You Choose

Madeline McEwen
The Haven
Jul 8, 2021


NIL generally means zero or nothing — not a great result.

Never Enough by Author

NIL also stands for New Implementation of LISP a programming language — something I can neither read nor understand and looks a bit like this.

All Errors Are My Own by Author

Not In List — if your name doesn’t make the list, do you exist?

A Hatchet Job by Author

Nuclear Induced Lightning

Lightning Bolt by Author

I’m hiding from that storm.

Or how about Notice of Intent to Levy?

[Where taxation takes your $$$]

Penury by Author

That sounds like even less fun.

Next In Line

Works for me.

I’m used to the waiting game as are the patient Gen Z athletes waiting the wings and ready to soar when in control of the Name, Image and Likeness — NIL

A Better Brighter Future by Author

Choices — what everyone wants.

Olympipod Positivity by Author



Madeline McEwen
The Haven

Combo Bio 2021 USA and UK Madeline McEwen [her/she] is a blow-in to the Bay Area from the UK, bi-focaled and technically challenged, who has enjoyed