“Your Earth is slowly changing upon its own axis — but your earth is sliding with this change”

“The great Sword is here”
54 min readAug 16, 2019

“It has done this many times before. But this time it should be done with purpose, that mankind may hear and heed the words of God” (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, April 21, 1972)

The second day the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke after they arrived upon Earth with a message, they said us that our Earth is changing on its axis. They told us more about this during the next 19 years as they spoke through an instrument, Ray Elkins, of Globe, Arizona. Hopefully, their words may answer some questions for you.

Here is a part of what they said.

The second time the spiritual messengers of God spoke, April 6, 1970, Aka said: The great Sword is here.


It is a cutting sword of land and masses. The earth’s axis is changing. Where it was hot — where it was hot it shall become colder. Where it was dry it shall become wetter. Where there no water flows, water shall flow, because water is the spirit.

The spiritual messengers of God explained about the great sword and also their purpose in coming, April 13, 1970: “I wondered if you might tell me if there is any relationship between the comet which appeared in the east a couple of weeks ago and your coming?”

For, in God’s plan — as I have told you before, that God’s soul is like the pebbles of a brook, that man’s spirit is like the pebbles of a river, that man’s soul is like the pebbles of an ocean — in God’s plan, not only here, but in many places in thy world, thy coming has been announced, thy coming of the mighty Sword and its meaning, the Sword which cuts two ways and both sides shall cut. If thy should read of the book of Revelation,think thee of thy horse, for now is the time of the red horse, and his passing is for all men to see. [See The Revelation 6:3–4, and 19:11–16.]

If man heeds God’s warning and should see from the light in the sky, then God may take His many children to His mansions and weep no more. As I have told you before of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, that thy groups shall number, always as Thirteen and Thirteen to repeat and repeat again, as it has done from the beginning of time. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Then my mission, and I who have many souls should say with all their consent (loving chuckle), there should be no reason for me, for then God’s temple shall be built in all the souls of man, and therefore, the other seals should not be opened. And then thy reign of the Lord upon this earth shall go for a thousand years — and take from the earth as we built the block in Ray’s mind, so should the block be in all souls of the world.

Can you understand this?…[See The Revelation, chapters 6–8, 14, 19–22.]

And now, of this great Sword — the time shall come when the time of the cutting of the earth is at hand. There shall be, very soon, a large volcanic action toward the Mediterranean seas. This action shall spread, clear across thy continent, through to the Gulf of Mexico. From the Gulf of Mexico, it shall spread, and go clear up to the continent, a part of your continent which is known now as Alaska. This shall take a number of years to materialize in full, but it has already started.

There are already places of thy earth which the Sword is cutting. Be not afraid of this, because all of this is in God’s plan. For, as I have said before, if the men of Christ are to stop this red horse in his triumph for world conquest, these things are necessary. So be not afraid.

April 15, 1970: I have told thee before of the time of the Red Horse.

I have told thee that as the Red Horse passes, then thy shall come to man a thousand years of peace on earth as it will be in heaven.

April 29, 1970: As I have said before, the time of the Red Horse is here. [See The Revelation 6:3 and Zechariah 1:8.]

Aka warned of a possible threat of world war: I have said that the Horse will attack the Bear [Russia]. Now, I will warn thee that the Eagle [U.S.A.]shall join the Bear. The fuse is lit. And as it burns, it may consume thy earth.

As in all things, a free choice — there are chances still that this shall not happen. But from the extra claws the Eagle will attach to itself, it does not look like it shall avoid these wars. Therefore, the crucial time shall be in the next ten years.

Prepare thy group for its coming. Prepare for the time of famine.

“The time of whom?”



Nay. The time of the great famine.



At a later time instructions shall be given to the preparation for this time…. [Note: See “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”]

A man asked: “How does the great Sword or the changing of the land masses fit in with the wars?”

The axis of the earth is changing. This, some men have thought that man has started this and this is not true. Man has neither the power at this time nor the knowledge to do this. Therefore, the changing of thy earth shall be as a karma for Earth, and this shall happen as a protection for the souls of God that remain on earth, yet to return to His mansions — and for souls who have yet more lives to live on different planes in the future. These things are all necessary to offset man’s destruction of man.

“Then you feel that all mankind will not be destroyed in this coming war?”

This is true.

May 1, 1970, Aka said: Now, as I have said before, the time of the Great Sword is upon you. Because of men’s actions of this plane, the time is growing near.

It is also necessary that thy know that thy, of thy plane, have visitors from another galaxy. This is not part, the interference from one galaxy to another is not part of God’s plan. Therefore, as the axis of your Earth is being changed, soon thy will know these visitors. This shall be taken up at a different time.

To understand this, ye must first think of the spirits of God, also of the spirits of man, and then the souls of man. Then think of thee as not one, but two, but not two, but as three. When ye understand this, then ye shall understand the plan of God.

July 17, 1971: Benefit by what has happened in the past. This is why we have given unto thee the knowledge, thy would call, in thy life readings. This is why we have given unto thee the knowledge of your past civilizations.

And of your question upon Atlantis, we should say unto thee, within time Atlantis shall rise again beneath the sea and the ice, for Atlantis was in your northern hemisphere. And as the axis of the earth turned, these people fled unto a land much liking to their own.

And as God gave man the Earth to ferment and plant his seed upon, and therefore, to replenish the earth, so He did in this time. For all things that have been before shall be again. For remember, we are not great. We are here for one purpose, that purpose is to prepare a way that God’s children may return back to their many mansions. And for this to be done, we must prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

There are many things thy do not understand. Be not afraid to ask, and this knowledge shall be given unto thee.

A picture of Earth and the Moon from Mars. The presence of the moon (which has about 1/81 the mass of Earth) is slowing Earth’s rotation and extending the day by about 2 milliseconds every 100 years.

NASA reports that Earth’s rotation is slowing and it could cause major earthquakes. “The Moon’s gravity creates a tidal bulge on the Earth. This bulge attempts to rotate at the same speed as the rest of the planet,” Matthew Funke, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, explains. “As it moves ‘ahead’ of the Moon, the Moon attempts to pull it back. This slows the earth’s rotation down. “One of the rules of the Universe is that ‘angular momentum’ can’t go anywhere — even if individual pieces speed up, slow down, or change direction, the sum total of angular momentum cannot change. The Earth loses angular momentum when the Moon slows it down, so the Moon has to gain it — and it does, by moving further away in its orbit. “The Moon is currently receding from the Earth by about one-and-a-half inches per year.” [See “Tidal Acceleration.”]

A slower rotating globe leads to stronger, more frequent earthquakes. Why this is is unclear. But experts think changes in the Earth’s core have an effect on the surface.Researchers Roger Bilham at the University of Colorado and Rebecca Bendick at the University of Montana studied earthquakes of higher magnitude than 7.0 since 1900. They found five years with significantly more 7.0 or higher quakes, 25 to 30 a year compared to 15 major quakes other years.

April 21, 1972: And we say hark into thee. For as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel rests no longer upon thy earth, for now is the time of the great Sword that should cut of land and masses.

And we shall say once again that your Earth is slowly changing upon its own axis. But your earth is sliding with this change. It has done this many times before. But this time it should be done with purpose, that mankind may hear and heed the words of God.

