth, of your immortal body. Now, we should speak into you of a time unto which you shall come, as you would know it, unto liking of your Father, for did He not say unto you, “For these I shall make of myself.”

Therefore, remember, as this new spiritual enlightenment enters you, prepare yourselves. We have told you before, study all phases, of what you would think, of hypnosis. Conduct classes into thy group. This shall be part of your spiritual enlightenment.

Now, as we have said before, the onion seed has been planted in all proportions of your world.

Now, you have asked the question before, “At what time will the spirits from outer space enter into our world?” And we shall tell you that this time shall come as man becomes of five. Therefore, you shall be ready to accept these other beings, for they shall be of five.

Remember, there are many things you cannot hear or see, because you have limited yourself to these small senses. You have taken away from yourself, through time and destruction of your own bodies, many things, much knowledge.

Now, as we have said before, by your knowing of where you shall have been, you shall know into which thy shall be.

Now, as this spiritual light and development goes forward, your new world shall be born as a new heaven. And the heavens shall be, as Jesus said, “of yeast.” And think thy into thyself, yeast shall spread upon many stars and many galaxies in many worlds, and worlds beyond worlds. All these things shall come about unto you. But they shall come about in your time of your thousand years of peace, for no man at that time shall cast upon each other in warfare.

Now we shall tell thee of the material things, which shall be upon your earth at this time. Your thought messages shall travel for thousands of miles, even into, as you would think of it, outer space. The thought energy that you shall project shall lift objects way beyond your wildest imagination. The new food that you shall eat shall cure your death, for with spiritual enlightenment man shall overcome the need for death. And therefore, yours shall not be born again until the end of this thousand years and the creating of a new karma beyond this.

Now you ask unto us, “What shall take place between now and this time of a thousand years?” And we should tell unto you, first, of your famine; this man shall bring upon himself. The changing of your world, this is part of God’s plan, so that all man, of God’s people, of God’s children, shall become [all] one. Yet, you shall still remain as individuals, with individual thought, individual desire and individual need of food.

We do not mean that you shall all be, become as one, only your love for your Father shall be as one. This time shall come about as your religions realize that each person has the right to worship his Father in his own way. Our Father intended this; this is why we have said before, “of His many mansions….”

And now, our Father would say unto thee, our Father both blesses and loves of His children, and He would say unto you, remember, now is the time of the Cherub.

Aka said that they, the cherub and the God-of-one are all “of the same”. Some say the sphinx that stands before the Great Pyramid is also called the cherub. Aka, who spoke through Ray in trance (and “the sleeping prophet” Edgar Cayce) say that the records of history from the beginning of time until 1998 are within the pyramid. Then a new recording of history shall begin again. In 1971, Aka told of the time, 1998, and said that this would be spared by two years. (See parts of the February 20, 1971, message below.) From 1973 until Ray’s death in 2000, Aka told us through Ray that it hadn’t been decided yet which way the world will go.

December 28, 1970: “Aka, soul Ray has asked, ‘To what benefit to mankind can the knowledge from the Great Pyramid be used, and in what way?’”

You shall find, as we have spoke before of the cosmic magnetic rays upon your earth, the devices made of the same shall be made as projectors in traveling in outer space, for in these type and shape instruments should be the entrapment of these rays. You shall find that within time, all substance, organic matter, may be regenerated with substance and usage of the same. You may find that these same substances may power all of thy earth’s mechanical instruments, because of the utmost power of the universe lies within.

For the present time, you will find that great healing value in the construction of the same, for within these substance[s] are the secrets of the axis and the turning and the proportion and the propulsion of your earth.

You shall find that within this great building is complete recorded archaeology history from the beginning of time until your year 1998, when a new recording history shall begin again.

You shall find that, of the growths of organic manner, of new foods may be grown, used in the proper manner.

There are many, many other knowledges of the same, which we would suggest that you ask at a different time, for soul Ray grows weak. But before we should depart, we should say of your question, now you shall see the great bird take flight from the pyramid.

February 19, 1971: “Thank you, Aka. Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening?”

One moment, please. Yes, now, that is better; all is in accord.

Now, as we have said before, the spirits of our Father hover above your earth.

We have told you before of the isles of California. We have told you before of the great tidal waves that shall come. We have told you before, that that has been buried shall be uncovered. Where no light has shone, light shall shine again. [See the article, “The Big One and the Valley below the Sea” here, at medium.com/@universalphilos.]

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, and the beast from within. And even though thy should cut the Beast’s head, it shall heal its head from one of a greater. And then shall come the time that the ten nations that stood beside it shall join together in slaying the Beast forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 13–18.]

As we have said before, we are not great. Our power comes from our Father.

We have told you before, [prepare] thyself for the famine. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Father’s hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. And in separating them, still, as during the time of Abraham, He should look within them, and if He should find good among them, He shall spare them; if not, the same shall happen unto them as happened unto Lot’s wife. [See Genesis 18:16–33, 19:1–29.]

We have told you of many things that shall come. We have told you that Atlantis shall rise again and fall again. Man, as you have known him, has dwelt upon your earth for millions of years. Our intention is not to destroy your earth, but to reshape it, that peace may dwell upon it.

We have told you before that very soon you should hear words from what you call as outer space, from other worlds, much like your own, only farther advanced than your own. It is our Father’s plan that before your influence may dwell beyond your own planetary system, your thousand years of peace shall dwell; and they shall dwell as He should count, not as you should count.

Editor’s note: In October 1971, Silesian-born electronics engineer L. George Lawrence, came with his field assistant into Oak Grove Park, and recorded extraterrestrial communication. Lawrence sent a copy of his October 1971 tape, together with a seven page report, to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. It reads: An apparent train of interstellar communication signals of unknown origin and destination has been observed. Since interception was made by biological sensors, a biological type signal transmission must be assumed….”

Aka continued: We should also tell you, within one month’s time you shall feel new eruptions very close to you, for in the heart of the earth now dwells and smolders and is ready to erupt into what you would know as volcanic action. One shall be in what is known as part of New Mexico region. This region shall be very close into what thy know at this time as Taos, New Mexico. Your next eruption shall be in what is known as Flagstaff, Arizona. These shall divide; these shall divide, and therefore, be the parting line, and hold back the eruptions from our Father’s people.

SP Crater, in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, Arizona, is an excellent example of a cinder cone and associated lava flow. This flow extends 4 miles (6.4 km) from the cone and is only about 100 feet (30 m) thick. Almost all hills and mountains between Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon are geologically young, but extinct volcanoes of the San Francisco Volcanic Field. Without the volcanoes, this region would be a flat, arid plateau. Instead, the area includes both Arizona’s highest mountain — San Francisco Mountain, with peaks rising to 12,633 feet — and the State’s youngest volcano — Sunset Crater, which erupted less than 1,000 years ago and has been a National Monument since 1930. Why does Northern Arizona have so many geologically young volcanoes? Most volcanoes are located near boundaries of the Earth’s tectonic plates, but Arizona is well within the interior of the North American Plate. Some geologists suggest that there is a site of localized melting, or “hot spot,” fixed deep within the Earth’s mantle beneath northern Arizona. As the North American Plate moves slowly westward over this stationary source of molten rock (magma), eruptions produce volcanoes that are strung out progressively eastward. February 9, 1971, a 6.6 magnitude earthquake centered in San Fernando, California, was felt throughout southern California and into western Arizona and southern Nevada. On August 31, 1971 seismic gear detected minor quakes at Sunset Crater Park, Arizona. Earthquakes tend to reoccur along faults, which reflect zones of weakness in the earth’s crust. And although “there’s no history of earthquakes here, that doesn’t mean they haven’t occurred,” Magee noted, since a fault line runs right through Sunset Crater.

Now, we should say unto thee, we have given thee these warnings.

We have asked that thy form of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and groups of Thirteen, and Thirteen, and Thirteen beyond. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1–41.]

We have told you before that thy time should grow short.

We have told you before that thy would throw stones at each other. We have told you, let us stand before you and to cast thy first stone at us.

Now we should tell you of this. We have mended, guarded, and taken care of this one known as soul Ray. But we cannot re-create; it is not our Father’s intention. Our instrument was chosen to come among you. We did not choose that that was great in the man’s eyes. We chose one who had risen high in man’s eyes and fallen, as thy would know, to the bottom of the pit, that he should know humility, that he should know forgiveness. Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

Then we would say unto you, your work has just begun. Join together as one; build on your earth God’s mighty army of minds. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

But do not destroy nothing as thy build, only build upon what is there. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Bring him here to us that we may speak unto him.

As we have told thee before, and thy have not listened and heeded unto our Father’s words, if thy brother should offend thee, go to thy brother. But be prepared to forgive yourself, that he may forgive you. Do not hide your feelings, for remember, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Cast God’s spirit into the brook. Let it flow to your rivers, and from there to your oceans, and into the many lands. Let it flow to the leaders of your nations.

Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. We should say one more word; add this to your name. Place the word of Association before your name. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another.

Work together. Listen to each other.

If thy have doubts, come unto us. If we are permitted, all thy questions shall be answered. But remember, only with permission from our Father may we violate unto another soul, and these cases must be of the most important of all before thy ask. We know at this time thy cannot understand of the words we speak.

February 20, 1971: Now we would say unto thee — of this one we called thy instrument, for as three have passed before thee, and as we have said before, “the last shall be first, and the first shall be last;” you have asked this question, “What shall happen to our earth?”

Then we say unto thee, that now thy have the last before the first.

Upon the death, as you would know it, of our instrument, until the coming of the Messiah, we shall leave unto thee the spirit. And the spirit shall dwell within the disciples of this work. And this Our Lord, Our Father, has so commanded….

There shall be many eruptions upon your earth, for every rock upon your earth shall be changed, as the descendants of Abraham were changed. [See Matthew 24:1–3.]

Historical note: The name for the Hebrew was changed, from “ibu” or wanders, to those whom God chose as His people through His covenant with Abraham. When prophets traveling to settlements to teach the worship of their God found large stones (altars, holocausts) erected to other gods, they angrily threw the stones down, showing the meaning of the Commandment, “There shall be no other gods before Me.”

If this work does not succeed upon your earth, then upon our instrument’s death you shall have the darkness that arose upon his death and the death of the one known as Jesus Christ. [Note: See Luke 23:35–47.]

For you have thought in thy mind of the one known as soul Cayce; therefore, he was our instrument. This one [Ray Elkins] is our instrument.

And as there were three, and as there were three hours of darkness then, if this work through his disciples does not succeed, we shall give your earth three hundred years of darkness. We shall give your earth a time of barbarian, of killing — of all things.

For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

Now we give unto you this time — in the year of 1998. Then we shall spare thee by two years. If all is not in completion for the arrival of the Messiah upon your earth, and peace, the wrath of the Lord into His seven angels shall spill forth.

Editor’s note: Ray’s death was spared until two years after 1998. He died on October 5, 2000, during the Jewish holy Days of Awe (or Repentence) when we are asked to look within ourselves and ask our Father for forgiveness. This time lies between Rosh Hashanah (the new year or new beginning) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement or Judgement Day) when people hope their names will be written in the Book of Life.

On December 26, 2004, a student of Aka heard a message in spirit (before the news reported it) at the time the tsunami was flooding the shores of Indonesia. A voice in spirit spoke these words that were heard from God: “As in the days of Noah.” A research of scriptures about its meaning reveals, Jesus first spoke those words in Matthew 24:37. He foretold it is be a sign of what will happen before he returns.

And then, 13 years after 1998, again this student, John, heard another message in spirit. In mid-February 2011, as President Mubarak of Egypt stepped down and the Arab Spring began, this was spoken: “Our Lord will no longer hold back that that is to happen.”

Aka continues: There shall be many messages.

For those, we should say unto now, who are prepared to give into their lives unto the Lord, do so.

For those who should not who we have brought forth into commandment, then we should wipe from thy mind all that has transpired, that you may go forth as sheep upon your earth. But remember, you must live again, these sheep. What you do unto this day forth, records shall be kept. If thy throw stones, stones shall be cast back. All that we have given unto you, we should take back. For as the Lamb has said before, ‘Go unto this house and give blessing. If you are rejected, take back your blessing….’

Now thy ask, “Into which way does the science of astrology and numerology affect the people of your earth?”

In the beginning, our Father gave forth knowledge into those He would create. He gave forth this knowledge; much of it has been misinterpreted. Within time, we shall teach thee the truths of this science. It shall help thee in thy study and thy understanding of man. We shall give forth, through this instrument, the knowledge of the science, as thy would know it, as hypnosis. But in fulfillment, it shall be known as soul travel.

We shall give forth into thy hands healing unto others. We shall give forth into thy hands power unknown to any of you at this time….

Before your other questions we should say these words, a new eruption shall come about. You are feeling the beginning of this time. In soul Rays mind, the day of the 26th of this month has been very important. I think thy should now know and have felt why.

Two days after these words were spoken, this happened: Explosive eruption on 22 February builds island Kuwae is a submarine caldera between the Epi and Tongoa islands in Vanuatu. The submarine volcano Karua, one of the most active volcanoes of Vanuatu, is near the northern rim of Kuwae Caldera. Climatic consequences of 1452–1453 event: The Kuwae eruption has been linked with the second pulse of the Little Ice Age, which had started two centuries earlier with a series of four unidentified eruptions. Was this what Ray was feeling? A man wrote this report of island visit 10 days afterward: “On 22 February 1971, at about 0800, a known area of crustal instability began to erupt [at Karua], giving off clouds of steam and shooting black masses of cinder, ash, and pre-solidified crust up to 600 feet into the air. The activity intensified during the day with increasingly frequent explosions and clouds of dust being formed. At the height of the activity the eruption covered an area over one mile in diameter. Accompanying the volcanic explosions was tremendous thunder and lightning, precipitated by the intense heat of the eruption which led to condensation and great atmospheric instability. Then, very suddenly, at about 1800, the activity died away. “Ten days after the eruption, I went to the newly-formed land mass and found an almost moon-like terrain. The islet was flat with large boulders strewn about the surface. A few hot water pools were in evidence and there was a distinct smell of sulphur in the air. Underfoot the ground was still warm and when kicked smoke appeared from the ash and cinders of which the island was composed. On one side the sea was shallow for some distance but too hot to touch. This is the actual crater and the nucleus of all the activity. I estimate the island to be over half a mile wide and in the opinion of local pilots is easily large enough to land a light plane upon.” (Information Contact: Richard J. Ellis, Lakatoro, New Hebrides.)

Take care of thy seeds. Take care of thy seed that thy should plant in the ground and in the womb of a woman, that it may grow and become one of God’s people, for the souls that shall enter shall become part of God’s great army of your earth. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Ask your other questions….

“Aka, soul Ray had one more question in his mind in reference to the tombs and the records buried in Cairo, under the city of Cairo. He asks if you can give us any information as to the entrance or passageway which [was made], and the location, which has been covered for so long?”

Through the first passageway into the Great Pyramid, which was blocked, as thy know, with a great granite plug, down through the narrow passageway, should lead 100, as you would know it, pyramid feet beneath the base of the Great Pyramid. At the time of the building, a plug of granite was placed at the entrance, and therefore, water pumped over this entrance. And as thy should know of the pyramid in itself and its function, therefore, you should know that moisture should gather within, and go into this pit. If this water were pumped from this pit and tunneled around the granite plug which was carved at this time, as you would know, into sandstone, behind this thy shall find a sandstone debris. After this is removed, thy shall travel approximately two miles. Again thy shall find a granite plug. Tunnel around this plug, and this time thy shall find sand. It will appear that there is no other way. Remove this sand, and go on. The sand shall be one-half mile in dimension. There again thy shall find a plug. Travel then again through the passageway, and there you shall find another granite plug. This plug shall come in four parts. After all of these have been removed you will be at this time into the Tomb of Time. From there are six passageways. And through the bottom is the seventh. Open this passageway and there shall be the records which we have spoke of.

April 30, 1971: “But we say unto thee, now is the time to make the preparations to store thy water, for thy needs shall be soon. Now is the time to store thy food, for thy needs shall be soon. Now is the time to store of the seeds of all plants. Can thy understand of which we speak?”


“For, as we have spoke before, the time is near, for the Sword of our Lord, which shineth above all, shall strike soon, the Sword that cuts two ways. Where it was wet, it shall be dry. A coldness shall come upon the earth, and a darkness, and not a pebble upon your land shall be left unturned.”

Aka spoke to a woman, May 7, 1971, who planned to make a trip with her husband after his retirement: “ We should say unto thee, thy should make a trip soon. We should suggest that thy should not do this. In the area that thy should travel should be dangerous unto thyself and thy descendants. For we have given the warnings before, for now is the time of the Cherub, for the Sword of our Father has struck thy Earth, and soon again, very soon, your Earth shall be struck again.”

May 28, 1971: “And now, as before, we should tell thee of this time, and they who should walk through the valley of our Lord, and so sayeth the Lord, that ‘I SHOULD SEND SEVEN ANGELS INTO THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF YOUR EARTH to dwell there and give guidance,’ and ‘blessed is those who should walk by the side of the Lord.’

“But now, the Lamb sayeth into thee, ‘What for art thou who has deserted me? What for art thou who should in his own words denyeth the Lord and the spirit unto which we have left upon your earth?’

“For, as we have said before, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. So, as our Father has commanded, you have had the last, and now thy should have unto thee the first.

“For those who should say unto the Lord, as into the time of Abraham, ‘Oh, Lord, why have Thy asked to [lose, use] me upon this earth? Why have Thy asked to desert me upon this earth?’


“And thy say unto the Lord, ‘Why have Thy forsaken our churches? Why doest Thee among us turn away?’

“And the Lord sayeth unto thee, as in the time of Isaiah, ‘ALL THINGS UPON THY EARTH MUST CHANGE.’ Man must change, and the earth must change, for as we should plant into your earth the seed to grow, and the seed should grow of good fruit, yet bear bad fruit, pick from this tree the bad fruit and cast it into the pit. Pick from this good fruit and lay it away for seed to grow again upon your earth. And as each year should pass, and the new fruit should bear fruit again, your earth should be fruitful in the eyes of the Lord.

“But nay, thy have not done unto us the same. Thy have planted again unto thy earth of the bad fruit.

“And now, we say unto you of this time, your half-times have ended, and now shall be the full time of the Lord, for the Lord should send unto your earth those who should pick of the fruit. And of the bad fruit, He should cast into the pit of nothingness. And of the good fruit, He should plant again in the orchard of your new Messiah.

“And we say unto these of the churches of your earth, prepare thee the way for the Messiah. Prepare thee a way that our Lord should fill His many mansions with His children again.


“For upon your earth, the rivers shall flow again in this time.

“For those who would walk away from the Lord, we should say unto thee, the time of the great Sword is here — now. Where water flowed, no water shall flow again of this time. Prepare thy earth for the time of the drought. Plant of the seed that should grow upon your earth. Put away thy harvest, thy harvest of knowledge, thy harvest of fruits. For upon your earth our Lord has promised unto thee a new earth and a new heaven — and as our Lord is always truthful, and as our Lord should say, as in the time of Abraham and in the time of the king of Peace, as thy would know, in the time of Salem, for as Abraham had no one to give true tribute to, he did give unto this, this king of Salem, one-tenth and one-tenth into all the souls. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Nay, not fully, but thy shall, for in thy hearts new fields shall be harvested and new tongues shall be spoken.”

June 25, 1971: “We should tell thee again that now is the time of the Cherub, and as the time of the time of the Cherub, now is the time of the great Sword.” [See Genesis 3:24 and The Revelation 5:1–7, 19:1–16, and 22:12–17.]

“And we should tell thee that as thy plant the seed, so should it grow. For thy should plant of the seed to ferment. And we should say unto thee these words. From the tip of Siberia through the Alaskans, through what is known as Washington and Oregon, through California, and through the [partially] tip of your Arizonans, onward and through portions of South America, this seed thy have planted — and as we have said before that the proportion of the northern part of Europe — for man shall lay waste unto his land. Then we say unto thee, store thy knowledge, for the power has been given unto the Fourth Angel of our Lord. But beware of the Seventh.” [See The Revelation, chapters 7–11.]

“And we say unto thee again of these words, do not misinterpret our words. Do not take away from these words of our Lord nor add to. And for those who should do of this, then they shall feel the woes of our Lord. For, as a scorpion should bite of the body, but yet not kill, their bodies shall be in agony for two-and-one-half of your years. And as our Lord has said before, those that should spray of the [abominable] fluid upon the earth, they shall be done unto themselves.

“Thy have many questions, ask.”

“Yes, Aka. I don’t understand what you are saying will happen in Washington and Oregon, and down through California. Are you referring to the earthquakes?”

“For we shall say unto thee, the Lord gave unto this of mankind a pure earth, of pure air, of pure water, and as man has polluted unto the same, then this proportion of mankind should die in a polluted land. The earthquakes shall only add to, for they shall carry the pollution. But they shall also break away from your earth that part that is polluted, and it shall be cleansed by the ocean.”

July 17, 1971: “And now, as we have said before, in the time of Atlantis, the Lord came into Noah, and did say unto [he], ‘Build thee an ark, and take those of those of thy own, who have held in their memory God, their creator, and go thee unto a new land.’

“And they made preparations for the ship they were to travel in.

“He did say unto them, ‘Go forward, and not backward,’ as He did say unto the people of your time, of your plane. Remember of these words, for as He spoke unto the people of Israel words that they could understand, and now He speaks unto you words that you can understand. Then we say unto thee, go forward; go forward into this new time.

“But do not bury thy knowledge. Do not bury it, so that in a different world people will seek backward into time to try to find this knowledge to bring it into light. For knowledge is not a sin, for God placed all things on thy earth to be used by man. Did He not make man the master of this earth of yours? Did He not give man the universes upon universes? For as He created man of His kind, of His likeness, and He did create he and she, one never to be greater than the other — for remember, be a pupil first and then a teacher, and thy shall grow into that likeness of our Lord, and of that kind, of our Lord. But thy cannot do this by burying thy heads in the sand. [See Genesis 1:26–31.]

“If thy grow a tree, and it grows good in the firment of your soil, and as thy harvest the tree thy take of its best fruit, and therefore, seed, year by year, these thy should plant again shall grow into a better fruit. And man should be of the same, for all this is in God’s plan for man.

“And did He not promise unto thee a new heaven and a new earth? All these things should come.” [See The Revelation 21:1–8.]

“But as we have said before, if thy right eye should offend thee, cast it aside.” [See Mark 9:43–50.]

“But then, do not go backward to pick it up and use it again. Leave it there. Walk away from this, and go forward. This should be done with thy knowledge also. Benefit by what has happened in the past. This is why we have given unto thee the knowledge, thy would call, in thy life readings. This is why we have given unto thee the knowledge of your past civilizations.

“And of your question upon Atlantis, we should say unto thee, within time Atlantis shall rise again beneath the sea and the ice, for Atlantis was in your northern hemisphere. And as the axis of the earth turned, these people fled unto a land much liking to their own.

“And as God gave man the earth to ferment and plant his seed upon, and therefore, to replenish the earth, so He did in this time. For all things that have been before shall be again. For remember, we are not great. We are here for one purpose, that purpose is to prepare a way that God’s children may return back to their many mansions. And for this to be done, we must prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

“There are many things thy do not understand. Be not afraid to ask, and this knowledge shall be given unto thee….

“Now is the time of the Cherub. Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. Where no water flowed, water shall flow; where it was dry, it shall be wet again. What was hidden shall be lighted; what was buried shall be unburied.”

July 23, 1971: “And as thy enter into the time of the Fourth Angel, then we should say unto you these words. We have given unto you this work to carry from the brook to the rivers, and out into the oceans of time, that it may be carried to the many lands….” [See The Revelation 6:7–17 and chapter 7.]

“But there are others in the isles of California who should serve unto the Lord’s work. And as in the time of Abraham, show us but one soul, and we should spare of the many.

“But we say unto thee, there is many there who should work of the psychic, and they have not heeded our words. Then we say unto thee, that the stone that was thrown into the brook should pass into the rivers and to your oceans, and as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned. Then bring these forth unto us. Can you understand of which we speak?”


“Then we would say unto thee, bring unto us one soul, that the work of our Father may be implanted, that those souls who dwell in these isles may be given these words, and therefore, be prepared for the coming of the Messiah, but therefore, to be prepared for that day unto which the Seventh Angel shall drop his mighty sword upon your earth. If this is done, then our Lord shall spare many, for they must wash their clothes in the Lamb’s blood, for they must make their body and souls cleansed and purified in the light of the Lord.” [See The Revelation, chapters 8–11, 14–22.]

“Can you understand of which we speak?


September 5, 1971, Aka answered one: “ We see thy need. And remember, what has been covered shall be uncovered. Where no light shone, light should shine. For now is also the time of the great Sword which cuts two ways, both of the land and the masses. And of this other side, should cut away the decay of the souls upon thy earth. So fear not what others should think; go forward in thy duty.”

October 1, 1971: “But remember also, now is the time of the Cherub. And remember, we are here to prepare the way. But remember also, now is also the time of the great Sword, the sword that should cut two ways.” [See Genesis 3:22–24 and The Revelation 19:11–16.]

October 8, 1971: “And the Lord, God, sayeth to thee these words, “Hark, for in My name I should give forth a new coveth, [covenant] and therefore, for the children of God.”

“And we should say in these words. Give not of blasphemy to those who should sanctify the old coveth, and give not of blasphemy who should sanctify those things that man should believe, for remember, thy have lived before. And the Lord did giveth of these things that man should evolve forward into this time. But remember, as we should say unto thee these words, your Lord has given of thee this time before. Therefore, the words we should say are for the wise to listen, and for the wise to speak.

“Therefore, hark. For as David has passed before thee, and as David has walked upon thy earth and done the bidding, therefore, of his Lord, and as David, therefore, passed into your time and bare his own karma, so should the children of this plane, therefore, bear witness into these words.

“For as it has been said before, in the old coveth it did say unto these words; let not a man, therefore, be with a maiden unless he go unto the father of the same and bear permission for marriage. And of the second coveth it did say unto these words, that if so a man should look on a woman with lust, therefore, he bare forth his karma. And now we should say unto thee these words; let not a man or a woman look upon another without love in their hearts or they should bare forth their karma.

“If a man should take of thee to borrow of the same, if he should come to thee in need, then give unto him with gladness. But after he has taken of the same, and therefore, bares hatred for his own shame in his own heart, then take back that that thy have given unto him.

“And we should say unto thee these words. Bear not upon thy brother false witness. And we should say, bear not upon thy sister of false witness. For that that has been done to thee shall be done with thee. For that that man should bear forth, his fruit, good or bad, all fruits he should carry with him. Therefore, that thy burden should be light and sweet and that thy yoke should only [bare] good fruit, plant there of good fruit of the same.

“And therefore, we say unto these words. Hark, for our Father should speak unto thee.

“For as the Book is given unto thy hands, the Book that should bear wings, “For now is the time of the Cherub,” therefore, place the Cherub upon the front and the back of the book; place the sign of the ankh upon the front and the back of the book — and therefore, place before thine eyes the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways.” [See Genesis 3:22–24 and The Revelation, chapter 19.]

On October 29, 1971, Aka answered this question Ray asked: ‘What will be the effect of the proposed Amchitka Island atomic test?’”

Yes, we see this. And as we have said before, those things that man places in the earth and in the sea shall come from the earth and come from the sea, and therefore, strike mankind.

Amchitka is a volcanic, tectonically unstable island in the Aleutian Islands in southwest Alaska. It is part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. The island is about 68 kilometers (42 mi) long, and from 3 to 6 km (1.9 to 3.7 mi) wide. Amchitka was selected by the United States Atomic Energy Commission to be the site for underground detonations of nuclear weapons. Three such tests were carried out: Long Shot, an 80-kiloton (330 TJ) blast in 1965; Milrow, a 1-megaton (4.2 PJ) blast in 1969; and Cannikin in 1971 — at 5 Mt (21 PJ), the largest underground test ever conducted by the United States. The tests were highly controversial, with environmental groups fearing that the Cannikin explosion, in particular, would cause severe earthquakes and tsunamis. Amchitka is no longer used for nuclear testing. It is still monitored for the leakage of radioactive materials. (Wikipedia)

Therefore, we should say, from the tip of the Alaskans to the southernmost tip of thy earth, into the Mexicans and proportions of South America, these things will come gradual, across the northern proportions of Europe. All this shall be as it was before, because mankind has not learned what to do with its knowledge.

