Selusus Ascends, Rival of Axum, Ally of Terru Endelus

In the wake of his father’s death, Selusus emerges as ruler and future rival of Axum.

Neil P Harvey
The Histories of Kannes
7 min readOct 30, 2020


Coronation Day of Selusus on Anya

From Book Nine of KANNES — Azine

When Selusus was 12, his father introduced him to the priestess Mees of Kamun. Mees was renowned for her animist philosophy called “Mezem” or “Mezeway”, posthumously named after her. Many viewed as a successor of Sammatu, although she never possessed a Lazzis, nor did she purposely seek to incur favor of the Vala Houses. Her teachings consisted of a universal mediation between thought, physics, logic, and action. Mees agreed to induct Selusus as a pupil, providing that Sustan forego any aggressions against her home planet of Shakha.

A young Selusus at academy on Shakha. Image credit: Steve Hui

Mees’ temple was like a preparatory school for Selusus and the children of Terran and Iru patricians, such as Adonus, his cousin Kengur, Angulus and the Saurian Lelun. These four, in particular, developed a close bond and eventually formed Selusus’ inner circle, later serving as his future generals.

Under Mees tutelage, Selusus developed an appreciation for the teachings of Sammatu, in particular The Origin, a now lost work that contained the principle learnings about the beginnings of the universe, portions of which were attributed to Sammatu and his early followers.


By age 15, Selusus’ continued with Mees as a fellow teacher rather than a pupil. His understanding and grasp of geopolitical issues amazed the elite class, and his fame began to spread throughout the empire. When Selusus turned 17, his father left Anya with a sizable fleet to wage war against Terhaka of Kiyongto. Selusus was left as regent and named as Sustan’s heir should he not return from battle. During Sustan’s absence, the Bara Aytak revolted after seizing two moons outside of their star system. Selusus responded, routing the army, after which he pursued them to the edge of Terran space. He later colonized Aytak with Terrans, and founded the city of Ayamer.

During the Axa-Saurian wars, Sustan dispatched Selusus to subdue revolts in Anakkur. Concerned that other Terran states might intervene, Selusus made it look as though he was preparing to attack Axum instead. During the turmoil, Anakkur invaded Terran space, only to be repelled by Selusus. Sustan and his army joined Selusus at Anakkur’s moon Darasab. During the ensuing battle, Sustan commanded the right wing fleet on far side of the moon, and Selusus commanded the left wing on the near side.

After an initial conflict, Sustan ordered his troops to retreat, counting on the battle-hungry Annakkuri to follow. Trailing behind, Selusus broke through Anakkur’s defenses, followed by Sustan’s generals. Having damaged the enemy’s cohesion, Sustan ordered his troops to press forward and quickly routed them. With Anakkur lost, the rest of Sauria appealed to Sustan for peace. Seti II went into hiding after other rebel leaders were rounded up and imprisoned. At the war’s conclusion, Selusus was proclaimed a war hero for his bravery and leadership.

When Sustan returned to Anya from the Axa-Saurian Wars, he fell in love with and planned to marry the young beauty Kandesay, a housemaid of the powerful Axumite general Miri. She was also a close childhood friend of Selusus and the two shared a secret affection, never acted upon because of Selusus’ obligations as heir to the throne. Kandesay was celebrated as a fresh-faced commoner elevated to royalty, but the marriage made Selusus’ position as heir less secure, since any son of Kandesay would be a wholely Terran heir, while Selusus was only half-Terran and half-Iru.

After his father’s assassination Selusus was suspected by many of involvement, particularly because Lelun had been a close childhood friend, thus causing many to speculate that he had prior knowledge in hopes of replacing his father as king. A significant faction of the military confirmed their support for Selusus, while others openly prepared for rebellion, including Sauria and Astayges. Selusus reassured the Terran population and was eager to avenge his father’s death, but he ultimately decided to heed the advice of his mother and Adonus by fleeing to the ancient planet Sdu, home of his maternal grandfather. Adonus conspired to have a proxy fill in for Selusus until they could rally support and prepare for war. Nobe of Anya was chosen as Selusus stand-in, his appearance being altered to look identical to Selusus.

Selusus arrives on Sdu after fleeing from conspirators in Terran

Selusus forms an alliance with Terru of Sdu

Ancient Sdu was then ruled by Terru Endelus, who had begun to expand Sdu’s dominion after building a massive army and securing the loyalty of nearby star systems. Selusus sought Terru for an alliance, knowing that he was a growing power beyond the sphere of Axumite influence. A royal escort accompanied Selusus as he descended upon the capital city of Dgadun and landed on the palace causeway.

