2. Thank You, Today!

Deli :D
The Hapful List
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2018

My Hapful List for November 14th, 2018

*A Hapful List is a list with 10 items I’m happy & grateful for at the same time. I write one of these every morning, so I can keep myself sane. ;)

Thanks tons Stefan Kunze on Unsplash for this inspiring pic!
  1. Thank You for being able to (sort-of) take November off. It allowed me to stop and listen and make amends.
  2. Thank You for finally stopping. I know the world spins madly on. I know how difficult it was and all the fear it came with. I know it took you 14 years. But, you did it. You stopped the madly spinning world and listened to the ache. Now, we can build on.
  3. Thank You for all the chances you’ve ever exposed. Even for the ones I didn’t take.
  4. Thank You for walking down your own path!
  5. Thank You for still dreaming. Learn to dream bigger. Yes, bigger than that!
  6. Thank You for being brave with me. Having a go at life together, definitely makes it easier for all of us. We deserve the try! We deserve a shot at our own happiness… If it doesn’t work, it just doesn’t work. But, at least we tried. An unsuccessful chance we’ve taken clears the canvas for version 2.0. In the making.
  7. Thank You for respecting my rhythm. Do you know what happens when you honor your pace? You put the same amount of life into each moment. You live intentionally.
  8. Thank You for all the playfulness I get to witness — whether it’s within kids or in my mind.
  9. Thank You for putting one step in front of another. Every fucking day.
  10. Thank You for that moment during meditation today, when you saw the pain in the leg and asked her to wait till it was her time. Thank You for noticing that.

**Thanks tons to YOU for reading this!


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Other Hapful Lists I’ve made:



Deli :D
The Hapful List

Word Bender. I believe in crafting a Safe World with Words, Questions & Love. I believe in Deeper Meanings & allowing ourselves to gracefully Unfold. Together