Our Lord has given unto thee free choice. But yet, you go onward with your wars and your killing. And we say unto thee, our Father does not seek the blood of the Lamb, but gave it to you that thy may see for thyselves in the resurrection of your own. Yet you took this and misinterpreted these words, and misinterpreted the deed within itself.

And now, as we have said before, your Earth, this planet of yours, shall show that it has karma too. For earthquakes should come within your land. The earth should heave and give forth unto new life. And the temple of God that is in within man shall shine forth, and come again.

And thy ask unto thyselves, “Why do they talk in riddles?” Yet, we have given unto thee many words. We have given unto thee many lessons to pass forth upon the people of the land. We do not come to you alone. We have chosen you first to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. But first you must prepare the way within yourselves.

DUPLICATED –– Steven Dutch, Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Wisconsin, presents his theory: “There is a real polar wander. The crust of the earth can slide over its plastic interior in response to mass imbalances. The rotation axis of the Earth stays fixed, but the crust as a whole can move relative to the poles. The term is still a misnomer — it’s the crust that moves, not the poles.” But as the Earth orbits the Sun while both are hurling through space, might it not wobble on its axis due to other influences, such as the gravitational pull of the moon, planets and the Sun, movements in the core of Earth’s magnetic magma with gravitational attractions, earthquakes and shifts in continental shelves, pressure of cosmic and solar winds, an imbalance from collisions with space objects such as asteroids, powerful nuclear explosions, severe weather or changes in the jet streams or atmospheric river, droughts causing the crust to shift, and more? See Milankovitch cycles.

Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon by John Martin. “Then Joshua spoke to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel: ‘Sun, stand still over Gibeon; And Moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.’ So the sun stood still,and the moon stopped, till the people had revengeupon their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.” [See Joshua 10:10–14.]

June 30, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, that is of a before time, when the Earth slowed in its axis, as we have told you before. And as the time that the Earth and your time stood still — and your Earth is now again reaching its same position, for as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned. [See Matthew, chapter 24.]

Matthew 24:1–3 states: “Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said to them, ‘Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.’

Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?’”….

But we say unto thee, beware, for the Fifth Angel walks upon thy Earth. But for the children of God, thy have nothing to fear, for we shall walk before thee and prepare a way. We have come unto thee but for one purpose and that is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We have given unto thee the keeping of the date and time. And of your year, 1998, so it shall be upon your Earth. But first shall come the sign and the writing in the sky.

And we say unto thee in these words, for all shall bow and pay homage into this One. Yet, all shall be glad within their hearts, for your suffering upon the Earth shall end, and as has been promised, a new heaven and a new earth shall begin. But we saw unto thee in these words, as we have come to prepare this way, do so within thy own hearts and souls, that thy may serve the Messiah in the manner unto which your Lord, God, should wish of this, the same.

But first, proportions of your Earth must be cleansed. And thatthat man has placed in the sea shall come forth and sting of them, as scorpions. And that that man should place in the earth should cause destruction and movement of the earth in the same manner. We have told thee of the Amchitka zone and that of the destruction that would slowly come from this. We have shown thee of many paths and many lessons. We have told thee before that before the destruction should come in any proportion, that this work should go forward. Warnings should be given in advance. And even though we have given warnings, some have not believed and had little faith, and therefore, were destroyed by their own lack of faith.

Aleutian Cackling Geese in Flight Over Amchitka Island

Amchitka is a volcanic, tectonically unstable island in the Rat Islands group of the Aleutian Islands in southwest Alaska. It is part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. The island, with a land area of roughly 116 square miles (300 km2), is about 42 miles (68 km) long and 1 to 4 miles (1.6 to 6.4 km) wide. The area has a maritime climate, with many storms, and mostly overcast skies.

The island has been part of the United States since the Alaska Purchase of 1867. During World War II, it was used as an airfield by US forces in the Aleutian Islands Campaign.

Amchitka was selected by the United States Atomic Energy Commission to be the site for underground detonationsof nuclear weapons. Three such tests were carried out: Long Shot, an 80-kiloton (330 TJ) blast in 1965; Milrow, a 1-megaton (4.2 PJ) blast in 1969; and Cannikin in 1971 — at 5 Mt (21 PJ), the largest underground test ever conducted by the United States. The tests were highly controversial, with environmental groups fearing that the Cannikin explosion, in particular, would cause severe earthquakes and tsunamis. Amchitka is no longer used for nuclear testing. It is still monitored for the leakage of radioactive materials.

Cannikin was detonated on November 6, 1971, 51°28′13.20″N 179°6′40.75″E, as the thirteenth test of the Operation Grommet(1971–1972) underground nuclear test series. The announced yield was 5 megatons (21 PJ) — the largest underground nuclear test in US history. (Estimates for the precise yield range from 4.4 to 5.2 megatons or 18 to 22 PJ). The ground lifted 20 feet (6 m), caused by an explosive force almost 400 times the power of the Hiroshima bomb. Subsidence and faulting at the site created a new lake, several hundred meters wide. The explosion caused a seismic shock of 7.0 on the Richter scale, causing rockfalls and turf slides of a total of 35,000 square feet (3,300 m2). Though earthquakes and tsunamis predicted by environmentalists did not occur, a number of small tectonic events did occur in the following weeks, (some registering as high as 4.0 on the Richter scale) thought to be due to the interaction of the explosion with local tectonic stresses.

1973 and beyond: The AEC withdrew from the island in 1973, though scientists continue to visit the island for monitoring purposes. In 2001, the DoE returned to the site to remove environmental contamination. Drilling mud pits were stabilized by mixing with clean soil, covering with a polyester membrane, topped with soil and re-seeded.

Concerns have been expressed that new fissures may be opening underground, allowing radioactive materials to leak into the ocean. A 1996 Greenpeace study found that Cannikin was leaking both plutonium and americium into the environment. In 2004, scientific divers from the University of Alaska Fairbanks collected shallow subtidal organisms and reported that “There were no indications of any radioactive leakage, and all that was really wonderful news.” Similar findings are reported by a 2006 study, which found that levels of plutonium “were very small and not significant biologically”.

The Department of Energy continues to monitor the site as part of their remediation program. This is expected to continue until 2025, after which the site is intended to become a restricted access wildlife preserve. But think of all the radioactive contamination from other underground and undersea testing by any nations since, not to mention leaking nuclear power plants, and dumping of nuclear wastes near waterways and fault lines.

Aka was asked, June 19, 1973, about why use of nuclear weapons may be a greater concern: “Was the destruction of the island of Atlantis remaining in the time of Noah because of the Earth’s slipping on its axis or because of an atomic explosion?”

First were the atomic explosions; second was the Earth’s slipping upon its axis. Both were interrelated to parts of the same.

That of the splitting of the atom, as you know it, is but a minor thing from the power unto which they had harnessed, for they had harnessed that of the cosmic power, the splitting of the cosmic rays within themselves, therefore, the changing within your atmosphere of the amount of cosmic energy laid forth upon the earth and into each individual. This is why your form did change. And so it shall again. But fear not, for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall walk upon this new heaven and new earth, and live within the thousand years of peace, and shall see the Messiah walk upon your Earth.

How can we better prepare ourselves this time than in Noah’s time?

