TIS = 2

erwin blom
The Innovation Station
4 min readJun 2, 2017

Today is our second birthday and in two years a lot has happened. Amazing things and celebrations are most certainly in order. But first, let’s go back to the beginning: two years ago, we started The Innovation Station with three goals in mind:

  • To build the world’s largest video platform for innovation
  • To make unique content, besides curated videos
  • To connect innovators from all over the globe

It’s only the beginning

And yes, this was only the beginning. With the addition of our 2000th(!) video, we can proudly acknowledge that we’ve succeeded in our first goal. There is no other one-stop-shop such as TIS for informational and inspirational innovation videos on subjects as diverse as mobility and music, refugees and robots, social innovation and space. We deliberately choose to offer a broad variety of subjects because we believe people can learn a lot from other domains. Different, but still applicable to your own field of expertise.

We’re proud of what we’ve have achieved so far!

TIS wants to be the filter, the guide, the curator.

In a world of abundance, it’s hard to find quality content. Look around YouTube and you’ll see what I mean. Good luck in trying to find quality videos on innovation on the largest video database in the world… TIS wants to be the filter, the guide, the curator. Together with your passions and knowledge, we want to select and share the best videos around. After all, there are so many amazing videos on YouTube and Vimeo that deserve a global audience, but never reach more than a couple of hundred views. TIS is the place — or should I say the stage — for new products, startup pitches, tech events, inspirational films and documentaries.


New products

Startup Pitches

Tech events

Inspirational videos


More unique content

Like I said before, this is only the beginning. With confidence I can say we’re the largest video platform on innovation, but we need to double down on our efforts to create and share more unique content and to build a global community of innovators. We’ve achieved a lot in both perspectives:

  • We’ve asked experts to comment on their favorite and most inspirational videos and share this in an Expert Selection
  • Every week we sent out our TIS Weekly, a carefully curated selection of videos often within that month’s featured theme
  • We attend and report on (tech) events to share with you the latest development, which you can follow live or read afterwards in a Storify summary

Creating and curating unique (mainly video) content is the direction we want to go in the coming years, because we think that the combination of ‘the best of the web’ and the content we create ourselves is what we need to grow as a quality media company.

We need you, international group of innovators!

To keep succeeding, we need you! We believe in the knowledge of the crowd and we’re pleased that almost 500 of you joined TIS to add videos and make TIS into a collective database of global examples of innovation. However, we’ve underestimated how many of you actually upload videos. The vision was: if we have a couple of hundred people adding videos now and then, TIS would automatically become the most updated and diverse collection in the world.

Our fan base is huge. There are months we reach millions of people across all our channels in as many as 190 countries, but only a slight percentage of them adds videos to the website. That needs to change. We love our passive users, who like and share our videos, but our active community needs to grow. Only then can we move toward the real power TIS has to potential to be: connecting an international group of innovators that shares knowledge, learns from each other, starts initiatives, comes up with ideas and joins forces to solve local and global problems.

Join TIS today.

Watch AND upload!



erwin blom
The Innovation Station

Media & Innovation. Fast Moving Targets & The Innovation Station.