The shifting of the earth, of the eruptions of the same, shall cause the melting of both of your north polar region and your southern polar region. Water shall appear, therefore, where they have not flown before. And as we have said before, where no water flowed, water shall flow.

Thy have other questions, ask — but remember, now is the time of the great Sword that cuts two ways. One shall cut of mind and body; the other shall cut land and [ice, life]. But remember, now is also the time of the Cherub. And, the Fifth Angel dwells upon thy earth. [See Genesis 2:10–19, 3:22–24 and The Revelation chapters 1 and 4–7.]

A researcher at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory said there has been a “dramatic shift” since 2000 the way the earth spins, attributing it to climate change. Greenland and Antarctica combined are losing more than 400 billion tons of ice per year and smaller glaciers around the world are also losing mass, contributing to the shift. Before 2000, Earth’s spin axis was drifting toward Canada. Ice loss in Greenland, Antarctica and elsewhere is pulling the direction of drift eastward. (NASA / Wikimedia Commons)


February 11, 1972: “Aka, you have spoken of the Fifth Angel upon our earth. Are you speaking of the Fifth Angel as spoken of in Revelation, and what does this angel symbolize?”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, your books of your Bible, both of the old and the new, are the records of very psychic people, those chosen to receive the words of God. But as they have been handed down from generation to generation, they have been added to and taken from.

Your book of Revelations, this should make the second happening of the same. For once before, there stood a nation much like your own. At that time it was called the Roman Empire. And as it did fare before mankind, in the same manner, so should your own.

And the Fifth Angel unto which we speak should be of great disease, should be the opposite side of the great Sword, that which cuts land and masses, that which cuts into the souls and spirits of man, and therefore, changes them. All things that have been before shall be again. As Atlantis rose and so it fell beneath your seas, so it should be again. [See The Revelation 6:7–11.]

But we warn thee, the time shall come, as has been promised, of a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But it shall not come before the great destruction comes upon your earth. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

In our kind, we have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

March 3, 1972, the spiritual messengers of God said: Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say unto thee in these words. Thy have asked before, from whence we came? And we shall say unto thee in this manner. As soul Ray was reborn, and in this manner, so were we, for as has been said before, soul Ray is I and I is he. For as he prayed into his Lord for death, and this was given, but as he looked back upon his body, and looked into our Lord’s eyes and knew that with the gift that was given he should return and give it unto others, but he had to give it in this manner, with love, with compassion at all times. This word you use so often, yet know so little about, this small word of yours, love, you cannot give it unless it is done freely. For, in giving this, each step that thy take thy grow closer unto our Father. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. But the day shall come that thy shall. And we speak these words not only unto the disciples that we have named, for we name you all disciples before God.

But remember these words, we shall allow nothing or no one from either side of the curtain to interfere with this work, for it is far too important. We have given unto thee, as our Father has done unto all mankind, free choice. But we also have given unto thy keeping a prophet, a man who should stand before God, as he stands before you….

Each time, Ray walked up a stairway to stand with God. As he reached the last step, the spiritual messengers of God would come down the same way he had come, and enter into his unconscious body to speak.

Thy have asked in your minds, “What are these who speak to us?” And we shall answer in this manner. For those of the spirits who should enter and become one, and therefore, become your Messiah and ours, have asked into our Lord to send those who stood beside them before, to prepare a way. [See John 13:20, 14:15–21, 16:6–15, and 17:17–26, Matthew 17:1–13 and Luke 9:28–36.]

And we chose this one thy call thy prophet to [walk], work through, as once before in the one thy know as John the Baptist. [See John 1:6–34.]

Give praise unto thy Lord, thy God, and our Lord, your Father, your God shall give praise unto His children, and they shall become mighty both in heaven and earth. But remember, no man shall know of heaven that does not know of earth, and no man shall know of earth that does not know of heaven. [See John 1:6–34.]

But we say, hark, unto thee. Why should you believe the words we speak of your earthly things and not believe these things we speak unto thee of heaven, as thy would call it?

And they say, you say unto us, “What are these who speak in this manner? Are they angels? Are they archangels?” And we should say unto thee, these are words of your own. But we should answer in this manner. We stand in pure light before our Father and you. We have found it necessary to speak in your tongue, of your language. But go forward; bear this yoke of love, and our Father shall reward into each of thee in thy own way.

April 14, 1972: “But mark these words — for those who have been chosen to walk in the light of God and minister in the same manner, walk as a man and a woman of God. Be as a mirror into the same. For as we have said unto thee, for those who should see us should see of our Father, and thine should be likewise in the same manner. Do not step backwards.

“And now, we should tell thee of a time soon to come, this of your calendar of May the 2nd, of your year.” [Editor’s note: the first Annual Meeting was held May 10, 1972.]

“And as we have said before, the Fifth Angel stands upon thy earth. He no longer slumbers, but he holds in his hand the mighty Sword of God, that that should divide the people and the earth. And as we have said before — where no water flowed, water shall flow again. Where water flew, it shall not, for your earth shall now start its change.

“And pray unto the Lord that it comes in your summer months.” [See The Revelation, chapters 5–7, 14 and 19, Mark 13:1–4 and Mark 13:14–37.]

April 21, 1972: “And we say hark into thee. For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests no longer upon thy earth, for now is the time of the great Sword that should cut of land and masses.

“And we shall say once again that your earth is slowly changing upon its own axis. But your earth is sliding with this change. It has done this many times before. But this time it should be done with purpose, that mankind may hear and heed the words of God.

“Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. But yet, you go onward with your wars and your killing. And we say unto thee, our Father does not seek the blood of the Lamb, but gave it to you that thy may see for thyselves in the resurrection of your own. Yet you took this and misinterpreted these words, and misinterpreted the deed within itself.

“And now, as we have said before, your earth, this planet of yours, shall show that it has karma too. For earthquakes should come within your land. The earth should heave and give forth unto new life. And the temple of God that is in within man shall shine forth, and come again.

“And thy ask unto thyselves, ‘Why do they talk in riddles?’ [Yet] we have given unto thee many words. We have given unto thee many lessons to pass forth upon the people of the land. We do not come to you alone. We have chosen you first to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. But first you must prepare the way within yourselves….”

“Now is the time of the Cherub. Earthquakes shall come upon your earth. Fear these not, for the children of God shall walk with God and give guidance unto the children of man.”

May 19, 1972: “As we have said before, the Fifth Angel sets before thee. The strong shall stand, and the children of God shall walk forward and prepare the way. The weak shall fall. Help them to stand, but do not become a crutch for the same. As we have said, from your May 2nd, great pressures are upon your earth from your planetary system. These within the same shall cause the same pressures within man. Tempers shall become short. Death shall come unto many. Your earth shall erupt in many places. Fear not this. That that man has placed in the sea shall come forth to sting him and torment him. We have said before, now is the time of the great Sword. Where no water flowed water shall flow. Where mountains rose they shall be no more.

“These times of trial shall continue into your year of 1999. Wars and rumors of war shall rage upon your earth. But for the children of God, we shall walk before thee and prepare the way. Thy thyselves must prepare the way within thyselves. There shall be many who should shout angrily at thy. Forgive of these, for they know not what they do.

“But we have said in this manner, thy are thy brother’s keeper. Take each morning with love, and end it with love. And in this manner love shall blossom forth upon your earth. And therefore, as has been promised, your thousand years of peace shall come. But they shall come as our Father counts, not as you. And each day shall be as a thousand years upon your earth.

“Within your Government great scandal shall come forth. And your Government shall shake and prepare to fall, but it shall not. For from it shall grow a better, more Godly government than exists at your present time.

“But remember, let none of the children of God strike with their hand or their mouth to another. For as the spirits of God shall flow as a brook, as the souls and the spirits shall flow as the rivers, and as the soul of man shall flow to the oceans and to the many lands, so shall these words that we have given unto thy keeping.”

June 23, 1972: “Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

“For we have spoke before of the Fifth Angel upon thy earth. And as we have spoken unto thee of this great Sword, the mighty Sword that cuts two ways, therefore, we should speak again of these things. And we should say unto thee, where no water flowed, water shall flow, that the clouds shall open unto abundance of the same. And this, in itself, shall be the first sign, for as he walks upon your earth, that that thy have built shall be destroyed, that that thy have placed within the ocean shall rise and poison man.

“Yea, yea, we say unto thee these words. For those who have been written in the beginning, their names shall be taken a poll unto the same, And our Lord, God, should give unto them guidance and peace of mind, and the gift of life shall be given unto those.

“But for those who should walk away and turn their backs unto God, and should serve unto Lucifer, they shall be cast aside.” [See The Revelation, chapters 6 and 20.]

“For as we have said before, we shall walk before thee, and therefore, the might of the Lord shall be present within thee. Therefore, give unto the Lord that that is due unto Him. Give unto your fellow man that that is due unto him. But give unto yourself also that that is due unto you.

“And we should say in this manner, proportions of your Earth shall now start to change. In some areas they shall come as a rapid thing. We have given warnings before, and thy have not listened unto our words. For what was unclean shall be made clean again, for now is the time that the preparations shall be made for the coming of the Messiah.

“For those who should walk in the light of God, no harm shall come unto those.”

June 30, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, that is of a before time, when the Earth slowed in its axis, as we have told you before. And as the time that the Earth and your time stood still — and your Earth is now again reaching its same position, for as we have said before, not one stone upon your Earth shall be left unturned.

How will the Earth look when it slows on it axis? This is one of a series of photographs of the eclipse of the Sun which was taken from the Apollo 12 spacecraft during its trans-earth journey home from the Moon. This view was created when the Earth moved directly between the Sun and the Apollo 12 spacecraft.

But we say unto thee, beware, for the Fifth Angel walks upon thy Earth.

But for the children of God, thy have nothing to fear, for we shall walk before thee and prepare a way. We have come unto thee but for one purpose and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have given unto thee the keeping of the date and time. And of your year, 1998, so it shall be upon your Earth. But first shall come the sign and the writing in the sky.

And we say unto thee in these words, for all shall bow and pay homage into this One.

Yet, all shall be glad within their hearts, for your suffering upon the Earth shall end, and as has been promised, a new heaven and a new earth shall begin. But we saw unto thee in these words, as we have come to prepare this way, do so within thy own hearts and souls, that thy may serve the Messiah in the manner unto which your Lord, God, should wish of this, the same.

But first, proportions of your earth must be cleansed, and that that man has placed in the sea shall come forth and sting of them, as scorpions. And that that man should place in the earth should cause destruction and movement of the earth in the same manner. We have told thee of the Amchitka zone and that of the destruction that would slowly come from this. We have shown thee of many paths and many lessons. We have told thee before that before the destruction should come in any proportion, that this work should go forward. Warnings should be given in advance. And even though we have given warnings, some have not believed and had little faith, and therefore, were destroyed by their own lack of faith.

We have told thee of the things to do for those would suffer from that of the spray of your own area. Yet, these things were not done in full.

And now they bring before us this child….

Much pollution has been placed upon the Earth. The U.S. Forest Service sprayed a defoliant used in Vietnam, Agent Orange, on the Pinal mountains near Globe, Arizona, near 1969–1970. Many residents and their livestock were ill, and newborns were born deformed.

The child was given healing. Then August 18, 1972, they spoke of a task of love: As we have said before, thy shall walk unto many doors and knock, and therefore, give unto them your blessings. [Mark 6:1–14.]

There shall be some who shall accept for a while and then reject the same. There shall be some who shall stand as hypocrites in false robes and say the vows before our Father, but yet they shall wear the mark of the Beast. But as we have said before, only those who should stand forth and not wear the mark of the Beast shall enter the kingdom of God in fullness. And from this shall come unto the time when all mankind shall live within the temple of God, and our Father shall call His many children back unto His many mansions.

But as a field is sown in many places, yet in the most unlikely places shall come the best crops, so do not fail to sow them all, one by one, and two by two. [Matthew 13:1–23.]

But as before, the chain was broken, a chain may be built of many links. But that a chain may stand before our Father, each chain must tested and tested again; each length must stand strongly and firm within the shadow of our Father. [Acts 1:9–26 and The Revelation 20:1–6.]

As we have said before, you shall build a mighty army unto God, but it shall be an army of minds, and nothing shall be hidden from this army. [The Revelation 19:11–21.]

For when they shall build the last wall, none shall enter that should wear the mark of the Beast. [The Revelation 21:9–27.]

But unto our Father’s words, “There is a time for all things.” There is a time that the rain should fall upon the earth. There is a time that the seasons shall change. [Ecclesiastics.]

And for a man who cares not to see the season change, he should not see his soul and spirit and the immortal body grow in fullness, for he should hide and continue to hide. [Matthew, chapter 24 and The Revelation, chapters 6–7.].

Seasons changing by Magellan — own work, pictures are from wikimedia commons, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3455621

But as we have said before, this time is over, the half times. For nothing unclean shall come into our Father’s temple. [The Revelation 21:27, 22:6–7, 10–16.]

For those who should wash their clothing in the blood of the Lamb, all things of their past shall be forgotten within themselves, and so it shall be forgotten within our Father, for those who should step forward in righteous sake, and cast no stone upon his brother. [The Revelation, chapter 7; 14:1–16; 19:7–10; 20:4–6; 21:1–8, 27; and 22:7–15.]

But we say unto thee these words. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside. [Exodus 21:18–27.]

For none shall enter the kingdom of God that does not know of earth, and none shall not know of earth that does not know the kingdom of God.

But we say unto those who should doubt, why should you believe the words we should speak of heaven, yet believe the words we should say of earth.

But mark unto these words, your Fifth Angel stands upon your earth, and your cleansing process has already began. [See The Revelation 6:9–11, 8:13, 9:1–12.]

But we say unto you, if a wall is mighty, and the foundation is strong, and the roof is built well, then you shall weather the storm. But if one link is weak within this structure, then it shall fall to the earth. [Acts 1:6–26 and The Revelation 21 and 22.]

So be unto thy brother’s keeper, and do so in reality, that thy may look into thyself and start thy thousand years of peace. [The Revelation 20:1–6.]

August 26, 1972: But do not listen unto those who should come in falsehood, for the wrath of the God is mighty. But as a small child who suckles its mother, go unto the temple of God for knowledge, for none who should know not of heaven should not know of earth, for none who should not know of earth shall not know of heaven.

And we should say again, for the time grows near, for written upon your sky, the earth shall bellow forth its mighty force. And there, upon the desert it shall lie, close to the ocean, for within real, but Satan, therefore, cannot steal. [See Matthew 24:29–33, Acts 1:6–11, The Revelation 14:14, 19:11–16, and The Revelation 12:10–17.]…

And we say unto thee, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Not one stone shall be left unturned. [See The Revelation, chapters 5–7 and Matthew 24:1–8.]

And soon, from Alaskans, the earth shall churn, through your Mediterraneans, through your South Americans. All things shall come, as written before. And as a last Atlantis did rise and fall, so shall many lands upon your earth. But for those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, no harm shall come unto these. [See The Revelation, chapter 7, 14:1–14, 15:2–4, 19:6–9, 20:1–7, chapters 21 and 22.]

September 15, 1972: “And we should say unto thee, blessed be that that is brought unto our Lord, and blessed be that that is given from our Lord. And for those who should choose to walk in our Father’s light, have they but one teardrop to shed, then all is in accord. But give that unto your Father that thy would give unto thyself. Give it in the same measure. For those who should walk alone, and be lonely, they shall never be alone, for our Father shall walk with them. All they must do is open the door and we shall pass through unto the same….

“But we should say unto thee these words,… there shall come upon your earth many changes of your seasons. And we shall provide for each of these. But as a tree should grow we have pruned this. Bear no one ill will, for only that that was done, was done at the will of our Father, which was written in the great Book should come in fulfillment. As we have said before, we are not great, we are but the messengers of our Father.

“Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

“Then we should say in this manner, for all upon heaven and earth has been made in readiness. Have faith, for we are here but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of a Messiah. Have faith in your Father and He shall have faith in you. Give unto your Father glory and He should give it unto you. Give unto your Father love and He shall give it unto you. And the love of our Father shall be shown before all mankind, and proof shall be given of the same.

“But give unto mankind glad tidings. For though your earth’s surface shall change, and though the Sword that should cut two ways shall be present, even in all of these things shall be the joy of His arrival upon your earth. For has not our Father promised unto thee a new heaven and a new earth? And so it shall be. But prepare within thyselves the valley of our Lord.”

October 6, 1972: “For as the great bird should take flight from the pyramid, and so it shall be once again upon your earth, all knowledge shall come again into mankind.” [See Exodus, chapter 13, 14:15–20, 19:3–6, chapter 20.]

“And as once before, when many of those who possess this soul this time walked upon your earth, our walk upon your earth, even then, was at our Father’s bidding. And we asked those upon the earth to prepare within themselves a way for the coming. But nay, it was but a half a thing, and so our Father gave unto those a half time. But now it shall be a whole, a whole part within itself, for the half times are over.” [See John 1:6–23.]

“And so, upon your earth a new time shall come forth. And that that has been unclean shall be made clean, and new temples unto God shall be built within men and women, for hatred shall be cast aside, and prejudice shall be cast aside. And greed shall be cast aside.” [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

“And we say unto you, give that unto our Father that shall belong unto Him, and our Father shall give that unto you that should belong unto you. But do not carry sad faces, for this is a time of joy, for a new heaven and a new earth is in the preparation of the same. And your thousand years of peace is in the preparation of the same. So be glad that the great Sword strikes your earth. Be glad that that of the Cherub should walk upon your earth and cleanse of the same, for the earth shall be of heaven, and heaven shall be of earth, and all things shall be of God within the same.” [See The Revelation, chapter 19, 20:1–6.]

“For your days upon your earth shall be marked, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. And for those who should prepare a way, all karmas shall be cast aside, all prejudice shall be cast aside, and heaven shall blossom upon your earth [within] reality of the same, for your rivers shall flow of beautiful wine, for your land shall come as bread and give full, fruitful things unto the children of God. And the bird that should take flight from the pyramid shall dwell within all, and knowledge shall come, and wisdom shall come forth from mankind, and into mankind, for we are implanting new knowledge within soul Ray’s mind each day. And each day it shall grow and blossom forth.

“Fear not this knowledge, for it is part of the same knowledge to that that we have given in trance state. Your questions of matter and anti-matter — and yet, you ask unto us of the different races upon your earth. And we say unto you, these are the colors of our Father, and He loves them all as one, for if it was not so, He would have told you of the same. And if it was not good, He would not have provided of the same, for goodness and knowledge shall come from our Father, but woe be those who should stand against the great Sword, for your days of Armageddon are at hand.”

October 13, 1972: “We come not to promise thee the worldly needs, we come not to make thee great in the eyes of man, we come but for one purpose, that purpose is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

“And we say these words unto you, if thy should believe the earthly things, then thy should believe those things of our Father. But if thy cannot believe of which we speak, there are many mansions and our Father shall provide one for you. Our Father has planted into your hands that of free choice. Neither ourselves or our Father shall take this from you. We have entered into thy house many times, for thy bid us welcome. We have placed unto thy hand our wine.

But we also placed unto all those who do the work of God a time of temptation, a time of doubt. We did this in this manner that the house of God could be cleansed. For those who should walk in the light of our Lord and the work that is needed in the preparation for his coming shall have the strength to carry the mighty Sword, for now is you time of Armageddon.” [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

“For many doors unto your mankind shall be opened. Your radio and television media shall be placed before you. The hearts and minds of thousands and millions shall be placed into your hands.

“But all those, one by one, and two by two, and three by three were to be tested. And those who could not stand should be cast aside. And those who shall not stand shall be cast aside. For is it not written that if thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside? For thy Lord, God, is a jealous God, and He shall have no other gods before Him, or after Him.

“And for the one who should come shall not come as a god, but as a servant of God. Yet, he shall carry the spirits of God within him, and he shall carry within him that of the Christ-state of many. For he shall come as the first-born son of our Father. For is it not written that our Father loved this world of yours and mankind that He should hand into your hands once before His first-begotten son who He loved very dearly. And is it not written that the descendants of Abraham should be changed as stones. For you shall serve one of your own kind. Yet, as the spirit of God should dwell within you, so it should dwell within this one. But the power of God should also dwell within this one, and the wisdom and the love our Father has for His many children.

“For if it was not so, our Father would have told you. For our Father has hidden nothing from His children. For what has been laid in darkness shall be placed into the light. What was covered shall be uncovered. For a new heaven and a new earth shall come and all things our Father has promised shall be as it was written.” [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

“For did not our Father promise that two prophets should come to the earth and they should be slain and risen again. And so it shall be. And so it is, for have you not seen it with your own eyes?” [See The Revelation, chapter 11.]

“Yet, thy say, of the many, unto us, ‘Perform, therefore, a miracle, and we should believe.’

“And we say unto you, we have come not to perform miracles, as thy would know them, for we can do nothing without the permission of our Father, for it is not us who should give healing, but our Father. It is not us who should show you light in the darkness, but our Father, for we are but the servants of our Father, and we walk in His holy light.

“But those who should walk in our Father’s light and give praise unto Him, of the Creator, the Father, the God, then light shall be shown forever and ever.

“But we should also unto you these words, for those who should not believe, watch your earth tremble. Watch those who should not believe fall into the earth and be devoured by it, and yet live in fear. Watch those who have become so concerned with their selves that they have no room for God create their own hell and walk in nothingness.

“Yet, you say unto us, then now is the time of sorrow. And we say. nay, you are but foolish children, for now is the time of joy, and the joy should be in your hearts for the day of the preparation. For upon your earth shall be a thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father should count, and each day should be as a thousand years.

“And your earth shall change its form. Where no water flow, water shall flow; what was desert shall be made into gardens.

“Your times of trail are but a short time. This time of the Anti-Christ, that is short upon your earth to come, is but a short time. Yet, for those who should not show the mark of the Beast, all things unto our Father shall be given.” [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13, 14:8–12, and chapters 15, 17, and 19–22.]

“And we say unto thee, give glory unto our Father, and our Father shall give glory unto you, and glory be the name of the Lord, our Father, forever and ever. Let that of the light that was placed there in the beginning to see, open this, and let it see, and thy shall see us, and thy shall see thy Father. But deny thyselves, and thy shall see darkness.”

October 20, 1972: “Now is the time of the Cherub, and the great Sword stands slashing at thy earth, and the form shall be changed as the children of Abraham and their descendants were changed.”

A young woman was awed as she felt Aka’s presence. This felt so holy, vast — directly knowing what it looked upon and into – including her body and soul. Was this an angel? She wondered, to whom had spiritual messengers of God come in more recent times?

December 9, 1972: “Aka, [J__ R___] asks if you are the same messenger as the one who came to Joseph Smith, who began the Mormon faith?”

We are many. We have come unto many throughout the time of times, for where we dwell there is no time, and where we dwell there is no form. We came upon the earth, this you should call of your home, in the beginning.

For that of myself, for I am soul Ray and soul Ray is I, and that his karma should be no more, for that that he was in the beginning, so was I.

Yet, as life was given into his body, we were allowed to enter.

For both of the prophets thy should ask about are one of the same. Yet each shall do that which they were placed upon the earth to do, for they are but instruments of our Father.

And from the beginning and through to the ending is but the same, for life to life, as dust to dust. For does not a wise God place His children upon the earth to hunt and feed that of His kind?

Thy have other questions, ask.

“One moment, Aka.” [Bob, the moderator, turns to his wife, an anthropologist, who was excitedly whispering to him, “Could you ask the question?”]

“Aka, are you also speaking of Nezahualcoyotl?” [Charm asks.]

Nezahualcoyotl (1402–1472), ruler of Texcoco, a Mexica tlatloni (chief). Nezahualcoyotl (“Coyote in fast” or “Coyote who Fasts”) (April 28, 1402 — June 4, 1472) was a philosopher, warrior, architect, poet and ruler of Texcoco in pre-Columbian Mexico. Unlike other high-profile Mexican figures from the century preceding the Spanish Conquest, Nezahualcoyotl was not an Aztec; his people were the Acolhua. He was a son of Ixtlilxochitl I and father of Nezahualpilli.

Yes, we see thy need. And we speak of the same.

And glory be the name of the Lord.

Charm, an anthropologist who studied birds of the Southwest U.S., did transcribe this reading, and spell the name. But one might wonder, could she have been asking about Quetzacoatl?

This Mesoamerican deity’s name comes from the Nahuatl language and means “feathered serpent”. The worship of a feathered serpent is first known documented in Teotihuacan in the first century BC or first century AD. Aka often speaks of a great Eagle.

Our time should grow short. And once again, that of the fifth plane — of the fifth plane now should enter, of the ninth dimensions should enter, and of the ninth plane of the fifth dimension should enter, and both be that of the same, for now, your three sisters of your earth should come. For now is the time of the knowledge unto all. In the beginning of our visits unto you, we spoke unto you these words, all that that does not violate another soul the knowledge shall be given unto you. The door is open. All you must do is ask.

Aka may not have given details about the sister planets of Earth, except to speak of the fifth dimension, ninth plane. Nor did they say what may contribute to the Earth’s shift on its axis for certain. Some wonder about Nibiru or Planet X, the planet of the crossing in old writings, and the destroyer, Wormwood, or Marduk. It is called by many names. See
http://www.thekolbrin.com. Following Pharaoh’s defeat at the hand of Moses, the Egyptians searched the Middle East for clues to the one true G-d of Abraham. What now survives of that noble effort comprises the first six books of The Kolbrin Bible.The Kolbrin Bible dates back 3,600 years and offers unique and enlightened insights from the past to both challenge and affirm our present day beliefs. The first six books are called the “Egyptian texts” and were penned by Egyptian academicians following the Hebrew Exodus. The last five books are called the “Celtic texts” and were penned by Celtic priests following the death of Jesus. Several accounts describe an object in orbit around our sun sun called the “Destroyer,” which the Celtic authors call the “Frightener.” According to recently translated Sumerian texts, this object (also known as Nibiru or Planet X) is in a 3600-year orbit around our sun, and The Kolbrin Bible warns us of its imminent return and of yet another Biblical tribulation. The complete publication is: PART 1: The Egyptian Texts (Books 1–6)

December 15, 1972: You have questions within your mind of the book of Revelations and the timing we have given unto you. We should repeat again, for the wise to hear, that only our Father knows of the last days. But the beginning has already began. Your Father has promised unto you a new heaven and a new earth, and this promise shall become complete within each person, within each soul that dwells and becomes part of our Father’s love for all….

Now is the time of the Cherub. For all who are wise to hear, let them hear. For once again, the star of Bethlehem shall burn in your heavens. Give joy and reverence unto all mankind, for the birth of the new Messiah is at hand.

December 22, 1972: “And now, upon your day of days, we shall give a full definition of soul Ray’s dream. He dreamed he had many fields to plant upon, and three different types of grain to plant in the many fields. He dreamed that some of the fields were of rock. And of the fields of rock we shall tell you first, further, for there was a poor farmer who had but a field of rock to plant upon. And he toiled the land year in and year out. And the riches that he sought he never found. And one day, came upon his path a miner, who looked upon the rocky fields and told the farmer to dig within the field and he would find the riches that he sought. And so he did, and there he found gold and silver of many fold. And of the watery fields he planted upon, there was a fisherman who, day by day, who cast his net into the water, and found not fish at all. And most of the fish he caught were those he dared not keep. And then a miner came to him, and said to him, “Dig beneath the water that you fish upon.” And so he did, and there he found the oil to light his many lamps. And of the fields that were fertile, we tell you this, that no field at all shall yield your riches without your toil. And the heaven you should seek should be that for which you should toil for. And that that you should find upon earth shall be your heaven also. For your heaven is not in the sky above you, it lies within each separate soul. It dwells upon the earth within the man and woman.