Can you see the rays of the light of God shining upon and entering into Ray Elkins as the spiritual messengers of God speak through his body? This photo was taken in 1973.

Is the harmony or attunement of a mind and body in some ways similar to stabilizing the rhythmic balance of frequencies of a world with the universe?

The spiritual messengers of God said, December 15, 1972: And we shall explain in this manner. The body and the nervous system is like a violin. If strung too loosely, it should play a foul tune; if strung too tightly, the strings may break. And man must enter, as a musical instrument; to play a mellow tune, the body must be of an equal balance. All parts must be of the same. We have told you before of light and sound. Each body should possess that of sound that should be in tune with the rest of their body. If sound is not in tune, your nervous system becomes tight. This, in itself, is the reason why we have said to feed him [Ray] harmony, that he may be in tune for our entry. The light we have spoke of is the light of God that dwells in man. If these are in an even balance, man may become in tune with the whole universe and universes. If you draw them out of balance, then the man no longer follows its natural axis within itself, and therefore, like a world, would run wild within itself.

January 11, 1975, Aka said: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

For as man should look upon the cold of winter and wish upon the warmth of spring, so should the kindling in his heart be sparked as the spiritual growth comes forth within his soul.

We have talked to you many times of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. But now we should explain, for there has been much confusion.

As has been said before, that at first there was God. And God bore children of His kind. And the Seven Spirits of God did come forth. And therefore, the thought of God was the spirit of man. But the spirit was not enough.

And then He sent forth unto the Seven Spirits to build the earth, and the universe, and universes on end. He said, “LET THERE BE NO BEGINNING AND NO ENDING. LET THE EXPANSION FOR MY CHILDREN BE FRUITFUL, AS THEY SHALL BE FRUITFUL.”

And He said unto the Seven Spirits, “LET THERE BE MAN, AND HE SHALL BE IN MY IMAGE.” And so, from the matter of the earth cast forth unto the form of man.

At first he was of a fragile thing, of energy form only.

And then as man, the man-beast, began to develop and grow, God in His wisdom knew yet again that this was not enough. And so, the Sons of God did look upon the daughters of man and find them fair, and so did enter and become earthbound.

But when man and woman were complete God looked upon them and said, “THIS IS GOOD, AND SO IT SHALL BE.” [See Genesis, chapter 1 and 2:1–4.]

But as a well-tuned instrument, man soon, in his boredom, in his ever-seeking mind, as his Creator’s mind, he started to create, first with flaws. And in the creation he created unto himself his own world.

Some said, “Let us go back into the spiritual form.”

Others said, “No, let us go forward and seek out that that lies before us.”

The wiser said unto them all, “Let us do both. Let us become unto ourselves the body, the soul, the spirit, and therefore, the immortal body shall rise, and that shall be that that has cometh from God and shall return unto God.”

Between your language barrier and ours we shall try to have you understand. We have said before, we do not sleep.

And we shall explain in the parable, that as the sun was made it should shineth through eternity. But as the earth should turn and wobble upon it axis parts of the earth shall be in darkness, only to be re-lighted again by the sun. And God, in the same manner, should find His children that should wander from their paths, only to return back into the warmth of their Father.

In your days of trial and tribulation you should say unto us, “What manner of beings are these?” We have tried to explain unto you, then from which we come, matter, as your know it, is not as your matter, for much as you in the beginning were of pure energy form, so are we. But that you may see us, for those who should, then we should place ourselves in the form of man. This would be readily acceptable into your mind’s eye.

But soon upon your earth others of your own kind, who have come forth from other worlds, from other environments, shall come upon your earth, some larger, some smaller. Their lungs, their respiratory systems, all shall be of a different kind. Yet they will be from all the same seed, for man should change to adjust to his environment.

Now, you may seek unto these who’ve come forth in peace and make war upon them, and in turn, they can divert back and make war upon you. Or you can learn from them much, of their technology, as once before your people learned from those of another planetary system. We say unto you, that that they should bring should make your preparation for the coming of the Messiah much easier. It should fill the bellies of the needy. It shall bring warmth unto your houses and unto your hearts. Donotturn away from these.

There are other planetary systems who are much on the same level as your own, that at this moment are sending forward robot-controlled spacecraft. As you have found out, there is nothing to replace the brain of man, and nothing that can be built, except by God, that would replace this. For it should have compassion when compassion is needed. It shall have strength when strength is needed. It shall render judgment. It shall make decisions. And it shall reign upon heaven and earth. You have encountered some of these robot-controlled crafts; but as you yourselves have done, you have sent probes into outer space. You have not realized that the dimension of speed and speech makes yours and theirs pass by one another; soon this barrier shall be overcome.

You shall continue, the land shall continue to have tornado and hurricane-type storms. This shall sweep unto the earth. The wheat and the harvest of the wheat shall be in jeopardy.

Spring and summer of 2019 saw tornadoes and storms that caused extensive flooding in the “breadbasket” of the U.S.A., as well as floods throughout the world.

We should say unto you, as was said one before unto Abraham, let prayer come up from the [news] who would change. There is much that can be done with your minds in the changing of the weather form, and the earth’s movements within the same.

With what we have said we have satisfied and answered none of the question that you have had ready for us to answer. But we have answered long-standing questions within your minds.

Geoengineering or weather modification is widely practiced around the world, both by private commercial companies and government military programs. One method is cloud seeding with various materials, such as aluminum, barium and strontium, which can be heated by ionospheric heaters, such as arrays of microwave antennas directed at these man-made “clouds” to superheat them, increasing a storm, or to push storm fronts over a certain area, or to dry out rain that might have fallen, causing drought. Weather worldwide can be controlled in this manner. Militaries may also disperse germs or radioactive particles on unsuspecting populations. There are many more applications in use today.

We shall go on to say unto you, that the children of God shall come in many forms. Your technology shall increase even greater than it has ever known before. Remember, control your technology, your science, that it may serve you and you do not serve it.

The H.A.A.R.P. array of antennas is but one of many owned by governments, educational institutions and others in use throughout the world. Not only can weather be directed and altered, but focused microwave of this strength can generate earthquakes.

But do not be afraid of the advancements that shall come upon the earth so rapidly — the changing in the earth’s form, the storm of different value, the earthquakes, the volcanic action which will erupt across the earth.

None of these things you should fear, for you shall be warned before you are in danger, that your lives may continue to serve and function in the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

The Earth’s shifting on its axis is a way of renewing the earth, replenishing the species of the land — to bring a new heaven and a new earth

The spiritual messengers of God said, September 20, 1975: For as the grains of sand upon the desert are vast and many, so are the spiritual form of man. As an ocean it should flood the universe.

Within each man should lie a part of God, yet each shall be separate and different, and each shall be as an individual, as long as freedom can prevail, freedom to worship, each in your own manner.

You are now within the laws of your land a church. But never forget that the true temple of God should lie within the man’s soul, his spirit, his immortal body. Deep within that hidden place within your mind should be the lighten candle of life. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]

As a gentle breeze should blow across the land into the hearts of man, so should the spirit flow across the desert and unto the plains, into the hills and over the mighty oceans.

Your Earth is shifting on its axis.

And the Earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face.

And you should say unto us, “Why should this happen?”

And we should say unto you, it is the Earth’s way of cleansing itself.

