The Person That Starts a Pineapple Pizza Argument

Let’s get together and disapprove of your favorite random pizza topping.

Max N
The Haven


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

You probably know someone or have encountered someone that occasionally likes to bring up the pineapple on pizza argument.

No one knows where the argument came from. People have been putting crazy things on pizza for many years but for some reason, pineapple is a target.

Your friend hates pineapple…on pizza and wants the world to know about it. His relationship with every person he meets is based on whether or not they put pineapple on pizza.

It’s food after all. It’s their business but no. To your friend, it’s “our” business.

Whenever he goes shopping, he asks the checkout people, “do you put pineapple on pizza?” Whoever answers “no” to the question gets to ring up his items.

He wants to open a new checking account. He visits all the banks and asks, “do you put pineapple on your pizza?” to the bank tellers. Whichever bank has the least amount of yes’s has a new customer.

He wants a new girlfriend. If the woman puts pineapple on their pizza, her pizza preference is a threat to the relationship. He won’t date her.



Max N
The Haven

A writer that writes about JavaScript and Python to beginners. If you find my articles helpful, feel free to follow.