Reaching the BIG 30.

Four and a half hours of what can best be described as a rollercoaster of emotions.

Published in
5 min readNov 25, 2017


The conditions were perfect. I had checked out the forecast and sunrise time and new immediately that I had to hit Richmond Park, and hit it hard.

Issue was mentally yesterday had been hard, 65 miles in the week had taken its toll and the Krakabusi within had retreated like a turtles head to a place inside me that I couldn’t find.

The challenge was on!

Rather than listen to my mind telling me to use Saturday to Chill back, I double crossed the little fucker and proclaimed to instagram (I had been making the worlds most boring stories series on the 7 stages of me making my sweet potato dal – of which something told me to tell anyone who got to the final post that it was fuel for my marathon!!

My what?!! My just for the lols Saturday morning marathon!

I’ve found that putting it out there means you have to do it. I told the Dal cooking fans that I was hitting the road and hitting it hard… there was no turning back.

But the more I thought about it – The more i realised 26 was nothing major. 26 was standard and I don’t want to do standard.

It had to be 30 miles. That felt right. I needed to do an ultramillsathon to kick my day off… for realz.

Alarm not set (the benefit of not drinking and not eating dogshit (processed food, meat, sugar, dairy etc) means waking is no issue – you have no choice – you have to jump out of bed ultra early in order to maximise the day.

Anyway I’m not hear to tell you my days running prep life story, that would be dull… although I guess that’s what these posts are.. scrub the boring part.

What I want to express is the rollercoaster of emotions I’ve just gone through while achieving (applause!) 30 miles and 4.5 hours of continued trail running – right now my body is seriously punishing me for hitting those miles..

During the 4 hours I saw dark turn to light. Ice cold mist turn to bright sunshine (those two don’t actually convert but you get my drift), elation turn to tears (I didn’t cry)

The range of emotions I felt was incredible (note I’m purposely looking to register the feelings of running, it’s that connection with myself that I crave) – one mile you are on top of the world, the next your mind is warming you of the dangers of continuing running.

Out of nowhere laughter struck me on a few occasions, Leading me wanting to cry with happiness, but other times, I felt a heightened sense of danger, an overwhelming fear, I was scared (not actually scared but scared none the less) as I was pushing my body to new extremes and my mind wasn’t wanting me to be there.

Fuck me I’m happy and proud, I know the rest of the day is gonna be quality, I’ve just proved to myself that I can already run (I wouldn’t wanted to have run much more today – if any) half of the 62 miles I need to nail in May 2018 and I’ve got 6 months before then of training!

It’s taken me little over 100 days to go from almost zero to the big THREE O! – anything is possible..

One thing I’ve got much better at (because since my change I can concentrate and I have a thirst for learning) is I actually read up on ways to progress – is post running nutrition.

A little tip for anyone wanting to not feel shite later in the day post a big run.

  • 2 big fat bananas! – although I fuelled with multiple tribe bars during the run the bod my gets completely depleted of carbs – so 2 bananas straight after does the trick! You need those stores replenished.
  • My immediate protein requirement is always crushed by my vegan recovery shake which I mix with creamy as fuck almonds (I still don’t understand how almonds make milk!)
  • But the crucial thing is hydration, you lose like 500ml or water an hour (I might have made that up) so hydration is key while you run and especially when you have finished – you lose so much – ironically I haven’t drunk any yet! (I did while I ran as I’d bought one of those micro bags that is basically only for water and has a straw) as I’m sitting here writing this instead! But I’m about to nail a good litre of water.

Right, I need to go eat the rest of my dal – damn it was so good last night and it’s gonna be ever fresher (well actually that’s not true) now… nom nom

Well done Millsy, thanks mate.

Say hello on 0800