And of the Book you read, and of the many pages you should seek within, to seek the hidden meaning of God’s words, when in truth, the truth should dwell in many hearts in many ways.

For as there were many paths and many fields to plant upon [in a dream that had been given to Ray], these were the many ways to seek your God. It makes your Father little difference of the name, or the tongue, you should seek Him in. It makes your Father little difference in the manner you should say your prayers. But when you reach your Father, speak as that unto yourselves, and the riches of your reward shall come from within and without.

But the riches that you should seek should lie beneath your feet, for that is where you walk.

Ray Elkins stands in his garden in 1972, months before he was given a dream on December 22, 1972, about planting seeds in the hearts of men and women.

Upon this day you should celebrate the coming of the Messiah. Do not plant it in one day, but set your seed upon the earth in many places every day, in every way, and your Father, God, shall see the toil, the loving toil within your hearts. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully. But study our words well, for we have not spoke in riddles, as it may seem, but in fullness, with the wisdom our Father should give on us to speak.

Give blessings unto all. And watch the heavens every day, and soon the light that shone before upon the valley of Bethlehem shall shine again, and your new Messiah shall be born unto men.

December 29, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, And we should answer in this manner.

First, of your question, soul Peter, your question is that of the coming of the Messiah.

And we should answer first in this manner. Within your mind is the name of the one known as Jesus, and that of the preparation for the entry of those who have reached the Christ state into this one. As we have said before, there are many who have reached the Christ state. And through the combination of these shall be the new Messiah.

You asked that he should come walking from the clouds? And we shall answer your question in this manner. When he should first appear unto the Jewish people, and they shall see him first, he shall be standing upon a cloud. And the Jewish nation in their despair shall kneel before him. This was meant so that that that had been written should be fulfilled. And as we have said before, written upon the clouds, written upon the sky, our Father shall make known of this entry in this way. [See Acts 1:6–11, The Revelation of John, 7:2–12, chapter 10, 14:1–5, 14:14–16, 15:2–4, 19:1–16, 21:1–7, 22–27, 22:1–7, Zechariah, chapters 12–14.]

But he should come unto the body form, for is it not written also that that that does not know of earth can not know of heaven? And those who do not know of heaven can not know of earth? For he should come to lead you through your thousand years of peace upon your earth. [See John 3:1–21 and The Revelation, chapters 19–22.]

The spirit was left that it may flow through all mankind. As we have said before, we have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming. [See John 14:1–5, 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, 16:19–24, and chapter 17.]

But from a mother’s womb, so shall he be born. Look within your book of Revelation, and you shall see of the same. [See The Revelation of John, chapter 12.]

But hark unto these words. Our Father has written only upon the Tablets. Man has written upon your pages and your paper; therefore, many things have been extracted from, taken away from that that inspired the men in the beginning to write of the same, and some has been added to by others. We have come, not to change the Laws, but to fulfill the prophecies of the same. We have come not to change that that was given within Moses’ time. We have come not to change that that was given unto Isaiah. We have come not to change that that was given, and the gift that was given, in the one known as Jesus. But hark unto these words. We have come for this time.

We have come from those who should make their entry. We have come from those who did say unto our Father, “Send those who know You best to prepare a way for our coming, that our Father’s words should not be misinterpreted.” [See John 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, and 16:19–24.]…

(You can listen to this prophecy at https://youtu.be/9iGei-JN4j4)

The spiritual messengers of God answered more written questions, then said: You have other questions; ask but one more.

The young woman asked of something she intuitively felt, not knowing its fuller meaning or that it related to all that had been said. “[J___ R___] asks about ‘the meaning of music and art in relationship to the stars and the universe. Is music a pathway or door to the universe, or is there a higher spiritual step beyond aesthetics? Does this relate to Neptune and Pluto?’”

The question unto which you have asked should take a lengthy time, and soul Ray has grown quite tired now. And that we should not overtax his body, we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub. The Fifth Angel stands awake upon your earth. New eruptions shall occur. New earthquakes shall occur. Look within the back readings. We have told you of these.

And we should say unto those of the valley below the sea, watch the water.

Editor’s note: But was she answered, in part? That week, she had moved to Globe from Yuma, Arizona, which Aka calls “the valley below the sea.” It had been under the sea prehistorically. And it could be again, if the San Andreas fault ruptures and causes the “Big One.” The nearby Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley, California, could overflow and the Colorado River would change its course once again.

The Salton Sea can be partially seen at the top of this satellite photo in the upper left, with the fertile Imperial Valley below it. Yuma, Arizona, is also in the fertile area to the right, as the Colorado River flows through it and westward into the Imperial Valley. But when Aka says, “the valley below the sea,” do they mean the valley below the Salton Sea, or do the spiritual messengers of God have another meaning? This valley from the Salton Sea to the Sea of Cortez (between the Baja Peninsula and Sonora Mexico) was once beneath the sea. Will the entire region be again?

Could the lengthy answer Aka was unable to give at that time encompass a much bigger picture? Where the Pacific tectonic plate pushes against the North American plate off the coast the from Washington to San Francisco, the nearby Juan de Fuca plate could slide under and push up the North American plate at the Cascadia fault. A tsumani, a wall of water 100 feet high and up to 700 feet across, could wipe out the shoreline in 15 minutes, affecting 7-to-10 million people; another tsunami would head toward Japan. On the coastline live 70,000 people. Magnitude 9.2 earthquakes are predicted. Volcanoes, such as Mt. St. Helens others, now dormant in Oregon and Washington, could erupt. The San Andreas fault might even be triggered by this movement. The West Coast could change its shape. Islands might form as much of California goes underwater west of the San Andreas fault. Yuma, Arizona, would be under the sea again.

The Salton Sea reflecting what is above. Could the whole region one day look like this?

“Water would flow where no water flows,” Aka said, speaking of the great Sword.

It was wise and loving for them to warn those in Yuma to “watch the water,” where the Colorado River flows. In these few words, did the spiritual messengers of God warn people what would occur where they live, which may also be part of a bigger picture?

Was the question answered in part for the woman from Yuma, on April 6, 1970,the second time the spiritual messengers of God spoke? Is it also within a greater prophecy about the Earth’s shifting on it’s axis — and possibly what would be discovered by astronomers 10 years later to be perturbing Pluto’s and Neptune’s orbits?

Aka said the Earth has been shifting gradually on its axis since 1932. And it has many times before our recorded history.

What might cause such changes? Could solar emissions from large holes in the Sun put weight on tectonic plates and trigger earthquakes? Might solar disturbances and gravitational influences of another body nearing Earth at that time trigger it? Or could unusual radiation entering the solar system at this time? Theories abound on what might cause tectonic plates to move.

Read more of what Aka said about “The Big One and the Valley below the Sea” at https:medium.com/@universalphilos. Or listen to theie recorded voice as Aka tells of this in a June 16, 1970, prophecy on YouTube at AUniversal Philosophy. See https://youtu.be/XOMo38oEElk?list=PLLgKrBJ8wX0ZiUzD_5nCLQ8Wt7H746cmrhttps://youtu.be/XOMo38oEElk?list=PLLgKrBJ8wX0ZiUzD_5nCLQ8Wt7H746cmr

The spiritual messengers of God tell us in great love, our prayers to God can change many things. For our Father hears them.

Listen closely as you read the next messages and see if they did answer her questions about what lay beyond Neptune and Pluto at that time, and about a door to the universe or a higher spiritual step. Yet, their guidance provided a way she could know and answer both needs. Was this also an answer to her about what may lie in store closer to home — for Yuma — and the future of mankind upon the Earth?

The next week, the young woman asked another question. It had also confounded the most learned scholar, Nicodemus, who asked Jesus about the meaning of his words too. (See John 3:1–21.)

January 5, 1973: “Aka, [J___ R___] asks, ‘In your saying that, “that that does not know of Heaven cannot know of earth, and that that does not know of earth cannot know of Heaven,“ are you talking of the descent of the virgin sparks of God into matter and out again?’”

The angels spoke lovingly: (Chuckle) Yes, we should answer your question in this manner, that that that should not know of Earth should not know of Heaven — and these should be the souls and the spirit of man, and these should be the Spirit of God that should enter man. For if man chooses not to reincarnate upon the Earth, he should not know of the Earth, and in truth, he should not know of Heaven.

For we should answer your question in this manner. Our Father did not send the Seven Spirits to Earth that He might create a plaything. You who should think that the escape from your Earth should be the all important is wrong, for it is in building the earth that is important to our Father and should be important to you, for here shall be your new Heaven and your new Earth. If you cannot do this, if you cannot do the earthly things, then how can you believe us of the heavenly things we say unto you?

As we have said before in the parable of the toil, the toil of man upon the Earth, that this was part of God, one of the most important parts of God. For a man who shall not toil shall not eat at our Father’s table, and a woman who should not toil should not eat at our Father’s table, for in truth, this one has become a lost soul, for it has lost the direction of that into which the Creator had planned. All it can see before it is its own free choice. It has created its own karma by hiding its head in the sand.

For an artist, as you would know it, to draw is toil. For a singer who should create into beautiful music is toil. For a writer who should trap the words of man that should come from the minds and many minds of the Earth is toil. And even when you do that which you do not desire, if it is done in a righteous manner, it is a righteous thing before our God, and therefore, should become a righteous thing before man.

But give not before your Father toil that you yourselves dislike, that you would say, “I do this thing, for it only needs to be done.” In all toil, do that and place that of the best of you within it, and soon it will become a part of you that is a part of our Father.

But a man or a woman that should deny toil denies their Father and denies the entry of any spirit of the Lord therein.

You have other questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. ‘What are the sister planets of earth? Are they in another globe period at the same point of the descent of spirit into matter that we are? Is this a universe’ — just a minute, Aka.”

We see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. Your sister planets of Earth are yet again in another world of worlds, some much like your own, and that on which you have come from before you entered this planet known as Earth. Other life forms dwell upon the other great galaxies beyond your worlds. Soon man shall know of these.

But think of the thirty-two, and this shall be the sister planets of the Earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your book of Revelations. We should elaborate upon this further at a different time. [See The Revelation 4:1–5.]

But now, we should say unto you these words. Hark, for your times are troubled yet before you. As we have told you before, now in the time of the Cherub. Now is the time of the great Sword. [See The Revelation, chapters 4–7 and 19–22.]

Your climate is growing colder. Your winter, when the land should sleep, should be more severe. Prepare for this. Protect both man and animal. New eruptions shall occur quite close. But your land, this land on which you dwell, our Father shall lay His hand and make it safe.

Harken on with the work that lays before you. Prepare the way. Bring forth this Book with wings. Let come forth the bird of the Great Pyramid. Let the knowledge flow upon your earth.

January 12, 1973: “Thank you, Aka. Aka, could you tell us if the Great Pyramid, the great bird of the pyramid, is knowledge?”

Yes, in that form….

This is a Sphinx from the 8th century B.C. The Cherubim (or Sphinx) was depicted as having the head of a man, the body of a lion, wings of an eagle, and legs of an ox. (Interestingly, these are wise, courageous, reaching as a messenger to God, and enduring.) Moses followed the cherubim when he led the Hebrew (or wanderers) were led out of slavery from Egypt. So the Hebrew changed the sphinx to depict a cherubim with outstretched wings. God also told Moses to place two Cherubim with outstretched wings through whom God could enter and speak to man on top of the ark to house His Covenant with man. Is this not also how the spiritual messengers of God speak to man, bringing messages and knowledge at this time?

Perhaps the cherubim described in The Revelation relate to this next question?

You have other questions, ask.

“You said last week to ‘Think of the thirty-two, and this shall be the sister planets of the earth, for these are the elders spoken of in our Book of Revelations.’ You said you would elaborate more on this.”

We shall elaborate further upon this. But this should be given at a different time, for we find that soul Ray is very weak, and therefore, we should give time unto the healing of his body and his mind.

But first, we should say unto you these words. New earthquakes shall appear very shortly in different parts of your country and in different parts of the world. The time is now, but fear not. If you should look into the prophecies which were given, you shall find the answers and the dates.

February 9, 1973, the question was again read to Aka at the end of the session: “Aka, you said last week to ‘Think of the thirty-two, and this shall be the sister planets of the earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your Book of Revelations.’ You said you would elaborate more on this.”

We cannot do so at this time, for our time should run short. For soul Ray now wearies, and our time shall grow very short.

And we should leave with you unto these questions and these answers. For now is the time of Cherub. Look to the east. But watch the ground around you. New earthquakes and eruptions shall occur. Soon, very soon, an eruption shall cross your Arizona land, and your California land. More eruptions shall occur in South America and your Mexican regions. Soon one shall occur, shall cross the Atlantic from the Cubans. From there, it should follow up into that proportion you call of New York today. But this is only a warning.

Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

April 19, 1973, a 4.5 magnitude earthquake exploded 26 km from Congress, Arizona.

Editor’s note: What were some earthquakes soon after Aka spoke, February 9, 1973? A5.5 magnitude quake, February 17, 1973, rocked Antigua and Barbuda, a twin-island country in the Americas east of Cuba, lying between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

On February 21, 1973, the third-strongest U.S. quake of 1973 (the strongest in the contiguous 48 states, that year), the Point Mugu earthquake was responsible for at least five injuries and more than $1 million damage in the Point Mugu-Oxnard area. Near Point Mugu, about 10 miles southeast of Oxnard, California, the western Santa Monica Mountains appear to have been thrust up and southward relative to the ocean floor near the coastline — possibly along the east-west trending Malibu Coast fault zone. This was the result of north-south compressional forces being exerted in the Earth’s crust in the Transverse mountain ranges bounded roughly by Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino. The Point Mugu quake was felt over a wide area of southern California — as far away as San Luis Obispo, Bakersfield, Barstow, Indio, and San Diego.

A 5.9-magnitude earthquake also on February 21, 1973, hit in the Channel Islands region, California.

Two earthquakes made history in 1973, one in Mexico, one in Argentina.

Six months after Aka had warned, on August 28,1973, the Veracruz earthquake occurred in the vicinity of Serdan in the State of Puebla. It registered 7.0 on the Richter magnitude scale and had a maximum perceived intensity of VIII (Severe) on the Mercalli intensity scale. The effects of the earthquake were felt in the Mexican states of Veracruz and Puebla in southeast Mexico.

Then on November 19, 1973, an earthquake took place in the Province of Salta, in Argentina. It registered a magnitude of 5.9 on the Richter magnitude scale and occurred at a depth of 12 kilometres (7.5 mi). The destructive force of the 1973 Salta earthquake was measured at VII (Very Strong) on the Mercalli intensity scale. It caused damage to communities towards the east of the provinces of Salta and Jujuy, particularly in Santa Clara (Jujuy). Even more erutions occurred in regions of Mexico and South America.

The U.S.G.S. Shakemap Atlas adds these 20 quakes in the South America and Mexico regions to the 1973 list:

A 6.5-magnitude earthquake on April 14, 1973, in Costa Rica,

A 6.6 quake on April 24, 1973, in Colombia,

A 5.7 quake June 7, 1973 in Guatemala,

A 5.6 quake July 6, 1973, offshore Antagasta, Chile,

A 5.5 quake July 31, 1973, at Bio-Bio, Chile,

A 6.3 quake on July 31, 1973, offshore Antagasta, Chile,

A 5.1 quake on August 5, 1973, in Antagasta, Chile,

A 5.7 quake on August 1, 1973, offshore Antagasta, Chile,

Three quakes, measuring 6.1, 5.9, and 6.3 on August 7, 1973, offshore Atacama, Chile,

A 5.7 magnitude quake on August 14, 1973, offshore Atacama, Chile,

A 5.5 magnitude quake on October 3, 1973, in Baja Sur, Mexico,

Three quakes of magnitudes 5.6, 6.7 and 6.5, on October 5, 1973, at Valparaiso, Chile,

A 4.9 magnitude quake on October 7, 1973, at Delta Amacuro, Venezuela

A 6.8 magnitude quake on October 18, 1973, offshore of Jalisco, Mexico,

A 5.6 magnitude quake on November 9, 1973, in the Peru-Ecuador border region.


February 16, 1973: We have said before, do not misinterpret our words, for we have said unto you there shall be dividing of a land, and the land we spoke of was not of your people, but of your earth. And it shall be as a great Sword that cuts two ways, both of the land and of the people. But we shall do the cutting. We shall say in this manner, bring forth all your people into one house. And those who refuse to come unto the house, let them remain outside, and they shall be no more, for we shall weed your garden in this manner. But as we have said before, the action that shall be taken upon your parts shall be in accord with the laws of your land….

And as has been promised in your book of Revelations that a new temple of Jerusalem shall be built — and so it has been, from this point beyond, in the measurements given, in the matter of the same.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I believe that when you say, let all people come together in one house; you are referring to the meeting that we are going to call? And I am very confused as to whether or not we should follow the proposed action of Ray writing them a letter, as he intended to, or not.”

We should answer in this manner. The house we have spoke of is the house of Jerusalem that stands here and now and should house the many souls of the many people of the many faiths who should enter with a love of God within their heart and a love of mankind in the same manner.

February 23, 1973: And we should say unto you these words. Give praise unto your Father in a righteous manner, and your Father should give praise unto you, His children. But give damnation unto your Father, and your Father should give damnation unto His wayward children.

And therefore, we should say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There shall be many who should tempt your souls, for now is the time of the great Sword, the sword that cuts two ways, both of man and of the land. For as we have said before, where no water flowed, water shall flow. Rivers shall change their courses. Mountains shall bellow forth. Continents shall change their shapes, and man shall change his in the same manner. But if you are righteous before your Lord, fear not, for your Lord is a righteous God. Prepare within yourselves, each in your own separate ways, a place for the coming of the Messiah. Give love and kindness unto your brother. Give love and kindness, and love and kindness shall be returned. Walk, therefore, in a righteous path.

Aka was asked question, March 2, 1973, which may be about a planet that once existed between Jupiter and Saturn (in the asteroid belt) from which the sons of God came to Earth. It may help connect the whole history of mankind on Earth and the hope for a new heaven and new earth upon Earth.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ru__ asks about the meaning of 101 in her dream.”

Yes, we see they need, and we should answer in this manner. On the right was the planet of Jupiter, on the left was the planet of Saturn, for as the planet, Jupiter, was rising, and as the planet, Saturn, was setting, each changed into that which has brought you unto this time. But as the children of Father, the children of God, came unto the Earth, you should see what was in-between these two planets. Those who lived through this trip was 101, one hundred and one persons, no more and no less. And as they came unto the earth and entered into man, they manifested into the twelve tribes of the Earth, each in his own way. But yet, they looked upon the Earth and saw the five colors of God. Some did enter in a righteous manner; some did not.

We have told you before that the planetary system is for man’s expansion. And so it is.

But once again, your 101 has come into fulfillment. Take away from your calendar, and then add to. Add, first, 22 days more to your calendar, and then take away 11. You shall have the calendar which existed at the time into which these two planets set before the Earth, and therefore, populated the Earth.

For Jupiter is your rising, and Saturn is your setting signs. Use both of astrology and numerology within the same, for now we have given you the key to answer your own question.

You have other questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. You said that, ‘to think of the 32, and this shall be the sister planets of the Earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your book of Revelations.’”

We shall answer this at a different time. This should be asked at the first of a reading, sir, so that full elaboration can be made.

Soul Ray now grows very weary. And as our time should grow short, we should say once again, your Fifth Angel stands upon your earth. Your earth is trembling.

Now is the time of Cherub.

In the center is the known solar system. Further out is a diagram suggesting an orbit of Planet X.

On March 16, 1973, it was read again. This time the spiritual messengers of God sought to find another way to answer it.

“Yes, Aka. In a previous reading, you said to ‘think of the 32, and this shall be the sister planets of the Earth, for these are like the elders spoken of in your book of Revelations.’ You said you would elaborate more on this at another time, and [1–21–72–002] asks if you would, could do this at this time?”

Yes, we shall answer your question. But we shall answer it in this manner. We have given unto you the seed. You have the tools before you to answer this question. By doing so, this would be your step closer to God. And this does not just man for soul John; it means for all.

Had the question remained unanswered. Or was it answered in another way? The spiritual messengers of God provided a way to answer the question which might be even more beneficial.

Had it been partly answered in the vision Ray had January 12, 1973, of the sister planets of Earth? Had it been partly answered in prophecies of earthquakes and the Earth shifting on its axis? Did the knowledge stand right in front of those listening, and was it speaking?

They encouraged the use abilities God has placed within each to look and directly see — through their eyes––as the spiritual messengers of God were making things known. In this way of knowing, a much fuller answer will come than by just being told, as man was taught to learn.

Was it was revealed to John in this manner when he described the elders in The Revelation 4:4–10:

“After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, ‘Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.’

“At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God. Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.

“In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle. Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying:

“‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.”

Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”

Was it possible to know the answer to the question by looking in the way the spiritual messengers of God directly look and see? Could those who were sitting before this presence do so, if they but felt, and looked and saw with their spirits through the Cherubim’s eyes?

“Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men…Psalm 107:8 says.

On June 19, 1973, Aka was asked of a time when the earth slipped on its axis before: “Was the destruction of the island of Atlantis remaining in the time of Noah because of the earth’s slipping on its axis or because of an atomic explosion?”

First were the atomic explosions; second was the earth’s slipping upon its axis. Both were interrelated to parts of the same. That of the splitting of the atom, as you know it, is but a minor thing from the power unto which they had harnessed, for they had harnessed that of the cosmic power, the splitting of the cosmic rays within themselves, therefore, the changing within your atmosphere of the amount of cosmic energy laid forth upon the earth and into each individual. This is why your form did change. And so it shall again. But fear not, for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall walk upon this new heaven and new earth, and live within the thousand years of peace, and shall see the Messiah walk upon your earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, can you tell us the name and about the destruction of the planet that was where the asteroid belt is now?”

Yes, we should answer in this manner. This was of the mother planet, of that of which we dwelled. And so came forth those who should make war, those who cast aside our prophets, those who no longer worshiped the God of One, and our home land was destroyed. And what small knowledge we could bring forth, we traveled forth from planet to planet, seeking a planet we ourselves could live upon and plant seed. Yet we knew that the see that we planted would take thousands of years to come forth as our Lord had planned upon our homeland.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, when was the Tower of Babel, was this at that time or when?”

This, as you would know it, was at that time; not upon you planet, but upon ours.

You have other questions, ask.

Cydonia is a region on the planet Mars that has attracted both scientific and popular interest. The name originally referred to the albedo feature (distinctively colored area) that was visible from Earthbound telescopes.

“Did the Sons of God bring the worship of the God of One to Earth?”

Yes, we brought the God of One, the worship. But God had already planted the seed. Yet we were not the only ones who reached your earth. And much as the Seven Spirits of God did cause chaos, confusion, over-breeding, so our people were guilty of the same. Yet it’s been thousands of years. Yet, what could be could happen again upon you earth. But you earth shall not be destroyed, for as we brought new karma upon your earth, and as man chose death to overcome this karma this time upon this planet and others, so we gained in knowledge.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, did the Sons of God bring the White Brotherhood, and is Melchizedek the same as Mathatoc?”

Both are of the same, and yes, we brought forth and established upon your earth the White Brotherhood.

“Is Limbad the same as Lobellat?”


The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We shall answer your question. New earthquakes shall erupt very soon. We shall tell you more of this at a different time.

October 9, 1973: You shall listen unto these words we have spoken unto you. They shall confuse you. But come forth, and we shall provide the bread and the yeast, for we say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Our Father has many mansions. Our Father should ask unto you, as you ask unto Him, “PREPARE THEREFORE A PLACE THAT I MAY LIE MY HEAD AND REST MY SOUL.”

We have shown of you the two sides of the Sword. And as you were told before of a future yet to come, now you have been told again of a future yet to come, the fulfillment of the same. But as you were given free choice of entity, free choice to come forth, open the door that we may enter, for in God’s house there are many hands that are needed for the preparation of his coming. Glory be the name of the Lord.

October 27, 1973: You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [10–27–73–001] who is here tonight asks, ‘Will we move to Minnesota and be engaged in agriculture? How soon in the future? And if not, what should I do about my career?’”

First, we should answer unto your question. Your move would be very unwise within the same, for as we have said before, the great Sword is upon you, the one that shall divide the lands. Where no water flowed water shall flow. Where nothing grew, gardens shall arise, but where first, forests stood, they shall stand no more.

The opposite side of the Sword shall be that that should cut away and make bare man’s soul, that others may see them as they really are, naked before God.

Therefore, within your career, continue that unto which you arc searching, and it shall be a righteous path, and fulfilling, both financially and spiritually within the same.

You have other questions, ask.

Also on October 27, 1973 (during the Yom Kippur war) it was just before the comet, Kouhotek became visible to the unaided eye. Aka was asked by a woman, who asked for a friend: “What significance on our own personal lives will the comet have, and will it affect each one differently? Also, how can this be related to the influences of the other planets?’”

We shall answer the question, for it shall be general information. But we shall not answer questions relating, for we are not allowed to interfere with the growth, the natural growth, of any soul.

Therefore, we should answer in this manner. The comet shall affect your Earth. For the ignorant, they shall think of it as the last sign of the Earth. For those who profess great knowledge shall think of it as just another passing within the heavens.

But unto each of you, the passing shall come forth in this manner — for as we have said before, we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah; therefore the sign that we have promised shall be seen by the whole Earth, to observe the might of our Father. It shall be the brightest star in the heavens.

Count, therefore, 11 days from the first day it can be seen with the naked eye, and there in the heavens above you shall be a sign for each of you — for as it has been said once before, “He did cometh with the morning star, and he did go back unto the same.” Therefore, in the hours before your dawn, it shall be the brightest.

But all of your earth shall know of our coming and that unto which we have come to do upon your earth.

“A sign for each of you” — At the end of November 1973, Comet Kohoutek first became visible to the eye. Eleven days later, as the comet continued toward the sun a layer of volatile material in the comet’s nucleus boiled off. Was this the sign Aka said that all of mankind would see as proof in the heavens of their presence? Astronomers think some parts that broke off entered the Earth’s atmosphere as meteors. At Christmas, he comet passed behind to the sun.

But you ask of the effect upon the other planetary systems within the same, upon the galaxies and galaxies. Similar signs have been cast forth upon God’s domain, that all may see and know of the same.

You yourselves have seen unto each of you that which you would call of your UFOs. These have been sent forth from other planetary systems to observe the effect upon the Earth. Yet, they should look unto the effect upon themselves, for our Father has sent forth these words, “THE HALFTIMES ARE OVER. PREPARE THERE, EACH WITHIN YOURSELVES.”

But the promise that our Father left upon the Earth for a thousand years of peace, if man heeds our words, you shall have of such; your year shall be the year of 1999. But count not as you would count, but count each day as a thousand years.

If the messages that we have brought forth upon the Earth is not heeded, the other planetary systems shall go on without you, and the Earth shall go unto 3,000 years of darkness, and you shall dwell as you once did in caves before the coming of the Sons of God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, there was an additional part to this question. ‘Do the comets carry souls between spheres? And what is the difference between the makeup of the comet compared to the makeup of the sun?’”

We shall answer in this manner. As the cosmic dust should gather forth unto the same unto the heavens, and therefore, given heavenly guidance, your comet, as you would speak of it, is brought forth first in the form much as a new world would be. But then it is cast from any orbit and sent forth in its direction.

The sun, as you would know of it, is not a planet, but a star. Some would say that this is a dying star. Look beyond, and you shall find that it is yet a living star, one who a planet shall be born from. Our words are contrary to your astronomical thoughts. Yet there are many truths.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–27–73–002] who is here tonight asks, ‘What is meant in the Bible, there will be people seen coming from the heavens and people from the earth; the earth shall run red with blood?’ She asks, ‘Is this an actual battle or a war for men’s minds?’”

