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The Hidden Heat
Notes about the intersection of energy and poverty in NYC
The advantage of a resiliency (sort of) frame
The advantage of a resiliency (sort of) frame
Today, everyone says the word but, how many of those understand that communities may know best?
Sebastián Auyanet
Dec 12, 2017
AdaptNY, WeAct and environmental justice: let´s do it door-to-door
AdaptNY, WeAct and environmental justice: let´s do it door-to-door
Or neighbor-to-neighbor: how my main practicum project evolved to contributing to the design of a solution that will be built not only for…
Sebastián Auyanet
Oct 18, 2017
Why is Harlem a “heat pocket” (and what does this mean, anyway)?
Why is Harlem a “heat pocket” (and what does this mean, anyway)?
In the summer, not every area of New York City catches heat the same way. Because of the urban island effect and factors such as the…
Sebastián Auyanet
Aug 9, 2017
Weatherization and energy efficiency in New York, explained
Weatherization and energy efficiency in New York, explained
An in-house way to fight climate change and energy insecurity, which someone in your neighborhood is probably experiencing right now.
Sebastián Auyanet
May 28, 2017
Sebastián Auyanet
May 16, 2017
When the choice is “heat or eat”
Why are policymakers ignoring the burden of utility bills?
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