The Dgadunians celebrated his arrival and there was much fanfare in the city, as it was announced days before that a Terran-Axumite king was visiting to reestablish relations with Sdu, causing many to hope that they would be able to travel more freely through Axum, where they had financial ties and family members. Selusus was stunned by the crowds and their expressed support. After landing he addressed them with many kind words after a king’s fashion, and then withdrew to the inner chambers of the palace citadel, expecting to be received by a friend and new ally.

But Terru unexpectedly rejected any proposals of an alliance. He then ordered Selusus to leave Sdu space to look after his own affairs. In desperation, Selusus offered Terru a Lazzis which had been given to him by his mother, who in turn had received it from his father as a wedding gift. Fascinated, Terru commanded Selusus to surrender the stone before departing Sdu, but he refused and a skirmish broke out with the palace guard after they tried to seize it. Selusus slew several of Terru’s guard and likely would have defeated them all, but Terru intervened and overpowered Selusus. He forced the Lazzis from his hand and ordered an end to the hostilities.

The stone beamed with power as Terru revealed that the Lazzis had been given to Selusus’ father by Nexa, and that it had once belonged to Aras. After possessing the stone, Terru reversed his previous decision and agreed to war against Selusus’ enemies on the condition that Selusus recognize him as emperor. Reluctantly, Selusus agreed, and later the Terran Empire was annexed into what would soon be the Iridu Kingdom. Selusus returned to Anya and was proclaimed the king of the Terran Imperium, subject only to Sdu.

Selusus begins his reign as King of Terran

Selusus began his reign by eliminating potential rivals to the throne. He had his cousins Amotas and Datus executed. He also had four Terran princes from the region of Evinor killed but spared their children, including Epasonogus of House Axum. Selusus exiled Kandesay to Kamun, but later learned that she was pregnant with Sustan’s child. He summoned and quickly married her in a private ceremony, lest she or her child claim right to the throne.

The move was controversial, but Selusus was able to sway public opinion by invoking Olistikas, and ancient Axumite custom that gives rights to a new king to marry his rivals’ wives. He also revelaed the history of he and Kandesay’s relationship, and that he had been in love with her since they were children on Anya. In time, she gave birth to a son and most believed Selusus to be the father.

“Selusus began his reign by eliminating potential rivals to the throne.”

Selusus next ordered the death of Haxedur, Kandesay’s older cousin who had recently been placed in command of the Terran advance guard. Haxedur had been in talks with Selestiel Pholi about making a Terran alliance with House Xyun. Following his marriage, Selusus decided he was too dangerous to leave alive. Haxedur appealed to the army for support but he was attacked then killed by Takara, an Iridu operative that had been imprisoned but escaped. Selusus ordered his soldiers to spare Takara, believing him to be insane, and he banished him to Sdu space. Takara later rose to become a top enforcer of Terru, where his odd and sometimes dangerous behavior was seen as an asset.

Kandesay, however, abhorred the deception of her marriage. In private, she shunned Selusus, whom she now viewed as a tyrant due to his rash acts during the war. She wanted nothing more than to be free of him and her obligations as queen. Weary of the pretense, she confronted him.

“This is not marriage — it is servitude!” exclaimed Kandesay.

“Servitude? Your service is to the Kingdom of Terran,” Selusus said.

Kandesay turned, no longer desiring to spar with her inexpedient, self-appointed husband. “I am trapped,” she whimpered. “Why not release us? Let us go… Wherever we choose to go. We will fade away. Disappear. You have nothing to fear from me or my son.”

“Why would I?” Selusus asked. “We are married. Are you not my wife? Will I never earn your favor?” He knelt next to her. “Kandesay, you and I have known one another since we were children. Remember how we used to talk about our lives together? When we were adults. You wanted to be a fighter pilot and I… I wanted to be –”

“A schoolmaster,” interrupted Kandesay.

“Yes. Dreams. That was a long time ago.”

“Eleven years,” she whispered. “It has been eleven years, Selusus. What has happened to you?”

“I have changed, Kandesay. I did not want to,” he lamented, “I had to. A schoolmaster can not rule an empire. Am I not also trapped by this kingdom?” He held Kandesay’s hand to his cheek. “It is my destiny to not only rule Terran but to also one day rule the stars. I want you to be with me. At my side, because you know me and you know I have always loved you.”

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Neil P Harvey
The Histories of Kannes

Author, curator, historian, living the best virtual life in real time.