The Secret of Time

Respect Time and It Will Give You More

Joydeep Biswas
The Growth Collective
2 min readMay 24, 2023


When I woke up today, I wasn’t feeling fresh.

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

But what the heck. I needed to get going. I had work to do.

So, after my usual exercise, prayer, and meditation, I started working.

Usual day, I would say.

But the only difference today was that I DID NOT WASTE TIME.

Yes, I took breaks, had breakfast and lunch, surfed my phone, etc,. I’m human after all.

But I didn’t waste time today.

Later in the day, I felt like I had done a good amount of work and was also a little exhausted, so I decided to stop working.

I looked at the watch.

“Just 5PM. I could go for my evening walk.”
(I usually go around 5:15 pm)

Man, I was so happy. Hard work the whole day, exhausted, and now I had time for my walk.

This completes the day for me.

A sand timer containing blue coloured sand on gravel.
Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Time is relative.

It travels fast when you waste it.

But slows down when you are in flow and love what you are doing. I think, it’s time’s gift for you. Since, you respected it by utilising your day to the fullest.

When I worked the whole day and wasted zero time, time was happy that I respected it.

Therefore, time slowed down for me and granted me a bonus. So that after completing all my work, I could go for a walk in the evening.

Maybe that’s the secret of time.

Thank you,
Joydeep Biswas



Joydeep Biswas
The Growth Collective

I walk, think, and write. || Short stories and writing tips.