Much as winter is a way of replenishing the earth, so is the shifting of the earth’s axis. It’s a way of renewing the earth, a way of replenishing the species of the land.

Each time the Earth has shifted so has mankind changed his environment. As this would take place once again, the greatest loss that mankind may have is his knowledge.

For in this time your scientific knowledge and your spiritual knowledge has come together in such a manner to provide you with a free and untainted earth — a new heaven and a new earth.

Soon, once again in the isles of California new earthquakes shall occur.

The San Andreas fault continues northward through the San Bernardino Mountains. This view is looking toward Los Angeles and the Pacific ocean. Both sit on the Pacific plate. Some think what is west of the fault will one day break away to become islands, which will then drift northward to be submerged under Alaska.

In the Caribbean area new earthquakes shall occur.

In the Asiatic area new earthquakes shall occur.

In that proportion and land known as Russia, and Ethiopia, all shall begin to change its face.

New wars loom closely at hand. We say unto you, as the Eagle [U.S.A.] should replenish its growth and become young again, so it must protect this land of Jerusalem.

Once before, in the land of Rome, the eagle was carried as a banner, and misinterpreted. You are the modern Romans, founded on the same principle of freedom and justice unto all, one nation under God. There are many who would destroy it and take away this freedom. Let not that happen. But it cannot be preserved by becoming radical, distrusting thy neighbors. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves.

October 4, 1975: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as man stands upon the Earth, if he should stand in such a position that one hand held the past, the other the future, and dwelt each day only on that, then where would his presence be? He would stand only in one place, serve no purpose to himself or any other. The past is only knowledge that can guide you to the present. And the present should make of the future.

You with your individual free will, your minds — your minds are capable of moving mountains.

A child may develop the mind quite rapidly because he has not placed before him what he cannot do. When a child learns to walk the equilibrium begins to function in such a manner that he may hold his balance.

Mankind is so busy holding their balance that they are not reaching for the stars, for through the stars shall be the pathway through your future, through the further exploration and development into your space travel. You shall find with the development of the cosmic-magnetic-electrical-energy substance both land and space travel and your power needs may be excelled.

You say unto us, “How can you speak of the book of Revelations and a new source of energy substance in the same breath?” We say unto you, your earth has changed its facial structure many times. It shall do so again. It is the spiritual structure of man with knowledge that shall gain you your new heaven and your new earth. To fear is to be ignorant.

Each of you asks the Lord, our God, each day for your peace of mind, for your well being, and for your many needs and wants; yet, which among you should say unto himself or herself, “How may I give unto the Lord, God?”

The Lord, God, does not ask a mighty temple of brick and stone. These things are good, for it is a gathering house. The only temple we seek to build is that within man, the temple of God is man. The body of God lies within all.

To fall down is not a sin. There are many things that you would call sin that our Father thinks little or not at all of.

You seek to explain to yourself the book of Revelations. You seek the knowledge of that that should taste of honey, yet grow bitter in one’s mouth. [See Revelation 10:1–11.]

We shall answer your question. In man’s quest for his future, if all he could see was the future and not of the present, it would soon grow very bitter in his mouth. These were the scrolls that John was directed to eat, the scrolls of the future.

“When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.” (Revelation 6:7–8)

Your future can be made in such a manner that the famine, your time of the Anti-Christ or the coming of the Beast upon the Earth, can be wiped away with your minds. The chaos of the shifting of the Earth’s axis is nothing more than a minor adjustment that must be made within man and beast.

We have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. The great Sword hovers, to strike from one side and part the land; the other shall part man. If a building should burn, and all inside use their minds and orderly and jointly remove themselves from the building, no one will be harmed. But fear, the constant dwelling upon fear, can destroy the mind, can destroy all around you, for you shall cease to see the flowers that grow today and can grow tomorrow.

We have also said unto you that where deserts stand water shall flow. New gardens, new forests shall arise. Your water level of the seas shall rise, only to recede again.

The continents shall shift and change, only to stabilize again. Mankind has lived through every change of the earth. That that he has lost each time was his knowledge to crawl out of the cave, to not be afraid.

Use your knowledge here and now that you may store the knowledge from within.

Remember, you just — you are now, only now, beginning to understand the knowledge of the medicine used by the Sumerians thousands of years ago.

We have said before that the true healing shall come through the light and sound. We shall elaborate farther in this manner, that through the functioning of the brain cells in the brain in itself, tone, or as you would know, musical tones, shall immune [emit, emulate?] light. The light substance is an electrical substance that should be carried forth throughout the nervous system, throughout the biochemical functions of the body substance of the same.

And you say unto us, “How can this be so?” And we say unto you, does not the sperm of man carry light force and tone? Does not every object upon your earth?

Should you change the cosmic flow, energy flow, into any object, should it not be mutated, therefore, changing the molecule structure of the same, and changing its form? You can destroy nothing. You have destroyed nothing. You will destroy nothing. You may only change its form.

We say unto you, study of the words we have spoken. You shall have many questions. Let them form and bring them forth, and we shall answer of the same.

December 28, 1970: “Aka, soul Ray has asked, ‘To what benefit to mankind can the knowledge from the Great Pyramid be used, and in what way?’”

You shall find, as we have spoke before of the cosmic magnetic rays upon your earth, the devices made of the same shall be made as projectors in traveling in outer space, for in these type and shape instruments should be the entrapment of these rays. You shall find that within time, all substance, organic matter, may be regenerated with substance and usage of the same. You may find that these same substances may power all of thy earth’s mechanical instruments, because of the utmost power of the universe lies within.

For the present time, you will find that great healing value in the construction of the same, for within these substance[s] are the secrets of the axis and the turning and the proportion and the propulsion of your earth.

You shall find that within this great building is complete recorded archaeology history from the beginning of time until your year 1998, when a new recording history shall begin again.

You shall find that, of the growths of organic manner, of new foods may be grown, used in the proper manner.

There are many, many other knowledges of the same which we would suggest that you ask at a different time, for soul Ray grows weak. But before we should depart, we should say of your question, now you shall see the great bird take flight from the pyramid.

Some wonder if pyramids may have had served to help stabilize the Earth on its axis. Aka may have not have had time to mention this December 28, 1970, but they did later. October 18, 1975, as Aka finished an individual’s past-life reading, they tell us of this. One function of the Great Pyramid was to stabilize the Earth from turning on its axis again.

Aka describes an individual’s earlier lifetime to her: And those from Ur and those of all the lands did venture forth. And there you saw many wonderful things — new plants, and new seed substance to feed the land, new forms of medicine, new forms of transportation, new energy substances beyond the wildest pieces of your imagination.

And Ra-Tai did say unto you, “As our delegate you shall remain and learn and bring back unto us these new secrets that have been given unto us. But bring forth nothing that is not given.”

And so, you went forth into the experimental laboratories. And soon a kinship in the work was brought forth into your heart. And many days you did listen and hear the words of the coming of the Messiah. You did hear the words of the sinking of the land of Atlantis, and of other lands. But they were spoken in such a way, and they did say unto you, “For the greatest knowledge that you shall have to take back into your land of Egyptan is the knowledge to store knowledge so that mankind may carry on all, that he shall not go back into the days of darkness and fear.”

