My wife refuses to let me join her Girl’s Trip. So unfair!

Matt Walsh
The Haven
Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2024


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio at

When my wonderful wife of 20 years said she’s planned a third different girls trip of the year, I finally snapped.

She was going to Hawaii with girlfriends, she was going to New York with girlfriends, she was now going to Phoenix with girlfriends and leaving me home all alone with nothing but beer, leftovers and ESPN.

Oh sure, yeah, you’d think I could just organize a guys trip for myself. That’s a no-go. My buddies are too busy, too disorganized, too overwhelmed with work and kids and dying parents, etc etc. Women talk and make plans; guys can’t get their shit together.

I finally realized there was only one solution: get invited to my wife’s upcoming girls trip. But she immediately said no, didn’t even consider it, laughed it off like I was joking. Said it would kill the vibe — that a girls trip is, by definition, for girls only.

How can she leave me alone like this, abandoned, cast off, jilted and rejected. If she truly loved me, I’d get an invite to join the girls. It’s love language, people!

I couldn’t take No for an answer. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. I promised her I’d stay out of the way, keep a low profile, not play my old school rap when mellow 70’s rock is their jam. I’d sleep in the basement or attic or shed…



Matt Walsh
The Haven

Ad-man writer and brand strategist for too long. Finally writing for my own amusement and hopefully for yours too.