We have placed, therefore, unto soul Ray’s mind the vision. We placed, therefore, the vision that as the fuse was lit and came from Europe and went into the land of Israel — and from the fuse entered many lands and many unto battle — and therefore, your world began to smolder — and all of those of the Jewish belief, therefore, should see before them coming from the heavens the first signs of the one you would know as Jesus Christ, yet he should come forth in a form that they would know, and they shall bow before him. Yet, your world should runneth red with blood, for there shall be in reality, in the valley of Armageddon [Megiddo], so shall the valley [battle] be fought on Heaven and Earth.

If the Eagle [U.S.A.] should fail to give the protection that is needed, then the Bear’s [Russia’s] claws shall tighten upon the Earth. But as the Eagle and the Bear should come, therefore, into clutches, one into the other, the Dragon [China] should come forth and bare forth its teeth. And the whole Earth should smolder, therefore, unto the same. And therefore, the Seventh Seal will have been opened.

Yet, your Earth shall not perish, nor shall man, for the Lord’s hand shall be placed upon the Earth, and the Earth shall change form. And the men with the spiritual development and the women with the spiritual development shall, therefore, come forth and rebuild your earth. And those from your other galaxies shall, therefore, find that the earth karma of war has ended, and therefore, join them in the rebuilding of this small speck of dust you call Earth. And a place that our Father may lay His head shall, therefore, come in reality.

These things that were written, these visions that we have implanted upon the Earth, this Seventh Seal does not have to be opened in this manner. The battle of Armageddon, as we have said, may be avoided, if the Eagle acts in a valid manner. If he shows weakness, then the Eagle’s feathers shall be plucked, and he shall fall from the Heavens. And the war of Armageddon shall be diverted unto the year of 1985.

Yet, all of these things that we have shown you can be avoided. But only you, as the people of the Earth, can change your paths. We are not allowed to interfere. We are not allowed to take from you the gift of God of free choice. Act, therefore, according to that hidden place of God within you.

(Listen to these recorded words at https://youtu.be/xGSRH60lnE4)

Did the Eagle ‘act in a valid manner, avoiding Armageddon at that time?” U.S. President Reagan’s first met with Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev on November 19, 1985, at Fleur D’Eau during the Geneva Summit in Switzerland. And the world remembers the U.S. show of strength in 1987 when Regan said, “Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall!” (The Berlin Wall that divided Germany).

January 14, 1974: For God is the God of love, compassion, and wisdom. He holds no vengeance in His heart. Yet, with love and wisdom and compassion, He should yield upon the Earth the Sword that should cut two ways. Yet, in the making of the Sword, He shall seek out those who may stand, and come forth without question.

June 7, 1974: Pick up the Sword, the Sword that cuts two ways. Yield it in truth and love and compassion.

June 26, 1974: Then we say unto you, we give you A Rose without Thorns.

A rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth or the coming of the Messiah.

June 29, 1974: Now we shall say unto you, more hands shall be needed to do unto the work that we shall bring forth unto you, for now we shall lead thee from the river into the oceans. We shall open the doors that have been closed. Your work shall be praised by many.

We shall remind you in this manner. As we are the servants of God, as we are teachers, remain as such. There have been many that the gifts have been offered to who have thought themselves as gods and closed the doorway unto their Father. Leave your doorway open. Let the multitudes come forward. Place forth now this Rose without Thorns.

Your media, your television, your radio, your newspapers, all shall be set in motion. We have already started the thoughts into many minds that the way should be prepared.

Some shall come unto you and take. Some shall come unto you and give. Remember in these words, that a gift, a true gift, is giving without expecting anything in return. Let the words we have given unto you flow now freely. Do not be hypocrites. Do not flaunt yourselves in such a manner that you should disgrace yourselves and your God.

For the Lord, God, gave unto you the Ten Commandments. And Moses, on his return from the mountain did see his people in idol worship and did cast the stones, therefore, unto the people. Yet, that day the Lord, God, learned from Moses, as He has learned from His children. But a true teacher should always learn from their students.

But even though the tablets were cast unto the flames, He brought forth the Cherubim.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. The land should become parched and hard and dry. And fire should consume much of the land. Earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, shall ravish the land.

We have given thee a way to prepare for this. But we say unto you, do so, yet in a sensible manner. Do not be as the man who was so busy storing that he forgot to plug the holes that the rats should come in and eat what he had stored.

Build upon this foundation we have given unto you. Become that within yourself as the Seven Spirits of God upon the earth. Build forth a new earth and a new heaven, and all shall rejoice.

Fear not, that though chaos may be around you. We have seen to your needs as we promised in the beginning. Your wants and your needs are two different things. Your needs shall be provided as raindrops upon the desert. Yet they shall be provided for.

July 7, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as the Seven Spirits of God stood above the earth, and therefore, brought forth of their kind, each said unto the other, “We have brought forth the mountains, the rivers, the oceans, the meadows, and fertile land. Yet why must we bring forth the desert, this barren land of waste?” Each spoke one unto the other, yet none had the answer. [See Genesis 1:1–28 and The Revelation 3:1, 4:5.]

And therefore, they went unto the Lord, God.

And He did say unto them unto these words. “For my children have much to learn, for they have chosen this, you would call, death. Therefore, they must know upon the earth of the good and the bad. But thEy must find the beauty in the worst of all things. Therefore, we have placed the desert upon the earth. For if they can find beauty in the smallest of the things we have placed upon the earth then they shall find God within themselves.

“Some shall find the desert first, and thy shall dwell within the same.

“But make the deserts vast. Make them so great that man can neither hate nor love them, for they shall be too big for either.

“Place upon the desert seed that may lay dormant for many years and come fruitful and make the desert into that of flowers and streams. Place upon the desert the plant life that may absorb THE moisture, and they shall know, thEse who should dwell within it, to seek out the needs and not the wants of man.

“Place upon the desert those who should seek knowledge in its vastness — for one day I shall send My begotten son unto the desert, and there he Shall lay his blood — and the blood shall coveth the earth, and it shall remain such until he should come again. But for those who should rise above their petty thoughts, their greeds, their jealousies, then they shall pick up the drops of blood and see the desert bloom forth in all its glory.”

And the Lord said, “Hark,” unto them. “For when the stars appear, all in thirteen — and the oceans roar, and the mountains push forth their mightY force upon the earth, and the earth shall shake — yet near the shore of the ocean too, there shall come again a Messiah upon the earth. And they shall know that their Lord, this of their God, who has spoken many times, yet they hear Him not, is a true God, a gentle God, a loving God.

“All these things they shall know from the desert.

“Place, therefore, upon the desert animal life that should not need of the water form. yet place beneath the desert bodies of water that wells may be dug. And as man should dig each well, he should find, therefore, sweet water. In some he should find bitter water he may not drink. and this should be so of life. He shall learn from the desert, as he shall learn from life.

“As he travels across the desert, should he seek unto the heavens he should know his way. Should he not seek unto the heavens, he should become lost and perIsh within the same. And so it should be within man throughout his lIfespan. For within each life there are many lives. For within each death there are many deaths.

“We shall place that of oases in the desert that shall be hope unto man and unto the ones who should journey across the desert, and faith, and the strength, that man should build unto himself, that he SHOULD LOOK UNTO HIS BROTHER AND LOVE HIS BROTHER, THAT HE SHOULD stand, not alone, but together and build upon the earth.

“[Thus] we should surround the desert with mountains which should be covered with snow. And the snow should be white and brilliant in color, that they should know that should they wash themselves in the blood of the Lamb, so they should clease themselves as they should climb the ladder unto My many mansions.”

And so spoke the words of the Lord, our God, our Father, long ago.

And we say unto you these words. At times it shall sound as though we have spoken in riddles. But take forth the words we have given unto you. Know of this. We come not to bring hatred or war upon your earth, or to turn brother against brother, or sister against sister, or mother against mother, or father against son. We come forth but for one purpose — that purpose in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And you say, “Hark,” unto us.

And we should say unto you unto these words. Your year shall be in the year of 1999. [Editor’s note: Remember, in Matthew 24:36 Jesus’ said: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Perhaps, hopefully, this was the first possible date he could come, as some say was also reported by Edgar Cayce, in the Great Pyramid, and by other prophets? We may not know why many prophets and records gave this date. But until his death October 5, 2000, Ray told us what Aka said, that is has not been decided which way the world will go. Let us pray that it will not be 3,000 years of darkness, barbarianism and killing, but that a way will be prepared in hearts and minds for a new heaven and new earth upon Earth and a thousand years of peace, as God counts, after the Messiah comes.]

Yet the mighty Sword stands above you. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence and famine spreads among your people. Fear has spread unto your hearts. And we say unto you, fear not, for those who believeth in the Lord, our God.

For the Sword that should cut two ways shall cast unto the land. Your earth shall move and shift upon its core. Your land masses shall change. There shall be many who should run and hide in the mountains. There shall be many who should hide behind the rocks. Yet, leste they walk in the light of the Lord, they shall perish. Yet some shall live and wish to die, yet they shall live on. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, 7:1–17.]

We say unto thee, as the Lord said once before, start now to prepare your thousand years of peace. Start now to prepare a new heaven and a new earth. Pray unto the Lord, God, and your prayers shall be answered. All of these things should not happen if the Lord may see among you those who should stand firm in their belief unto one God.

Be not ignorant. Cast aside your prejudice. Look not upon a man’s skin, look into his heart, and, therefore, find brothers and sisters to walk together to build this new earth and new heaven.

But we say unto you unto these words, “For none shall know of heaven that should not know of the earth, and none should know of the earth that has not known of heaven.” [See Matthew chapters 5–7, 13:24–52, 19:27–30, and Mark 8:27–38, 10:17–34.]

August 10, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way. For we should answer, as the children of Abraham came forth upon the earth, and as Abraham begot the children of Egypt, and the children of your Arabian nations, so one was as into another, for they were of brothers, yet they knew each other not. And so it has been, that for all the descendents of Abraham, they did make war upon each other, and cast stones upon each other, for they were a jealous lot. Yet, each and all in the same manner believed, therefore, into our Father, the God.

Yet, as Abraham ventured forth into the land of Egypt, because his wife was, therefore, so fair, he told not of the truth; he said she was of his sister. And therefore, many did pursue this maiden, Sarah. And therefore, Abraham did bring forth lie before his God.

And as time passed forth, and the brother of Abraham, who was Lot, did live within the cities of sin, and therefore, as Abraham did argue to persuade the messengers from God that should they find ten honest men in all the city, they would spare the city, but they ventured forth, and therefore, found none, but Lot ­and his two daughters and his wife. And Lot did bargain with the people who had besieged him, to trade them his daughters, but still they wanted to destroy these that had been sent by the Father, God. For it is as in your days, this day, this time.

Abraham [Lot] went forth from the city with his family, as he was directed and told, therefore, not to look back. But his wife, therefore, did of such and was turned, therefore, into the salt and into the soil, and destroyed, of the body form.

And therefore, Lot hid into the mountains and into the caves, for nothing could grow upon the land, for the land had been destroyed, much as you would destroy now with your atomic weaponry. Yet, the daughters of Lot thought unto themselves that they should drunken their father and beseed themselves in pregnancy. And so it was done. And so, the karma of the family of Lot was sent forth upon the earth. And from this karmic action came forth and was born into a son. [See Genesis, chapter 19.]

We say unto you, as the nations and nations of the world have come forth, one by one and two by two, to live in the house of the Lord and take direction from the same, each has come forth, in their own way, that they should enter our Father’s many mansions. But yet, there is still this charlatan.

And as we have said, the great Sword that should cut of two ways has cleansed your land, has brought forth unto the land a new Government, and it shall grow forth and produce yet a better Government. But your Government and your country can only remain as it should stand as one nation before God. It was God’s promise that the land of Israel be returned back unto the Israelites, and so this time has been fulfilled. Yet before you lies the battle of Armageddon. We say unto you, fight among yourselves and the Beast shall win, and the Beast shall rule, and the land shall become desolate and polluted. And man shall die and waste away in a polluted land.

But we say unto you, hear these words, oh Israel. Hear these words, you modern, of the Roman nation, that call themselves, Americans. Our Father’s will shall be done, and the Sword shall cut again. And those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall walk forth and inherit the earth. But for those who should walk forth with the mark of the Beast, they shall become as lost souls and shall be cast aside into nothingness. [See The Revelation chapters 19–22.]

We have given unto your keeping now this time, your book, your Rose without a Thorn. It is but a beginning.

There’ll be many of you who can say, “Nay, I can only do this,” or “I can only do that.” Yet, you will ask your-God day by day to do his bidding, your bidding. And your God shall answer. Which of you shall now answer your God?

August 15, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. We should answer in this manner. For upon thy earth should walk the Seventh Angel.

And you should say unto us, “What this could mean unto the earth?”

And we should answer unto you into this manner. For it should mean pestilence and famine. That that man has placed into the earth should come forth. That that man has placed into the heavens should come downward. Rain shall not fall, but when it comes it shall come in abundance. Crops shall not grow. All of these things man has done unto himself.

For we should tell thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of the Lord, and as they placed there forth within your atmospheric that that would produce the clouds into which the rain should be carried about. And therefore, each was different and separate, and each did serve its own purpose. And therefore, the earth was green and fertile, and all things came in abundance.

And then man came forth. And day by day and year by year, he has polluted the land, the sky, and the earth beneath the land. At first he learned to rotate his crops to rebuild the land, but then he found, through the use of chemical compounds, that he could force the growth of the plant life, he could change the genes within the plant life. And these were good, for these were intended.

Then man became lustful. And as he became lustful he tried to make the earth produce more and more, beyond its own endurance. And therefore, the land polluted into itself.

We shall tell thee of another time, of a land of Egypt, when famine did come upon it. And in this land God sent forth in dream form he who should dream the dream [Pharaoh]. And then He sent forth the one who should interpret the dream [Joseph]. And in both God’s work was done.

And we say unto you, your earth could feed the world in bountiful form with­out such as this.

Many have asked, “Then what is the answer for such?” And we say unto you, as you in this land of your Americans have put forth what you call, soil banks, take these from the soil banks and put them into production. Take the land that is no longer productive and lay it aside that it may restore itself. Plant upon it these things that will put back into the soil and not take from it. If such is done, if man in his lust should stop, then the famine would stop.

But all is in free choice. Should you go onward with your lust as you have, man shall die away in a polluted land where nothing grows.

You have changed your cosmic radiation, or cosmic bombardment, unto the earth form, which all mass and all form should come from. You have polluted the sky in such a manner that no longer is there an even balance. Therefore, a form change should take place. For those who can adapt themselves to this form change shall live. But many thousands shall die. And yet, the thousands shall be into millions upon the earth.

We have placed before you means to overcome and change your own environment. Yet you have heard us not. We came before you and told of you of the coming of the famine, and to store, and yet, you heard us not.

Now we say again unto you, heed our words. Store of grain, of tools. Store of seed. Store of knowledge. Do of these things, that your civilization should preserve itself, that it ­should not crawl back into the caves once again, that it should not revert itself totally back unto the animal form that the spirit first found it in.

Take lessons from your clouds. Know that each is different and each is changing. But a cloud can go not where it is not wanted. It can only come unto the lands for those who should give praise unto the Lord.

Yet, you have used up your water from the earth, your natural storage tanks. And your ground should settle and cause earthquakes within the same unto this land, the land you stand on, the land of the Tucson.

And we shall tell thee of the land of the Tucson, for the land of the Tucson was the tribe of the thieves. And the thieves, therefore, were the thieves of Yucatan. They were the thieves that came forth from the land of Atlantis.

And yet, the time came forth when the one known as the Christ did walk upon the earth, and he came forth among these and he taught them of their ways. And he showed them to plant the corn and the grain, and the melons, and to make the ground fruitful unto them, and showed them there were no longer a need to be thieves. Yet he left among them no curse words, no profanity. This is why you find not that in their language, for it was cast aside. For is it not written, “Should thy right eye offend thee, cast it aside.” And so, therefore, this land became a peaceful land.

And then came forth upon this land those of your Spaniards; once again thieves walked the earth. They walked and they brought forth the Black Robes to imprison the people, and they cut forth out their tongues, and they made slaves of them, and they did destroy of them. And they did play trickery upon them, and they made them believe that the enemies were of their own people, of their own kind. And so, they went forth and they did burn pueblo after pueblo, and it did go unto the earth. All in the name, they said, of the Christ one who had come before. Yet the old ones who know, said unto them, of the people, “This is not his way. This is not those we have waited, that should come again, as he should promise.”

And then came forth those of the Americans from many lands. And they came forth. And yet, these peaceful people do not make war upon them, but greeted them, only to have trickery performed upon them once again. And these who scratched the earth and brought forth the gold, the silver, the copper, and they took more and more of the land, and once again this land called Tucson diverted back unto the town or the land of the thieves.

In the large basin beneath Mt. Lemmon lies Tucson, Arizona. You can see the air pollution above basin which indicates where the city is.

And now you have your modern thieves, those of your time, of your day. And we say unto you, cleanse this land or it shall be cleansed for you. For not one pebble upon the earth shall be left unturned. For now is the time of the Cherub, and the Cherub shall carry the great Sword, the sword that should cut two ways. One side of the Sword should cut away land, and cleanse it. The other side should cut away those who have the mark of the Beast, the thieves. [See The Revelation chapters 13 and 19.]

And we say unto you, look unto yourselves. Cast aside your greed, your lust, your envy. Look unto your brothers and look unto your sisters in such a manner that you should be as a mirror. Do unto them as you would wish them to do unto you, and you shall change the destiny of this land. If this is not done, then as we have said before, the land shall be cut from the earth and cast unto the sea. Yet the sea should not want it. And it should throw it back out, but not in the form it lies of today.

September 25, 1974: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [9–26–74–004]; he says, ‘I would like to know for what main purpose I’ve incarnated in the earth plane at this time, and whether there is a past life karma to be met in this life? If so, am I meeting this karma and am I following the purpose for which I incarnated?’”

First, we should answer in this manner. Many who are born upon this life plane were present at the birth and the time of the one known as Jesus Christ of Nazara. Many of the same that were born at that time lived in the days of Atlantis. And many did not worship the God of One, but worshiped Babylon.

It was easy in the land of plenty to forget thy God. But in the last days of Atlantis thy looked toward the heavens and toward thy God and knew of His vengeance upon the earth, and knew that you must die to live again.

You ask for your purpose and we say unto you, it must come in this manner. For we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Your year shall be 1999, your month shall be July. We can tell thee no more without further permission from our Father. Look within the book with roses; look, therefore, in the Rose without Thorns and ye shall find the message. It shall tell thee the time, the day, the hour, and the place the Lord, the Messiah, shall appear. It is placed in both astrology, numerology, in this form. It was placed that the wise may hear and that the wise may see, both with their mind, their eyes, and the heart.

Look unto this. Take up the cup. Open the door that we may enter, and let the cup runneth over unto others.

The day is at hand.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, as in Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham said unto the messengers of the Lord that he would bring forth ten righteous men. Yet, nay, none survived, but Lot and his daughters. And his wife died in temptation. {See Genesis 18:16–33 and chapter 17.]

Let this not happen. Let this earth be born again in each of you — a new love.

When this birth comes from within you, your brothers and sisters of your other planetary systems await you, for they come with the knowledge of God and the love of God.

Must it wait until you have destroyed your earth, that they may become your brothers to help you rebuild it? Or shall you give praise unto the Lord? And the Lord shall hear, and the nations shall hear your words, and the Seventh Seal might never be opened.

“I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth — rocks!” ~ Albert Einstein

January 11, 1975, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as man should look upon the cold of winter and wish upon the warmth of spring, so should the kindling in his heart be sparked as the spiritual growth comes forth within his soul.

We have talked to you many times of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. But now we should explain, for there has been much confusion.

As has been said before, that at first there was God. And God bore children of His kind. And the Seven Spirits of God did come forth. And therefore, the thought of God was the spirit of man. But the spirit was not enough.

And then He sent forth unto the Seven Spirits to build the earth, and the universe, and universes on end. He said, “LET THERE BE NO BEGINNING AND NO ENDING. LET THE EXPANSION FOR MY CHILDREN BE FRUITFUL, AS THEY SHALL BE FRUITFUL.”

And He said unto the Seven Spirits, “LET THERE BE MAN, AND HE SHALL BE IN MY IMAGE.” And so, from the matter of the earth cast forth unto the form of man.

At first he was of a fragile thing, of energy form only.

And then as man, the man-beast, began to develop and grow, God in His wisdom knew yet again that this was not enough. And so, the Sons of God did look upon the daughters of man and find them fair, and so did enter and become earthbound.

But when man and woman were complete God looked upon them and said, “THIS IS GOOD, AND SO IT SHALL BE.” [See Genesis, chapter 1 and 2:1–4.]

But as a well-tuned instrument, man soon, in his boredom, in his ever-seeking mind, as his Creator’s mind, he started to create, first with flaws. And in the creation he created unto himself his own world.

Some said, “Let us go back into the spiritual form.”

Others said, “No, let us go forward and seek out that that lies before us.”

The wiser said unto them all, “Let us do both. Let us become unto ourselves the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body shall rise, and that shall be that that has cometh from God and shall return unto God.”

By PlanetUser — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=46240986

Between your language barrier and ours we shall try to have you understand. We have said before, we do not sleep. And we shall explain in the parable, that as the sun was made it should shineth through eternity. But as the earth should turn and wobble upon it axis parts of the earth shall be in darkness, only to be re-lighted again by the sun. And God, in the same manner, should find His children that should wander from their paths, only to return back into the warmth of their Father.

In your days of trial and tribulation you should say unto us, “What manner of beings are these?” We have tried to explain unto you, then from which we come, matter, as your know it, is not as your matter, for much as you in the beginning were of pure energy form, so are we. But that you may see us, for those who should, then we should place ourselves in the form of man. This would be readily acceptable into your mind’s eye.

But soon upon your earth others of your own kind, who have come forth from other worlds, from other environments, shall come upon your earth, some larger, some smaller. Their lungs, their respiratory systems, all shall be of a different kind. Yet they will be from all the same seed, for man should change to adjust to his environment.

Now, you may seek unto these who’ve come forth in peace and make war upon them, and in turn, they can divert back and make war upon you. Or you can learn from them much, of their technology, as once before your people learned from those of another planetary system. We say unto you, that that they should bring should make your preparation for the coming of the Messiah much easier. It should fill the bellies of the needy. It shall bring warmth unto your houses and unto your hearts. Do not turn away from these.

There are other planetary systems who are much on the same level as your own, that at this moment are sending forward robot-controlled spacecraft. As you have found out, there is nothing to replace the brain of man, and nothing that can be built, except by God, that would replace this. For it should have compassion when compassion is needed. It shall have strength when strength is needed. It shall render judgment. It shall make decisions. And it shall reign upon heaven and earth. You have encountered some of these robot-controlled crafts; but as you yourselves have done, you have sent probes into outer space. You have not realized that the dimension of speed and speech makes yours and theirs pass by one another; soon this barrier shall be overcome.

You shall continue, the land shall continue to have tornado and hurricane-type storms. This shall sweep unto the earth. The wheat and the harvest of the wheat shall be in jeopardy.

We should say unto you, as was said one before unto Abraham, let prayer come up from the [news] who would change. There is much that can be done with your minds in the changing of the weather form, and the earth’s movements within the same.

With what we have said we have satisfied and answered none of the question that you have had ready for us to answer. But we have answered long-standing questions within your minds.

We shall go on to say unto you, that the children of God shall come in many forms. Your technology shall increase even greater than it has ever known before. Remember, control your technology, your science, that it may serve you and you do not serve it. But do not be afraid of the advancements that shall come upon the earth so rapidly — the changing in the earth’s form, the storm of different value, the earthquakes, the volcanic action which will erupt across the earth. None of these things you should fear, for you shall be warned before you are in danger, that your lives may continue to serve and function in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It was begun in 1993. Some think it is used to modify the weather, or in weather warfare, and that other countries also have such technology.

February 8, 1975: We shall say unto you unto these words, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New tornados and earthquakes shall erupt across the land. You shall find that where no tornados or earthquakes were recorded before, suddenly they shall appear.

We shall answer one other question within your minds. The harnessing of the cosmic-magnetic energy flow should be brought about within a two-year time. Other energy for your population should be sought out, and continue to develop.

Words spoken well are good, but only should there be action placed behind them. You shall find that your politicians spend more time squabbling among themselves than they do in the things that should be done today, not tomorrow.

We should say, in the land of the isles of California earthquakes shall erupt. Across the Pacific seaboard, on both sides, earthquakes shall erupt. Earthquakes shall erupt in your Atlantic seaboard. They should erupt in the mid-continental states. But even should the Earth shift its surface and arrange its face, man shall adapt to this. Make your own selves ready for this time.

Your harvests once again this year shall be lean. Make the preparations.

We should also instruct that that of your newsletter should carry more of how to prepare. Take all of the knowledge, not part of the knowledge given to you. Take it forth unto the people, for as we may speak, we may only speak unto a few. And only a few may hear our voices. But as you should place our words into print and send them forth, then many should see and learn from the same. But we have placed knowledge into many of your people’s minds. Use all of this knowledge.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

[See “Prepare for the Famine” (Parts 1–3) at medium.com/@universalphilos.]

May 7, 1975: You shall find that there are many sides to a sword, one that cutteth away the past and let it fall, the other that cutteth away and make room for the future that it may grow.

June 28, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

Through the forest, and all about, shall lie the handiwork of our Lord. In the beginning all things were set in tranquility, that nature, within itself, would reseed the earth. Yet there was a time and place for all parts of nature, and all parts of the beasts that inhabited the earth. For each beast that left the earth, a new beast came forth to take its place. And as the earth would change its form, so it was that man would change his form.

And so it shall be. For as the earth should once again change its form, so shall man, with his knowledge, learn to adapt and change. For those who shall change, and be ready to change, then life shall go on as such. The mind is a [n]ever-ending, wonderful instrument placed in perfect accord and perfect balance, that man should adapt not only to this earth, but to the other earths upon earths that lie even beyond your galaxies.

Soon upon your land, as you have reached into the heavens, other men from other galaxies are reaching toward your earth. This can come forth in a peaceful reunion of man, or it can come forth in the desolation of man.

Man since the beginning of time has feared what he cannot understand, and therefore, has tried to destroy all forms that were unlike himself. White man has tried to destroy Black; Black has tried to destroy White. The Yellow races have tried to destroy the Red. And so it goes throughout time.

As we have said before, it is not until all of mankind upon your earth can join in unisance. There are many ways of life, each more beautiful unto the other, as there are many mansions in our Father’s kingdom. Yet, if a man should walk unto the river and drink from a cup, and another drink from a plate, and each be satisfied in that which he does, if you can understand and learn to understand each purpose that each man should reach for — do not fear these things. You have long since tried to change other societies, and all you have gained from it is warfare and destruction of mankind.

We say unto you, if in truth you stand in truth for freedom and liberty unto all, then God shall stand with you. But if in truth these are not your principles, then you shall not stand with the Lord, but with yourself, and your self-made ideas.

If you should pray unto the Lord, speak as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, the Lord should hear. But pray not for the death of your brother, for how can the Lord look upon His children and give death unto one and life unto another? But we say unto you, the Lord is a jealous God. Place no other god before Him, or you shall feel the wrath, therefore, within the same.

Yet, as His children have grown and matured, so the Lord, our God, has grown in wisdom. And as more of His children come forth upon the earth, so His wisdom and tolerance should mature.

If you should look unto the Lord, look unto Him in a manner as you would look unto yourself.

But if you would look unto your brother in the same manner, you would have no reason to have quarrel with him.

Look unto the balance of the earth, and you shall find the balance within yourself. But as you would look at the river, know that nothing stands still, neither God nor man, nor earth, nor universe, nor galaxy or universes beyond universes and galaxies beyond galaxies.

All must change.