And so when the time went forth, you did use of such. And in the Great Pyramid there were developed the devices that on the day of the birth, when the planets did align into their proper sequence, that the closing of the door would come forth unto the tomb of knowledge.

You did grow old, yet the time did not come. And you did pass beyond, only to look back and see that that was promised to happen upon the earth come about. And you did look upon the Earth, and you did say unto yourself, “How can this, these people, why do they not use of the knowledge we have left behind? Why do they scrape away the surface and seek not the knowledge within?”

You saw the city of Cairo built from the shell of the pyramid as the limestone was removed. And you saw that the pyramid no longer functioned with its full power, the power to stabilize the Earth that it should not turn upon its axis again.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

November 8, 1975: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, for we should say unto thee, beyond the boundaries of your earth lie many planets of life form, each within its own galaxy and universe, beyond universes. Each was made up for the expansion of man. Yet man should come in many forms, for he has adapted to his environmental environment, both that of a social nature and that of a physical nature. The biochemistry of the same should be altered to fit his environment; yet he, in himself, the shell into which he should live, was constructed in such a manner that the biochemistry could change.

Once again within your body substance, on your planetary system you called Earth, this has been taking place. Much as your Earth began to shift on its axis in the year of 1925, so did man begin his environmental change.

You have advanced scientifically very rapidly, yet you have accepted certain things as fact without change — and who should know better than what was so and truth of today should be but a second truth of tomorrow? Yet it shall not be cast aside; it shall be added to.

But the concept within your minds of matter and anti-matter, this you shall soon change your theories upon.

A rose may grow upon the Earth in one fashion, and upon another planetary system a rose may grow on that earth form also. It may be called by a different name, its structure may be altered in the molecule substance, yet that that it was placed upon the earth for shall serve the same purpose.

Much as man should change his biochemical structure, so should there be room for change in his spiritual substance and his spiritual growth. We say unto you unto this manner, we have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor have we come to change the words and prophesies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We come to bring unto you a further truth, taking not from that that was given, but to add to.

Yet we come not as Moses, nor as Jesus, we come but to prepare the way for he who should come after us, for we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. But in the preparation, we say unto you, that preparation must come forth, first within your souls, your mind, your heart, and your immortal body of the same.

It must also come forth in such a manner that you do not lose your good judgment.

There shall be many who shall come forth as false messiahs. They shall say unto you, “You must be this, you must be that.” We say unto you, the Lord, God, did place unto you free choice. He who should come from God should not take that from you. He who should speak of God should not take that from you, for the Lord, God, would not take that from you.

We say unto you, as you, of man, who did choose of death form that you might climb the ladder further, that you may enter and re-enter again, but the choice should always be yours, even upon a mission upon this Earth or upon the other earth forms we have spoke about.

Soon upon your earth other humanoids from other planetary systems shall make themselves known unto you. Some shall put out their hand in peace and in guidance. Some shall come with motives not the greatest, and not for the betterment of your earth, but for theirs. Some should place themselves upon the earth and enter as your form. These days are coming about but for one purpose, that from the beginning of all galaxies and universes, so shall they know the coming of the Messiah.

September 3, 1976: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Can you tell us what Admiral Byrd discovered at the North Pole that seemed to be a tropical or temperate hidden land, and also about the hollow Earth theory?”

Your hollow Earth theory is nothing more than that.

There are temperate zones in the northern hemisphere which were not, as the earth changed upon its axis, remained as it was, when it was, as you would say, at the equator. These are due to a volcanic action that was then and is now formed under the crust of the earth. Life has continued on, interrupted by your civilization.

An active lava lake in Iceland. This photo of Bárðarbunga — Holuhraunby was taken by Milan Nykodym from Kutna Hora, Czech Republic — Bárðarbunga — Holuhraun, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=36601810

You shall find that in many places a cortex, as you would call it, has been formed by inner magnetic fields. This, we would say unto you, has happened at the turning of the earth’s substance. [Note: Cortex is a late Middle English term from Latin, literally meaning “bark.” Or did Aka mean, vortex?]

The Long Valley, California, supervolcano was recently discovered. It is one of the largest supervolcanoes in the world — even larger than Yellowstone — with 240 cubic miles of magma. As magma fills up the volcano chamber, it expands to the crust. An eruption displaces a tremendous volume, causing the ground above to sink into a bowl-shaped depression called a caldera. The Long Valley caldera is 20 miles wide and 11 miles wide. It began growing in 1978. In May 1980, a strong earthquake swarm that included four Richter magnitude 6 earthquakes struck the southern margin of the Long Valley Caldera. It was associated with a 10-inch (250 mm) dome-shaped uplift of the caldera floor.These events marked the onset of the latest period of caldera unrest that is ongoing. This ongoing unrest includes recurring earthquake swarms and continued dome-shaped uplift of the central section of the caldera accompanied by changes in thermal springs and gas emissions.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

You must further realize that as the pyramids in the original form that were built by the Sons of God, as you would call them, were built to transmit huge amounts of energy and gather huge amounts of energy from the heavens, themselves, of electrical substance. They were built in such positions upon the Earth, that as one would become active, so another and another. This created a balance of things. This balance has become imbalanced because the structures and the desecration of the same.

The Mesopotamians built the earliest pyramidal structures, called ziggurats. In ancient times. Ziggurats were built by ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Elamites, Eblaitesand Babylonians for local religions.

Partially reconstructed facade and the access staircase of the Ziggurat of Ur. Ancient_ziggurat_at_Ali_Air_Base_Iraq. Photo by Hardnfast, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3544015

Civilizations in many parts of the world have built pyramids.

For thousands of years, the largest structures on Earth were pyramids — first the Red Pyramid in the Dashur Necropolis and then the Great Pyramid of Khufu, both in Egypt.

Snofru’s Red Pyramid in Dahshur by Ivrienen at English Wikipedia, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4569668

The largest pyramid by volume is the Great Pyramid of Cholula, in the Mexican state of Puebla. Also see Mesoamerican pyramids.

Mexico.Pue.Cholula.Pyramid CC bY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=129731

Read about more pyramids.

Photo of Bosnian Sun pyramid by TheBIHLover — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=38010635

One day your science shall have this same power. Let us hope that you do not come back from the rocks once again and the stone ages.

For we say unto you, your civilization has fallen into dust, and crawled out again many times. This time, if the work we are here to do upon this Earth is successful, then golden ages beyond anything of thy wildest imagination shall lie before thee. The universe and galaxies beyond shall be opened unto you. If not, then three thousand years of darkness shall once again be gathered upon the Earth.

Space exploration, furthering your knowledge, reaching out farther and farther, to shake the hands of your brothers and sisters, should be. But the sooner your Earth itself can show peace, love, the sooner your brothers shall reach their hands unto yours.

Must it wait until the battle of Armageddon? Must it wait until the earth smolders red with blood? Must it wait until the Seventh Seal is opened, and you crawl from the earth and those from the heavens should join you to rebuild the earth? [See the Revelation, chapters 6–19.]

