8760 hours — 9

Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson
Published in
3 min readJan 10, 2017


Stay-at home day. Sometimes you just have to work.

Join the 8760 Challenge on Facebook

Today’s work

Today was a slow and steady day. After the adventures of yesterday, we were both a bit tired. So time to get some work in.

Honestly, that was the day. Sitting and working.

Sometimes that is the day, in fact, more often than not, that is what I will be doing. It’s not all gallivanting around the world living a life of pleasure. A lot of it actually is just sitting down and grinding out the work.

I hope that’s the true picture I paint.

However, we did have a lot of fun in the morning. We took the moped out to some old beaten tracks. Randomly driving through the centre and getting stuck in all of the carnage. When we managed to make it out, we tried to venture to a beach quite far away. However had to return the moped by 11:30. At this point it was getting close to 11 and we were a little lost on some random tracks on this huge hill. So we decided to skip the beach for the day and just take the really nice coastal roads.

On the way back I see some monkeys out of the corner of my eye. I tell Julia and we get off the bike. She decides it’s a good idea to run up to them. Me, knowing monkeys, decided to stay a little further back.

That’s when one of the monkeys found it utterly intriguing to look at his own reflection. He sat on top of our bike and was staring out himself in our mirror. I’m straight up afraid of monkeys. If you’re not afraid of monkeys, then, well, you’re wrong. They will rip you apart.

A lovely local selling Bananas gave me some bananas to throw at the monkeys but the one staring at the mirror was oblivious, or perhaps he just really enjoyed the reflection. It took her son coming over with a homemade sling-shot to scare the monkeys. He didn’t even need to fire it, just walk over to them and pull it back for them all to scramble.

We quickly jumped back on the bike and raced off.

Thoughts of today

Do the things you know.

Don’t be afraid to do things. The only person who will truly observe your failure is you and you shouldn’t care about your failure. You should look forward to it.

Failing things is what is giving me the most pleasure, something good is always coming out of it and making it all worth it.

Reading those 3 paragraphs back they all seem like cliche business faff. But it’s true so I’m just going to leave it there.

Business thoughts of today

I need to launch tomorrow. There is no reason for me to be putting it off.

Day Stats

Total Work: 8 hours

Total billable Work: 6 hours

Total Travel time: 2 Hours

Total signups on site: 460

Total FB group members: 325 (Stopped letting people in)

Total earned today: $300

Total spend today: $36



Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson

Just trying to make my own decisions. For more Freelance value, follow me on Twitter -> https://twitter.com/madladshad