Soon these changes shall come forth. New eruptions shall occur on your Western coastline. And tornado and hurricane shall smitten the earth.

Landfall of Hurricane Katrina along central U.S. Gulf Coast, August 28, 2005.

Upon the Eastern shoreline great storms and earthquakes shall occur.

The island of Cuba shall be ripped and torn until the warheads within her lay dormant and rust away.

October 25, 2012, Sandy hit Cuba as a Category 3 hurricane. Sandy made landfall just west of Santiago de Cuba, the country’s second-largest city, as a strong Category 2 hurricane, with the strong eastern eyewall passing directly over the city. The eye of the storm came ashore just west of the city with waves up to 29 feet (9 meters) and a six-foot (2 meter) storm surge that caused extensive coastal flooding. Reports from the area after the passage of Sandy spoke of widespread damage, particularly to Santiago de Cuba. Throughout the province, 132,733 homes were damaged, of which 15,322 were destroyed and 43,426 lost their roof. Electricity and water services had been knocked out, and most of the trees in the city had either been ripped off their roots or had lost all their leaves. Several Cuban provinces promised to send brigades to help Santiago recover, although officials gave a long list of other towns that suffered devastation. Guantanamo City followed a similar fate to Santiago, with television showing telephone poles and cables down across the city. Several historic buildings in the centre of town were reportedly damaged. Total losses throughout Santiago de Cuba province reached 50mil GBP. State media has said at least 11 people in Cuba were killed as a result of the storm, and president Raul Castro planned to visit Santiago de Cuba in the coming days. Most of the victims were trapped in destroyed houses. This makes Sandy the deadliest hurricane to hit Cuba since 2005, when Hurricane Dennis killed 16 people.

The industrial nation of Japan shall waste under her own water and her own pollution.

In 2011 a massive earthquake struck Japan triggering a destructive tsunami off the coast of the Miyagi prefecture. The earthquake was registered as a magnitude 9.0 (Baba, 2013). Image: Japan Nuclear power plants map, with Fukushima I nuclear accidents (Fukushima I is Fukushima-Daiichi).

The isles of Britain shall be linked unto the continent of Europe. The northern proportion of Europe shall be smitten as though it was struck by a sword. The Dragon, as you would call it, the land of China, shall be plagued by both disease and famine. The Bear, that of the Russian nation and the Russian countries, therefore, within the same, your Common Market, shall fall beneath itself.

Tanks in Red Square during 1991 Soviet coup d’état attempt — The Soviet Union was dissolved on December 26, 1991 as a result of the declaration no. 142-Н of the Soviet of the Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union.[1] The declaration acknowledged the independence of the former Soviet republics and created the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), although five of the signatories ratified it much later or not at all. On the previous day, Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, the eighth and last leader of the Soviet Union, resigned, declared his office extinct, and handed over its powers — including control of the Soviet nuclear missile launching codes — to Russian President Boris Yeltsin. That evening at 7:32 p.m., the Soviet flag was lowered from the Kremlin for the last time and replaced with the pre-revolutionary Russian flag.

Yet, this nation [U.S.A.] may stand, if it should grow strong within itself and strong before its God. But should this nation continue to draw its wings back and not coveth and protect the land of Israel, then the Lord shall not protect this nation.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

You have questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. One moment. Aka, at our last reading, June 7th, you spoke of the early life of Moses and his mission in answer to our question. We are not clear on the answer. We are confused on the part where you say, ‘He brought great honor in battle unto the land of Egyptan, yet from the day he climbed the mountain into the valley of the Lord, our God, he became the prophet and the instrument of God. And we say unto you that Moses, as Adam, as Isaiah, as Jesus, as one of the “hundred and one,” all were the same.’ Please explain so it is clearer.”

First we shall say unto you that as Adam, so was that of the one known as Jesus Christ that did come forth in five incarnations. He was the first-begotten son of the Lord, our God, yet he did come forth in five places. Yet, as Moses, in the time of Moses, that that was as five had been reduced unto one. As he did come forth in the beginning, of the “hundred and one,” he came forth in Eden — therefore, in another planetary system, not of your own. The story of Eden you have, therefore, within the Bible substance of your own, much as been taken out and much has been placed as the story was told over and over. You must realize that many thousands and millions of years have transpired between these times.

Much as the one known as Jesus was born, he was not born with the full knowledge, for many came forth and were teachers unto him, and did open the doorways of his mind, that he could come forth unto the people and bring forth the resurrection of the same.

From beginning until ending, he brought forth the proof unto men that all mankind could come forth and reach the Christ state should they desire to do so. But too often you have looked back upon him — and think that he could not smile and laugh? He was a man of laughter, of joy. He enjoyed life, every moment of it, as it should have been lived. Without that great joy, how can you conceive of his love for mankind? And how could you conceive, without the great love, that he would go forth to give of his body, blood into blood, and be crucified — and then come forth again in a resurrection of the body, the soul, and the spirit?

Yet, his apostles knew him not. Thomas said, “Therefore, if you are he, show me your wounds.” [John 20:19–29.]

Yet he passed two of his apostles upon a road and they knew him not. For he came forth in a different body form. It was not until he showed them his wounds, and transferred back unto the original spiritual self, the immortal body, as he had told them before, “You may slay me, you may tear down this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.” And so he did. [See Luke 24:13–53.]

And so it is with all mankind, that the resurrection from death to birth should be but the passing of three breaths of the Lord.

Now do you understand of which we spoke?

“Yes, I think so; I have one question though, Aka. Was Moses and Isaiah and Jesus of the same spirit?”

Yes, Moses, Isaiah, and Buddha — all of the same spirit.

You shall find that though he appeared upon the earth in many forms, yet he should appear again after the crucifixion upon the American Continent, to walk upon this land you stand upon now to teach, to bring forth the knowledge. You shall find that within most of your Indian ceremonies the legend of the one who walked forth as the coming of the Evening Star, and there did go with the Evening Star, and therefore, should cometh again with the Evening Star as he promised. This is our sole purpose, is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon your earth — the word, Messiah, meaning, the enlighted [note: a Middle English term] one, or the enlighted [enlightened] ones, he who should come with the Spirit of God that could dwell within him, he who [is] given freely, unto guidance by the Lord, our God.

Many prophets have been sent forth upon the earth throughout your known history, all for the preparation of the coming of the same.

And once he walked upon this land. From that time since, the Eagle has continued in his flight, never to rest, until the earth and the heavens shall be made as one. And so it shall be. You shall have a new earth and a new heaven.

But think not of this land you stand upon, think of all of your galaxies. Think of your brothers and sisters upon the other planetary systems. They have changed their forms to adapt to their environments. Only ignorance can make you deny that of your own kinship.

A photo of many galxies from the HUbble deep field telescope

July 26, 1975: Many should come and many should go, and yet not see the light beneath their feet. Many shall continue always to seek outward from themselves to find the greater knowledge, when knowledge has been placed within every mind. In telling you of that of the past, and in telling you of that of the present, and in telling you that of the future, we bind all of these things together as the purpose but for one, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

We have walked upon the water that you may witness of the same — not to show ourselves we could walk upon the water, but because of your skepticism we have done so, that you might see that we are not impregnable or infallible. [As] a man should build a fort and should say unto himself, “Now I am safe, nothing can touch of me,” it is but a matter of years or days until all that is necessary has been produced upon the Earth to penetrate the farthest on the Earth’s of hiding places.

As your country stands, each in turn has said unto themselves, “One nation under God.” We say unto you, we see but a handful, yet for within the handful the cup should runneth over. And so it should be within the descendants of Abraham.

Find within yourself that you may be able to give, expecting nothing in return. Find within yourself your love and desires for one another. Put them each in their proper sequence and the world shall rise and blossom, and the sword that should cut two ways shall bring about the balance within the same.

But we say unto you, seek not the door to enter unless you are prepared to face what is on the other side.

September 20, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as the grains of sand upon the desert are vast and many, so are the spiritual form of man. As an ocean it should flood the universe. Within each man should lie a part of God, yet each shall be separate and different, and each shall be as an individual, as long as freedom can prevail, freedom to worship, each in your own manner. You are now within the laws of your land a church. But never forget that the true temple of God should lie within the man’s soul, his spirit, his immortal body. Deep within that hidden place within your mind should be the lighten candle of life. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]

As a gentle breeze should blow across the land into the hearts of man, so should the spirit flow across the desert and unto the plains, into the hills and over the mighty oceans.

Your earth is shifting on its axis. And the earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face.

And you should say unto us, “Why should this happen?”

And we should say unto you, it is the earth’s way of cleansing itself. Much as winter is a way of replenishing the earth, so is the shifting of the earth’s axis. It’s a way of renewing the earth, a way of replenishing the species of the land.

Each time the earth has shifted so has mankind changed his environment. As this would take place once again, the greatest loss that mankind may have is his knowledge. For in this time your scientific knowledge and your spiritual knowledge has come together in such a manner to provide you with a free and untainted earth — a new heaven and a new earth.

Soon, once again in the isles of California new earthquakes shall occur. In the Caribbean area new earthquakes shall occur. In the Asiatic area new earthquakes shall occur. In that proportion and land known as Russia, and Ethiopia, all shall begin to change its face.

New wars loom closely at hand. We say unto you, as the Eagle [U.S.A.] should replenish its growth and become young again, so it must protect this land of Jerusalem.

Once before, in the land of Rome, the eagle was carried as a banner, and misinterpreted. You are the modern Romans, founded on the same principle of freedom and justice unto all, one nation under God. There are many who would destroy it and take away this freedom. Let not that happen. But it cannot be preserved by becoming radical, distrusting thy neighbors. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves.

Now, let the group bind closer together. Bring forth new teachers. Bring forth new ministers. Bring forth. Let the words of peace, and the thousand years of peace may be soon at hand. But remember, all things shall come that are needed.

Lovingly Aka said, October 4, 1975: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For as man stands upon the Earth, if he should stand in such a position that one hand held the past, the other the future, and dwelt each day only on that, then where would his presents be? He would stand only in one place, serve no purpose to himself or any other. The past is only knowledge that can guide you to the present. And the present should make of the future.

You with your individual free will, your minds — your minds are capable of moving mountains. A child may develop the mind quite rapidly because he has not placed before him what he cannot do. When a child learns to walk the equilibrium begins to function in such a manner that he may hold his balance.

Mankind is so busy holding their balance that they are not reaching for the stars, for through the stars shall be the pathway through your future, through the further exploration and development into your space travel. You shall find with the development of the cosmic-magnetic-electrical-energy substance both land and space travel and your power needs may be excelled.

You say unto us, “How can you speak of the book of Revelations and a new source of energy substance in the same breath?” We say unto you, your earth has changed its facial structure many times. It shall do so again. It is the spiritual structure of man with knowledge that shall gain you your new heaven and your new earth. To fear is to be ignorant.

Each of you asks the Lord, our God, each day for your peace of mind, for your well being, and for your many needs and wants; but, which among you should say unto himself or herself, “How may I give unto the Lord, God?”

The Lord, God, does not ask a mighty temple of brick and stone. These things are good, for it is a gathering house. The only temple we seek to build is that within man, the temple of God is man. The body of God lies within all.

To fall down is not a sin. There are many things that you would call sin that our Father thinks little or not at all of.

You seek to explain to yourself the book of Revelations. You seek the knowledge of that that should taste of honey, yet grow bitter in one’s mouth. [See The Revelation 10:1–11.]

We shall answer your question. In man’s quest for his future, if all he could see was the future and not of the present, it would soon grow very bitter in his mouth. These were the scrolls that John was directed to eat, the scrolls of the future.

Your future can be made in such a manner that the famine, your time of the Anti-Christ or the coming of the Beast upon the Earth, can be wiped away with your minds. The chaos of the shifting of the Earth’s axis is nothing more than a minor adjustment that must be made within man and beast.

We have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. The great Sword hovers, to strike from one side and part the land; the other shall part man. If a building should burn, and all inside use their minds and orderly and jointly remove themselves from the building, no one will be harmed. But fear, the constant dwelling upon fear, can destroy the mind, can destroy all around you, for you shall cease to see the flowers that grow today and can grow tomorrow.

We have also said unto you that where deserts stand water shall flow. New gardens, new forests shall arise. Your water level of the seas shall rise, only to recede again. The continents shall shift and change, only to stabilize again. Mankind has lived through every change of the earth. That that he has lost each time was his knowledge to crawl out of the cave, to not be afraid.

Use your knowledge here and now that you may store the knowledge from within.

Remember, you just — you are now, only now, beginning to understand the knowledge of the medicine used by the Sumerians thousands of years ago.

We have said before that the true healing shall come through the light and sound. We shall elaborate farther in this manner, that through the functioning of the brain cells in the brain in itself, tone, or as you would know, musical tones, shall [immute] light. The light substance is an electrical substance that should be carried forth throughout the nervous system, throughout the biochemical functions of the body substance of the same.

And you say unto us, “How can this be so?” And we say unto you, does not the sperm of man carry light force and tone? Does not every object upon your earth? Should you change the cosmic flow, energy flow, into any object, should it not be mutated, therefore, changing the molecule structure of the same, and changing its form? You can destroy nothing. You have destroyed nothing. You will destroy nothing. You may only change its form.

We say unto you, study of the words we have spoken. You shall have many questions. Let them form and bring them forth, and we shall answer of the same….

October 18, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as man should walk forth into your planetary system, there you shall find new earths, and many of your people shall come forth to colonize. They shall gaze upon fields never plowed. But as the plow should enter the earth to till the ground, it shall bring forth new life upon a planet, much as your Eastern world did bring forth unto the Western world, and trade cultures into the same.

You shall find those of your own kind in these other planetary systems. And you shall say unto us, “How can this relate unto us?” And we say unto you, look into your day-to-day tasks, that as you should meet another unlike yourself, fear them not. Understanding one another, that each may put their hand to the plow, and the task they should bring forth shall come from the faith within. And the faith within shall come from the hope within. And the hope within shall come forth as a gentle summer breeze. And love shall flourish. But as you should plant a seed today, even in friendship, time shall bring forth its harvest.

If you trade and barter, look deeply into each part with full understanding, with the understanding that the love, the compassion, the hope, the faith, and the wisdom of all shall let its roots bury deep in the soul and heart and spirit, and the immortal body of man, letting all flow in harmony, one unto another.

We have said unto you, we come but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Some, because of the natural catastrophes that should befall the earth, should be fearful. They are wrong. The fear only breeds more fear. The knowledge and understanding takes away the fear, the working of one hand into another….

Where more than one should gather, so we shall stand. And where only one shall stand, we shall stand. But the learning to stand together in love, in faith, and in harmony is your greatest task in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

If a burden is carried with love, it is no burden at all, for it becomes light, and your feet shall gather wings — for you shall become in harmony with the universe. Let it be so. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

“Heaven’s Gate”

You have questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. Thank you. I have a request for a life reading from [7–319–1…Tucson, Arizona]. She asks for a life reading in order to better enable her to use what skills she possesses and to help in the work of the preparation and to make her a better person.”

Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same, and therefore, we have before us the records. We shall say unto this one, we shall bring forth unto you that that is needed for today. It shall not be all of your incarnations upon this planet, but it shall be that that is significant to your development of this day and of tomorrow.

We find this one has entered many times before the entry, in the land of the second continent of Atlantis. And this one, as a girl child, was prepared in all ways to marry within her [status]. Her father was a merchant of jewelry and had done well by himself and his family. Yet, the mother would be, as your would call, a social climber of today. She cared not for her husband’s feelings and not for her daughter’s feelings, but sought a marriage of prestige, and therefore, did barter, that she might marry that of a noble from the land of Egytan.

And so the marriage did come forth. You were young with little understanding of politics. The people of Egyptan at this time had placed the great priest, Ra-Tai, in exile. And your wondered to yourself, not loudly, but into yourself, why this should be so. You were afraid to ask of your husband, and therefore, you did ask of the servants.

And the servants did say, “There are those from the land of your home who should take power, and seek power in this land. And there are those of this land who cares not for the development of the people.”

And you said unto this servant, “Then why does not this one that they say that comes from the land of the Eagle, why does he let this come about?”

And the servant said unto you, “We know not.”

But then word came that the land of the Eagle had not entered nor blessed the crops. Plague and pestilence did rule the land. And Atlantis, all of her continents were plagued. And [Lakemia [Lamuria?]] was of the same. All of the known world seemed to stand in an [other, utter] darkness.

And then your husband did come forth and say unto you, “I must leave you, for there are those who would bring Ra-Tai back. And should he return, I might fear for my life, for it was I, among others, who had him banished.”

And you said unto your husband, “But what shall happen to me? Where shall I go?”

And he said unto you, “You shall become as a servant.”

And so, doing your husband’s bidding, you did so.

Ra-Tai returned and the land began to flourish. And the great priest, Arcan, came forth from the land of Atlantis.

And, as you served them both their midday meal, Arcan looked upon you and said, “Are you not the wife of the noble?”

And you looked upon him and bowed your head and said, “Yes, that I am.”

And Ra-Tai said unto you, “It is our mission that we should venture forth into the land of the Eagle. We should like your husband to accompany us.”

And you said unto them, “But sires, I know not where my husband is.”

And Arcan said unto you, “Go, therefore, into the Temple of Beauty and you shall find him. And say these words unto him, “If he is to be transformed, he shall return here.”

And so you did do of such and there you found of him. At first he was fearful, but then he returned.

And Arcan said unto him, “You took of a wife, yet you shunned her aside, and placed her in servitude. Therefore, she is no longer your wife. And you are no longer a noble, for a noble is a servant of the people, and only that. Therefore, she shall take your stead and go forth with us into the land of the Eagle.”

And so it came about. And those from Ur and those of all the lands did venture forth. And there you saw many wonderful things — new plants, and new seed substance to feed the land, new forms of medicine, new forms of transportation, new energy substances beyond the wildest pieces of your imagination.

And Ra-Tai did say unto you, “As our delegate you shall remain and learn and bring back unto us these new secrets that have been given unto us. But bring forth nothing that is not given.”

And so, you went forth into the experimental laboratories. And soon a kinship in the work was brought forth into your heart. And many days you did listen and hear the words of the coming of the Messiah. You did hear the words of the sinking of the land of Atlantis, and of other lands. But they were spoken in such a way, and they did say unto you, “For the greatest knowledge that you shall have to take back into your land of Egyptan is the knowledge to store knowledge so that mankind may carry on all, that he shall not go back into the days of darkness and fear.”

And so when the time went forth, you did use of such. And in the Great Pyramid there were developed the devices that on the day of the birth, when the planets did align into their proper sequence, that the closing of the door would come forth unto the tomb of knowledge.

You did grow old, yet the time did not come. And you did pass beyond, only to look back and see that that was promised to happen upon the earth come about. And you did look upon the Earth, and you did say unto yourself, “How can this, these people, why do they not use of the knowledge we have left behind? Why do they scrape away the surface and seek not the knowledge within?”

You saw the city of Cairo built from the shell of the pyramid as the limestone was removed. And you saw that the pyramid no longer functioned with its full power, the power to stabilize the Earth that it should not turn upon its axis again.

You wondered, and yet, when you saw the one of Jesus of Nazara appear upon the land, you thought, “Now all things shall change.”

Yet, you saw the crucifixion, and you saw the Eagle change his flight unto another continent, and the reappearance of that of Jesus of Nazara upon what you would know as the North and South American Continent.

And you said into yourself, “Here, in this land, is where I shall come again. But I shall come in a time when the preparation for the coming of the Messiah is at hand, that I may use my hands, my mind, my body, my soul, and my spirit, all in offering into God.”

And so, your destiny and your re-entry has brought you here unto this time, unto this p1ace, and once again, as the Eagle scoars [soars], and the preparation is being made. We say unto you, we have placed all the tools within your grasp. Bring forth your group form in such a manner that the bell we shall provide shall ring forth your freedom of religion throughout the land, and the preparation shall be made for that of the same.

Heed our words carefully, for they shall have greater meaning than lies upon the surface. For stone by stone so shall this temple be built. But remember, as easily as you should turn a stone, so our Father should turn the descendents of Abraham, one unto another. [See Matthew 25:1–8.]…

Prepare to see within your hearts, your souls, your minds, this coming. Listen and you shall hear…and those who shall see you shall know of it, for it is a glorious time. Glory be the name of the Lord forever and ever.

November 8, 1975: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we should say unto thee, beyond the boundaries of your earth lie many planets of life form, each within its own galaxy and universe, beyond universes. Each was made up for the expansion of man. Yet man should come in many forms, for he has adapted to his environmental environment, both that of a social nature and that of a physical nature. The biochemistry of the same should be altered to fit his environment; yet he, in himself, the shell into which he should live, was constructed in such a manner that the biochemistry could change.

Once again within your body substance, on your planetary system you called Earth, this has been taking place. Much as your Earth began to shift on its axis in the year of 1925, so did man begin his environmental change. You have advanced scientifically very rapidly, yet you have accepted certain things as fact without change — and who should know better than what was so and truth of today should be but a second truth of tomorrow? Yet it shall not be cast aside; it shall be added to.

But the concept within your minds of matter and anti-matter, this you shall soon change your theories upon.

A rose may grow upon the Earth in one fashion, and upon another planetary system a rose may grow on that earth form also. It may be called by a different name, its structure may be altered in the molecule substance, yet that that it was placed upon the earth for shall serve the same purpose.

Much as man should change his biochemical structure, so should there be room for change in his spiritual substance and his spiritual growth. We say unto you unto this manner, we have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor have we come to change the words and prophesies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We come to bring unto you a further truth, taking not from that that was given, but to add to. Yet we come not as Moses, nor as Jesus, we come but to prepare the way for he who should come after us, for we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. But in the preparation, we say unto you, that preparation must come forth, first within your souls, your mind, your heart, and your immortal body of the same. It must also come forth in such a manner that you do not lose your good judgment.

There shall be many who shall come forth as false messiahs. They shall say unto you, “You must be this, you must be that.” We say unto you, the Lord, God, did place unto you free choice. He who should come from God should not take that from you. He who should speak of God should not take that from you, for the Lord, God, would not take that from you.

We say unto you, as you, of man, [who] did choose of death form that you might climb the ladder further, that you may enter and re-enter again, but the choice should always be yours, even upon a mission upon this Earth or upon the other earth forms we have spoke about.

Soon upon your earth other humanoids from other planetary systems shall make themselves known unto you. Some shall put out their hand in peace and in guidance. Some shall come with motives not the greatest, and not for the betterment of your earth, but for theirs. Some should place themselves upon the earth and enter as your form. These days are coming about but for one purpose, that from the beginning of all galaxies and universes, so shall they know the coming of the Messiah….

Our Milky Way galaxy in which we and many others live

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Soul Ray asks, ‘What happens in the disappearance of both people and substance in the Bermuda Triangle?’”

Yes, we see of thy need. First, we shall answer in this manner. It must be realized that that that now is at the bottom of the ocean was once land form. Where now you pump your oil from, huge forests and life form did live. Civilization upon civilization has flourished upon this earth, reached forth into its golden age, and passed back into the rock ages again because in its golden dawn it could not believe that it could end. Therefore, it never pre­pared itself. It never placed away knowledge in such a manner that it could be carried on.

Even those who built the Great Pyramid did so in such a manner to confuse those around them. They built so carefully to hide a knowledge and store a knowledge, they lost unto man at his most needed time the knowledge that kept him from going back into the stone ages.

Therefore, there are many triangles. You shall find they shall be in the shape of the pyramid forming. These were crystal substances, much as we have described before, that was used as cosmic-magnetic generators to transform huge amounts of energy around the earth substance. But they were also used to transform huge amounts of energy from one planet to another. They were also used in interplanetary space travel.

At the ending, and the time of the ending, and the fall of the continents and the isles of Atlantis, and Lemuria, and Ur, their power sources were covered by the oceans. Yet, when the weather substance, the environmental substance, atmospheric changes are at precise temperature, these substances or cosmic generators, as you would call them, may be activated. At that moment, that that is matter is changed unto anti-matter and is transformed billions of light years into another dimensional planetary system. Life does not cease for those, nor does the destruction of the material substance. They are only transformed from one point to another. They are changed from matter into anti-matter, and back into matter again. This new form of energy is the same energy that we spoke of in our last reading.

Map of the Bermuda Triangle

January 10, 1976, Aka told of a time before, long ago, when the earth shifted on its axis in one person’s past:

You have questions, ask.

“Yes Aka. I have a request for a life reading from [7–311–1…Scottsdale]…”


One moment, please. We have the records, therefore; we have the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. We should say unto thee that the time and date are incorrect. But we should give the reading as such.

We should suggest first that this soul should check farther into the date and time of birth. He shall find that within reality his date of birth is one day earlier.


Therefore, we should say unto thee, we find this one and the entry of the same in the year of the Dragon in the month of the Cow on the day of the Ram in that proportion of a land mass that thy would now call, Tibet. At that time the land was at a low elevation than it now stands, and the ocean did flow by the village.

You must realize that these who should call themselves, the People, were those of the remnants left over from the Second World, as you would know it. This would pre­date your time of Atlantis. This [would] predate your Earth records approximately two million, ten thousand, three hundred and one [2,010,301] days.

Landmass positions near the end of the Precambrian period. The movement of plates has caused the formation and break-up of continents over time, including occasional formation of a super-continent containing most or all of the continents. The earliest known super-continent was Vaalbara. It formed from proto-continents and was a super-continent by 3.1 billion years ago (3.1 Ga). Vaalbara broke up c. 2.8 Ga ago. The super-continent Kenorland was formed c. 2.7 Ga ago and then broke sometime after 2.5 Ga into the proto-continent cratons called Laurentia,Baltica, Australia, and Kalahari. The super-continent Columbia or Nuna formed during a period of 2.0–1.8 billion years and broke up about 1.5–1.3 billion years ago.[13][14]The super-continent Rodinia is thought to have formed about 1 billion years ago, to have embodied most or all of Earth’s continents and to have broken up into eight continents around 600 million years ago.

More of the Earth at that time was of ocean than of land. These people were the survivors of the earth’s movement. They were of the first generation after the great chaos. And as they brought themselves together and built their villages, their knowledge had been great, but no longer did they have the tools and alloids [alloys] that were harder than steel that could withstand the flight into outer space. No longer did thy have the material to build the ships that flew through the ocean. No longer did they have the fabric manu­facturing that could withstand great heats and great cold, yet was very thin. All of this, except for the clothes they bore and remnants left over [of] that time, was with them. Even small tools of iron were precious things [unto] them. The doctors scraped their tools that they would work with from flint, because the knowledge and the facilities to make tools [with] any other thing was not with them. Their libraries, their mineralogists were gone.

These had been city people, people who had not known many trades except their own specialties. Even to live from the sea was a hardship. Therefore, the entry of this one was a great occasion throughout the village, for few of the infants did live who were born. Diseases spread through the land. And sanitary conditions were very hard for these people to provide for themselves. They knew not how to dispose of even their own waste. And so, upon the birth, and the knowledge that this would one to live, was a great occasion to be celebrated, for so little did they have to celebrate for.

Yet one among them, who had been a great politician in their land before, through his own thought and his own meditation did he bring forth the knowledge of the God of One. And so he did come forth [and to] baptize this one in the Light of the Lord. And in his baptism he did say unto these words, “Oh Lord, we have suffered long. We know unto the reasons that we have been cast aside, that we may cleanse the land and cleanse ourselves. But Lord, spare unto this one. Let us combine our efforts and teach him all we know.” And so it came about.

And, as the lad grew older news came of other villages. And new crafts of different nature came forth, each village retaining a certain amount of know­ledge. And so it was decided that this one should, be sent from village to village, and then bring back unto his own village the knowledge from the other villages. But because of the fear to his life, and the fear and superstitions that now began to grow and rampage throughout the lands, it was necessary that armed guards be sent with him, yet he knew not why.

As he was sent forth he did gather the seeds of many land[s] for planting. He did gather tools and knowledge, and ways to make tools. And he did come back unto the land.