Or shall the year of 1999 be the coming of the Messiah and the building of the greatest civilization man has ever known throughout all the galaxies and universes?…

The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Pestilence, famine, the slicing of the earth with the great Sword which should cut both man and earth, shall continue.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, our God. If you could take but one step in the understanding of thy brother, and thy brother’s brother, this would be the first step toward your thousand years of peace upon the Earth. Any one of you could start that time now.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

January 21, 1977: “Aka, I have a question from [9–357–2]. She asks, ‘Please tell me what is to happen in the area I live in when the earthquake hits. Will there be any safe place in Northern California to be?”

Yes, there are safe places. There are places in the Yosemite valley. There are also other places in that that is known as the Lake Tahoe region, but it would be wise to be on the higher proportion or higher side of this, that we would say, closer toward Reno, Nevada, or that proportion known as Truckee, California. The problem with all of these places is the ability to raise or harvest food, for there is none there. This is the problem with most of the high, mountainous regions. They do not bring forth a bountiful enough fruit, or food, as you would say, to feed the multitudes as is needed. Next, the tools you would need to survive. And most important, that that would keep you from freezing to death. Take in account that of the Donner party. Look into its history. Those who were there have yet to restore themselves from this. Even through incarnation they bear the scars of the eating of human flesh.

Where shall we begin, and where shall we end? Where shall you run to, and where shall you hide?

The Salton Sea waters the Imprial Valley in Southeast California

We say unto you, the Imperial Valley will go first — gradual, slow, but it shall fill, and the river shall change its course.

The Colorado River flows into the Imperial Valley, California from Yuma, Arizona via the man-made All American Canal.

Then, from Eureka, California, downward, almost as you would draw a straight line, to San Bernardino, downward into the Gulf of Mexico, or to the Gulf of California, as you would call it, the splitting away of land.

USGS diagram of San Andreas Fault showing the movements of the Pacific plate and North American plate. Eureka, California, is neara the top left.
San Bernardino Mountains © 2004 Matthew Trump

Land shall rise, yet fall again. Islands shall be made.

The San Andreas fault lies between the Baja Peninsula and Mexico and runs northward through California. It is the boundary between the North American and Pacific continental plates.

Then should come another splitting away. This should go farther over. You may draw a line from Reno, up into Oregon, down toward Kingman, and through your great dam there.

Terra satellite captured this true-color image of California (left) and Nevada (right). Reno, Nevada, is near the center aove a lake. Kingman, Arizona, is near the northwest Arizona border with Nevada, near the winding Lake Powell on the right, lower third of the photo. Credit: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC

This shall be the next breaking away.

Hoover Dam panoramic view from the Arizona side showing the penstock towers, the Nevada-side spillway entrance and the Mike O’Callaghan — Pat TillmanMemorial Bridge, also known as the Hoover Dam Bypass. Photo by By Kuczora — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=15215749

Then, should come the breaking away of part of the Mediterranean area, and then the breaking away of the European area.

But before this should happen, the breaking away of that that you call the New York peninsula. And it shall not form islands, for it should go beneath the sea.

New Your City an East Coasr lights. Credit: Astronaut Photograph ISS006-E-18382 is provided by the Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Laboratory at Johnson Space Center.

You think in terms of fear. You have the knowledge. We have given you the information before every earthquake or hurricane or tornado-type storm, or any other thing that might harm you. All you have had to do is to listen and to utilize this information. In the readings you will find a great multitude of information on this subject. Bring it together, now, that it can be prepared and used by all of the people.

See Your Earth Is Shifting on Its Axis in paperback or on-line here. All of Aka’s readings are in the Book with Wings series.

But remember, the earth has shifted itself many times. Man has lived. The manner unto which he should to survive is the question.

Survival is not the only thing. To survive without knowledge is to climb back into caves which you came out of.

And how many times have you come from theses caves? How many times has your civilization disappeared? To not heed the warnings, [ignore what] is built upon our knowledge, what a great thing has been taken.

That of your written words, that of how to do things — mineralogy, electronics, every one of your technologies should be preserved. Instead of putting riff-raff quite often in your time capsules, why do you not place technology, and maps to these, so that the people, and when the time comes, that these could be recovered?

We have told you to store of the food, to store of tools, but without knowledge, you shall survive, but for what — so that your race can go on?

In this day and this time of yours, when you are beginning to learn that the color and creed or another person’s religion is not what makes the person, it is what they are.

Understand them.

The time will come when you shall live together. Or shall you be as the last time, each separating into your separate races, each ready to make war upon the other, mistrust?

You of the American people are the melting pot. You are that place where the best steel has been forged.

Yet you have become weak. It is not how strong a man may hold a sword should be his weakness, but the lack of knowledge, that is he weakness — the knowledge to know when to use the sword and when to lay it down and use it no more.

Store, but do not be as a rodent to run and hide in the ground. It is written that “woe be on man,” for when this time comes, whatever you are doing, do not go back for your coast or your hat, but flee unto the mountains. And let it be said that it is also written, that pray that if it cannot be in the winter time, when the mothers are pregnant and heavy with child. [See Mark 13:14 -37.]

Each of you have thought in your minds of what kind of catastrophe could strike in such a way in this time that all of these things could be lost?

We would say unto you, the earth has been changing upon its axis since 1932. The earth’s shift is inevitable. War shall come, but it shall be stopped by natural catastrophe.

But the Spartans of war, the rumors of war, wars in Quebec, wars in Mexico, all of these are made to weaken your nation, to weaken your people. [See Beware of the Brown Horse.”]

Which shall you choose?

You are a free people. But the only reason you can remain so is of a government by the people, for the people.

Through free enterprise, control your own lives. Do not let a government control you or you will have lost that freedom. Do not heed to all of these new things that people shall say unto you shall be the best for you. Look at them deeply, and then decide.

For those who shall make decisions to move to different areas, make the decision in a wise manner, that of means of making a living, providing for your families. All of these things must come first.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Now is the time of the Cherubim. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

February 20, 1981: Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee this parable.

For upon the Earth there were three great nations. And the three great nations, each mistrusted each other.

And on the land there was depression and inflation that ran through the lands.

In one of the lands great abundance of food could be grown. In other of the lands they grew more weapons than food. And yet in another, it too rattled their mighty swords. And each began to build swords, each mightier than the other. Each was to say it was for the prevention of war. And then came a day when their weapons were so great that they could destroy the whole Earth and all of mankind.

And the Lord, God, looked down upon these nations and upon the world, and He did cause earthquakes and volcanoes and tornados to shake and shift the land. And He did so until the land itself seemed that it would not sustain life.

All those who’d built their mighty swords began to crumble.

And from the different countries there came those who said, “Let us join together and not make war.”

Now this all happened before the half-times were over.

And then, there were no more half times, and no more half wars. There was a mighty war that struck the land and the Earth. And when the earth changes came to rest, and the land began to collect itself, from war and pestilence and destruction, there were many places upon the Earth that had known from their prophets that this day would come. And they had prepared, for they had made land ready for planting. And they had brought food forth, and the seed stuff that was necessary to plant in the earth. And they had brought water forth that the earth could be washed.

While all these things were happening, the Earth itself was shifting on its axis.

And suddenly, as though in the twinkling of an eye, all was done. All war was stopped, and the earth stood fast. And there were no more the mighty nations, just people, people who now believed in the almighty God, the God of one.

Yet there were many left upon the Earth who still rattled their chains as though in warfare. And they sought to make war upon these small places. Yet the small places did defend their selves.

