my odometer
rolling towards fifty-three with
grace and dignity
— —
Gravity pulls my skin into sags and wrinkles.
aging paradox
my perception improves while
my vision gets worse
I will let this one speak for itself. I do, however, welcome discussion.
at the eye doctor
a song playing from the days
of better vision
My wife and I included a visit to our eye doctor yesterday to pick up her new glasses. While waiting for adjustments to be made, a…
like cut blades of grass
ideas from my commute
wither on the road
— -
Memes on the internet assure me that what I’m experiencing is perfectly normal for people my age. Some thought moves me towards…
gravity — its pull
brings all of us to the ground
If you’ll pardon the pun, I’m going to let today’s haiku stand on its own.
relentless waves of time
I choose curiosity
and thus surrender