But then, with all the knowledge, he thought unto himself, “I have more knowledge than even the elders. Why should I not rule?” What he did not know — the elders had planned that he should rule.

But when the elders saw within him his jealousy, they knew that he could not be a wise ruler. Yet they had prepared no one else. And they said, “Woe unto us, for we have put one egg in the basket, and it has gone foul.”

But yet, this one did encourage among the young and others to take by force and rule, and so it came to be.

And he did say unto them, “We have the knowledge of all, and we may conquer all.” And he did prepare his people for war. And he did seek war. And the war did befall the land again.

And he did become rich and powerful. And he did slay unto all of the elders of all of the villages who retained knowledge.

He did slay unto the physicians, who had kept him healthy. And then one day he himself became ill. At first, he tried to treat himself with his knowledge. And he had a fool for a physician. Because he overreacted, his treatments were too harsh, the medication too strong. And he did die.

And he left upon the earth twelve sons. And the twelve sons tossed lots and divided the land. And they did make a pact, one into the other, that no war would come among their tribes.

And so this one did look and watch as the years went by. He saw a new golden age of man; he saw the earth shift again and change its form and saw it fall, and thought to himself, “Now I shall try once again to do on the Earth in a proper manner what I did not do before. For my sons were wiser than I, because I had forgotten the laws of the God.”

And so he did come forth once again. And once again, the elders of the vi1lage gave joice of his birth. And once again they did send him forth unto the other villages and land to gather the knowledge. Jealousy rose in him, but somewhere deep inside lay the memory of his folly. And so he did come back unto his village and say unto his people, “I shall teach unto you all of the things I have learned.” And he did do of such.

And the people built a great temple unto him, and said, “He is God.” He knew into himself that he was not. And they built great monuments unto him, unto his likeness, unto his kind, and did worship it. And he did nothing to stop this.

And the Lord, God, looked unto this and He said, “THY HAVE SPOKETH MY NAME IN VAIN.” And He did bring plague unto the land.

And still he did not say unto the people, “I am not God.”

And He did bring hurricane and tornado and volcano unto the land.

And still, he told the people that he [had] caused these things, that he had brought them about because they were wicked.

And the people did offer up human sacrifice.

And the Lord, God, looked upon the land and did smitten it. And from the other lands, the land was overrun with warfare, and the temples were destroyed. And once again, he did pass beyond, this time to sleep long, this time to live and live two lifetimes over and over again.

This time he did waken in the time of the fall of Atlantis.

And he did come into the land of Yucatan. And from there he did say unto himself as a young man, “I shall learn all of the arts; I shall travel unto all of the lands.”

He had heard of the great men, who sailed the ships on the oceans, the men with the beards. He did hear of the one who had walked the earth and who could walk upon the water, and he thought to himself, “If I could seek out this one and learn his secret, then I should be the greatest of all kings.” And he did find this one.

Yet, as he began his search a great eagle appeared in the heavens, and then two, and then three. And always on his journey they appeared before him. If he would turn in the wrong direction, the eagle would stop and wait until he returned back.

And then his day came, as he saw from a distance this one standing upon the mound and saying unto the people, “Blessed are they who should love one another.” He saw him heal the sick. He saw him turn the hunchbacks into straight and strong men.

And he did go unto this one and say, “I shall be your student.”

And this one looked into him and said, “Have you not learned from where you have been that where you will go should only end in disaster?”

And he did say, “Why should you say this unto me? How should I know where I have been? I am but young, but I am strong of mind and willing of hand.”

And he did say unto you, “Then come with me, and I shall show you where you have been.” And he brought forth his hand, and the veil dropped.

And you looked backward, and you saw where you had been.

And then he did say unto you, “Now you have known where you have been. You want and have come to gain the knowledge of my strength. I give it to you. It comes from my Father. He who believeth in me shall believeth in my Father, and he who should ask in my name shall ask in my Father’s name.”

You went away from this one; you were frightened.

And you said unto them, “We shall bring back a great army to defeat this one.” And so you went to gather an army. You thought, “He has bewitched me; he has lied to me; he has shown me things that could not be so.”

But when you found him once again, with your army, you were in the land of the Hopi, in the land of the Black Mesa.

And once again, the eagle did appear, and then a second, and then a third.

And he said unto you, “Why have you come to slay me?”

And you said unto him, “Because you have been of a wicked sort; you have brought a curse; you have shown me untrue things.”

And he did say unto you, “If the things I have shown you are untrue, then kill the eagle. If you can kill the eagle, then you should be right.”

Then the eagle, the great eagle, stood very still.

And the men of the Hopi land said, “Then this is fair; this would be right. He would show his strength, and he would be the one that is written in our tablets.”

And so you sought to destroy the eagle. You thrust your spear many times. It went into the heavens and disappeared. You sought other spears. You threw your spears all night and all day, only to have them disappear.

And then this one came up unto you and said unto you, “Forgive him, Father, for he knows not what he does.” And he laid his hand upon your shoulder, and the light came into your heart and shone through.

And you did kneel before this one. And you said, “Oh, great Lord, let me serve unto you. I care not for your knowledge, only for your wisdom that I may give unto others.”

And he said unto you, “Then follow the path of the eagle, for I shall go. But I shall return in the same manner into which I have left. Watch the evening star.”

So you went back unto your village and you spoke of his wisdom and of his knowledge. You did heal the sick and treat the poor, and you became great, as a wise man of your time.

Yet time passed, and you did pass on once again. You did see this land ravaged by those who would carry the cross, the Black Robes. You did see the punishment and affliction that was gone unto the people. Yet you waited.

And then you did see the flight of the Eagle and the shadow cast upon the earth. And you said unto yourself, “Now is the time for my entry. Now is the time for the preparation.” And so you came unto this time, unto this place, unto this new time and this new age.

We should say unto you, the past is only important in knowing where you have been. But it is not important, only that it should guide you in your steps for the future. For once again you have reached for wisdom and knowledge. Use it, with what we have given unto you, and give it in the manner unto which we have given unto you. For we have given unto you, not a picture of great riches, of kings and queens; we have given unto you your folly of the past. Bring forth yourself and prepare for the coming. Be as a mirror. You learned much. We have instilled in you the memory of that that you did serve unto your last time, your last entry. Use this knowledge for this time.

For we say unto you, should our words be wasted, then upon this Earth 3,000 years of darkness shall fall, and once again man shall crawl from the rocks where he went in hiding, afraid to face his Lord. Once again he shall lose the knowledge. Once again he will rebuild. But this is not necessary. For if you before had thought ahead, if you before had thought to preserve knowledge, to give it, exchange it, and preserve it, you would not have entered a world who had just emerged from the Stone Age. If you should learn anything from this reading, take thought unto these words.

Earth from an ancient map as it was 24-to-34 million years ago. No one knows when this map was originally drawn. But it was before modern man discovered Antarctica (this time).

March 6, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For as long ago, as the soul and the spirit did enter into man, it came in one, and then to two, and then to three, and then [through] five. We have told you of the five Adams of your earth. We have told you of the planet of Yahweh. We should tell you further of the races of your land and their origin.

Many millions of light years ago, on other planets than your own, each of your races, your five basic races upon the earth, did come forth unto the planet, Yahweh. Each came forth for the same reason, for as the nova of their sun did come about and the destruction of the planet substance, they did migrate forth unto the planet, Yahweh.

And then, as the great wars came forth, further migration came forth unto this planet you should call Earth.

A diagram of the geological time scale. The Earth has shifted on its axis many times.

You must also further understand that other planetary migration has taken place since. There are many life substances, or humanoid, as you would know them, in other galaxies and planetary substance of the same, or dimension.

Your thoughts of matter and anti-matter — you in your planet is now coming forward into the time when you shall measure your time in a completely different manner. The substance of anti-matter, if brought in, much as a planet or a spacecraft entering into your atmospheric substance, if brought forth into direct impact would cause a disintegration, or a huge explosion and destruction, and dispersing of the atomal [atomic] content. If the matter is brought in, as you would bring in to your atmospheric surroundings of your own planetary substance, in a slanted or sliding manner, then the two can become one without much difficulty. Soon you will find this is true in your own spacecraft. And the whole time concept, as you now hold it, shall rapidly change.

We have brought this forth unto you for but one reason. We shall say unto you of soul Ray’s vision that he was cast away from the earth and he did look back upon it, and he did see a fuse lit in the land of Israel. But the fuse was ignited in France. And from Israel, it began to burn outward and engulf the Earth. And then the Earth began to smolder, and the Jewish people did kneel before the Messiah. And the Earth ran red in blood, and then did come the rebuilding; and those from the Earth did come forth, and those from the heavens did come forth, and they did rebuild the Earth. And as he was shown the sign and the year of 1999, all of these parts will come into fulfillment.

He was also shown the vision, as he walked forth with the woman carrying the child through the long passageway, as they did stop at the well for water, there was a serpent there, yet the serpent did not bite. The serpent was that of wisdom. The water was the spirit that would feed the souls and spiritual substance of the world. They did go forth on, and there, the woman did hand unto the man the child. And the man did hand it unto the masses.

We shall tell you now of its meaning, for that, that in the beginning of all time, that of the Messiah to come unto the earth, that the heavens and earth become as one. Your planetary system, the time shall soon come when those who have changed their appearance to adapt to the environment of the different planetary systems should make themselves known upon your earth, come forth unto your diplomats to speak of peace and to bring you the knowledge of their space travel, of their medicines, and many other knowledges of scientific achievement.

We shall say to you, many times this earth of yours has reached its golden age. Many times man has reached the point of reaching outward into the space substance and space travel, only to lose that through his warfare and his own self-destruction. But each time, seed did go forth unto the heavens and to the universe, that the knowledge, combined knowledge of all you have ever been, has never died.

Now we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherubim.

It is also the time that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New hurricanes shall arise, and tornados, spreading farther across your lands. Further destruction to your crops substance and food supply is at hand. Other nations shall now cry for food. Rivers shall change their courses.

In the land of the Yuma, or as we have referred to it, the land beneath the sea, earthquakes shall soon come forth unto this land and above. Its river shall change its course, rapidly and with the blinking of an eye. Those in this region at the present time shall remain. We shall remove them before any harm can come to them.

There are areas of the California substance which will have further earthquakes. In the region from San Francisco down, farther, San Diego, Los Angeles, Oxnard, all of this land shall be under earthquake pressures.

New and further earthquakes shall occur both in the Pacific and in the Atlantic oceans. Further earthquakes shall take place off the coast land of that of the Guatemalan. Because of the river changes that shall be made about, new channels shall be made connecting the Atlantic and the Pacific. Tidal waves shall also devastate thy shoreline.

We say unto you, you are not without friends. Where one of you stand, all shall stand, or you shall stand not at all.

Now, we shall answer your question which lies in your mind, “Which direction shall we flee?”

Flee not. As we have said before, for those who are engaged in the work of the coming of the Messiah have little to fear. We shall see to their needs, not their wants. But we shall see unto thy needs.

In the lands which you stand, we shall hold, until the time can be made of your safe removal, you and your flocks. If you flee in fright — we would suggest that those who are financially capable of removing themselves from the areas we have mentioned should start their migration now.

April 29, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

For in the land that shall become the isles of California, in the month of June, from the 15th day, the tremors shall be felt. And then, into the month of July, on the third day and the 13th day, an earthquake that shall register 8.5 on your Richter scale, shall reach like fingers from the lower proportions of San Francisco down, through Blythe, California, across through Los Angeles, through Oxnard, California, through San Bernardino, California, and all those communities laying within the same. That of the San Diego shall feel its wrath.

In the land of your Mid-Eastern states, earthquakes shall be centered in that region. In the month of June, July, and August, hurricanes and tornados shall ravish the land. That of your food crops, and the harvest belt, shall be badly damaged. Therefore, we say unto you, from the desert shall come a harvest, not in proportion of that of last year, but it shall come in a proportion to suit your needs. Gather from the same, and your needs shall be fulfilled.

We say unto you, if you should go unto the desert, and leave your water and food behind, and say, “Lord, provide,” the Lord has already provided. It was your own folly that you left your water and food behind. Why should He then provide the second time — to prove unto you, as a stupid child, the Lord is the Lord?

We say unto you, if you cannot believe us of the things of heaven, how can you believe us of the things of earth? We say unto you, we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

We also say unto you, Atlantis has come and gone many times. The golden age of your population, the golden age of your civilizations, have risen and fallen into the dust. The earth has risen and fallen. Where oceans were they are no more, yet they shall return.

Take heed of our words.

From now until the year of 1985 each earthquake shall become increasingly worse. And then, in the year of 1998, the splitting away shall take forth. The Eastern seaboard region shall split away. The Western seaboard region shall split away. Northern Europe shall part. The British Isles shall become that, part of Europe once again. War shall come before that time, yet shall stop, because man shall stand to fight the elements.

But before that time shall come forth, you long have waited for the meeting of your own relatives from other planetary systems where the seed was implanted. This shall soon come into reality. But not in the way of hide and seek; a formal introduction shall be made.

You have questions, ask….

Our Father hears our prayers. Many things can and have been changed through His grace. If the angels of heaven did not know the exact day or hour, remember what Jesus told us in Matthew 24:35–37. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.…” So prepare, both for what may come at any time, and a place within your heart to be ready for the Messiah’s coming!

“Aka, from [8–333–5],‘In what field of occupation will I achieve my present life’s work?’”

We say unto you, you have chosen to become a teacher. You are now taking the Student-Teacher’s course. Continue in that field. Become a teacher, and then a minister, and then a shepherd. For we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. It is only through the touching of one unto another may this be achieved.

We say unto you, should we fail upon our mission, you shall have 3,000 nights and days of darkness upon the earth. And each day shall be as a thousand days. And man shall crawl once again from the rocks. And he shall place upon himself skins. We say unto you, this is not necessary. Must the Sixth and the Seventh Seal be opened to prove unto you our words?

The candelabra is within your reach. We did not bring forth the miracle of the candelabra without cause. Put out your hand, that you may pick up the cup and light the torch of light, and therefore, bring forth the Seven Spirits of the Lord. [See The Revelation, chapter 4–5.]

As each minister makes vows to God to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah their candelabra is lit with a light that shines from God. And when this happens a gift from God is given to shine out and dwell within each. (See The Revelation 4:5–6: “Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and on these thrones sat twenty-four elders clothed in white garments, with golden crowns on their heads. From the throne came flashes of lightning, and rumblings, and rolls of thunder. Before the throne burned seven torches of fire. This is the sevenfold Spirit of God. And before the throne was something like a sea of glass, as clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, covered with eyes in front and back.…”

You say unto us, once again, we have spoke unto you as in riddles. We say unto you, nay. Take of our words and study them.

Your time grows short. From now unto the year of 1999 a way must be prepared, and the new heaven and the new earth shall come forth, and the thousand years of peace shall come forth unto the earth. And all things that have been prophesied shall come about. [Editor’s note: Has our loving Father, in His grace, extended the time for our sakes? Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 24:35–37, that not even the angels of heaven know the exact date. Perhaps this is why?]

Where you stand, so may stand two. And two shall bring forth ten, and ten shall bring forth one hundred, and one hundred should bring forth one thousand, and one thousand should bring forth one hundred thousand, and one hundred thousand shall bring forth one million, and one million shall bring forth the face of the earth.

For the earth shall stand and smolder, for the fuse is lit from France into Israel. When the fire reaches Israel, the earth shall begin to smolder, and you shall see he who is of the Messiah who shall come forth. And then the earth shall run blood red. And then you shall see those from the earth and those from the heavens come forth and rebuild the earth. And there shall stand a mighty monument, for within each person shall be the temple of God.

And so, we say unto you, is the prophesy that has been this day upon the earth. For if our words are false, then we are the fool, not you. If our words are true, then the kingdom of God lays in your hand.

The Eagle is in flight.

The Earth shall stand and smolder. In this photo, Augustine Volcano in Alaska is shown erupting on January 12, 2006

September 6, 1976: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–316–1…Yuma, Arizona] asks, ‘Aka, are there any artifacts in this part of the country that prove that Jesus was crucified in Yuma, Arizona? Guide me.’”

The artifacts as such — yes. In the town of Yuma you shall find that there is a knoll. There a water tank has been built upon this knoll. If the knoll were excavated, the artifacts, as you would know it, would come in the form of three things — that of the small eagle substance, that of the crosses, and that of an engraved stone, therefore, in the same, which shall be written in the language, as thy would know it, that of the Atlantan language, or the Mayan substance, or that you might call of the international, or that of the Sumerian language. You shall find it shall translate into these words: “From the North Star I have cometh, and unto the morning star I shall return.”

And there you shall also find an old tomb which is now empty, except for some cloth.

If further information is needed on this subject, we shall elaborate further at a different time.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Can you tell us what Admiral Byrd discovered at the North Pole that seemed to be a tropical or temperate hidden land, and also about the hollow Earth theory?”

Your hollow Earth theory is nothing more than that. There are temperate zones in the northern hemisphere which were not, as the earth changed upon its axis, remained as it was, when it was, as you would say, at the equator. These are due to [a] volcanic action that was then and is now formed under the crust of the earth. Life has continued on, interrupted by your civilization.

You shall find that in many places a cortex [vortex?], as you would call it, has been formed by inner magnetic fields. This, we would say unto you, has happened at the turning of the earth’s substance.

Location of the North Magnetic Pole and the North Geomagnetic Pole in 2016. The North Magnetic Pole is the point on the surface of Earth’s Northern Hemisphere at which the planet’s magnetic field points vertically downwards (in other words, if a magnetic compass needle is allowed to rotate about a horizontal axis, it will point straight down). There is only one location where this occurs, near (but distinct from) the Geographic North Pole and the Geomagnetic North Pole. The North Magnetic Pole moves over time due to magnetic changes in the Earth’s core. In 2001, it was determined by the Geological Survey of Canada to lie near Ellesmere Island in northern Canada at 81.3°N 110.8°W. It was situated at83.1°N 117.8°W in 2005. In 2009, while still situated within the Canadian Arctic territorial claim at 84.9°N 131.0°W, it was moving toward Russia at between 55 and 60 kilometres (34 and 37 mi) per year. As of 2016, the pole is projected to have moved beyond the Canadian Arctic territorial claim to 86.4°N 166.3°W. Its southern hemisphere counterpart is the South Magnetic Pole. Since the Earth’s magnetic field is not exactly symmetrical, the North and South Magnetic Poles are not antipodal, meaning that a line drawn from one to the other does not pass through the geometric centre of the Earth. The Earth’s North and South Magnetic Poles are also known as Magnetic Dip Poles, with reference to the vertical “dip” of the magnetic field lines at those points. Picture by Cavit — CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=49580032

You must further realize that as the pyramids in the original form that were built by the Sons of God, as you would call them, were built to transmit huge amounts of energy and gather huge amounts of energy from the heavens, themselves, of electrical substance. They were built in such positions upon the Earth, that as one would become active, so another and another. This created a balance of things. This balance has become imbalanced because the structures and the desecration of the same.

One day your science shall have this same power. Let us hope that you do not come back from the rocks once again and the stone ages.

For we say unto you, your civilization has fallen into dust, and crawled out again many times. This time, if the work we are here to do upon this Earth is successful, then golden ages beyond anything of thy wildest imagination shall lie before thee. The universe and galaxies beyond shall be opened unto you. If not, then three thousand years of darkness shall once again be gathered upon the Earth.

Space exploration, furthering your knowledge, reaching out farther and farther, to shake the hands of your brothers and sisters, should be. But the sooner your Earth itself can show peace, love, the sooner your brothers shall reach their hands unto yours. Must it wait until the battle of Armageddon? Must it wait until the earth smolders red with blood? Must it wait until the Seventh Seal is opened, and you crawl from the earth and those from the heavens should join you to rebuild the earth? [See the Revelation, chapters 6–19.]

Or shall the year of 1999 be the coming of the Messiah and the building of the greatest civilization man has ever known throughout all the galaxies and universes?…

But we should say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence, famine, the slicing of the earth with the great Sword which should cut both man and earth, shall continue.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God. If you could take but one step in the understanding of thy brother, and thy brother’s brother, this would be the first step toward your thousand years of peace upon the Earth. Any one of you could start that time now. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

January 21, 1977: “Aka, I have a question from [9–357–2]. She asks, ‘Please tell me what is to happen in the area I live in when the earthquake hits. Will there be any safe place in Northern California to be?”

Yes, there are safe places. There are places in the Yosemite valley. There are also other places in that that is known as the Lake Tahoe region, but it would be wise to be on the higher proportion or higher side of this, that we would say, closer toward Reno, Nevada, or that proportion known as Truckee, California. The problem with all of these places is the ability to raise or harvest food, for there is none there. This is the problem with most of the high, mountainous regions. They do not bring forth a bountiful enough fruit, or food, as you would say, to feed the multitudes as is needed. Next, the tools you would need to survive. And most important, that that would keep you from freezing to death. Take in account that of the Donner party. Look into its history. Those who were there have yet to restore themselves from this. Even through incarnation they bear the scars of the eating of human flesh.

Where shall we begin, and where shall we end? Where shall you run to, and where shall you hide?

We say unto you, the Imperial Valley will go first — gradual, slow, but it shall fill, and the river shall change its course. Then, from Eureka, California, downward, almost as you would draw a straight line, to San Bernardino, downward into the Gulf of Mexico, or to the Gulf of California, as you would call it, the splitting away of land. Land shall rise, yet fall again. Islands shall be made.

Then should come another splitting away. This should go farther over. You may draw a line from Reno, up into Oregon, down toward Kingman, and through your great dam there. This shall be the next breaking away.

Then, should come the breaking away of part of the Mediterranean area, and then the breaking away of the European area, but before this should happen, the breaking away of that that you call the New York peninsula. And it shall not form islands, for it should go beneath the sea.

You think in terms of fear. You have the knowledge. We have given you the information before every earthquake or hurricane or tornado-type storm, or any other thing that might harm you. All you have had to do is to listen and to utilize this information. In the readings you will find a great multitude of information on this subject. Bring it together, now, that it can be prepared and used by all of the people.

But remember, the earth has shifted itself many times. Man has lived. The manner unto which he should to survive is the question.

Survival is not the only thing. To survive without knowledge is to climb back into caves which you came out of. And how many times have you come from theses caves? How many times has your civilization [disappeared]? To not heed the warnings, [ignore what] is built upon our knowledge, what a great thing [has been] taken. That of your written words, that of how to do things — mineralogy, electronics, every one of your technologies should be preserved. Instead of putting riff-raff quite often in your time capsules, why do you not place technology, and [maps] to these, so that the people, and when the time comes, that these could be recovered?

We have told you to store of the food, to store of tools, but without knowledge, you shall survive, but for what — so that your race can go on?

In this day and this time of yours, when you are beginning to learn that the color and creed or another person’s religion is not what makes the person, it is what they are. Understand them. The time will come when you shall live together. Or shall you be as the last time, each separating into your separate races, each ready to make war upon the other, mistrust? You of the American people are the melting pot. You are that place where the best steel has been forged. Yet you have become weak. It is not how strong a man may hold a sword should be his weakness, but the lack of knowledge, that is he weakness — the knowledge to know when to use the sword and when to lay it down and use it no more.

Store, but do not be as a rodent to run and hide in the ground. It is written that “woe be on man,” for when this time comes, whatever you are doing, do not go back for your coast or your hat, but flee unto the mountains. And let it be said that it is also written, that pray that if it cannot be in the winter time, when the mothers are pregnant and heavy with child.

Each of you have thought in your minds of what kind of catastrophe could strike in such a way in this time that all of these things could be lost?

We would say unto you, the earth has been changing upon its axis since 1932. The earth’s shift is inevitable. War shall come, but it shall be stopped by natural catastrophe. But the Spartans of war, the rumors of war, wars in Quebec, wars in Mexico, all of these are made to weaken your nation, to weaken your people. Which shall you choose?

You are a free people. But the only reason you can remain so is of a government by the people, for the people. Through free enterprise, control your own lives. Do not let a government control you or you will have lost that freedom. Do not heed to all of these new things that people shall say unto you shall be the best for you. Look at them deeply, and then decide.

For those who shall make decisions to move to different areas, make the decision in a wise manner, that of means of making a living, providing for your families. All of these things must come first.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

February 18, 1977: You have other questions.

“Yes, Aka. [6–274–2] asks, ‘Does the Trinity that we have been taught about, does this have to do with the trinity of man?”

There are many trinities, but all is that of man. For where does God stand? Within man and woman. For destroy this temple, and we shall rebuild it in three days. The temple of God is man and woman, not only upon your world, but the many worlds.

Man shall reach into the outer limits of space. And as he reaches, his brothers and sisters of other planetary shall reach to link hands with him. There shall be those who should come in peace. There shall be those who should come not of peace. Look unto this year and they shall make themselves known unto man.

By 1978, the spiritual messengers of God had spoken for 18 years. New people had also come to listen. Some studied what Aka had said previously. A woman asked about what seemed like a profound prophecy Aka gave on August 28, 1970.

She asked, on March 17, 1978:“What will happen in the year 2022? You mentioned the year is important for some reason. Will man’s lifespan be increased?”

What will happen in this year? It shall be the kingdom, or the downfall of your world. Man’s life span shall either be increased or decreased; all shall depend upon what you shall seek.

We have laid before you the work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. You cannot see this. Another man, much the same as you, could not see it in another time, and he let both his friend and the Messiah die and be crucified. Yet, death did not come as he thought it would….

We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, and nothing from either side shall interfere.

We say unto you, that that has come upon the Western seaboard is only the beginning. That that has laid upon the land shall become into floods and earthquakes. Hurricanes and tornadoes shall sweep upon the land. The Fifth Angel no longer stands upon your land; he walks upon it.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

October 6, 1978: We would answer your question in this manner. For those who [ ] walk in the light of God, those that shall reach unto the heavens and meet their brothers and sisters, we say unto you, your time is so short.

Must we have come but to fail? For you who have heard us the most cannot hear us at all. For you who have heard us and heard the words of our Father, can you not find compassion, and love and forgiveness in your hearts? Shall you make blasphemy of all we have done? We have said that the greatest test[s] would be before you. We shall watch and God shall watch.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Oxnard area shall be next on your California quakes. But beware of the hurricane and tornado activity that shall occur from the Pacific and the Gulf Coast areas. Your winter shall come in as a lamb and turn into a tiger.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

And we say unto you, [7–317–1], do you not hear us?

“The Blue Marble” is a famous photograph of the Earth taken on December 7, 1972 by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft en route to the Moon at a distance of about 29,000 kilometers (18,000 statute miles). It shows Africa, Antarctica, and the Arabian Peninsula.

February 20, 1981: Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For upon the Earth there were three great nations. And the three great nations, each mistrusted each other.

And on the land there was depression and inflation that ran through the lands. In one of the lands great abundance of food could be grown. In other of the lands they grew more weapons than food. And yet in another, it too rattled their mighty swords. And each began to build swords, each mightier than the other. Each was to say it was for the prevention of war. And then came a day when their weapons were so great that they could destroy the whole Earth and all of mankind.

And the Lord, God, looked down upon these nations and upon [the] world, and He did cause earthquakes and volcanoes and tornadoes to shake and shift the land. And He did so until the land itself seemed that it would not sustain life.

All those who’d built their mighty swords began to crumble.

And from the different countries there came those who said, “Let us join together and not make war.”

Now this all happened before the half-times were over.

And then, there were no more half times, and no more half wars. There was a mighty war that struck the land and the Earth. And when the earth changes came to rest, and the land began to collect itself, from war and pestilence and destruction, there were many places upon the Earth that had known from their prophets that this day would come. And they had prepared, for they had made land ready for planting. And they had brought food forth, and the seed stuff that was necessary to plant in the earth. And they had brought water forth that the earth could be washed.

While all these things were happening, the Earth itself was shifting on its axis.

And suddenly, as though in the twinkling of an eye, all was done. All war was stopped, and the earth stood fast. And there were no more [the] mighty nations, just people, people who now believed in the almighty God, the God of one.

