Go to The HyperLampoon
The HyperLampoon
The HyperLampoon is THE SAME PAGE. The necessary determination in getting PEOPLE on IT, is written across the TOP of THE SAME PAGE. Message & medium for & by HUMANITY! Aware, abstract, deconstructed and condensed. It’s basically WHY you are choosing what to do next! It’s all YOU!
Note from the editor

A Message [Medium] for HumanityAbstract, deconstructed and condensed “NEWS of NOW“ — Also: Tools for HyperEvolution.

Go to the profile of Grayscale Rabbit⸮
Grayscale Rabbit⸮
why not save this planet sized performance art piece.
Go to the profile of Little Duckling
Little Duckling
Enjoying every glimpse of insight on an increasingly simplex journey towards..
Go to the profile of HyperLampoon
A Message [Medium] for Humanity — Abstract, deconstructed and condensed “NEWS of NOW “— Also: Tools for HyperEvolution.
Go to the profile of Little Duckling
Little Duckling
Enjoying every glimpse of insight on an increasingly simplex journey towards..
Go to the profile of Grayscale Rabbit⸮
Grayscale Rabbit⸮
why not save this planet sized performance art piece.
Go to the profile of Lucas Richter
Lucas Richter
existence in progress
Go to the profile of HyperLampoon
A Message [Medium] for Humanity — Abstract, deconstructed and condensed “NEWS of NOW “— Also: Tools for HyperEvolution.
Go to the profile of Lolibon
Go to the profile of Victoria Ventura
Victoria Ventura
Linguist, writer, divulgator, educator… I mainly write in Spanish because it is my mother tongue but feel free to ask for translations, I usually have them.