TIS Weekly (#90): Blockchain Applications

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
3 min readFeb 27, 2017

[February 26th, 2017]

In the past month we gave you an introduction to Blockchain, Bitcoin, decentralized ledgers and Ethereum. To end Blockchain month, here’s an overview of all the cool things that can be done with Blockchain technology. Don’t forget to also check out our TIS Picks on Blockchain. Pssst: next week we’ll kick off with ENERGY. Any good videos on this topic? Do upload them to TIS :)

Blockchain & Sharing Economy

Combining Blockchain technology with the Internet of Things, Slock.It provides an Ethereum-based solution to enable the ‘Economy of Things’. This allows for sharing, renting or the sale of any material objects securely. The first product designed by the Slock.It founders — Stephan Tual, Christoph Jentzsch and Simon Jentzsch — is a digitized lock. The idea is to secure locks (on a door, bike or other) by registering them on a Blockchain and encoding them with a unique combination of numbers.

Blockchain & Copywright

Berlin-based startup ascribe.io was founded by Masha McConaghy, Trent McConaghy and Bruce Pon to help modern artists protect their digital work. By putting their artwork on Blockchain with ascribe.io, artists can now proof their attribution to the digital art, securely manage and trace their work, avoiding the infringements to their copyright.

Blockchain & Governance

Bitnation is an Ethereum-based open-source Blockchain platform for decentralized, borderless, collaborative government. Anyone can become a citizen or an ally of Bitnation. All citizens of Bitnation can participate in the government by providing their own Blockchain-based services, becoming an ambassador of Bitnation, or participating in the improvement of the Bitnation infrastructure. The services provided within the platform range from registration of a marriage and real estate titles to lobbying interests of Bitnation on a local (physical) government level.

Blokchain & Social Media

Social media network Steemit is a blockchain based platform. The idea behind this social network is to empower its users to create their own content and be rewarded for being active: either by creating valuable content, curating it or for being committed to the network on a long term bases. The rewards come in crypto tokens, 50% of which are transformed into ‘Steem Dollars’ and the remaining part is converted into ‘Steem Power’ that lets users to create and curate more content earning more rewards.

Blokchain & Diamonds

Everledger is a London-based startup that uses a digital global ledger to protect the diamond trade from fraud. In this keynote speech, CEO of Everledger, Leanne Kemp, tells the story behind the company’s beginnings and how within just 12 months it disrupted the whole industry.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