Yet there were many left upon the Earth who still rattled their chains as though in warfare. And they sought to make war upon these small places. Yet the small places did defend their selves.

And from this time arose from all the ashes those who would restore the Earth, and their brethren who long ago had sought their seed into other planets came forth to share in their grief and their [restoration, resurrection]. And the earth began to restore itself. And the Messiah that had been promised now walked upon the land. And [as] the villages grew upon the land, so did the peace, for now was the day that all the weapons would be beat into plowshares.

It seems unto you that these things we are saying are small things, unimportant, for you have heard us not. For what we are saying is nothing that has not been said before — and not been laid in many languages in many faiths upon the Earth. Yet there are those who would listen, and those who could hear not and see not.

When the time came about when all those who could hear not had passed away from the Earth, on these lands there were many who thought that their times would be full and forever. Upon your Earth, look back into your own history, for those who should conquer on Earth, and look and see, for they have been laid a waste and are no more.

Now we say unto you, for those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For your country now shall pass through the beginning of its greatest triumph and defeat.

We say unto you, you have questions, ask.

City Lights of the United States 2012

“Yes, Aka, regarding what you just said, what are some of the immediate problems that our country will face?”

First your country shall face, the people of the country, shall face financial ruin. Many people shall lose their homes, their businesses, their means of making a living. All of this shall be done in the name of stabilizing your country, yet it shall bring upon [the] land a greater depression than the land has ever known. In the midst of this, new leadership shall then come upon the land, only to find that the other threats that we have spoke of are all at hand.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [7–319–1] asks, ‘Could you please tell me who were the Warriors of the Sun, or the Sons of the Sun, and what their mission was?’”

We shall answer in this manner. As the Sons of God did look upon the Earth and find, therefore, the women fair, and therefore, did enter of the same, they became earthbound — in other words, half god and half man. They brought forth unto you your first written words, your knowledge of [not] only chemistry, but alchemistry, your knowledge of building and preserving, many scientific discoveries, all of these things, for that of what you are now. Those who chose not to remain here went into other planetary substances. Some of these planets have evolved far beyond your own. Some of these have yet to develop where you are now.

Detail of The Adda Seal. The figures can be identified as gods by their pointed hats with multiple horns. The figure with streams of water and fish flowing from his shoulders is Ea (Sumerian Enki), god of subterranean waters and of wisdom. Behind him stands Usimu, his two-faced vizier (chief minister). At the centre of the scene is the sun-god, Shamash (Sumerian Utu), with rays rising from his shoulders. He is cutting his way through the mountains in order to rise at dawn. To his left is a winged goddess, Ishtar (Sumerian Inanna). The weapons rising from her shoulders symbolise her warlike characteristics.

Those who are your brothers and sisters shall soon be those who you shall meet.

You are both Cain and Abel. You are both of the first [born] and of the last. You are the vanquished and the beloved. You are the sons and daughters of God.

If you should start at this time to prepare the thousand years of peace upon the Earth, you may begin the preparation at any time you wish by simply turning around and seeing the simple things that lay before you, the simple truths. There shall be many during the times of persecution who shall be persecuted. During the reign of the Anti-Christ all these things shall come forth. Fear not; for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast can never be forced to accept it. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Yet the time shall become hard, for you shall not be either to barter or sell your goods. Yet bartering shall take place among you, one unto another, and you shall establish your own financial means of trade….

Now is the time of the Cherubim. And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

You seem to think that each trouble brings more trouble. You seem to think that there is no end to your trials and your tribulations. Yet there is an end to all things, and a beginning to everything.

View on Earth by Heikenwaelder CC BY-SA 2.5, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=733587

June 10, 1983, a man repeated the question that had been asked five years prior: “What will happen in the year 2022? You mentioned that year as important, for some reason. Will man’s lifespan be increased?”

We have said before that those from the heavens and those from the Earth should rise to restore the earth, and the thousand years of peace shall be upon the Earth. In the year, 2022, mankind shall have knowledge beyond knowl­edge, for he shall be in communication with his brothers and sisters throughout the galaxies, and galaxies beyond galaxies. And they shall come forth and help man restore himself in a peaceful manner, that war[s] shall be no more.

June 24, 1983: You have questions, ask.

“Yes Aka, for the pamphlet that the Shepherds’ Committee is preparing − you have mentioned nuclear war. How long will it be necessary in this area to remain in shelters to avoid being harmed by fallout?”

You ask two questions. We shall answer them in this way. We have told you before that things shall be as five. For the time to be of complete safety will be five months. But within five days, [with] proper clothing and the vastness of your Aloe Vera harvest and the use of the same, and the use of [it] upon the land to neutralize the land around and about you, and to neutralize your trees, your gardens, of all things that grow, and of all things alive, you shall cut this time into less than one month. But only if you can work together.

You have other questions, ask.

“Could our livestock go out to graze safely within a month?”

If one part of Aloe Vera to 100 parts of good water be mixed together and the land be sprayed afterward, then it may graze anywhere it shall. But understand this, there shall be mutates which shall survive this, not only of the animal, but of the fowl, but of the fish, and of the man. Yet, we should say unto you, if you should plan and plan well, your people shall survive.

Yet, we say unto you, if you can produce 300 people of righteous hearts you may avoid this from happen­ing, that they may come together before God.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, how long should we in this area prepare to be without electricity?”

If proper preparation is made, you will not be with­out electricity. But if you shall depend upon, as you would call it, outside sources, it can be for almost an indefinite time. It will be five years before your nation shall begin to put itself back together again.

You have other questions.

“Would it be as long as five years before gasoline will become available?”

We have just answered that question.

An Azimuthal projection showing the Arctic Ocean and the North Pole at present.

“Thank you, Aka. When is it most likely that the earth will move on its axis?”

Not until the year of 1990.

The Earth’s shift on it’s axis is a physical movement, and should not be confused with the movement of the north magnetic pole about which many report. The magnetic north pole is expected to pass near the north geographic pole and continue its path to Siberia. The North Magnetic Pole moves over time due to magnetic changes in the Earth’s core. In 2001, it was near Ellesmere Island in northern Canada at 81.3°N 110.8°W. As of 2015, the pole is thought to have moved east beyond the Canadian Arctic territorial claim to 86.3°N 160.0°W. The Earth’s geomagnetic field is created because of two things. The convective motions in the liquid conducting core inside the center of the Earth are important for making the magnetic field. When the convective motions occur with the electrical currents around the Earth, the magnetic field is created. The Earth’s rotation is what keeps the magnetic field up.

“At that time, what longitude will Globe be after the shift?”

It shall be a simple problem of mathematics. The earth has been shifting since 1932. It has now shifted 10 degrees. It should only [need] to shift five more degrees before the next 10 shall be multiplied to it. That will be the longitude and latitude. All things shall be one-fourth off from what you have known it.

You have other questions, ask.

“What present geographic location will most probably become the new North Pole?”

In what you should know as the mid-Pacific, or northern Pacific − very close to what you now know as Japan….

View of Japan taken from a satellite

NaturalNews reported on March 8, 2015: Inuit Elders tell NASA Earth Axis Shifted. The Inuit Tribe are indigenous people who live in the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, Siberia and Alaska. Their elders have written to the National Space and Aeronautics Administration (NASA) to tell them that the earth’s axis has shifted.

The Inuit people inhabit the far northern reaches of the Canadian Arctic and have done so for centuries. The area they inhabit is almost continually frozen under a layer of permafrost. For months at a time, their days begin and end in darkness. A nomadic people, they built tents or teepees of caribou skin in warmer months, and lived in igloos in the winter. Previously, they were known as Eskimo.

The sky has changed, claim Inuit elders

The Inuit elders note climate change in the melting glaciers, deterioration of sealskin, and burns on seals, and disappearing sea ice. The attribute these changes in climate to changes in the sky. The tribal elders claim that the sun no longer rises where it used to rise. The days heat up more quickly and last longer. The stars and moon are also in different places in the sky and this affects the temperatures. This is a population that relies on the placement of the moon and stars for their survival as they live in total darkness during part of the year.

The elders say they can no longer predict the weather, as they have been able to in the past. They observe that warmer winds are changing the snow banks, making their ability to navigate overland more difficult. Polar bear populations are increasing, which causes the bears to wander into the Inuit neighborhoods.

What scientists report

On April 20, 2011, CNN News reported that an earthquake moved the main island of Japan by 8 feet and shifted the Earth on its axis. They quoted Kenneth Hudnut, a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey, as saying, “At this point, we know that one GPS station moved (8 feet), and we have seen a map from GSI (Geospatial Information Authority) in Japan showing the pattern of shift over a large area is consistent with about that much shift of the land mass.”

They quoted the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Italy, that estimated that “the 8.9-magnitude quake shifted the planet on its axis by nearly 4 inches (10 centimeters).” Astronomers concur that there has not been a shift in the earth’s rotational axis, but that there have been subtle polar shifts over the last ten years. This is a change in what is called the figure axis.

These changes are caused by continental drift, which has been shifting the location of the North Pole towards the south about 10 cms per year for the last 100 years. Teams at the University of Texas using NASA’s GRACE satellite found that the North Pole’s normal drifting to the south changed in 2005 and since then, the drift has been eastward. They detected a 1.2 meter change from 2005 to 2013.

June 24, 1983, Aka was asked: “Aka is there any guidance which you wish to give those gathered here this evening?”

We should say unto you − first, we should say unto the [6–269–6]s, there where you now dwell you should prepare to make the changes which you have thought of before. This has been hard on you; yet there has been ways that shall be opened unto you which you shall see and know of.

The Tucson area is not a safe area, for we have told you not only that a nuclear war can happen, we have also told you of war that is but an eyelash away, and that is a war in Central America which is sweeping forward and shall go forth into Mexico. In any event, the area in which you now dwell, for many reasons, is not the safest. We would suggest that as these new ways are made and prepared for you, that you recognize them and take the necessary steps to bring yourself into fulfillness with yourselves. But only do so if it is satisfying unto yourselves….

Two men scale the border fence into Mexico — 1 500 foot-long concrete-lined drainage ditch and a 10 foot-high wall to increase security along the U.S. and Mexico border in Douglas Arizona (2011) (Cropped Photo: Courtesy Wiki Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE )

It had been 13 years since Aka had arrived as they spoke: Now is the time to build upon, for your thirteenth year has passed. That was the years we allowed for growth and to reach maturity. From these years forth shall be mature years, for as we have said before, the half times are passed, and the full times are upon you….

All things that were shall be. Ask and you shall receive. Listen and you shall hear. Look and you shall see, for the great Sword, that should cut two ways, is upon you. Where nothing grew, all things shall now be plentiful. Yet, a third, and [a] third, and a third of the earth shall be laid waste.

Each type of pestilence and floods have been brought forth to show you, to bind you together. As we have said before, bring 300 souls who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto one house, and that which you dread the most shall be prevented.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, by bringing them together in one house do you mean in one worship or in one geographic location or building?”

Of one mind.

“Of one mind; thank you.

“In the Bible it is mentioned that the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Is this a physical temple?”


“What circumstances will lead to its being rebuilt?”

For land beneath it shall be destroyed; the present-day temple shall be destroyed. And from ashes shall rise the temple….

Temple stones thrown down by the Romans in AD 70 — you can see where they broke the pavement below — See more at: http://www.the-gospel-truth.info/bible-prophecy/jerusalem/#sthash.odEHffv2.dpuf

We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We are also here to bring you love and kindness and good wishes from the Lord, our God. As we have said before, ask and you shall receive. For those things which we have just mentioned are the richest of commodities.

We shall say unto you unto these words, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. New tornadoes and earthquakes shall erupt across the land. You shall find that where no tornadoes or earthquakes were recorded before, suddenly they shall appear.

We shall answer one other question within your minds. The harnessing of the cosmic-magnetic energy flow should be brought about within a two-year time. Other energy for your population should be sought out, and continue to develop.

Words spoken well are good, but only should there be action placed behind them. You shall find that your politicians spend more time squabbling among themselves than they do in the things that should be done today, not tomorrow.

We should say, in the land of the isles of California earthquakes shall erupt. Across the Pacific seaboard, on both sides, earthquakes shall erupt. Earthquakes shall erupt in your Atlantic seaboard. They should erupt in the mid-continental states. But even should the Earth shift its surface and arrange its face, man shall adapt to this. Make your own selves ready for this time.

Your harvests once again this year shall be lean. Make the preparations.

We should also instruct that that of your newsletter should carry more of how to prepare. Take all of the knowledge, not part of the knowledge given to you. Take it forth unto the people, for as we may speak, we may only speak unto a few. And only a few may hear our voices. But as you should place our words into print and send them forth, then many should see and learn from the same. But we have placed knowledge into many of your people’s minds. Use all of this knowledge.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

[Note: See “Prepare for the Famine” (Parts 1–3) at medium.com/@universalphilos]

January 30, 1983, The New York Times had reported a heavenly body perturbing the orbits of Pluto and Neptune: “Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long-sought Planet X.”

The orbits of Neptune and Pluto, showing the passage through the closest points between orbits (on the left). Neptune (blue) catching up with Pluto (red) i.e. the actual closest approach between Pluto and Neptune on the right. Plotted by a program written by Eurocommuter. CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=708330

Following the January 1983 New York Times article, on September 16, 1983, a man asked this of Aka: “The orbit of Pluto is now inside the orbit of Neptune and will continue to be inside the orbit of Neptune for a number of years. What astrological significance will this placement have?”

It shall only have that of a beneficial nature. For that that should come from the farthest shall be as you have known it, “For the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.” And that which should come should be of a beneficial nature into the substance of mankind, for now shall be the birth and the timing of the psychic children upon the Earth.

On December 30, 1983, the Washington Post reported: “A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite. So mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby ‘protostar’ that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.

“IRAS chief scientist for California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory, Dr. Gerry Neugenbauer, was quoted saying, ‘All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is.’”

Because of this that was seen from the IRAS probe in 1983, U.S. Naval Observatory chief astronomer Richard Harrington became a believer in the existence of a Planet X beyond Pluto. He began to search for it. He built an observatory in New Zealand, believing it would first be seen in the southern hemisphere. Harrington also consulted with Zecharia Sitchin about 4,500-year-old Sumerian tablets that appear to tell of a planet Nibiru or Marduk. Harrington’s sudden death of esophageal cancer left his question unanswered.

Is this where Nibiru or Planet X might be? The caption only said, “Thumbnail image — Wikimedia commons NASA images — NASA Images NIBIRU images V838_Monocerotis_expansion, Public Domain Wikipedia.”

And since then, much information and disinformation has been given about this planet.

Ancient history, astronomy, folklore and prophecy record many names for Planet X. The Sumerians called it the “12th planet” or “Nibiru” (translation: planet of passing). Between the Babylonians and Mesopotamians there were at least three names: “Marduk,” “The King of The Heavens,” and the “Great Heavenly Body.” The ancient Hebrews referred to it as the “Winged Globe” because of its long orbit high among the stars. The Egyptians had two names “Apep” or “Seth.” The Greeks called it “Typhon” after a feared leader and “Nemesis” (one of its most telling names). Other ancient peoples have given it labels such as: “The Celestial Lord Shiva” and “God of Destruction.” To the ancient Chinese, it was known as “Gung-gung,” “The Great Black,” or “Red Dragon.” The Phoenicians said it was “The Great Phoenix.” The Hebrews called it “Yahweh.” The Mayans called it “Celestial Quetzalcoatl.” The celestial body was known to the Latins as “Lucifer,” (Revelation 8:10–12). The name of the star is “Wormwood.” From works of prophecy, there are other names for X. The “Red or Blue Star” is of the Hopi Indian. The “Fiery Messenger” is in the Ramala prophecy. The “Great Star” is from the book of Revelation. “His Star” is how it is referred to in Edgar Cayce Readings. The “Great Comet” and “The Comet of Doom” is right out of the Grail Message. From an early English prophet named Mother Shipton, “The Fiery Dragon” was the name she gave, as seen from her second sight. Our solar system’s “10th Planet” is “X.” The “Destroyer” is in the book of Kolbrin. There’s also “The Intruder” and “The Perturber” from astronomy. (About.com)

Zecharia Sitchin posing with an enlarged, purported 6000-year-old cylinder seal impression

We may or may not yet have proof of a planet, Marduk, which some think is responsible for numerous Earth changes and events — and cataclysms such as Noah’s flood and the fall of Atlantis. Mesopotamian and Biblical sources suggest an orbital period of 3,600 years for “the great planet, at his appearance dark red.”

In Planet X (Marduk), Nibaru: Estimating the year of Planet-7X return, Gil P. Broussard, thinks it’s return will become apparent when Planet 7X is sighted in December (Hanukkah) the prior year, as a distant bright object appearing as about the size of Jupiter. We will then have about 3.5 months before the first two meteor storms, he thinks. Earth’s near miss might be Passover, mid-March to mid-April. Some thought this would come between 2013–2016, although a scientific estimate gives it from 2013 to 2022.

Stele to Assurnasiripal II at Nimrud (9th century BC), detail showing the winged sun.

But some people do not believe it exists at all. Wikipedia, the on-line encyclopedia, writes that no definitive proof of a 9th planet has surfaced to date.

Six months before Harrington’s death, E. Myles Standish had used data from Voyager 2’s 1989 flyby of Neptune, which had revised the planet’s total mass downward by 0.5% — an amount comparable to the mass of Mars — to recalculate its gravitational effect on Uranus. When Neptune’s newly determined mass was used in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Developmental Ephemeris (JPL DE), the supposed discrepancies in the Uranian orbit, and with them the need for a Planet X, vanished. There are no discrepancies in the trajectories of any space probes such as Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, and Voyager 2 that can be attributed to the gravitational pull of a large undiscovered object in the outer Solar System. Today, most astronomers agree that Planet X, as Lowell defined it, does not exist. (Wikipedia on-line encyclopedia)

But then in January 20, 2016, Popular Science reports: “In 2003, Caltech’s Mike Brown and his team discovered a dwarf planet called Sedna. Its extremely elliptical orbit is so large it takes 10,000 years to make one trip around the sun.” In 2014, scientists discovered another Sedna-like body, called 2012VP113, far out past the Kuiper Belt; it also had an eccentric orbit. Eventually four more objects — bringing the total to six — were found with similar lopsided orbits, and they all happened to sweep out in the same direction. These six most distant known objects in the solar system beyond Neptune all mysteriously line up in a single direction. Moreover, when viewed in three-dimensions, they are all tilted nearly identically away from the plane of the solar system. Such an orbital alignment can only be maintained by some outside force.

In their new paper, Batygin and Brown show that a planet with 10 times the mass of the Earth in a distant eccentric orbit anti-aligned with the other six objects is required to maintain this configuration.

This artist’s conception illustrates a Jupiter-like planet alone in the dark of space, floating freely without a parent star. Astronomers recently uncovered evidence for 10 such lone worlds, thought to have been “booted,” or ejected, from developing solar systems. The planet survey, called the Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA), scanned the central bulge of our Milky Way galaxy from 2006 to 2007. It used a 5.9-foot (1.8-meter) telescope at Mount John University Observatory in New Zealand, and a technique called gravitational microlensing. In this method, a planet-sized body is identified indirectly as it just happens to pass in front of a more distant star, causing the star to brighten. The effect is like a cosmic funhouse mirror, or magnifying lens light from the background star is warped and amplified, becoming brighter. Based on these results, astronomers estimate that free-floating worlds are more common than stars in our Milky Way galaxy, and perhaps other galaxies too.

Also, the discovery of additional planets with an elliptical orbit may or may not relate to the great Sword or the Earth shifting on its axis. When Aka told us a date, after they asked the Father and were told— 2022 — they did not say fully what would happen. Or, perhaps, did they?

“Your earth is slowly changing upon its own axis. But your earth is sliding with this change.” (Aka, April 21, 1972)

“As your earth should change again, and as the earth shall change from north to south, from east to west, man must change with this time.” (February 28, 1970)

“Earth’s rotation shall change….and gradually become closer to the Sun.” (August 28, 1970)

This artist’s concept shows the explosion of energy responsible for sudden increases in the brightness and movement of the Northern Lights.

After news articles about a possible Planet X, Aka spoke on February 17, 1984, about possible war––and then the coming of the Messiah: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of Lord, thy God; glory be the children of God, and glory be the name of the children of God.

And we should say unto thee, unto this day and unto this time. For the times and half times are coming to past. The half wars, the rattling of the chains of wars, shall soon have made a whole war, one that mankind can ill afford, but yet, it shall come.

And we say unto those who think they may escape it by being in a different country, or a differ­ent place upon the globe, woe be it [them], for there is no place upon this continent, no place upon this and other continent[s], that shall not be affected, for the continental shelf, in itself, shall be affected. And a great shifting of the plates shall take forth and come forth.

Digital tectonic activity of the Earth and volcanism of the last onemillion years

In the upper atmosphere, electric magnetic forces shall take force, and there­fore, you will have what is called a total blackout of electrical energy, and that that is produced by electrical energy at that point and in that period of time − that a total blackness shall shift and float as huge clouds that form in the upper, high atmosphere shall smother the sun from striking the earth. And night and day shall not be known, one apart from the other.

And as the Earth shifts and circles, those days shall come upon man in total madness, for there shall be other instruments of war that shall be used, which shall be known as ultrasound, that of light and sound which shall drive men mad, and they shall destroy one another in their madness. And they shall reach for their hearts to pull it out, for it shall beat so fast and so rapidly, and so great a pain shall be within them that neither if they were stung by giant scorpions would it be any better. Yet, they shall not be allowed to die all at once. For the madness that shall come upon them shall be as a madness that shall strike their children’s children in the womb of their wives and their mothers. [See The Revelation 9:1–12.]

For all things that have been written shall come, and become true − not that you shall know that this is the way of the Lord, but that you shall know that it is caused by man and the Anti-Christ.

And the Lord, thy God, shall send forth His son into this great abundance and abominate upon the Earth. And as he comes unto the Earth, all planetary substance shall know of it, for his reflection and his face shall be seen not only upon this Earth, but upon all earths, and they shall learn from it. For there shall be earths in the newest of development, and there shall be earths that are older than yours, but each and every one shall learn from this.

For that of the Messiah shall rise and walk upon the Earth.

And as he comes forth, he shall call forth all those who have perished. And they shall rise from the earth and appear unto their brethrens as though they were not dead. And there shall be a big tribunal that, therefore, shall judge unto one another, and judgment shall be rendered upon the earth and the heavens. And, therefore, as the last shifting of plates that takes forth, so shall rise both the heavens, and it shall be the heavens of the earth, and no one who should wear the mark of the Beast shall be allowed to enter into this.

And we should say unto thee, woe be these who shall see beneath and into the greater bowels of the Anti-Christ. For at that time, all those who have suffered so long shall rise and ask for justice from the Lord. And the Lord, thy God, shall render justice unto them. [See The Revelation, 6:12–17, chapters 7 through 11, and chapters 19 through 22.]

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Why is this necessary?”

It is not necessary. None of it was necessary. It is still not necessary, for it is but the Sixth Seal that is opened. But when the Seventh Seal is opened, then it will be necessary.

Why is it necessary? Why cannot man repent? Why cannot man change his ways? Why should he go on killing his brothren, plotting to gain, as you would call it, the upper hand? Why is it that he cannot look [in] the Lord, his God, and love Him with all his heart?

(Sigh) Is it not written that should man not change his path, he shall die in his own pollutant, in that which he creates?

The atomic bomb is but a small part. You have created germ warfare, which is more horrifying than all of your atomic bombs put together. For they shall shift with the currents of the air; they shall fall with the rain that you wait for. They shall come on the gentle breezes.

In what you call your World War I, you knew then that the use of gases was too horrible to turn loose on mankind; there was no controlling it. And yet, you took the same theories and cultivated what is now known as germ warfare. Look at your own people now; they are dying from it! Do you not see it? You call it a flu epidemic − of man-made disease.

God gave unto your keeping a land with no diseases. And He put into your keeping all the elements that you might alter and change things for the better. This could still be done. Why do you think you hear us crying in the wilderness? [See Luke 3:1–17 and John 3–36.]

Yes, there is still time. But someone must hear. Someone must not react to the pebble dropped into the brook.


Prediction of hypothetical Planet Nine’s orbit based on unique clustering. Many more have now been proposed. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planets_beyond_Neptune

The news articles in late 1983 and early 1984 may have sparked this question on March 30, 1984: “Thank you, Aka. There is some large body perturbing the orbits of the outer planets of the solar system. The U.S. Naval Observatory believes it is a planet which occupies an orbit similar to that of a long-period comet, which was known to the ancients as ‘Marduk.’ NASA thinks it is a black hole. What is it, and how will it affect the coming earth changes?”

We will answer your question in this manner. Long ago we told you of the sister planet of the Earth. You have orbiting close to your own galaxy the sister galaxy. It now shall come closer into orbit, so the doorway between the two may be entered. If all goes well, the doorway shall be entered, and you shall have met your brothers and your sisters.

Remember that Aka had spoken about the sister planets of Earth in 1973 to the young woman, who intuitively asked what was beyond Neptune and Pluto and a spiritual door to the universe? Now her questions had been answered. And Ray’s vision of the sister planets of Earth upon awakening was now explained. This answer came at the same time the whole world heard the news!

Also see the article, “For life does not dwell but upon one place, nor into but one kind” at www.medium.com/universalphilos or https://medium.com/@UniversalPhilos/for-life-does-not-dwell-but-upon-one-place-nor-into-but-one-kind-1524e7841564#.2xqa4c7p7.

On May 24, 1985, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee into these words. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

Now we should say unto thee this parable, in this manner and in this way.

For once upon the Earth there were great civilizations. And in the land that is known now as the continent of the Americans, the North American Continent and South American Continent, it was divided greatly by water − [in] between the divisions, the more to the Pacific side; Atlantis, to the Atlantic side. And great islands, and continents, as you would call them, emerged from the ocean.

Earth 66 mllion years ago

Great forests grew. And an abundance of fruits and vegetables of many kinds was upon the earth. Man had in all things the best of things. And there upon the land you now call the Sahara, there were great forests. And there upon the land in the Americans that you think of as shallow land, that from Holbrook to Yuma, grew great forests. And this land at that time was known as the Land of Kings.

For in the land of plenty, man accepted all things as though they were, and would last, forever. He soon began to drift away from all the land and all the knowledge.

And there were those who came forth and said, “Beware, beware that you do not bring forth the wrath of the God, Almighty.” And they laughed at them.

Some of you now think that the story we are telling you is but a fairy tale. And we say unto you, no, it was not a fairy tale; it was a time of the golden age of man. He had reached his highest peak. He could fly into outer space. He had reached the stars and beyond. He had conquered the oceans. He had even thought he had conquered the inner Earth. And at last, upon that day of days, ­when all was brought down, and mankind fell back into thousands of years of development.

We say to you, all these things are possible once again. All the things that you think are trivial that are happening upon your Earth − in the 26 nations of that land known as the African, soon it shall be more, and then more. And more and more of the land shall be taken and devoured, until pestilence reigns the land.

All of those things that have been can be again. And deserts can be born. We have told you before that deserts would form where forests once grew, and roses would grow where deserts were.

Now, in those days there came upon those who predicted of these days, one of which you write about in your Book; you call him, Noah.

And God came unto Noah and said, “BUILD THEE AN ARK.” And all the people laughed.

Which one of you could stand out in front of your neigh­bors and take the laughter, and take the finger-pointing and the shame that Noah took, and his sons, and the wife of his sons, and the children, and his wife? Which one of you could stand up under such shame? Yet they did. And yet, others did, for they knew that they were to prepare a way. It took much time, much hardship, and much preparation.

We say unto you, these things that were shall be again. The fulfillment of the book of Revelations is unfolding before you, yet you see it not, for you have blinded yourselves.

Harken unto this time

As the New Year began, on January 2, 1987, Aka gave this message: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. Harken unto this time, and unto this of thy year.

