TIS Weekly (#67): Let’s Hear About Singularity!

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
2 min readSep 19, 2016

[September 18th, 2016]

Singularity University NL Summit — a great start of the week that was! Full of amazing speakers, inspiring talks and tech tech tech. More on that later. What else is new? We’ve already collected 31(!) videos on the latest in fashion, our theme of the month and we’re only halfway. And don’t forget our new Expert Selection in Sports! Have a great day!

Purifying air with your clothes

“Catalytic Clothing is a collaborative and public experiment between fashion and science, in this case, a beautifully radical new concept which endeavours to purify the air that we breath through the surface of our clothes.” — designer Helen Storey about her project Catalytic Clothing. Okay, the clip is too artistic IMHO, but the idea is definitely worth a look!

Events | #SUNLsummit
Singularity University NL Summit

At SingularityU NL Summit, we got a chance to talk with fascinating people, all of them frontrunners in their own industry. For Erwin Blom’s reflection on this event and all interviews on demand, visit our Medium blog. A complete social media recap can be found on Storify.

If losing slots machines made noise, nobody would enter casinos. For every Google, there’s 100 failures.” David Roberts on the Future of Humanity & Ethics.

Theme | SPORTS
Reinventing Sports

Nico Delleman is a Sports Innovation Manager. He writes for the Dutch SportKnowHowXL, co-authored the book Sport Innovation (2015) and loves to interpret the effects of sports innovation on society. Watch his Expert Selection and get a good overview on what’s happening on the intersection between sports and innovation.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

