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The Heretic
The Heretic
The Heretic is Pascal Finette’s insights into leadership in exponential times. For entrepreneurs, corporate irritants and change makers. Raw, unfiltered and opinionated — delivered straight to your inbox. You will like it. → https://theheretic.org
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Startups Beware: Time Horizon 2 Might Kill You

In early 2000 Mehrdad Baghai published “The Alchemy of Growth: Practical Insights for Building the Enduring Enterprise” — a book which quickly became a seminal read for managers and leaders in companies big and small. In the book he developed the…

Stop the Guessathons

My friend and extraordinary inventor Tom Chi keep reminding the participants in his fantastic workshops and talks to end the guessathons. Guessathons are those moments when a bunch of (often smart) people get in a room and spend all their time and energy with arguing about their guesses…