There shall be many, many incidents blamed upon the alignment of the Earth and moon and sun. But there are more to play a part of the whole than just these three, for if you shall look upon the rest of the planets within your galaxy and their effect upon the moon’s pull, and how it shall affect the rotation and the gravitational pull of the Earth, in con­junction with that of the sun, which should give forth the life unto your planet. At the present time, because of the wobbling of the Earth on its axis, many things can be contributed to it − among them, tidal waves, meteor showers, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Storms shall appear suddenly where they were not. The atmospheric condition shall alter and remain so into the month of May. It shall not return back to what you would call its normal self.

As these substances are about to take place, you must realize that the change of the negative- and positive-ion field bombardment upon the Earth shall also alter. This should cause drastic mood changes in animal, fowl and fish, and the human race. You shall see drastic change from friendship to almost hatred in the splitting of an eye.

The barometric change may go from one extreme to the other. This also will affect the mental state as well as the physical state.

More from accident than planned cause, you shall have the unrest upon the Earth.

We have told you before, the year of 1987 could be the year that would swing like a pendulum. You [can] have the beginning and the ending of war all in the same year. How shall you deal with these things?

For those who are married, and your spouse and that of the married person, partner, should act in strange ways. It must come from within you what pathway it shall take you. You may allow it to draw you closer together or farther apart. It shall be your choice. It shall be a testing time. For friends may become closer friends or their worst enemy, unless you reach for a common cause, one that may bind you together.

As we have said before, as you bind together, let it be for a cause that means something to you and comes from your heart and becomes an object that is before you. And if all parties look at this object in such a manner that it becomes their predominate being, then the other changes cannot greatly affect you because your mental state will keep returning back to the objective which you have placed before you.

We realize that speaking of these things and un­derstanding these things are two different things entirely. We would suggest that once this reading has been transcribed and each of you have it in your hands, that you study it to understand the fullness of it. And the fullness of it can either — your understanding can either allow you to exist or to look back upon this year and say, “What a wasted time,” or it can be a fruitful time if you learn from what we have said and utilize it.

The earthquake pattern − you know it, as we have said before, the “Ring of Fire” − the neighboring land in Mexico shall be shaken as it has never been shaken before. We have told you before of its economy. [The] economy of the land of Mexico is reduced to nothing and it shall be reduced even farther, to the point of bankruptcy, to the point of destroying their government and starting all over again.

The Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. In a 40,000 km (25,000 mi) horseshoe shape, it is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, volcanic arcs, and volcanic belts and/or plate movements. It has 452 volcanoes (more than 75% of the world’s active and dormant volcanoes). The Ring of Fire is sometimes called the circum-Pacific belt. About 90% of the world’s earthquakes and 81% of the world’s largest earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire. The next most seismically active region (5–6% of earthquakes and 17% of the world’s largest earthquakes) is the Alpide belt, which extends from Java to the northern Atlantic Ocean via the Himalayas and southern Europe. All but 3 of the world’s 25 largest volcanic eruptions of the last 11,700 years occurred at volcanoes in the Ring of Fire. The Ring of Fire is a direct result of plate tectonics/ movement and collisions of lithospheric plates.

Russia shall be too busy taking care of their own, for Russia shall be struck from east to west with earth­quakes. And Siberia shall bring forth a volcanic eruption such as man has never seen before.

In the land of South Africa, war and the rumors of war, are there already, but it shall be intensified. But South Africa shall have earthquakes unlike they have ever known, and the volcanic substance.

I would look unto the tip of Alaska, unto the Mt. McKinley, Mt. St. Helena, Mt. Hood, the San Francisco peaks here in Arizona, Taos, New Mexico. And from there, trace the “Ring of Fire” through Mexico, through South America and back unto the Mediterranean, and China.

Brittany or Britain, the island of Great Britain, shall be shaken.

The island of Japan shall feel that the people are ready to leave it; it shall shake and eruptions shall occur.

But we say unto you, the large earthquakes would just begin.

A time shall come in California when it shall break apart and become islands. It shall not sink, but it should go into the land you now know as Nevada. These shall not all occur overnight; they shall be spread out. And the destruction and regeneration of the land of California shall happen clear into the year of 1999.

But do not look at these things we have said as disasters. Look at it and know of it as the earth changing, as all things change. It must change to renew itself. As you would get up in the morning and go and wash your face and comb your hair, so the earth is doing the same.

Do not run and hide. Prepare yourselves, if you must, with enough food substance that could last you from six months to a year. This will allow you to get through any emergencies. Rotate the food substance and keep it fresh.

Emergencies shall be short lived, even the rattling of the war chains.

Now we know there’s many, many questions within your minds. But we say unto you, tonight is a night that we give unto you these messages that you may prepare yourselves to come forth in your own growth, not in the image of others, but in your own image, and in your own way. If you can do nothing more this year than learn to be happy with yourselves, to like yourselves, you will have accomplished more than the rest of the world….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you Aka. [R___ B____] who is also here tonight asks, ‘Can we please have advice on forming a closely knit Association with common goals to work together?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we would say, take the first step; learn to like yourselves. When you have accomplished this, then look upon your fellow man in the same manner.

All of you have faults. If you may overlook the others fault, but in doing so, in learning to like yourself, adjust your attitudes in such a manner that you may respect one another. Through this common respect, and through the preparation that we have said, you shall know within your own hearts and souls that if we pour wines for you, and it [ ] sets before you and you wish to drink of it, all you have to do is pick it up. And for those who chose to drink of this, we shall provide the way for all the rest….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [C_____ J____ …Tucson] asks, ‘Can you tell me the purpose of other special energy working within me at this time?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. The energy you speak of is the life-force energy of man, yet is the life-force energy of all things in this universe, unliking to matter and more liking to anti­matter, which may travel at 20 times the speed of sound or light. The substance that you are dealing with, and wish to deal with, may either be the brightest point of your life or disaster. It is in dealing with it that you shall find that you must put it together, as a carpenter, who would start with the foundation of a house and put the roof on, and then finish the interior. Do so in an orderly manner and it shall become in completeness. But look unto the flight of the Eagle, and see there is no waste. You shall know of these things from within you.

Four times Aka and Ray opened a vortex or pathway into the new world to initiate those who wish to enter. The first of four Corn Ceremonies was given August 16–17, 1987, during a “harmonic convergence” of planets. The other three Corn Ceremonies were held March 16–18 and August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989.Lit candles in the center of a Star of David, encircled by three colors of corn flour, represent the souls of those who chose to enter into the new world during the sacred Corn Ceremony that was held at a church to God, Dripping Springs Road, Arizona. During the hours Aka gave, the new heaven and new earth were joined in the sacred circle into this world by the prophet, or Eagle, and Aka. At these times, a vortex was opened into the new world which shone in purity and radiant strength, all brand new. Within the circles, while the opening between the present and new worlds continued, many said it felt it like a new heaven and new earth were brought into existence for that time into the present.

June 26, 1987: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. G_____ B_____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, do we have any drastic problems around the time of August 16th or 18th, or is it a [marker] for the beginning of tougher times? Thank you.’”

We should say unto you [that] of these questions and of these answers. Remember that the clock that you watch shall be 24 [hours] older when your 16th day arrives. Therefore, we say unto you, in the days of Quetzalcoatl, these who you call as Jesus, who walked upon your American land and who brought teachings, and who went with the evening star and promised to return with the morning star − for it shall be the first step of his consciousness. And it shall be felt around the world.

Yet, they [are the other] side of the coin, that that you know as the Anti-Christ, his footstep shall also be felt.

Your consciousness, therefore, must be guarded and placed together, bound together, as one. Come together in harmony and in prayer and in learning. If you do so, learning and har­mony is what you shall receive back in return.

It is our sincere hope, for we are not allowed to interfere.

Now is the time of testing. From the time we have come until now, we have told you of this time, the time when the great Sword shall divide both man and land masses − for that also shall occur and begin to occur in such a manner that you shall feel the earth shudder upon its axis. Yet, for those [who are to] have the Lord in their heart, they have nothing to fear. But as you come together, remember, if you come in the house of the Lord, come with your hearts without prejudice of any kind, respecting one another, at all times, and bring prejudice against no one or thing.

We shall explain to you the difference between that which is prejudice and that which you do not care to associate yourself with. If a man came to kill your loved ones, and he was from the Anti-Christ or even if he wasn’t, and you must kill him in return, then you have not sinned before God. You have defended those things you love and cherish, and you have stopped this person from committing murder, and therefore, you have saved his soul, even though you have slain him. This is hard for you to understand. It is written, “Thou shall not commit murder.” There is a difference between the two. These things we say may be hard to understand, but we try to simplify it for you.

Praise be the Lord, thy God, in all manners, and praise be Jesus of Nazara, Buddha of Buddhas, Lord of Lords.

We know it is hard to understand fully the Lord’s way. Yet, is it like the river. The river you see you think is the same, but it is not the same, for the water is always changing, and so is the Lord flowing like the river, flowing to His children their needs. As their needs change, so the Lord alters and changes. But within truth, the great plan never changes.

We say unto you, now is your time and shall be your time of testing. Take the time to go unto all the people you can and say, “Come be with us. Let us take the time to worship. Let us [try and] take the time to bind together. Let us take the time to pray together, and learn together.”

But do so unto all, that they might hear this that is to be heard and seen and felt. For this con­sciousness shall cross the Earth many times, but only one time in this way and at this moment.

We say unto you, at what you would know as 1:00 p.m., in the afternoon, all the candles in your candelabras should be lit. All the single candles should be lit. Make there forth an area, of 9.5- inches [feet]-by-9.5-inches [feet], of a triangle in double sides. It shall [gain for you] forth the Star of David. [Plant], therefore, your candles at every one of these points, and you shall come unto the [point] in the center shall be the Thirteenth. Place that before your altar. And bring your prayer unto the Lord at this time, and you shall be within the conscious realm of all the world. It shall link you together.

We know that you will want to listen and read this message very carefully. For in truth, those who have eyes to see shall see, those who have ears to listen shall hear.

And unto the 9th hour of the evening they shall be lit again. And then look unto the heaven[s] and see that which the Lord has to give you back in return.

[Editor’s note: At that time a vortex was opened into the new world, which shone in purity in the circle through those hours. It was as pure energy, without persona, without history, all brand new.]

August 7, 1987: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. Another question, ‘Dear Aka, can you please tell us when and where the Chinese people entered the Earth? Thank you. G_____ B____.’”

We should answer your question in this manner. The Chinese people, before the Mongolian invasion, were of a pure race. The Mongolian invasion changed that drastically. You will find one of the oldest fertile crests [crescents] on the earth, not once, but three times in China. You will find that those that you would call the Sons of God did enter, three different times. Some of the oldest traces of modern man and ancient man, both, shall be found there. Some of the artifacts from man’s visit from outer space to your planet, as you would call it, interplanetary visiting, there is evidence of this and their knowledge. The problem with this is they reached great heights in their civilization, only to become stagnated by the Mongolian lust.

Aka shared knowledge of a time before the world had changed on its axis to prepare the people to enter the new world. In a parable, they said, February 19, 1988: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto you unto this manner, unto this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be the descendants thereof and therefore.

According to Dr. Ghost Wolf, this katsina is also known as Nanga Sohu, or Chasing Star Katsina. The Hopi word nanga means “to pursue” and sohu means “star.” Sometimes thiskatsina refers to Venus because its morning and evening appearances seem to chase each other. Ethnographer Jesse Walter Fewkes conversely says that Nanga Sohu comes in two distinct versions depending on the village in which he dances. The katsina of Oraibi has a single four-pointed star in the middle of his mask and trailing eagle feathers similar to that of a Plains Indian war bonnet. [Drawing below from Hopi Katchinas, Dover Publications, Inc.]

And we should say unto you, for in the early time, the time which you would know as the time of the Rainbow People, there came the time of the great festival. And the festival was.

And when the festival was it became one of the sacred acts. And the acts were only those who had ears to hear and those who had eyes to listen [see] did complete. For it is enough to know one act at a time. But once the seven acts have been completed of the Nakuna, then it should begin the acts of the Kachina. Each step shall, in turn, lead onward and upward into another. Yet, as deeds are not great by themselves, but only together, so are the deeds of the acts.

But we should say unto you, for the children did play, and in their play that which they played the hardest was the hiding time, for when the children heard someone come, it was to blend into their surroundings, to become one with that which they stood around, that with the earth, that with the trees, that with the grass, that with the sky. And to do this, this one must think as all of these things and become invisible to the eye. And so, the child was hidden in visibility.

To know this is to know the way. And to know the way is to know the acts of the Nakuna.

We will say unto you, to know the act of the Nakuna, the first step is for each of you who pass through the Corn Ceremony to sit down and write it in its entirety, that you should know it. And even if you forget one part, write it anyway. But soon, all the parts shall be filled in. When you yourselves may do them and go through forth, therefore, unto the same and perform the sacred Corn Ceremony, it shall be the beginning of your acts.

There are those who shall be chosen to perform this. But all is invited. We say unto you, learn of this and you have opened the doorway, not only into the past, but into the future, and the future times of mankind, for you have opened the doorway of the acts of the Nakuna. And when the acts of the Nakuna are complete and you step up, you shall know that the seven acts that you have just performed are sacred beyond all words and all telling. Yet, they shall be performed, not that you may be great, but each shall be performed that the Lord, God, may be great in His might, and mighty.

We know that you do not understand us, but you shall in time. For within a short while the spirits shall call and beckon, and they shall dance upon the wall and the ceiling, and all around. And some shall become frightened, for they shall know their presence; yet, they know not what the presence is. They have not the trust in the Lord, thy God, to know the difference from one unto another.

We should say unto you, this time is important. Yet, we should say unto you, for we shall know of the blue dye. Yet it is not a dye. It but changes the texture and color of the skin, but for a day or a night.

And you shall know of the beast of the land and you shall feel it as it enters your body and your mind. Yet, you shall become above it and pull yourselves from it, least it consume you.

For in the greatest of times, now we should say unto you is the time that has come when change is inevitable. For where no land was, land shall be. Where no garden grew, gardens shall flourish and become complete in their changing for the Lord. And where deserts are, deserts shall be dropped from the earth, one at a time. We say unto you, now is a great time, a wonderful time, a time when he for whom you have waited is close at hand. So we say unto you, glory be the light of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever.

Now we say unto you, land masses shall change. It shall not be long until that of the land of California shall begin to alter its face, and not as man has ever known in this time − so shall parts of Nevada, and so shall parts of that of the Arizona. Within time, the course of the great Mississippi shall change its flow, and alter. And so shall the Nile. Many things shall be brought forth in changing, yet re-changing, and changing once again.

For in the final analysis of all things there is love, the love that the Father has for His children, a total and complete and unselfish love. To know of this is to know the answers of the secret places and to know the great secrets of all time.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the cherubim.

At the time Christ walked the Americas before, he gave the Hopi (the people) a prophecy of the coming of the Messiah. He said — I give you the morning star. I shall go with it, and I shall come with it.

In Frank Waters’s writings on Hopi mythology, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the form of a blue star. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the “Day of Purification”, described as a catastrophe or a “world engulfing cataclysm” that will lead to the purification of planet Earth.

According to Hopi legend as reported by writer Frank Waters, at the beginning of time Taiowa, the Creator, created his nephew, Sótuknang, to construct places for life. Out of the nothingness, Sótuknang created nine universes or worlds: one for Taiowa, one for himself, and seven others for additional life. The first three of these worlds, Tokpela, Tokpa and Kuskurza have already been inhabited and subsequently destroyed due to the corruption and wickedness of man. Each time one of the worlds is destroyed, the faithful Hopi are taken underground and saved from destruction to later emerge and populate the next world. According to Waters’ books, which were written in the 1960s, Hopis believe that humanity is currently residing in the fourth world, Túwaqachi. Like the previous worlds, Túwaqachi is also prophesied to be destroyed because of the corruption of humanity.

The ninth and final sign of destruction is described by White Feather as, “You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease.” This idea of the Blue Star Kachina marking the end of all Hopi rituals is reflected in Waters’ book, Book of the Hopi, in which he states, “The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children.” This absence of Hopi ceremonialism will coincide with the destruction of the Fourth World. Waters suggested that World War III will begin and the United States will be ripped apart by war, leaving only the Hopis and their homeland intact. The war of the end of the world is described by Waters as “a spiritual conflict with material matters ”.

According to Hopi prophecy (as reported by Waters), shortly after the Blue Star Kachina is visible to all and the Day of Purification is realized, the True White Brother will come to earth in search of Hopi “who steadfastly adhere to their ancient teachings.” It is said that if the True White Brother fails in his mission and is unable to find uncorrupted men and women, that the earth will be completely destroyed and none will be spared. However, if successful in bringing the symbols and finding those who still follow the true Hopi way of life, the world will be created anew and all the faithful will be saved from destruction. (Wikipedia)

The late Robert Ghost Wolf, of mixed Hopi, Iroquois, and Lakota descent, speaks about star prophecy in relation to the conclusion of Gaia’­s current cycle:

“The story of the Blue Kachina is an old story, very old. I have been aware of the story of the Blue Kachina since I was very young. I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. It was told to me that the first Blue Kachina would be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. The event would tell us that the end times are very near. The Blue Star Kachina would physically appear in our heavens which would mean that we are in the end times.”

Hopi prophecy says, the time is not far off. It will come when the Blue Star kachina dances in the plaza.

March 18, 1988:“Thank you, Aka. [9–360–1] asks to please explain the blue dye that changes the color or the texture of the skin [for a] day or a night. Thank you.”

We see your need, and we shall say unto you, we speak of the Blue People. And we say to you, that which was for a different time because of the atmospheric condition. As you enter into this time once again and your ion belt is destroyed piece-by-piece, and your gamma rays become more plentiful, that time shall be once again. That which you speak of to alter the pigmentation of the tissue will be given at that time.

Some of the Fugate family pictured are actually blue. The Blue People of Kentucky became famous in the mid-1800s for, as the name implies, being blue. A rare recessive genetic condition called methemoglobinemia caused many members of this family to have blue skin — but were otherwise, essentially, pretty healthy. Methemoglobinemia causes higher levels of methemoglobin relative to hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen) in the blood, which reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood of affected individuals, causing cyanosis — or blue skin. Blood does not become blue when it is low in oxygen — in fact, in people with this condition, their blood becomes chocolate-colored. But because cyanosis develops, these people often have blue-tinged lips and fingers, and in the more extreme case of the Kentucky family, their entire bodies can appear blue. Most people have less than 1% of methemoglobin in their blood, but with this condition levels of methemoglobin can rise to around 20% and cause cyanosis without any other health problems. Exposure to silver can also cause a condition with a similar appearance (but with totally normal oxygenated blood) called Argyria. This isn’t generally harmful, but can cause people to be irreversibly blue for the rest of their lives.

April 15, 1988, Aka said: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–550–3…Houston, Texas] asks, ‘How long will California be a safe place to live? Do I have work to do there?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Quakes shall come and go.

You shall soon see a great quake in the land of California. We say this now − during the month of May it is not a time to be around large buildings, for the land shall shiver and shake. We shall say unto you this, that as you would measure it, an earthquake in the magnitude of eight-and- a-half [8.5] on what you would call your Richter scale shall happen. But the greatest damage shall come from the aftershock and the panic of the people. Therefore, even your highways will become unsafe for a period of time. But do not run and hide, for that in itself is where the danger lies….

The December 26, 2004, Magnitude 9.0 Sumatra earthquake is comparable to the Cascadia Subduction zone in the Northwest U.S. and southwestern Canadian coast, where the Pacific, Juan de Fuca, and American tectonic plates contact. South of this, running through California to the Baja Peninsula and Gulf of Cortez, lies the San Andres fault, where the Pacific and American plates continue to contact. For many years, people have been concerned about a long-overdue “Big one” in California. Please see “The Big One and the Valley below the Sea” at medium.com/@universalphilos.

But we say unto you, now is the time to begin to prepare your people in the states of the United States of both Alaska and those parts of Canada, and of those parts of Oregon, and of those parts of Washington, and of those parts of Nevada, and of those parts of California, and of those parts of Arizona unto the land of the Yumas. And we say unto you, it shall strike a chord unto that of New Mexico. From earthquake to volcano, as the time grows near we shall give you more specific information.

But into South America and across the land, into that of the British Isles and into France and across into Russia, [and] the Russian territories, and back down once again into that of Alaska and Siberia, down through the Mediterranean into parts of which is known as Africa, the earth shall shake and it shall feel it shall remove itself from the axis. But the tilt shall not come yet. It shall come partially from now until the year of 1999. Then will be a cooling down period.

But we say unto you, take precautions. Make sure that you have food substance to last for six months − bedding, clothing, and those of medical supplies. Civilization shall not disappear; it shall only be interrupted for a short time.

Editor’s note: To read Aka’s guidance on preparing water and food for disaster, see “Prepare for the time of the great famine”–Begin with safe drinking water,” and see Prepare for the time of the great famine” — “food for thought” — guidance from the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, from 1970 to 1989 (Parts 2 and 3).

October 4, 1975: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes…Aka, ‘Who is the Blue-Star Kachina of the Hopis? Is it an extra-terrestrial being?’”

(Chuckle) We shall answer your question in this manner. Long ago, when the Messiah walked the face of your Earth, your continent, this land — and before his coming, a star was promised of his arrival. And he did say unto them, “For I give unto you the morning star and the evening star. I shall go with it, and I shall come with it.”

And so, through their folklore it has been handed down. Much as the tablets of Moses, that of the Ten Commandments, so were the tablets of the Hopi. Yet both no longer stand upon your Earth, only the wish and the promise — the promise, therefore, unto the people that they should hold holy unto the Lord all days, and that they should worship no other god before Him.

The one who should come shall say to you, “I am not God, yet I am the spirit of God.”

So it has been upon your Earth before. So it shall be again.

Our purpose, that we might serve both man and God, should be for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. Much as the star, the [Blue-Star kachina] doll was made to remind them of this.

Prophesy is but a part of things. It is a balance within all things. The balance may take you to the stars and back again, if used in its proper accord. (Aka, March 25, 1977)


And then, in mid-February 2011, a woman heard the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, speak these words in spirit, “Our Lord shall no longer hold back that that is to happen.” It began March 3, 2011.

Read all the words the spiritual messengers of God spoke to us, see amazon.com/author/a.ray.elkins


Prophecies have been given by others through time. Here are some more –

Medieval saint of 12th century. St. Hildegard von Binge, 1152, in the Scrivius, described 26 visions. Michael Brown in Spirit Daily, thinks she prophesied about the U.S.

Toward Apocalyptic times, mankind will be purified, especially the clergy. “Before the comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scourged by want and famine.”

“The great nation in the ocean, that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent, will be devastated by earthquake, storm and tidal wave. It will be divided, in great part, submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea, and lose its colonies. After the great comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues. The ocean will also flood many other countries, so that all coastal cities will live in fear, with many destroyed. The seacoast cities will be fearful, and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves. And most living creatures will be killed, and even those who escape will die from a horrible disease, for in none of those cities does a person live according to the laws of God. A powerful wind will arise in the north carrying heavy fog and the densest dust, and it will fill their throats and eyes so they will cease their butchery and be sickened with a great fear.”

That would precede the arrival of a devastating comet.” The comet, by its tremendous pressure, will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries, causing much want and many plagues.

One text says she asserts, after the great comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms and great waves of water.

She prophesied that the seacoast cities would be fearful, that the Anti-Christ would come, and a time when most living creatures would be killed.

Bishop Christianos Agueda, of the 12th century, said, In the 20th century there will be wars and fury that will last a long time. Whole provinces shall be emptied of their inhabitants and kingdoms shall be thrown into confusion. In many places the land shall be left unfilled, and there shall be great slaughters of the upper class. The right hand of the world shall fear the left, and the north shall prevail over the south.

Abbot Veirden Dordonto, 12th century: A great monarch and a great Pope will precede Anti-Christ. The nations will be at war for four years and a great part of the world will be destroyed. The Pope will go over the sea carrying the sign of redemption on his forehead. The great monarch will come to restore peace, and the Pope will share in the victory.

John Avitequero, 13th century: The Pope will change his residence and the church will not be defended for 25 months, or more, because during that time there will be no Pope in Rome. After many tribulations a Pope shall be elected out of those who survived the persecutions.

Johann Fleed, 1204–125: When the great time will come in which mankind will face its last hard trial, it will be foreshadowed by striking changes in nature. The alteration between cold and heat will become more intensive, storms will have more catastrophic events, earthquakes will destroy great regions, and the seas will overflow many lowlands. Not all of it will be the result of natural causes, but mankind will penetrate into the bowels of the earth and will reach into the clouds, gambling with its own existence. Before the powers of destruction will succeed in their design, the universe will be thrown into disorder and the age of iron will plunge into nothingness. When nights will be filled with more intensive cold and days with heat, a new life will begin in nature. The heat means radiation from the earth, and cold the waning light of the sun. Only a few years more and you will become aware that sunlight has grown perceptibly weaker, when even your artificial light will cease to give service, the great event in the heavens will be near.

St. Vincent Frerrer, 14th century: In the days of peace that are to come after the days of revolutions and wars, the Christians will become so relax in their religion, that they will refuse to receive the sacrament of confirmation (baptism).

St. John of the Cleft Rock, 14th century: Towards the end of the world, tyrants and hostile mobs will rob the church and the clergy of all their possessions and will afflict and martyr them. Those who heep the most abuse upon them will be held in high esteem. At that time, the Pope with his cardinals will have to flee Rome in tragic circumstances to a place where they will be unknown. The Pope will die a cruel death in his exile. The sufferings of the church will be much greater than at any previous time in her history But God will raise a holy Pope and the angels will rejoice. Enlightened by God, this man will rebuild almost the whole world through his holiness. He will lead everyone to the true faith.

Maria Laq Monestary, 16th century: The 20th century will bring death and destruction, apostasy for the church, discord in families, cities, and government. It will be the century of three great wars with intervals of a few decades. It will become ever more devastating and bloody, and will lay in ruins not only Germany, but finally all countries of east and west, After a terrible defeat of Germany will follow a next great war. There will be no bread for people anymore and no fodder for animals, poisonous clouds made by humans sinking down and exterminating everything. The human mind will be seized by insanity.

“But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”

(Matthew 24:13)

Remember these important words of prophecy the spiritual messengers of God told us, February 17, 1984:

“And as he comes unto the Earth, all planetary substance shall know of it, for his reflection and his face shall be seen not only upon this Earth, but upon all earths”


Note: This story, “Your Earth Is Shifting on It Axis,” is now available as a colored ebook or black-and-white paperback.

Also read the Book with Wings series, which contain all of Aka’s messages.

Listen to the spiritual messengers of God answer a question that speaks more about this in The infant Messiah, is he born already?

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.” (The spiritual messengers of God, December 1, 1972)

“We have come but for one purpose, and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto you, all of you, open your door that we might enter, and therefore, there can be a place prepared within each of you for his coming.” (December 29, 1972)

To read what Aka says about the “Big One” in California, seeThe Big One and the Valley below the Sea”.

For more about the sister planets of Earth seeFor Life Does Not Dwell But upon One Place nor into But One Kind”.

Perhaps more important during a disaster is drinking water. The desert is an especially good place to plan for this. See Prepare for the time of the great famine (part 2) – Begin with safe drinking water”.

And see Prepare for the time of the great famine (Part 3) — food for thought”.

You can read more of what Aka, spiritual messengers of God, spoke from 1970 to 1989. See Aka’s books and e-books at amazon.com/author/assoc.universal.philosophy

Please join the Association of Universal Philosophy the spiritual messengers of God formed. Be sure to send us a message at AUP@earthlink.net to let us know you’re joining, or if you’re giving a donation instead. Thank you.

Learn more.

God bless you.

The words of Aka are copyrighted © 2000 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona


To better understand earthquake patterns and the shifting of continental plates, you might like to watch https://youtu.be/LE7defX7f6Y



“The great Sword is here”

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.