Check out the new ‘Self-destructive’ Barbie range

Featuring Dehydrated Barbie and Social Media Junkie Barbie!

Dee Vortex
The Haven
4 min readAug 3, 2023



We all have self-destructive habits which have developed as a result of our heavily consumerist and digitalised culture — hey, pay attention! I saw you press that Facebook notification as soon as it popped up!

These habits can often feel isolating and embarrassing — so I’ve designed 8 Barbie dolls to remind self-destructive people they’re not alone; in fact, we’re all marching our way toward a dystopian doom filled with endless scrolling, relentless binging, anxiety, debt and general unhealthiness everywhere you look.

Disclaimer: this article is satirical and is not poking fun at people with these habits — most of these Barbies have been inspired by my own behaviours after all! However, if you feel you can relate a little too well to any of the Barbies and you feel your habits are having a negative impact on your daily life, please seek the help of a professional.

Social Media Junkie Barbie

Sponsored by Mark Zuckerberg!

  • Constantly alternates between Facebook, Instagram and TikTok
  • Average daily screen time is 8+ hours
  • Panics if someone has the ‘green dot’ next to their name but they haven’t read her message
  • Posts too many selfies
  • Instagrams every meal when out
  • Freaks when there’s a decrease in Facebook friends; tries desperately to figure out who could’ve deleted her (but it’s never anyone significant)

Binge-eating Barbie

  • “Perfect for sharing” on a family-sized bag of chips means nothing
  • Can demolish a tube of Pringles in the space of 5 minutes
  • Slight inconvenience? Perfect excuse to snacky-snack
  • Bored? Perfect excuse to snacky-snack
  • Something good happened? Celebrate with an XL takeaway pizza and eat it in one sitting

Overspending Barbie

Only costs a weeks’ worth of wages — available at any toy store!

  • “But I do definitely need this rainbow blobfish-shaped cover for my toaster — it’s essential”
  • Is often broke a week after getting paid
  • Buys items and never uses them
  • Always finds an excuse to spend money
  • Her friends have confiscated her credit card

Naptime Barbie

  • Naps too often
  • Thinks a nap will solve tiredness when actually it makes it worse
  • 30 or 40 minutes isn’t long enough. Naptime needs to be at least 2 hours
  • Naps out of boredom
  • Can’t sleep at ‘normal’ times because of sleeping too much in the day
  • Feels constantly irritable and groggy and doesn’t know why

Dehydrated Barbie

  • Suffers from ‘unexplainable’ headaches
  • Makes countless cups of tea but never drinks them before they go cold
  • Doesn’t like the taste of water
  • Wonders why she feels irritable or anxious when she hasn’t had any liquids for 3 hours
  • Simply forgets to drink water
  • Skin like the Grand Canyon

Overthinking Barbie

Comes with extra intrusive thoughts!

  • Has the ability to jump to the worst conclusion at astonishing speeds
  • Doubting is her favourite activity!
  • Always seeks reassurance
  • Life’s going too well? This Barbie will fix that.
  • Constantly compares herself to other Barbies, is worried she’s the worst Barbie there is and that she could get discontinued at any moment

Overworked Barbie

  • “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mentality
  • Says yes to too many projects
  • Sets herself unrealistic timeframes to get everything finished
  • When taking a blood test, there’s some blood in her coffee
  • Her friends are pissed because she never has time to hang out anymore

Binge-drinking Barbie

Comes with a free bottle of vodka!

  • Not quite an alcoholic — only on the weekends
  • Doesn’t know when to stop
  • Doesn’t understand the concept of ‘casual drinking’. It’s all or nothing, baby.
  • Wine is for getting plastered, not for connoisseuring
  • Frequently suffers from hangxiety
  • Has flashbacks of doing things she deeply regrets after a night out

I hope you enjoyed reading this article!

Which Barbie can you relate to the most? Tell me in the comments!



Dee Vortex
The Haven

I write stuff to make you laugh and get your "that's totally relatable" senses tingling. Indie films and weird animals are my passion too.