TIS Weekly (#120): Devastating Forces Of Nature vs Small Islands

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
3 min readSep 25, 2017

[August 24th, 2017]

This week I saw a devastated Dominican official point out how unfair it was that the smallest of islands — and the smallest polluters — are hit the hardest in these catastrophic results of climate change. It hit a nerve. Here in the Netherlands, we consider ourselves safe behind our dikes. But I’m proud our small nation has taken some big steps in the last years: voting for ‘green’ politicians, suing the Dutch state for negligence on climate policy and building two international climate centers.
What are other nations doing to protect nature?

Theme | NATURE
Indonesia: Sumba island

Initiated by our friends at Hivos, the island of Sumba has been working on making itself 100% renewable by 2023. Hydro and wind power, solar panels and biogas could supply enough energy for all the island’s inhabitants of which 70% currently lives without any access to energy sources.

Theme | NATURE
Denmark: Samso island

The Danish island of Samso is the first island in the world to be completely powered by renewable energy. In this video you hear about their 10-year plan and how individual investments were spent to power the whole community.

Theme | NATURE
Costa Rica

Where Samso is the world’s first carbon neutral island, Costa Rica aims to become the first carbon neutral country by 2021. They intend to do so by investing in their natural forests and thus offsetting all of the country’s carbon emissions. In this video you see how its citizens are contributing to their nation’s goal.

Sharing left-over meals

This great example was shared by our new Community Manager intern from India: Anirudh! I got chills when seeing this ‘Share My Dabba’ video. It’s an initiative taken by the Mumbai dabbawalas (lunch delivery service men) to share food left uneaten in the dabbas (lunch tins) with the poor street children of this densely populated city.

Global Goals Jam

Last week I attended the Global Goals Jam in Amsterdam. It was great fun and quite challenging. Do read my blog on how I got pulled in when a team started discussing food wastage in the city of Amsterdam.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

