About The Smut Corner

Clare Blackwood
The Honeypot
Published in
1 min readMar 1, 2021

Welcome, late night lovers, to The Smut Corner. It’s good to see you here.

Take a seat by the fire, settle in, and grab a good erotica book — one that will transport you to new heights of adventure, passion, and romance, and tickles your fancies in ways that you never even dared to —

We’re just kidding, of course. As if.

This here page is for the weird, funny stuff. Go read a Harlequin novel if you want to read stories that make sense and take sex SERIOUSLY.

In this library, you’ll find (and write!) the weird, the raunchy, and the hilarious: the tale of King Tut discovering he has a thing for bondage. Excerpts from a secret Lord of the Rings erotica where Legolas falls in lust with his own reflection. The story of Christian Grey, if he forgot what sex was.

We welcome all comedic erotica and erotica-related pieces (including short chapters of your imaginary erotica, “excerpts from”, “reviews of”, etc.), and only ask, as always, that you keep it kind.

See you in between the sheets…. ;)



Clare Blackwood
The Honeypot

Canadian actor/writer/comedian; writer for The Beaverton; words in CBC Comedy, McSweeney’s, The Belladonna, etc. Co-Founder of The Honeypot. clareblackwood.com