Forget About Crap Writing

This is what counts

The Haven


Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

I recently wrote an article about making your first $100 as a crap writer.

I was attempting to be funny, but many readers thought it was useful. Go figure!

To tell you the truth, I still can’t get over how these “bad” writers have such a large following and are earning hundreds of dollars a month on Medium.

It didn’t add up until it did!

As I was going through yet another profile of a successful “bad” writer, I came to a realization.

Shit writing beats no writing, any day!

There you have it — that’s the Golden Rule!

These writers do a fantastic job of publishing several stories DAILY!!!

So when you’re busy not writing, they are writing.

When you’re busy procrastinating, they are publishing.

When you’re busy reviewing the hell out of your story, they are busy writing their next half-assed story that will get a ton more claps.

So you see, no one cares if you’re writing sucks. You’ll still find readers who enjoy your work.

And then again, who are we to judge if the writing is bad or not?



The Haven

I write about self-improvement, motivation, interesting news, and notes to my kids.