Go to The Grimm Reaper
The Grimm Reaper
Classic fairy tales twisted, turned, and run through a blender
Note from the editor

Classic fairy tales twisted, turned, and run through a blender

Go to the profile of Zachariah Wahrer
Zachariah Wahrer
I'm a Montana based sci-fi writer and author of the Dawn Saga, a space opera epic. Get the first novel free: zachariahwahrer.com/newsletter
Go to the profile of Lizella Prescott
Lizella Prescott
Writer with two kids and three dogs. Occasional editor @weekdaypoems on Twitter. Not really a lizard.
Go to the profile of Zachariah Wahrer
Zachariah Wahrer
I'm a Montana based sci-fi writer and author of the Dawn Saga, a space opera epic. Get the first novel free: zachariahwahrer.com/newsletter
Go to the profile of Lizella Prescott
Lizella Prescott
Writer with two kids and three dogs. Occasional editor @weekdaypoems on Twitter. Not really a lizard.
Go to the profile of Alexainie
I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up, but I know I want it to be spelled right and punctuated correctly. I guess that’s something.
Go to the profile of Jinal Bhatt
Jinal Bhatt
Writer. Poet. Feminist. Book and Cinema Nerd. Has an opinion on everything but procrastinates to write about it. Clearly not made for this fast-paced world.
Go to the profile of E.Viona
I write tales of the spooky, the weird, & the strangest of all, real life. Now trying something new. I hope you’ll join me. https://goo.gl/pZKcou
Go to the profile of Aura Wilming
Aura Wilming
Writer of fiction, blogs and erotica. Frequency in that order. Popularity in reverse.
Go to the profile of Sean Howard
Sean Howard
Sean is a brand marketer, podcaster and co-founder of Fable and Folly. https://fableandfolly.com/
Go to the profile of Ernio Hernandez
Ernio Hernandez
Writer-Artist ✍ Contact: ernio.com →in New Yorker: http://bit.ly/NYernio Find @ernio_art →on Instagram: http://bit.ly/eh-art License →via CartoonCollections.com
Go to the profile of GS
16 year old (hopefully) future writer, testing the waters of social media. Back from the dead, wishing to inspire!
Go to the profile of Swathy Tantry
Swathy Tantry
I fear running out of pages
Go to the profile of Tom Farr
Tom Farr
Tom is a writer and high school English teacher. He loves creating and spending time with his wife and children. For freelancing, email tomfarrwriter@gmail.com.
Go to the profile of Terry Bain
Terry Bain
Author: YOU ARE A DOG http://amzn.to/1GTUrXf & WE ARE THE CAT. Teacher. Artist. Quinquagenarian.
Go to the profile of Sredhanea Ramkrishnan
Sredhanea Ramkrishnan
In pursuit of the real ‘me’…..
Go to the profile of Tien Skye
Tien Skye
has a bad habit of referring to himself in third person point of view...and he just did it again...
Go to the profile of Emjay Em
Emjay Em
Teacher, Coach, Mentor, Writer and Linguistic Stylist at large.
Go to the profile of jayetomas
Writer. Wordsmith. Poet. Obsessed with all things hedgehog. The beauty of the story is in the journey, not the arrival.
Go to the profile of Jay
I am neither good nor funny, but I might look like I think that I am
Go to the profile of Cornelia Dolian
Cornelia Dolian
Holistic Writing Coach for memoir and personal narrative writers | Writer
Go to the profile of Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
Mellow Drama Queen strikes thought matches.
Go to the profile of Jeff Elkins
Jeff Elkins
Jeff is a writer who lives in Baltimore, Maryland with his wife and kids. He is the author of 11 novels, all of which are for sale on Amazon.
Go to the profile of Thorne
Traveler and collector of all things odd and interesting, working towards becoming the best writer I can and helping to show that everything is a little crazy.
Go to the profile of Sandy Knight
Sandy Knight
♻️ReCycLeD HuMaN♻️MaKiNg a CoMebAcK💚
Go to the profile of Kristy Arbuckle Lommen
Go to the profile of Joely Black
Joely Black
There will be dragons. Academic and fantasy writer in love with Egypt, cats and rats. For more dragons, fantasy, and magic: https://www.patreon.com/JoelyBlack
Go to the profile of realme708
Embracing diversity in all things. Longing to find my true voice as a writer. I’ve looked at life from both sides now.
Go to the profile of Spencer
Go to the profile of Rohit Gupta
Rohit Gupta
I am a storyteller, from a parallel universe where they didn’t let me write. Hence offloading my stories in here, with words and feelings.
Go to the profile of Raluca Barett
Raluca Barett
Revived an old blog as writing practice: lifebyathousandcuts.com
Go to the profile of Daan Spijer
Daan Spijer
Lawyer, mediator, award-winning writer and photographer, living with his wife Sally in Mt Eliza, (south of Melbourne) Australia
Go to the profile of Erin Louise Huxley
Erin Louise Huxley
Poet, Feminist, and Writer from Vancouver, BC
Go to the profile of Niyati Mavinkurve
Go to the profile of Danielle Nolan
Danielle Nolan
Fantasy writer, dragon rider, teacher, musical firefly, otaku, dreamer.
Go to the profile of Kiyomi Appleton Gaines
Kiyomi Appleton Gaines
New Orleans based writer, Contributing Editor at Enchanted Conversation, workofheartkag.wordpress.com
Go to the profile of Stuart James
Stuart James
The story speaks for itself. Remember to be a good person. Links and index at https://sjhtma.medium.com/a-suggestion-6e92a330f746
Go to the profile of Joe Marjesua
Joe Marjesua
My name is Joe. I was born in Lud, next to the water tower. I’m a writer and a poet. Life is funny, but you already know it…