My Daily Routine as Unemployed

A day in the life of unemployment.

Ryan Redmond
The Haven


Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

5:30AM — Alarm goes off.

I am trying to be productive so I have told myself to get an early start everyday. However, I stayed up late the night before drinking wine and watching YouTube videos, so I go back to sleep.

6:47AM — I wake up again. Somehow more tired than before. I whisper a pep talk to myself, “Get up. Seize the day.” My eyes close.

7:13AM — Actually wake up. Tell myself not to reach for my phone and instead get out of bed and start the day. I stretch my arms and suddenly my phone is in my hand.

7:31AM — Finish scrolling Instagram and TikTok. Finally climb out of bed.

7:32AM — Immediately make coffee before anything else.

9:20AM — After a few cups of caffeine, browsing the internet of meaningless news, I open up Indeed ready to job hunt. I question whether it’s too early for a mimosa.

12:01PM — Applied to seven or eight jobs. One of which I would really want and the others purely for the money.

12:15PM — Check my bank account and wonder if I could make money selling feet pics.

12:18PM — Slam laptop shut for the day. Think to myself, “Time for a mimosa?” I go to the gym instead.

