TIS Weekly (#69): Inspiration Through Fashion

Simone de Bruin
The Innovation Station
3 min readOct 5, 2016

[October 2nd, 2016]

Starting with Fashion, a new theme for TIS.tv, we didn’t have a clue on how fascinating this past month would be. FromWeaving Technology into Fashion (an Expert Selection by Pauline van Dongen), to sustainable apparel, functional clothing, open source fashion and personalized accessories. Here’s our pick of the 5 most breathtaking videos on FASHION. Up next month: Design.

Moving butterflies dress

This dress by Turkish designers (and sisters!) Ezra Çetin and Tuba Çetin incorporates Intel technology that lets the dress interact with its surroundings. The Edison compute module will activate as soon as someone comes in direct proximity or when activated via a mobile app.

Making jeans from plastic

The Dutch brand G-Star RAW started working together with singer Pharell Williams and the company Bionic Yarn to produce jeans from recycled ocean plastic.

Functional temporary tattoo

MIT Media Lab and Microsoft have developed a fabrication process which enables the user to create metallic tattoos. These prints made with gold leaf work as on-skin interfaces and can be used to display and store information on, or control, mobile devices.

Sharing experiences

The London based firm, CuteCircuit, joined forces with the German Jungen Symphoniker Orchestra to create the Sound Shirt. An amazing piece of clothing that helps deaf people experience and feel the music they cannot hear. Must watch!

4th Industrial Revolution x Fashion

How will artificial intelligence, virtual reality and 3D-print change the fashion industry? How will the Fourth Industrial Revolution affect the way we consume and communicate fashion? Watch this informative panel discussion by The Business of Fashion with Intel, Manufacture New York and World Economic Forum.

Add your own videos and maybe they will feature in the next TIS Weekly. Questions? Remarks? Ideas? hello@tis.tv is the address! From TIS with love, Simone de Bruin.

