5 Valid Reasons To Quit Any Project, Book, Or Relationship

Sometimes, not hitting the finish line is the better option

Sinem Günel
The Helm


Photo by Frederick Tubiermont on Unsplash

Our lives could be so much more comfortable if we didn’t try to finalize everything we start.

Too often, we get caught on something and ignore all other opportunities that come our way.

While being productive and getting things done are essential qualities, sometimes, the opposite is what we need.

From time to time, life is not about finishing projects but canceling them.

No matter if it’s a bad book, an unfulfilling project, or the wrong studies — you don’t need to complete them. You actually don’t need to do anything that doesn’t fulfill you. We all know we have a limited time to be alive. Why should we spend our precious time on stuff that doesn’t light up our soul?

As human beings, we hate incomplete tasks. Most people’s brains can’t rest when there’s work to do. That’s why we get crazy about finishing tasks and crushing our to-do lists, yet, that’s not always the smartest choice.

Sometimes, merely dropping a project is the better way to go.

Here are five common signs telling us when to quit a project:



Sinem Günel
The Helm

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