And from this time arose from all the ashes those who would restore the Earth, and their brethren who long ago had sought their seed into other planets came forth to share in their grief and their [restoration, resurrection]. And the earth began to restore itself.

And the Messiah that had been promised now walked upon the land.

And as the villages grew upon the land, so did the peace, for now was the day that all the weapons would be beat into plowshares.

It seems unto you that these things we are saying are small things, unimportant, for you have heard us not. For what we are saying is nothing that has not been said before — and not been laid in many languages in many faiths upon the Earth.

Yet there are those who would listen, and those who could hear not and see not.

When the time came about when all those who could hear not had passed away from the Earth, on these lands there were many who thought that their times would be full and forever. Upon your Earth, look back into your own history, for those who should conquer on Earth, and look and see, for they have been laid a waste and are no more.

Now we say unto you, for those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. For your country now shall pass through the beginning of its greatest triumph and defeat.

We say unto you, you have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, regarding what you just said, what are some of the immediate problems that our country will face?”

First your country shall face, the people of the country, shall face financial ruin. Many people shall lose their homes, their businesses, their means of making a living. All of this shall be done in the name of stabilizing your country, yet it shall bring upon the land a greater depression than the land has ever known. In the midst of this, new leadership shall then come upon the land, only to find that the other threats that we have spoke of are all at hand.

June 24, 1983: “Aka, when is it most likely that the earth will move on its axis?”

Not until the year of 1990.

“At that time, what longitude will Globe be after the shift?”

It shall be a simple problem of mathematics. The earth has been shifting since 1932. It has now shifted 10 degrees. It should only [need] to shift five more degrees before the next 10 shall be multiplied to it.That will be the longitude and latitude. All things shall be one-fourth off from what you have known it.

You have other questions, ask.

“What present geographic location will most probably become the new North Pole?”

In what you should know as the mid-Pacific, or northern Pacific − very close to what you now know as Japan.

Japan in the Pacific northwest

January 2, 1987: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we should say unto thee unto these words. Harken unto this time, and unto this of thy year.

There shall be many, many incidents blamed upon the alignment of the Earth and moon and sun. But there are more to play a part of the whole than just these three, for if you shall look upon the rest of the planets within your galaxy and their effect upon the moon’s pull, and how it shall affect the rotation and the gravitational pull of the Earth, in con­junction with that of the sun, which should give forth the life unto your planet.

At the present time, because of the wobbling of the Earth on its axis, many things can be contributed to it − among them, tidal waves, meteor showers, volcanoes, and earthquakes.

Storms shall appear suddenly where they were not. The atmospheric condition shall alter and remain so into the month of May. It shall not returnback to what you would call its normal self.

As these substances are about to take place, you must realize that the change of the negative- and positive-ion field bombardment upon the Earth shall also alter. This should cause drastic mood changes in animal, fowl and fish, and the human race. You shall see drastic change from friendship to almost hatred in the splitting of an eye.

The barometric change may go from one extreme to the other. This also will affect the mental state as well as the physical state.

More from accident than planned cause, you shall have the unrest upon the Earth.

Surrounding the Pacific Ocean

We have told you before, the year of 1987 could be the year that would swing like a pendulum. You can have the beginning and the ending of war all in the same year. How shall you deal with these things?

For those who are married, and your spouse and that of the married person, partner, should act in strange ways. It must come from within you what pathway it shall take you. You may allow it to draw you closer together or farther apart. It shall be your choice. It shall be a testing time. For friends may become closer friends or their worst enemy, unless you reach for a common cause, one that may bind you together.

As we have said before, as you bind together, let it be for a cause that means something to you and comes from your heart and becomes an object that is before you. And if all parties look at this object in such a manner that it becomes their predominate being, then the other changes cannot greatly affect you because your mental state will keep returning back to the objective which you have placed before you.

We realize that speaking of these things and un­derstanding these things are two different things entirely. We would suggest that once this reading has been transcribed and each of you have it in your hands, that you study it to understand the fullness of it. And the fullness of it can either — your understanding can either allow you to exist or to look back upon this year and say, “What a wasted time,” or it can be a fruitful time if you learn from what we have said and utilize it.

The earthquake pattern − you know it, as we have said before, the “Ring of Fire” − the neighboring land in Mexico shall be shaken as it has never been shaken before. We have told you before of its economy. The economy of the land of Mexico is reduced to nothing and it shall be reduced even farther, to the point of bankruptcy, to the point of destroying their government and starting all over again.

Russia shall be too busy taking care of their own, for Russia shall be struck from east to west with earth­quakes. And Siberia shall bring forth a volcanic eruption such as man has never seen before.

In the land of South Africa, war and the rumors of war, are there already, but it shall be intensified. But South Africa shall have earthquakes unlike they have ever known, and the volcanic substance.

I would look unto the tip of Alaska, unto the Mt. McKinley, Mt. St. Helena, Mt. Hood, the San Francisco peaks here in Arizona, Taos, New Mexico. And from there, trace the “Ring of Fire” through Mexico, through South America and back unto the Mediterranean, and China.

Brittany or Britain, the island of Great Britain, shall be shaken.

The island of Japan shall feel that the people are ready to leave it; it shall shake and eruptions shall occur.

But we say unto you, the large earthquakes would just begin.

A time shall come in California when it shall break apart and become islands. It shall not sink, but it should go into the land you now know as Nevada. These shall not all occur overnight; they shall be spread out. And the destruction and regeneration of the land of California shall happen clear into the year of 1999.

But do not look at these things we have said as disasters. Look at it and know of it as the earth changing, as all things change. It must change to renew itself. As you would get up in the morning and go and wash your face and comb your hair, so the earth is doing the same.

Do not run and hide. Prepare yourselves, if you must, with enough food substance that could last you from six months to a year. This will allow you to get through any emergencies. Rotate the food substance and keep it fresh.

Emergencies shall be short lived, even the rattling of the war chains.

Now we know there’s many, many questions within your minds. But we say unto you, tonight is a night that we give unto you these messages that you may prepare yourselves to come forth in your own growth, not in the image of others, but in your own image, and in your own way. If you can do nothing more this year than learn to be happy with yourselves, to like yourselves, you will have accomplished more than the rest of the world.

June 26, 1987: “Thank you, Aka. G_____ B_____ who is also here tonight asks, ‘Dear Aka, do we have any drastic problems around the time of August 16th or 18th, or is it a marker for the beginning of tougher times? Thank you.’”

Lit candles in the center of a Star of David, encircled by three colors of corn flour, represent the souls of those who chose to enter into the new world during the sacred Corn Ceremony held at a church to God, Dripping Springs Road, Arizona. During the hours Aka gave, the new heaven and new earth were joined in the sacred circle into this world by the prophet or Eagle, and Aka. The first of four Corn Ceremonies was given August 16–17, 1987, during a “harmonic convergence” of planets. Ray Elkins, serving as prophet and Eagle, holds one of three colors of blessed corn flour, as Rose Elkins, draws three circles around a Star of David, as the ceremony begins, opening a pathway into the new world to initiate those who wish to enter. The other three Corn Ceremonies were held March 16–18 and August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989. During these times, a vortex was opened into the new world which shone in purity and radiant strength, all brand new. Within the circles, while the opening between the present and new worlds was there, many said it felt it like a new heaven and new earth were brought into existence for that time into the present.

