a question for you
if I told you I was happy
social media
plus seventeen syllables
equals small window
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Two people who I dearly love reached out to my wife (who I also dearly love) after reading some of my recent haiku with concern about my…
like a drug habit
struggling to rid myself
of schadenfreude
For the unfamiliar, ‘schadenfreude’ is the German concept of ‘joy in the misery of others’.
the smile on her lips
as feelings wash over her
in waves of music
I’m going to let this one stand on its own today.
burning in my mind
a slow, smoldering simmer
because of my heart
Someone I love very much is going through a tough time right now. While it’s not my story to tell, I can hint around the edges.
deep conversations
about living our best lives
among the tombstones
While visiting my hometown this past weekend, my wife and I went to visit the cemetery where my parents are buried. My mother…