The Emerging Five States of Iridu

Neil P Harvey
The Histories of Kannes
4 min readApr 6, 2023
Sustan’s capital palace, The Aconis of planet Pagas

From Book Nine of KANNES — Azine

News of Sustan’s death roused many planet states and regions into revolt, including Anakkur, Kanopis, and Astayges. The Saurians were also discontent. They had grown strong under Sustan and now moved into position to overthrow the Terran Empire. The menacing Nexa rose to power in Angona and summoned Shunkaru from exile. He next made an alliance with Seti II, who had gained tremendous influence over most of House Axum by controlling their relatively weak sovereign, Omo. The two plotted to war against House Xyun, whom they viewed as a threat to their plans of domination and expansion. Nexa first invited the selestiels of planet Emegge and house Sovereigns to voluntarily come to him and submit to his authority. Omo, the Sovereign of House Axum, whose influence extended from Angona to Kannes, openly complied, but the Sovereigns of the other houses refused.

Nexa personally led a campaign against the strongholds of House Xyun and House Veti. A fierce contest ensued, but eventually both houses were driven out of Sauria and into Satturus. Nexa then faced the powerful Hellanat, a selestiel general who had proclaimed himself king of Terran after Sustan’s death. Hellanat stopped Nexa at the planet of Monoga, causing him to divert a large portion of his fleet to root out the Terrans and secure his hold on the expanse.

Nexa breached the fortresses of Monoga after his forces went planet side. Hellanat was captured and killed by Lelun. Afterwards Nexa slaughtered the entire population of Monoga, and reduced the cities to rubble. A similar slaughter followed on the Terran planet of Ora. In the aftermath of Monoga and Ora, masses of Terrans fled to heavily fortified station of Kypra. Nexa’s troops followed close behind and captured the strategic outpost after four bloody days of a fierce ground campaign.

“I do not seek war, but only a path to liberate by taking back that which is mine.” — Terru Endelus

At the conclusion of the assault on Monoga, Sanna, Nexa’s oldest daughter and closest advisor, fell into a deep pit and was believed dead. She arose days later, but was seemingly possessed by Tannin; an incarnation of the Iru deity Horizun that is worshipped by the Chanda tribe of Monno. Sanna’s thoughts and person were henceforth completely suppressed by Tannin, and only occasionally was she able to speak freely, despite Nexa’s appeals for her release. Nexa chose to keep Tannin close to his side as an advisor, but she has shown him little loyalty, and only remains to taunt him.

“Must you always wear my daughter’s face?” said Nexa.

“Is that truly what disturbs you?” answered Tannin. “…or is it the desire behind your eyes?”

Sanna/Tannin, eldest daughter of the Saurian leader Nexa

When news of the several revolts reached Terru, he responded quickly. Though advised by his counselors to use diplomacy, Terru assembled the Iridu military forces and started toward Sauria. He found the Annakurin army occupying the passage between stargates of Ora and Ilyssa, and ordered his men to fly around the Ilyssan gate. The Annakuri suddenly found themselves surrounded by Terru’s troops. He isolated the command vessels and destroyed them, but then in a show of diplomacy Terru promised to grant the Annakuri independence from Terran if they surrendered. The Annakuri promptly agreed and they surrendered, adding their warships to Terru’s own force.

After Annakur’s fall, Kanopis petitioned Terru for peace, and offered him their marginal fleet as a tribute. Terru initially refused but then decided to accept the offer in exchange for Kanopis offer to submit to a ritual called “yuyansa”, which granted Sdu the right to replace Kanopin leaders with leaders from Iridu. Terru was welcomed by ruling officials at the capital city of Adina on Kano, where he was given the title of Endelus (Terru the Endless) in honor of his emperorship. Next, Terru officially named his empire “Iridu,” while preparing for the coming war against powerful Axum Empire.

Terru leading his armada across the Vale Centauri

Terru next traveled into Sauria, where the combined armies of Selusus and Terru attacked and defeated the Saurian forces at Myrarnya. Next they prepared to confront the sizable Saurian fleet at Monoga, and defeated them near the Gulf of Istris, temporarily suppressing Nexa’s revolt against Terran, but still leaving him in power at Angona. The defeat of the Saurians prompted Astayges to end their rebellion, leaving all of Terran temporarily at peace.

Terru next crossed the Vale Centauri with approximately 30,000,000 soldiers and a fleet of 370,553 ships with crews numbering 30,700,000, drawn from Anya and various Terran planet-states. He showed his intent to conquer the entirety of the Axum Empire by rallying the fleet at the planet Ah, where he demanded the surrender of Axumite King Angu.

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Neil P Harvey
The Histories of Kannes

Author, curator, historian, living the best virtual life in real time.