The time of year has arrived when writers go a bit nutser than usual…

Oliver “Shiny” Blakemore
Mosaic Playbill
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2 min readOct 17, 2016

Dear Pretties,

I have been editing. And writing. Editing is like writing, I’ve discovered, but with reading and thinking involved. It’s a most peculiar sensation. How’s the storytelling out your all ways? Wayfaring? I hope so.

So, listen…it’s getting on November. As some of us know, this means that the pedants are going to start telling their November variation of their one joke (November? But’s it’s the ELEVENTH month! They should call it Undecember.) Which is why NONE of us have ever been guilty of pedantry.


Not that we’ll admit to…

Anyway, in slightly related news, it also means it’s National Novel Writing Month. The incredibly tense and slow sensation that creeps slowly across the nation.

Many of us have participated in NaNoWriMo before. Some of us haven’t. Some of us don’t know what it is.

Briefly, it’s this:

Write a 50,000 word novel inside the month of November.

There are no pedants here itching to point out that’s a damned short novel, right?


Now…some of us are participating in NaNoWriMo this year. It’s a pleasantly unifying writing event, with all the things a writing event includes. You know the stuff: headache, rants, crying, substance abuse, and the probability of decreased actual social contact.

All, eventually, leading to the pure triumph that only writers understand.

As a writing event, the Sassy One thought we’d offer the Playbill as a place to coconspire. Share resources and stories and rants. Brag about your progress. Feel free to share word counts. All of that stuff.

Here’s some preliminary stuff about NaNo writ by some of our writers here:

Got anything to add? Success stories? Tragic stories? Good jokes?

Also, if you ain’t seen it, another writer bio:

How about it…

Want to come out and play?

Or…more appropriately, stay home and play.

Okay, okay, cool!

I hope this finds you how it’s finding me: Enjoying the idea of making playlists and things.


— Oliver



Oliver “Shiny” Blakemore
Mosaic Playbill

The best part of being a mime is never having to say I’m sorry.