Now is the time of testing. From the time we have come until now, we have told you of this time, the time when the great Sword shall divide both man and land masses − for that also shall occur and begin to occur in such a manner that you shall feel the earth shudder upon its axis. Yet, for those [who are to] have the Lord in their heart, they have nothing to fear….

We say unto you, now is your time and shall be your time of testing. Take the time to go unto all the people you can and say, “Come be with us. Let us take the time to worship. Let us [try and] take the time to bind together. Let us take the time to pray together, and learn together.”

But do so unto all, that they might hear this that is to be heard and seen and felt. For this con­sciousness shall cross the Earth many times, but only one time in this way and at this moment.

April 15, 1988: But we say unto you, now is the time to begin to prepare your people in the states of the United States of both Alaska and those parts of Canada, and of those parts of Oregon, and of those parts of Washington, and of those parts of Nevada, and of those parts of California, and of those parts of Arizona unto the land of the Yumas.

And we say unto you, it shall strike a chord unto that of New Mexico. From earthquake to volcano, as the time grows near we shall give you more specific information.*

Capulin Volcano National Monument, New Mexico. Capulin Mountain, a huge cinder cone which last erupted between 58,000 to 62,000 years ago, rises more than 1,000 feet above its base.

But into South America and across the land, into that of the British Isles and into France and across into Russia, and the Russian territories, and back down once again into that of Alaska and Siberia, down through the Mediterranean into parts of which is known as Africa, the earth shall shake and it shall feel it shall remove itself from the axis. But the tilt shall not come yet. It shall come partially from now until the year of 1999. Then will be a cooling down period.

But we say unto you, take precautions. Make sure that you have food substance to last for six months − bedding, clothing, and those of medical supplies. Civilization shall not disappear; it shall only be interrupted for a short time.

Note: MSNBC reported May 2005, “Most of the California San Andreas fault ruptures every 200 years.” A research team found that “the current 148-year hiatus is probably not exceptional,” but no lull in large seismic activity has lasted more than about 200 years. The geologists have determined the probability that the lull will end in the next 30 years. Depending on the model, the next rupture — which will likely affect a substantial portion of the fault line — may be one great earthquake (magnitude greater than 8) or a series of large earthquakes.

[See “The ‘Big One’ and the Valley below the Sea.”]

June 7, 1985: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable on the eve before your gathering. [Note: It was the evening before the 14th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy.]

For once upon your Earth, the earth in many places began to shake. Great volcanoes erupted from the earth. It shook and twisted, and it eased from its orbit in the sky and began to move, not closer to the sun, but farther from the sun.

Now those of the great scientific minds upon the Earth gathered to see what could be done. Many, many things were suggested, from the explodings of great bombs to force the Earth back into its orbit, but no one knew for sure.

And then there were those of the wise men, men known from the four corners of the Earth for their wisdom. They met. And each had no answer.

“What shall we do? If God is angry with the Earth and it shall end, then we can accept this. But if this is not true, then God has left us a way.”

They each bowed their heads and prayed. And suddenly, four angels appeared before them. In each hand of the angels was a great saber, or sword. And each handed the sword to each of the wise men and said, “Go back to your homes, and you shall find an energy center where you live. Sink this sword into the earth to its very hilt.”

And then, they gave them another small, very small, tuning fork. And they said, “Strike this tuning fork, not once, but twice for each of you. And then strike it again. And then, you must strike it between you, for the risk is great, which shall strike it the last time. If you do this in the proper sequence, the Earth shall stabilize itself and return to its orbit.”

They began to discuss this. “Who should strike the last blow?” Each was afraid. Each wanted the other to be responsible. And then it was decided, “Why cannot we not we all come to one place after we have struck this, and all of us shall place our hands together, and strike the last blow?”

And so they ventured forth, the land, and went into their own land. Each sunk the saber or sword to the hilt into earth. Each struck the saber three times with their tuning fork. And upon doing so, ventured to the last of the four. And all, they stood there with all their hands upon the tuning fork. And as they struck the last blow upon the sword, the tuning fork shattered, and the sabers shattered also, and the earth became still.

And they became afraid that they had done the wrong thing.


Each went home, each with their story, and each with the story of the swords and the tuning fork. And none seemed to believe them, even though they rejoiced that the Earth was stable.

And so they left their homes, and they went unto their meeting place and there they built a temple. And they prayed in the temple. And each said, “If it is sacrifice the Lord wants, we shall sacrifice ourselves.”


They went back unto their people, and they spoke, and they spoke again.

And then, when no one believed them, they returned, and they built a larger temple. And they prayed unto the Lord.

And the Lord did answer them, and said, “WE HAVE HEARD YOUR PRAYER, BUT GO BACK UNTO THE PEOPLE.”

The men were weary and tired. The money that they had was gone. But yet they returned back unto their people and they spoke again. And no one believed them.

And they returned back unto the temple. And this time, from stone, from rock, from all the places they could find, they constructed a temple with thirteen sides. And they did bring prayer unto the Lord.


And so they went, each into the other’s land, and they spoke. And as they spoke, the temples arose in front of the people, and the people believed and began to change their ways.

From village to village and town to town, so it went.

And they completed their circle, and came back unto the temple they had built. And there they did give thanks unto the Lord.


Once again you shall think we have spoke to you in riddles, when in truth, we have spoke a truth, a complete truth. [See the Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

April 13, 1970: The ending of the planes are when God may gather all of His children back to His mansion.

May 15, 1970: For thy asked of the beginning, and this shall be told. Thy asked of the end, this can never be told, for this is in God’s plan. And Lord of Abraham, and Lord of Isaiah, Lord of all, we say to Thee — bless us, Lord, for it shall be the coming of Thy light. In Jesus’ name, amen.

June 7, 1974: For time is like the wind; it has no beginning and no ending, and constantly changes. If it stayed but the same there would be no purpose for life.

You will say unto us, you have talked once again as in riddles. But we say unto you — for those who should hear, let them hear. For those who should see, let them see.

But we say unto you, we have come that nothing should be hidden. We have come forth to bring the light unto the Lord’s people, all of the people.

Each man has chosen his way unto worship God. We are here not to destroy this, but to give unto you the philosophy, and in doing so, the preparation within yourselves.

For some shall hear our words. And others shall misinterpret our words. And so is the ways of men. But we say unto you, for those who should misinterpret, we are here to prepare the way. Are you? Can you prepare the way within yourself?

For no one but our Father knows the exact day or moment. [See Matthew 24:36.]

Therefore, we say unto you, be prepared at any moment that that he who should come should walk up unto you and you should extend your hand with love and knowledge and know of him.

Matthew 24:36: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”

To read more, see “The Great Sword Is Here.” Also see “Now you Ask, ‘What Is the Great Sword tht Cuts Two Ways,” and “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine.”

To learn how the spiritual messengers of God were sent to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah, see “A Stairway to Heaven.” Also read about the Association they asked to be formed.

Would you like to join with them in the Association of Universal Philosophy? Here’s how.

To lern more, follow the Association of Universal Philosophy on Facebook, or read their Book with Wings and all of the other books of their words.

The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are coprighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they were spoken.



“The great Sword is here”

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.